Politics USA Presidential Discussion Thread (2016)

Wrote a Facebook Status:

I said:
In September of 1882, Edison opened the Pearl Street Power Station in New York City. At that time, the company had the power of ZERO votes. It did not influence the fate of the American people in politics.
Today, We the People allow mega corporations to not only affect our elections but also influence laws and legislation. They still have the power of ZERO votes but we have given them power over us anyway.

As a citizen of The UNITED States of America, You have the same power in your vote as the President. People have forgotten that. If we allow the powerful (that we have allowed to be powerful) to influence our vote we give our power to them.

In the past, Politicians have learned that they can lie, cheat and scam the American people. We the People have limited our choices of representatives to the most effective liars, cheats and scammers. We delude ourselves into thinking those people that actually only have the power of ONE vote are somehow our best choices for representation.

Our elections are limited to determining which politician is least derelict. When you have a basket of rotten apples you throw the whole thing away. Our country is RULED by rotten apples. The fact that some of those apples are not as rotten as others should not detract from the fact that all the apples are rotten. We need to pick apples that are healthy and fresh. We need candidates that can represent all the people of the nation equally. We the People cannot effectively pick from a tree that has all rotten apples.

We need to stop allowing rotten apples to represent us. The only way to do this is to stop supporting a candidate as soon as they indicate behavior that is not in alignment with the morals of We the People. We need to Fire any person elected to represent us that is not in alignment with our wishes. Not to, is insanity.
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Term limits for Congress would be a good step towards reining in the power and corruption.

After reading all the replies I replied:

"I wonder what would happen if each of them were publicly asked to list 5 things that the people in their respective states were most concerned with in order of priority? An 'on the spot', 'no research' answer to the people of the nation. They have one main function, to represent the will of the people of their state.
When they blurt out their list of 5 priority issues they are publicly saying that the majority of every person in that state agree that those are the priorities. If their list is accurate, they are doing their jobs, BUT I don't believe any of them actually know what is important to the people they stand for. They do what they want as they see fit. Their decisions are for personal gain. The only time they will act on behalf of their people is when there is such an outcry that they cannot ignore the issue. Even then, they drag their feet and milk the taxpayers for as much as possible.
Instead of making a law cut and dry that everyone can understand, they cloud it up with clauses and special considerations. They include unrelated laws and permissions to get things passed that "The People" are unaware of or completely against.
These things are grounds for termination as far as I'm concerned. The deeper you look into what their job is and what they actually do the worse the dereliction is.
You hire someone to speak and act on your behalf to someone else. Their main function is to represent your best interests and be your face because you are not able to do it in person. Would you not fire someone immediately if they did not do the best job possible? If they lied and stole your money would you not send them to jail? Why are we giving politicians a free ride?

"Oh, one more thing, If your congress-person CANNOT list the 5 most important issues for your state instantly and publicly - they do NOT know the will of their people - they are not doing their job. PERIOD"
I have read that over half of the members of congress are millionaires. At both the state and federal level the entire election process seems to be skewed in favor of the incumbent.

"Wealth does not indicate dereliction. Rich people can also be honest hard-working people with morals. It is only that politicians have morals that are skewed. Wealth gives a person a sense of power. If we acknowledge their power we are the ones giving them that power. In the USA, a billionaire has the same voting power as everyone else. We the People put the wealthy in power. Would you vote for a poor man? The reason why incumbants get re-elected is because We the Sheeple find it easier than trying to address the issues of dealing with a new politician. This election is so demanding because thankfully We the People had the sense to limit the terms. If not, Obama would remain POTUS because We the Sheeple are lazy."
So, we have had a Black president and now they want a Woman president. I have to ask, why have we never had a Native American Indian president? Afterall, it is Their land the British stole? Perhaps it is because the Rulers of this nation are afraid they won't be able to control an Indian? But go ahead, their plan has been working so well up to now, why change it, right...Right....RIGHT!
So it looks like Indiana governor Mike Pence will be Trump's VP pick but a formal announcement won't be coming from Trump's group until at least Friday.

I wonder how Chris Christie will be taking the news? :bandage:
The way this free country is supposed to work is that every citizen has the right to vote yay or nay on all issues. Those votes are to be counted and actions taken from those results. The closest thing we have to that is polling. However, polling is not handled properly. The wording of the issues being polled is not accurate. Not all citizens are afforded the option to poll and the polling choices are too multiple, they should be yay or nay.
Something must be discovered that lets every citizen's choice be registered on all community issues. Polls may one day be that method.
In addition, those polls should not be anonymous. Every citizen should take responsibility for the choices they make. But then, that makes too much sense.
Facebook reply I wrote to a call for a march on Washington DC

Personally, I feel that if you want to complain about something you should also offer a solution. Here are a few ideas that may or may not help. One person's ideas might help another person initiate a solution or put a train of thought in motion.

