Stuff that sucks

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wish I didn't have homework....nope....summer projects for english. At least it's easier this year! My summer before 9th grade was awful. We had to make a scrapbook for The Giver about "pertinent issues reflected in the story" sounds easy...nope....huge essay's and article finding. And then we had to read Cry,... and make a project out of that....and I still managed to get a D on the scrapbook after spending all three months on it. And what made me angry (and to this day...two years I'm still angry at my friend who spent about a week and got an A!
you know what I hate? learning to drive.....stupid classes...stupid drives....and psycho parents who yell every second you drive! hello....people in America do not honk their horn to pass in lanes!
Charlie said:
This thread is OK but just please keep it civil. No throwing other members out the window ;)
awwwwwwww...charlie u ruined my evil plan. :P i was planning on throwing my sisters out the window. :( JUST KIDDING! i love em, i would never do that.
hmm something that really sucks is.. having the guy u like say that ur only his friend. arggg!!!!!! that really sucks!!!!
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