10 Signs of an Alias Addict!!!

10. You avoid making plans with your friends on Sundays.

9. You hate it when Charmed airs a second episode that you haven't seen yet.

8. Your VCR needs a tune up.

7. You buy viddy tapes in bulk at S's club. (And the sales clerk thinks you are copying porn, and you agree with him to hide the fact that they are really for Alias episodes)

6. You have your pets potty trained just for an hour on Sunday. Which is useful on other days too.

5. You can miss a whole eppy and know exactly what went on during it, yet you are still heartbroken that you didn't get to watch it in person.

4. You think people who don't watch/like Alias are tragically deprived.

3. You alter your voicemail right before the show to announce to the calling world that you are unavailable for the very reason. [Yeah you, Reaper Mason!]

2. Your family members are equal-opportunity victims of your wraith if they interrupt even a single scen of Alias, and they'll never hear the end of it!

1. You've got "SB and MV forever" tattoo'ed on your arse and "I hate LR" on the other cheek. [I really do have these tatts...]
Alias Anna said:
minus the tattoo one, yep ^_^
haha, I was laughing at that till I read the end about it being true and my :lol: face quickly changed to :confused:

lol, but way to go dude, in a way that's actually pretty awesome ^_^
kinda sketch...but hey! if you love alias that much!! yah im all of them except the tatoo...and substitute a little sister for the pet.
Oh this just describes me...tatoo and all!! lol. just kiddin about the tattoo but everything else is true, minus the charmed thing cos I think it sucks!!