* Turn off cell phones unless you NEED to make a call. Stop using them to distract yourself from the world around you. Set a time and duration each day for when and how long you will surf the web. If you want to identify addictive behavior, see how long you can deny yourself. Try shutting the phone off and leaving it at home for a full day. Then do it for two or three random days. If you feel lost without it you are addicted to it. If you need a phone for your job switch to a no frills flip phone.

*Sit down at the table with your family for meals. Talk to them in real life. Teach the morals that are important. Listen to their life concerns. If you must pass judgement on defective behavior or feelings do so in a positive way and reinforce the positive. Praise active behavior.

*Turn off the TV, Internet, WiFi, Game Systems and other distractions. Sit in the family room and actually interact with your family. Set times for media. Like emotions, entertainment is not supposed to be a constant all day thing.

*Attend local community meetings. Require your family and friends to be at the Town Hall meetings. Encourage everyone to voice their concerns on local community issues with the elected officials that are supposed to represent you. Speak up and make your community concerns known to them. Actively Vote on all community concerns. Actually talk to each and every elected official.

How many people know when the next Town Hall meeting is scheduled?
How many people even know where the Town Hall meetings are held?
Would you recognize the Mayor of your town if they were behind you at the grocery store check-out? Who is the County Treasurer? Which bank holds your town's funds and what is the interest rates?

The United States of America is not Washington, DC. It is not Faux News or CNN. It isn't a utility company or the NRA. It IS you, your neighbor and your neighbor's neighbor. We spend so much time and attention on blitzing ourselves with entertainment and distractions that an elite few can DICTATE their will into our lives. Thus, we are like sheep being lead around. SHEEPLE.

If you are ill or alone, make your voice be heard on social media sites. Use the internet to find the actual websites of govt establishments. Read the meeting minutes, read the documents and note the phone numbers. If there is issue with an upcoming change, call the elected officials. Even though you are ill or isolated does not mean your vote is less powerful. All citizens in this nation have the power of one vote. If you choose to not exercise that right, it is your choice, so if things are not going the way you want, there is no blame but your own. Try to imagine this nation where only the elite could vote...oh wait, no imagination needed. It happens all over the place at Town Halls across the nation.

I would like to see many NEWS reports that cover a sudden rise of Town Hall attendance. Ariel footage of a whole town massing at the meeting. A whole city at City Hall for every meeting. What City Hall in the USA could house a whole city of citizens for a meeting? Yet, every citizen is supposed to have the right to vote on all issues at hand. Is the building size a design flaw or a predetermined planned limit?
more...after some other comments

On considering any march on Washington DC to affect a change it may not be as effective as we think. To understand this ya gotta understand what the POTUS is.

The POTUS is supposed to be the representative of all the people of the United States. They cannot possibly 'face to face' talk with every citizen in the nation. They reference the 'will of the people' from the House of Representatives.
Your State's Congressmen cannot possibly 'face to face' talk with every citizen in their respective states. They reference the will of their states citizens from their states counties.
This goes down the ladder like this until we get to your local town officials. The Mayor is supposed to listen to and talk with the citizens of his community. It is up to each citizen to make their votes known.

Issues that can be handled at the community level are supposed to be handled by the community leaders in accordance with the majority vote of their citizens.
When issues are balloted for things beyond the community, Your community leaders take your majority votes to the next level of government and the state officials act according to the majority votes of the citizens of all the counties/communities/cities. Those issues that cannot be handled at the state level are then taken by majority vote of that state's citizens to the federal level of government. The POTUS then looks at the numbers of votes and acts in accordance with the majority of the citizens of the nation.
If the POTUS is doing their job right. The entire nation is represented.

Congress takes the majority votes of each state and deliberates law in accordance with the majority vote of the citizens of the nation. POTUS can review congress's decision if he feels that the majority vote of the citizens is not accurately represented.

What is happening, Certain persons in that chain are over-riding the majority vote of the citizens for personal or financial gain. The sheeple of this nation sit idle while this becomes the normal procedure. Instead of firing the offenders on the spot, the media distracts the people from the issue or clouds the people with doubts.

The POTUS should publicly isolate every state representative on unedited NEWS coverage and ask each one a few select questions that must be answered immediately and without hesitation.

1. What is the most important issue for the citizens of (insert state name)?
If the answer is not accurate - That state representative is not doing their job and should be fired on the spot.
2. Is your state's spending within budget? Anything other than a YES should instigate a federal audit commencing on the next working day.
3. What percentage of your citizens vote at the community level? Any answer below 50% should require a level by level investigation of that states government starting on the next working day.

