Horror 28 days later

Well, the ending I saw wasn't creepy, but apparently there's another ending attached to the end of the credits now that is downright frightening. I haven't seen it, so I can't say for sure, but the one I saw wasn't all that great.
I don't think it is really scary.. but I liked that fact which a man( don't know his name anymore) came up with when another man said they're going to eat real eggs again when everything is back to normal:
That people are always killing people, so it's always normal.
My God, you guys... this movie is one of my favorites *ever*!!! It may not be "horror," but it's suspenseful enough for me. And the acting and plot and script are just INCREDIBLE. The drama is the most important thing in this film -- not the "scream factor." I just adore this movie. :love:
I thought this movie was quite bad. The reviews and on the DVD box said scariest movie of the year, endings that will make you never forget, etc. None of those happened.. The suspense wasn't that great either, I say maybe 2 parts in the begining that was about it. The Drama Level wasn't too high either... Kinda like a rip off of Resident Evil IMO.
I was in London when they filmed this movie, and I remember how excited we got about it. They had all these film students blocking off central London really early in the morning. It's crazy how many people think all the people were removed using CGI. That is practically impossible to do.

The alternate ending is SO much better.
gahh! People! You made me sad. :( I hated (with a passion) the alternate endings. Way too sad, like Babs said. Jim can't DIE!!! Anyways I love this movie. 'Tis sad not all y'all agree. -_- hehe But 'tis you're opinion, bien sur! :smiley:
The ending where he dies was supposed to be the ending, but it wasn't 'Hollywood' enough for the producers who wanted to market it overseas.
Maybe it's just coz I am a HUGE Jim/Selena shipper girl. ^_^ So he couldn't die! Also, you've followed Jim throughout the entire movie, and then the people at the end who are left end up being secondary characters? I mean, sure, that makes it "un-textbook," which is usually good for a film. But in this case, to me anyway, it wasn't right. Jim, our protagonist, had to live. IMO, of course ;)
This movie for me was suprisingly good, it wasn't frightening per se but I liked the character development alot.

The alternate ending with Jim dying was good but would've worked better being the beginning (but not letting us know it is Jim), we see him die and then Selena explains how it happened which whilst would kind of let us know the ending but is a concept I've always liked the idea of.

Basically we see the movie through Selena's eyes as she narrates the movie but then have her meet two guys and fall in love with one but hate the other; then the movies leads up to us discovering which one it is who has died.