Rambaldi: Destructor or Savior

This is a companion piece to A Mission to Die For, so if you haven't read the first part this might be a little weird.

Chapter One

In the warehouse
Sydney’s POV

“Sydney, I-”

“Don’t you dare say anything to me. You’ve just smashed my life into pieces. There is nothing that you can do to change what you’ve done. You killed him, the man I loved. He was my reason for living and now you’ve taken that away from me. This is it. This is the end, for me, for you, for the world.”

“Sydney, you have every right to kill me as I stand here and I will let you do that if you want to, if it in anyway will help make amends to Vaughn’s death…”

“I can’t kill you now, your death wouldn’t be enough. Nothing will ever be enough.”

“Take me back to the CIA with you. They’ll know what to do. Here, let me help you.” She starts to walk over to Vaughn.

“Don’t you touch him!” I scream full of rage. I turn around and slowly walk back to Vaughn. I hold him in my arms and tears stream down my face. I am still in shock. I can’t believe what has just happened. My world has just been blown into oblivion and there is nothing I, or anyone else, can do about it. I am so drained that I faint.

I wake up many hours later in a CIA plane headed back to Los Angeles. I quickly start looking around and see my father a few seats away staring blankly out the window. “Dad?”

“Sydney,” he turns to me, his eyes are red. It looks like he hasn’t slept in a long time.

“Where are we? Where is Vaughn?” I choke his name out. “Where-”

“Shh. It’s okay. We are going back to Los Angeles. Irina knocked me out, but when I woke up and went to find you, she was just sitting there looking at you. She looked so hurt and helpless. She told me that she had shot Vaughn and you had fainted afterward.”

“Where is he?” I say again because he seems to be evading the question.

“He is being taken back to L.A. in another plane.”

I accept his answer and drift back to sleep.

End of Chapter One

I hope you liked it! I'm going to try to update as often as possible. Please read and review!

^_^ Kate
Vaughn's not dead? YAY VAUGHN'S NOT DEAD! I'm happy now. Is he dead? Because him being on another plane could mean "his corpse" is on another plane.
Kate, don't let your audience figure out the plot or think they've got it figured out...."perceptive of you??" Let us think we might know...after all, isn't that how JJ and his cadre of writers treat us? Keep us in suspense.
you get a lot of emotion across very effectively! its not at all cheesy like mine always are :smiley: good job, i'm waiting in suspense for more! please!
lenafan said:
Kate, don't let your audience figure out the plot or think they've got it figured out...."perceptive of you??" Let us think we might know...after all, isn't that how JJ and his cadre of writers treat us? Keep us in suspense.
very true. i know what you're saying, you can't give it away at the beginning or else it's no fun. so i'll just leave it at that...
all right, i'll post some stuff after history. the first part was written during history between frantic note taking on the french revolution, so please forgive me.
all right, i'm working on chapter three and plot + action are on the way.

Chapter Two

I wake up just as the plane lands. I have a splitting headache. And then it hits me like a ton of bricks. Vaughn is dead. Sydney, you have to think rationally. You must find a way to continue. You moved on after Danny died. You have to move on after him. But the little voice inside my head that I hate so much keeps telling me that it’s just not the same thing. Now that he’s gone I have nothing left, absolutely nothing.

The next few days are like I’m walking through fog. Everything around me is fuzzy and unclear. I go through my daily work routine without even realizing it. The only thing that passes through my invisible armor is fellow co-workers condolences and looks on concern. I need to find a way to come back and o something about my present situation.

Kendall doesn’t understand. I know that he is sad too, but he thinks that if he just sends me to see Barrett everything will be okay. But it won’t.

Dr. Barrett’s office

I am sitting down across from her in a plush arm chair. I know that these are supposed to make you relax and feel more comfortable talking to her, but it’s just the opposite. All I can think about is the fact that Vaughn has probably sat in this very chair several times himself. In fact, I’ve sat in this chair before too, for the same reason I am here for now. Vaughn is dead, only this time it’s for real. There is no anger about me not being on the team that is looking for him. It’s the anger that I have at my mother, the CIA, the world. Why can’t things just be less complicated? All issues should just be black and white and resolvable with the drop of a hat. I come back to the present and focus on Barrett. She is looking very intently into my face, searching.

“Good morning,” I say.

“Good morning Sydney. I know what has happened and I can see that this is deeply affecting you, so we are just going to take this slowly.”

I look away and my mind starts to drift. “Sydney,” she says. “I need you to focus. I need you to look at me and answer my questions. We can get through this, but I need you to be here, not off somewhere else.”

“Okay.” I make a conscious effort to at least look like I’m ready to answer questions and concentrate.

“I understand that you and Agent Vaughn have had a history of going beyond agency protocol with your relationship. Is that true?”

“Yes. I’ve always been close to him. He was the only person that I could trust when I was a double agent at SD-6. I was starting to branch out, but after his….he…d-died,” I just can’t hold it together anymore. My eyes start to fill with tears and I quickly look away as I try to fight the urge to just cry my eyes out.

“Sydney, it’s okay. You can cry if you want,” she tries to console me. This triggers a whole new set of tears to come bursting out. I feel like I’m little again and I just learned that my mom had died. Everything hurts, nothing is right.

After a few minutes I manage to collect myself. Our meeting continues on with a few crying epidemics sprinkled throughout, but as I walk out of her office, I somehow feel better. I never thought that talking to anyone would actually help. I guess I just really needed to get my feelings out there.

I leave the CIA and go home. I just need some time to be by myself. Vaughn’s funeral is going to be in two days and I have been asked to speak.

I unlock the door to the apartment and flick on the lights. Everything is normal, no one is here. Francie and Will are both still at work and will be for probably at least a few more hours.

I walk over to the fridge and grab the orange juice. As I reach up into the cabinet for a glass. I freeze. Rambaldi! That’s it-Rambaldi! It has to be the key to all my problems. He was obsessed with things like immortality. Why didn’t I think of this before?! We went on a mission to Cashmir and found his proof of endless life, that simple yellow flower. I’d have to go talk to my mother, but it was worth a shot.

End of Chapter Two

Far fetched? Too bad, it's fan fiction...

:angelic: Kate
I'm so pleased with the response to my story. I know that this chapter is short and doesn't really let you in on much, but the next chapter is going to be much longer (and may even be the last). So...presenting:

Chapter Three

I release the glass from my hand and it rattles back into place in the cabinet. I don’t even bother to put the orange juice away. I grab my coat and sunglasses off the counter and hop back into my car to drive back to the CIA.

I rush through and proceed immediately towards Mom’s cell. I’m a little out of breath from by brisk walk and quickly state that I would like to see the prisoner. I hear the familiar sound of the gates rising up and I continue farther into the cell block until I see her face. Pain instantly starts to course through my body and I’m sure that it’s visible on my face, but I am resolved to find out if what I’ve planned will work. There is only one thing on my mind now, to save the man I love.

“Sydney, I had a feeling that you would come.”

“I am here for information,” I state a little more coldly than I intend to. I start again in a gentler tone of voice. “I know that you are the top Rambaldi expert in the CIA and maybe even in the world, so I need you to tell me if what I’m proposing is even possible.”


“Is there anyway that I can bring Vaughn back?”


End of Chapter Three