We elect the POTUS on defective understanding. That understanding is clouded by the media. We saturate ourselves with the media to distract us from our helpless lives. It is easier to play than to be accountable.

To march on Washington, DC we are just adding fuel to the media machine. Until we take back our country at the community level we can only continue to spiral out of control. Tolerating anyone but the best of us for elected positions only undermines the values of our freedoms. To wake up others we must first rise from slumber ourselves.
a new reply on a reply about being a role-model

Just because someone is rich or famous does not mean they are the best choice to represent our will.
At the beginning of this campaign, there were hundreds of candidates nominated. Candidates that I did not see represented by the media equally. Candidates that were forced out of the process by others with more money and screen time.
We tolerate childish behavior in this process and reward the ones that are the most ruthless and brutal to other citizens. Is this a reflection of our family values?

Possible Solution: All nominees at the starting of the election process are afforded the same screen time and exposure. Each has a equally set budget to perform their campaign.
Once their budget is funded, all remaining donations go to all the other candidates equally.
Once all the candidates are fully funded the remaining donation sums are then divided to the nation in a tax refund to all citizens.
All candidates must be held to our personal moralities. Since they are asking to represent us, should they not be held to the same standards of each of this nation's citizens?
Each candidate's personal behavior should be scrutinized. Candidates that are found being other than model citizens need to be expelled from the process.
(I say process because is should not be a race, we are not looking for a winner, we are looking for a representative)

Not all citizens can be role models. We are created by our life experiences and the choices we make based on those experiences. Everyone has different experiences and some are worse than others. Being a role model is only part of the equation. Taking responsibility for our own actions may be the most important thing we could do.

Somewhere in history we allowed the media to dictate where responsibility lies. They want you to think that all guns are bad, all Muslims are terrorists and anyone that doesn't think like they dictate are insignificant. A person is the one that does things, we are all persons.
The RNC so far....
  • Candidate makes his entrance with special effects & music causing pundits to compare it to a WWE wresting event.
  • Bunch of angry old white guys calling the opposition names but not saying why their candidate is any better.
  • Candidate's wife cribs speech point from opposition party speech.
    • Candidate campaign manager plays "Baghdad Bob" and claims nothing is wrong; falls silent when another candidate employees steps forward to fall on the proverbial sword. Employee who falls on sword opens up another issue because her announcement is on formal letter head of the candidates business organization when legally there is supposed to be a very definitive line between the campaign organization and the candidate's business/personal organizations.
  • Candidate's son cribs speech points but this time with permission (same speech writer for both of them but still odd to reuse parts of it right after the fiasco with the candidate's wife).
  • Candidate makes it clear that he does not agree on some major views of the old white guy he chose as his running mate.
  • Candidate's various campaign workers giving TV appearances all seem to have their version of what is going on in the campaign highlighting pundit complaints that the campaign is disorganized.
  • Featured speaker, a former astronaut, changes her speech to not outright endorse Trump by name.
  • Party members upset when man won't outright endorse the candidate after the candidate has made some nasty comments about the man's wife and father. In a bit of irony the party members accuse the man of a lack of integrity rather than the candidate.

The DNC is coming to town (Philly) next week. Please, please let it be as entertaining. :blush:
Watching to see if you post a similar writing style about the DNC.

As to who Hillary will Nominate for VP? I'm thinking she should nominate Bill Clinton, after all, he is going to be 2nd in command anyway, might as well make it official.

On another note, Trump thinks he is going to fix "America"... Alone. It is plain that he certainly does not understand what the job he is applying for is. We The People are the only ones that can fix our nation.
Oh and by-the-way,

"America" is a Global Hemisphere. It consists of South AMERICA, Central AMERICA and North AMERICA. The USA is not even all of North America. It is only the Central part of North America, that and a bit at the top and an island in the central Pacific Ocean.
You would think that people that scrutinize every word of every speech would pick up on that?
Watching to see if you post a similar writing style about the DNC.
I'll be watching what I can of it, especially since they are in Philly this year. As to writing about it... if it is as entertaining, then yes. ;)
As to who Hillary will Nominate for VP? I'm thinking she should nominate Bill Clinton, after all, he is going to be 2nd in command anyway, might as well make it official.
There are so many names being mentioned now as "finalists" by the various news outlets that it's hard to keep track. It'll be interesting to see if the name is given out ahead of time, like Trump's campaign did, or if it'll be kept until the DNC convenes. Only a few days away so I'm thinking they're going to keep it quiet.
On another note, Trump thinks he is going to fix "America"... Alone. It is plain that he certainly does not understand what the job he is applying for is. We The People are the only ones that can fix our nation.
Do you really think he even cares about the job though? I can't help but not be convinced that this is still the ultimate sales job for him, the wizard of marketing. If he wins the election then he can sit back letting his VP run the show, crow about winning, and profit from it as much as he can. If he loses the election he can blame the GOP & the media, position himself as an underdog, and profit from it as much as he can.
Oh and by-the-way,

"America" is a Global Hemisphere. It consists of South AMERICA, Central AMERICA and North AMERICA. The USA is not even all of North America. It is only the Central part of North America, that and a bit at the top and an island in the central Pacific Ocean.
You would think that people that scrutinize every word of every speech would pick up on that?
But at least in the US "America" is typically associated to mean the USA.
Do you really think he even cares about the job though? I can't help but not be convinced that this is still the ultimate sales job for him, the wizard of marketing. If he wins the election then he can sit back letting his VP run the show, crow about winning, and profit from it as much as he can. If he loses the election he can blame the GOP & the media, position himself as an underdog, and profit from it as much as he can.
Like I've said before, Neither is good.
Trump will do just as much damage as Clinton. Just different kinds of damage. Damages that will be 'added to' not 'subracted from' the damage Obama has already done. Trump strikes me as a childish spoiled brat, Clinton is a liar and a thief. None of them will do the job that needs to be done.

But at least in the US "America" is typically associated to mean the USA.
The USA is a world power. I belong to a lot of communities populated by people from many other countries. THEY HATE 'AMERICANS'. Especially the South Americans and Central Americans. They take offence when the USA is referred to as America. Offense to the point of taking the time to proclaim the fact. The thoughts run that USA thinks they are America and everywhere else is somewhere else in the world. The proper slang for USA that 'thinks' it is America is "Muricans" Trump and Clinton are fine examples of what a "Murican" is. Full of S H I T and think they own the world.
Clinton has picked Tim Kaine has running mate. After reading his background I can't say it's not unexpected but I was really thinking that she'd go with either a woman or a minority as her running mate. One of the names that kept coming up was Cory Booker from NJ but choosing him would've had a domino effect because Chris Christie would've been able to select pick Booker's replacement in the senate causing a seat change from Democrat to Republican.

With Kaine the upcoming convention should've come off as the polar opposite of Trump's but there is already trouble brewing. For some time now Sanders had been complaining of the DNC playing favoritism with Clinton and now the Wikileaks release of DNC emails confirms it. The leak has led to DNC leader Debbie Wasserman Schultz to bow out of running the convention and has announced that she'll resign when the convention ends.
I'm not against a Woman for President.
I don't want Hillary Clinton to be President.
I don't want Her in any public office.
Seriously Trump !?!

The guy spouts the biggest load or rubbish I have ever heard in my life, this guy isn't telling lies, he's just making stupid statements that the dumb can get behind. We're building a wall and the Mexicans are paying for it, yeap straight talker, I've got a wall in the backyard.

Heaven help the U.S if this idiot rolls into the Whitehouse, I'd be building that fallout shelter folks.
I'd be building that fallout shelter folks.
Not me. I hope I am standing ground zero. Fallout shelters are for people that still hope for the future. I'm tired of the whole planet. I'm ready with my towel and my thumb held high.
On voting (third Party) discussion on Facebook:

I wrote:

War Games (1983) Global Thermo-Nuclear War "No matter who plays - You Lose" The problem is not the candidates, The problem is the people that allowed them to be candidates. It is not a national level problem it is community level, personal level. When people get together and vote 'Yay or Nay' and raise their hand to do so, they make a statement of their vote personally for all to see. They take responsibility for their decision. Anonymity in voting is allowing people to decide without taking responsibility.
Consider your local Mayor. Did you vote for them or against them? Do you participate in Town or City Hall meetings? Did they promise things to you that they did not honor? Why are they still there?
Consider your State Representatives. Did you vote for them? Do they honor their promises and actively represent your will to the nation? If not, Why are they still there?
No matter who you vote for at any level of government a certain dishonesty and misrepresentation of the people's will is expected. Why is that? Where is it written or implied that We The People are willing to tolerate this?
This election is already lost. Who lost? We The People Lost. How can we fix it?
We can start to fix it by firing or jailing those that misrepresent the will of the people. Stop tolerating all the reasons they give for being dishonest and dishonorable. Is that who We The People are? We the People are you and I and every other citizen of this nation. We outnumber the elite. This is our country - Its time we started taking it back. Put down your phones, Turn off the media hype and start thinking like a responsible citizen. STOP BEING SHEEPLE