Casual Male XL Catalog - Decieving?


Code Monkey
Staff member
Casual Male XL is a US based retail operation specializing in clothing for tall & large males. They have both retail shops and mail-order catalogs. For guys who are tall, guys who are large, and, in my case, guys who are both tall and slightly larger, it is a great way of finding clothes that fit. For example, for tall guys unless you find the "T" size versions you end up either with a too short shirt or you end up buying a larger size then you need but end up with it being baggy.

But they do irritate me a bit. Their catalogs.

The company relies upon tall & large customers but the models in their catalogs are neither tall nor large. :confused: Instead they always look like they are lounging around after shooting a GQ magazine photo shoot. Needless to say the clothing does not always end up coming out with the same look as the models.

Ggggrrrr..... :mad: