Season 3 An updated Alias: Love Triangle column


Sydney's Lover
(I will link this thread to something on Facade so please don't move it from this forum).

A lot of you think that up to this point on the show, Vaughn should leave Lauren.


This is why Vaughn is still with Lauren:

It's NOT because he DOESN'T realize that he loves Sydney - he does - or because he doesn't have the spark that he had with Lauren anymore - he knows his feelings for his wife have waned (thanks to Sydney's presence and the fact that he's had time to get in touch with his real feelings).

He knows he loves Syd and that he'd much rather be with her.

But he has a moral responsibility with Lauren, that he has, for the most part, respected. They are married. Marriage is something that you have to respect. And he is doing the right thing by staying with Lauren.

Plus, he doesn't know that Lauren is bad. He thinks that she's good and that she loves him. So even though he loves Sydney, he realizes that he messed up by "trying" to move on so quickly and that he should have had "faith", as Syd put it on "The Two."

But he knows it's too late, and he has to accept his current situation.

Of course, since the scene in "Prelude" (3x07) in which he and Syd almost kissed ("and although everything's changed, some things don't. I'm not gonna lose you twice"), he has had many moments in which he has followed his heart.

Whether Vaughn EVER loved Lauren or not has nothing to do with the fact that he knows that what he had with Sydney was a lot stronger than what he ever had with Lauren. I think that he probably did love Lauren at one point. But in a selfish way - he was trying to fill the void of Sydney's abscence by marrying someone who he really didn't know that much.

But ever since he got the news that Sydney was alive after her 2 missing years, he's had a huge conflict that of course we all have read about a ton. He was committed to his wife, but as Season 3 progressed all the way up to "Crossings" (3x12) he was confused on how he felt about her. So he made up his mind and decided that he was not about to disappoint his wife (who he thinks is in love with him, repeated for emphasis), and was gonna try as much as he possibly could to love his wife and forget about Sydney and distance himself from her. That's why he was a jerk on the plane on that episode.

This changed when he realized that he was about to be killed on Crossings. He realized life is short and you have to follow your heart. But when he got home, it was back to his harsh reality.

Even though he realized, once again, that he loves Sydney and that "in my life, there is only person", he wasn't about to tell his wife that he loves Sydney and not her, and ask for a divorce on that fact. This, he thought, would have been heart-breaking for Lauren and completely unfair, and that totally makes sense.

In some ways, every time we see Vaughn and Sydney together (hugging or whatever) like we did on Facade tonight, it shows a real weakness in Vaughn, since he's not supposed to have contact like that with any other women other than his wife. This would be specially true IF Lauren really loved Vaughn - but since she doesn't, they really haven't been connecting as husband and wife lately. Instead, Lauren just tries to make everything work on physical attraction alone (proven on her scene buying lingerie on "After Six" and her kissing Vaughn on the lips seductively on "Blowback" at an inappropriate moment - that's why Vaughn asked her "what was that all about?"). This has, in my opinion, given Vaughn an almost good-enough reason to get back in touch with Sydney on an emotional level. Emphasis on "almost."

And that's why Vaughn didn't hesitate to give Sydney a big hug when he saw her having a hard time at the end of Facade. Lauren has almost given him a good reason to go after his real love.

If Lauren wasn't bad and was genuinely in love with Vaughn, he would be screwed for life in my opinion, and he'd be better off transferring to another CIA office in order to avoid remembering what his relationship with Sydney was like.

But, since she IS bad, it gives him more than a million legitimate reasons to divorce her.

He doesn't know that yet, though. So when I read the comments of some Sydney/Vaughn "shippers" on how Vaughn should divorce his wife NOW, I shake my head every single time.

There is no way a good man would ask his wife for a divorce or try to separate her, when he thinks his wife loves him and they're married. He has to put his wife first and work through their problems.

If his wife starts to distance himself a lot from him, then he has to take it up to his wife first before getting back in an emotional way with another woman. Not only is he kidding himself, but also being unfair to the woman he's connecting with (in this case Sydney). ("I won't be the other woman").

Sometimes I think JJ didn't intend to make Lauren bad when he came up with the idea of Vaughn's marriage during Sydney's abscence, but he couldn't find another way out, since he realized Vaughn and Sydney had to be reunited eventually.

And, unlike a lot of people, I think this has been a really good story. Now we know the ending of the little Alias Season 3 Triangle. Vaughn will have a way out of his "loveless marriage" (Weiss quote), when he finds out Lauren has really been deceiving him and that she is Covenant.

And when he does, I bet all of you Vaughn/Sydney shippers will cry a river in emotion.

I just hope that the intentions of the Covenant and Arvin Sloane, along with the continuation of the discoveries, studies and theories of Rambaldi, return to the spotlight of the show. Right now, even though the Covenant remains active as a topic in every episode, the focus is still on Syd and Vaughn.

Three other things I hope for are the return of Lena Olin, more frequent appearances by my favorite guest of all time, Mr. McKenas Cole played by the brilliant Quentin Tarantino, and maybe, just maybe, some more (and more frequent) appearances by Bradley Cooper, the famous Mr. Tippin ("how did you hear about the Circumference?" - how I loved 1-21 "Rendezvous").

Now, will you Syd/Vaughn shippers please appreciate the story of the triangle a little bit more and stop hating Lauren Reed so much???


And BTW, I think the show would have been terrific this season if Lauren WASN'T bad. Although very frustrating, it would be interesting to see if Vaughn would leave his wife for Sydney after a while, or maybe because he realized that he was being selfish when he married Lauren since he was just trying to fill the void of a woman in his life. Also, if Will had stayed on the show, what if Sydney had started dating her long-time friend, fallen in love with him, and then Lauren was revealed, leaving Vaughn without Sydney? That would be kinda twisted too...

Any thoughts? :blink:

First of all, I want to clarify that I am not a S/V shipper. I was and then, I was no longer able to tolerate Vaughn's lack of spine. So my opinions on the matter have nothing to do with wanting them two to be together nor does my dislike of Lauren Reed have anything to do with the fact that she is standing in the way of S/V.

But he has a moral responsibility with Lauren, that he has, for the most part, respected. They are married. Marriage is something that you have to respect. And he is doing the right thing by staying with Lauren.
Yeah fine, it's his responsibility. However, does that mean he needs to drag Sydney into it as well? I think not. I'm not one of the ones saying divorce her now like it's his only option. I think if he truly wants to save his marriage, he should quit leading Sydney on.

If he has issues with Lauren not being there emotionally, he should go to a therapist. You don't marry one woman and when she ain't cutting it emotionally, go back to the ex-girlfriend who you relate to much better.

But he knows it's too late, and he has to accept his current situation.
If he is really that unhappy in his choices, seperation is the word. If he is happier in time spent apart from Lauren - there's the answer. You only get one life - why be miserable with someone because you don't want to to hurt them? I realize it's Vaughn here, but once again - if he's going to go the route of you make your bed, now lie in it - leave Sydney alone and quit pulling her back in.

There is no way a good man would ask his wife for a divorce or try to separate her, when he thinks his wife loves him and they're married. He has to put his wife first and work through their problems.

I know lots of people that have gotten divorced when one partner didn't want it. It's the way it goes. Just because she supposedly still loves him, his own feelings don't matter?

Vaughn will have a way out of his "loveless marriage" (Weiss quote), when he finds out Lauren has really been deceiving him and that she is Covenant.

I truly think Vaughn is going to leave Lauren before he finds out she is evil. There is no way Sydney would be like 'Well, she's evil and you realized it, so now we can be together without anyone getting hurt and you not having to choose.' Yeah, right. :mellow:

One more thing I feel I have to say, while you are going on about the 'underappreciated triangle' and all the emotions Vaughn and Lauren must be going through, you leave out one person. Sydney. She is getting screwed over emotionally by Vaughn with his constant bringing her back in. Granted, she was probably bluffing when she told him she was attempting to move on, but what has he done to try and push her away staying loyal to his 'responsibility'? Let's see, he kissed her in Korea saying in his life there was only one, dropped the gun off Lauren because he 'loved her,' and tons of angsty looks/etc. Then after each one of those incidents, who does he go right back to more or less in Syd's face? His wife. Not saying that in itself is wrong (she is his wife)- but Vaughn don't do one thing and go back to another.

That is why I want Vaughn to either get out of his marriage now or stay with Lauren - I could care less either way, but what he is doing to Sydney is what is killing me. I cannot stand to see one more episode of him luring her back in because he 'connects better emotionally with her,' and then having it end with Syd all depressed looking at the end.

Now, will you Syd/Vaughn shippers please appreciate the story of the triangle a little bit more and stop hating Lauren Reed so much???

Once again, not a S/V shipper and not a Lauren Hater because of the triangle. I will not take pleasure in a soap opera storyline that taken hold of a spy-action drama. Not only has it wrecked havoc on Alias by bogging it down with triangle laden storyline (that I could give a felgercarb less about), but it has rendered two characters almost unidentifiable to me.

Sydney, who was once so strong and independent is left sad and depressed looking at the end of each eppy. I think the only one I remember her smiling at the end was the one Will came back for - she has no one and her old life is over. Vaughn, looked what the triangle storyline has reduced him to. Judging from any different person's perspective - he is damned if he does and damned if he doesn't.

But he has a moral responsibility with Lauren, that he has, for the most part, respected. They are married. Marriage is something that you have to respect. And he is doing the right thing by staying with Lauren.

Hmm, if we all adore Vaughn, doesn't he deserve better than a cheating manipulative spy *h**e wife? He does respect the marriage but it is not recioprocated. Lauren has ZERO respectability for Vaughn-- she is caught and creates games of charades!!!! If there is any love/respect in this marriage it's all indignant, based (at least on Lauren's behalf) on drawn out imitiation.
reading this was a little strange :thinking: - i AM a HUGE s/v shipper - but as Suzi said - there are more reasons to disliking Lauren Reed's character than the void she creates betweeen S/V. As verdantheart has said so many times in her column - lauren 's character seems to make no real sense......the big evil turnaround after being so useless.......and we all thought she was gonna be evil from the start so her turning evil was no big reveal - just something we were made to wait for for half a season :blink: - and now we're waiting again for the stupid CIA tor realise. :blink: :blink:

I agree on some levels with you about the emotions vaughn is going through and this is the reason why i cannot give up on vaughn - because he really does think he's doing the right thing - that being loyal to his wife is right. but he's beginning to realise the whole emotional versus non emotional commitment you discussed now - and this is probably what is gonna make him realise he needs to leave lauren - as suzi said - he has to look towards his own feelings not just those of his wife. he's not stupid enough to stay in a "loveless marraige" when he can plainly see his soulmate is dying inside without him............these thigs really do take time though - in real life as well as in TV land.

Sydney, who was once so strong and independent is left sad and depressed looking at the end of each eppy. I think the only one I remember her smiling at the end was the one Will came back for - she has no one and her old life is over. Vaughn, looked what the triangle storyline has reduced him to. Judging from any different person's perspective - he is damned if he does and damned if he doesn't.
this is what really worries me the most about the trianlge - suzi said it perfectly!!! Syd is so different - barely our hero any more.....and thats disturbing as a viewer. in addition vaughn seems cowardly and how the hell JJ is gonna make him come out of this looking good i dunno.....maybe he is screwed w=either way. (hope not). But these are the reasons why the triangle sucks - because although i always loved the s/v stuff it took a back seat behind the awesome spy-kick-ass-action and now it's so much in the fore front of Alias that Alias seems different - more soap like - and thats not what any of us love about our fave it now.
Ok I'm with quietgirl on this. I'm not a huge S/V person (I used to be) but they just seem to fit.
Lauren I think belongs with Sark. It would be the good couple vs the bad couple! :2love:
Just kidding. I don't know what should happen. I'll just watch and see how it all plays out! :snack:
Okay, let's say Lauren is a decent, innocent, hard-working woman who loves her husband. Vaughn got with her on the rebound, which is already a minus in their relationship. Sydney is back and he loves her and she loves him. If my husband loved another woman I would be miserable. That makes three miserable people.

I would not want to hang on to a man that loved another woman. I would want to move on. The adult, mature thing to do would be to admit your mistakes and correct them. Put space between all three and see how everyone feels.

But, we know that Lauren has an agenda. She needs Vaughn for her nefarious schemes. So, she doesn't want to let him go yet. Vaughn is going to have to grow a spine and do it himself. Then he better duck..............I have a feeling hell hath no fury like a Lauren scorned!
Okay, let's say Lauren is a decent, innocent, hard-working woman who loves her husband.

Vaughn got with her on the rebound, which is already a minus in their relationship.  Sydney is back and he loves her and she loves him. 
Good point. He did do the whole rebound thing which everyone knows is a huge mistake. He loves Syd and thats just the facts of life. He needs to get his act together and stop teeter tottering back and forth between the two

Vaughn is going to have to grow a spine and do it himself.  Then he better duck..............I have a feeling hell hath no fury like a Lauren scorned!
HELL YA! lmao! too funny. He does need to get a spine. Stupid men. They never want to make any big decisions. It's always left up to us females. GET ON WITH IT!!!
We were warned long before this season that Vaughn might have this problem with choosing.

The warning was calling him boyscout as in a nice guy. The weakness of being a nice guy is you don’t want to hurt anybody so you end up procrastinating hurting someone and thus end up hurting everyone more than if you made the hard choice earlier. And Weiss called Vaughn on this.

The writers did little to make us like Lauren and lots of stuff likely to make us hate Lauren way before they reviled her as evil.

Lauren was acting as an antagonist from the beginning to Sydney by being Lynsey’s henchman and driving forward the threat to Sydney. An antagonist is very unlikely to be liked by an audience especially when there motivation seams to be foolish loyalty not devious intent.

Anouther example of how the writers made Lauren look bad is the writers gave us no Lauren and Vaughn romantic relationship away from work scenes.

There are many other examples.
This is very true Milferd. Flaws in her character (or lack thereof) aside, they definitely set her up as an un-relatable person. Unfortunately, this one-sided depiction works against everyone else on the show. If we can't stand this character, we have no comprehension of how the characters we have come to know and love can put up with her.

So Vaughn especially looks like a moron for not seeing what we can so plainly see (And as you mention, this goes beyond her being evil - from the very beginning she has had no redeeming qualities that help us understand why Vaughn would stay with her.)

Even Jack and Weiss, who obviously have no great affection for her, have disappointed me with their lack of shrewdness thus far. If they had developed Lauren as a more complete character and at least showed us SOME relatable characteristics (as they have done with Sark, Irina and Sloane) then the rest of the players would look less foolish for letting her hang around. Heck - even before she was evil, she wasn't overly good at her job! I could not understand why she was working there with such high level players when she seemed completely inept and out of her leaugue. The closest she came was that one car chase scene with the slick driving. If there had been more of that, and more of a relationship with Vaughn, then the situation would be a lot more real to me.
I agree, Rinda. It's like they wrote in a character and immediately realized no one was gonna go for it. So, instead of being true to the character and her development, they bailed on her too soon. This, to me, is a fault of the writers and JJ for this one. But, I can live with it if the rest of the season is as good as I thing Facade was. And I do like evil Lauren, especially with Sark, so I'm forgiving them for now.
I think Vaughn does have a spine.. we saw it last night when he beat up Sark!!! and I also think Vaughn knows Lauren is bad and he has been playing her.
speak said:
I think Vaughn does have a spine.. we saw it last night when he beat up Sark!!! and I also think Vaughn knows Lauren is bad and he has been playing her.
Having a spine has nothing to do with Vaughn's ability to defend himself againist physical attack from Sark. He lacks a spine when it comes to dealing with members of the opposite sex namely women like Sydney, Alice, and Lauren. I don't think Vaughn is playing Lauren - why would he have told her the name of the airfield they were leaving from to get that Covenant defector?
I definitely agree with Milferd and Rinda on the fact that Lauren's character really had nothing that you could relate to, so really, we all were gonna hate her one way or another. Of course, that was probably up to After One when she talked with Sark in that dressing room...

The new "bad" Lauren is really keeeewl IMO.
I totally agree, and I never wanted Vaughn to break his marrage vows. I just want Lauren to be revealed for who she really is so that Vaughn will know the truth. And he and Syd don't have to be together or kissing, we all know he loves her more than anything, and for me, that's enough. We had our time although short of seeing them together last season, and I can hold out until Lauren is revealed for what she really is. I am very glad that Vaughn hasn't cheated on Lauren(like Lauren did on him) because that would really lower his character. I just can't wait to see his reaction when he finds out about Lauren! AAAAAAA!!!!!!!!
JJ.Abrams at the Payley Television festival said that HE IS AWARE OF THE DESTRUCTION OF VAUGHNS CHARACTER but it is all going to be worth it in the end and that season 3 is a bridge beween season 2 and 4!
If Vaughn isn't going to get a divorce he needs to either

1. Stop leading Sydney on


2. If he can't help himself, get a d--n transfer and let her the hell go and stop torturing her.

If he thinks that he's doing the right thing by staying married and leaning on his ex-girlfriend, he's very much mistaken. This is not the noble course--not by a long shot.

If he knows, it's selfish to keep Sydney on his string without telling her; if he doesn't, he's doubly selfish because he hasn't shown any intention of ever divorcing and he's not freeing Sydney, whom he deeply cares about, to find some measure of happiness.

If he doesn't know and it all blows up in his face, he kind of deserves some suffering, but guess what? I bet Sydney will be first in line to offer comfort--and a warm bed.
I think it would be great for Syd to meet another Danny-type person and leave Vaughn to eat her dust. Hopefully this Mr. Perfect will come complete with a whole slew of friends and voila! we have the old Alias back - except instead of angst with Papa, it is angst with Vaughn. ^_^
Rinda said:
I think it would be great for Syd to meet another Danny-type person and leave Vaughn to eat her dust. Hopefully this Mr. Perfect will come complete with a whole slew of friends and voila! we have the old Alias back - except instead of angst with Papa, it is angst with Vaughn. ^_^
LOL - I like that idea!