Character Bios

Character Name: Undecided
Sex: Male
Age: Late teens
Race: Human
Class: Possibly Warrior/Rogues, but that seems a little... basic.
Profession: Former Street Urchin
Height: 5'10"
Body Build: Bulky
Guild/Affiliation: Allied with GearSmiths, though mostly because his shipmates are.

Physical Description
He is very plain looking, with a scruffy, unshaven face. His eyes have dark circles under them, indicating either depression or lack of sleep. Or, in this case, possibly both. He appears rather large and bulky for his height, with broad shoulders and a fairly long neck. His palms seem rather large when compared to his fingers, but not enough so to make them look particularly odd. His hair is brown, and worn loose and shaggy.

Ok, you hardcore role players are going to absolutely hate me for this, but it's based off a dream that I had. I'll write what I remember...

Ok, so, his parents died at a very young age, leaving his brother to look after him. Life wasn't easy on the street, but they managed to get by. Still, they always dreamed of moving to 'The City'. ((I'm not going to specify because I'm not sure of the geography at this point, or the economy. They lived in a city, but it was a crappy one, so they wanted to go to the good one.)) So, one day, they decided to build a raft to go to their soon to be new home. After quite a bit of work, they'd gotten enough supplies to do the job. They built the raft, and were soon on their way.

The raft started to break up around mid-way there, though. They panicked, but there was nothing they could do. They got separated! Water was everywhere and everything was happening so fast...

((Character))) woke up. He was aboard a vessel, he could tell by the motion. "Ah. I see you're awake. Feeling better?" asked a person he could not yet clearly make out. As he blinked away the untold days, he gasped "My brother... where is he?" and, as his eyes began to focus, he saw a grim look come over the man's face. "We only saw you, kid. You're lucky we did, too, or you would've been fish food, for sure." "But... But he's still ok, right?" "Sorry, kid, I have no idea. He could still be ok, but there are too many variables to be sure." Replied the man. "We've got to look for him!" Cried ((Character)), falling out of his bed and onto the hard wood floor. "Kid, we picked you up a week ago. He wouldn't be there any more."

And such was the way of things. ((Character)) soon met the boat's operator.((What's the word?)) She was a tiny, take-no-nonsense kind of gal. She was also responsible for steering, navigation, and engineering the boat on which he'd sailed. As this wasn't exactly a small vessel, that was a fairly large task. It seems that the man he met earlier was really more involved in the diplomatic aspects of the ship. He owned it, and he was responsible for conflict negotiation and the ship's business dealings, among other things.

What business was the ship involved in, exactly? Scavenging, smuggling... You name it. Even a few legitimate things. ((Character)) was soon a regular member of the crew, but he always kept an eye out for his brother. He would find him... someday. Until then, it was his responsibility to make sure things went smoothly aboard the ship. He was responsible for helping the others with their duties, and, should the need arise, defending the ship.

Likes, Dislikes, Fears, and Goals
Likes: The motion of the ship, fish, alcohol(But the others never let him have any...), sweets, stew, bread... He really likes to eat, I guess. Also, making himself useful.
Dislikes: The upper class, being on land for long periods of time(Reminds him of his childhood), forests(He gets lost.), swamps(They smell funny.), and reading.(Though he knows how.)
Fears: That he'll find out that his brother is dead and it's his fault, and that he'll fail the others.
Goals: To find his brother.

((In order for this character to work, I'd need a few things. First off, I'd need someone else playing the other two crew members. Secondly, I'd need a ship.))[/QUOTE]
Character Name: Chrisidon Metturoff
Sex: Male
Age: 34
Race: Human
Class: (Cleric or Healer)/Warrior (see story, below)
Profession: Retired Mercenary
Height: 6'5"
Body Build: Thickly muscled
Guild/Affiliation: Formerly a member of a mercenary corps, the Brown Wolves

Physical Description
Chrisidon is big. I mean, BIG, and has been since his early teens. He keeps his body in top shape, bulked up enough to be able to be on the front lines in heavy plate twirling a battle axe like a twig.

Chrisidon is always thoughtful. He tries to think before he acts, with varying degrees of success. Much of will be revealed below.

Likes, Dislikes, Fears, and Goals
Likes: Helping others, training young bloods so they can survive a battle. Dislikes looters (without permission of the client), people who disrespect the dead. Fears losing his edge while people still depend upon him. Goals: see below.


Chrisidon grew up in a minor trade village whose only real value was that it was rougly in the middle of a similar cluster of villages, but not too far from the main highway. As he grew, his growth hit hard - he grew over two feet in as many years. At the same time, the guards of the merchants who passed through the village took kindly to his inquiries and taught him the basics of many weapons. Eventually he was gifted with a few practice weapons - a practice sword and axe, and a bow with a light draw. When the merchant whose guard gave him the practice weapons returned four months later, he was impressed with Chris' progress - enough to ask his parents to take him to be trained properly.

Chris' parents passed the hat around and managed to scrounge up a little money to see him off. His parents had enough hands to manage their lands, and believed their eldest should be given the chance to go far. Thus at the age of 16, Chris wandered down the road towards his destiny...

Of course, it doesn't end there. They scant coins Chris had wasn't enough to pay for even a few lessons at a true swordsman's academy, and the military didn't want to take him at his age. To earn a little money from spectators, the caravan guard who had taken him in had them do a practice session in a minor square of the city where they were stopped. The spectators put in a few copper over the course of an hour and a half - at this point Chris and the guard were both tired and ready to call it a day. At this point a man with a wooden wolf badge on his tunic stepped out of the circle of gathered spectators and called out a challenge: "Boy, if you'll go a round with me right now, I'll give you two gold coins."

Stunned, all Chris could do was raise his practice blade and pray that he not take too large a beating. Gold was gold, and badly needed. The guard handed his practice blade to the man, who then proceeded to make a wild swing at Chris. Chris dodged the wild blow, careful not to move to parry it. The man then proceeded to test his defenses, while Chris, badly winded, attempted to dodge, parry, and make enough of an annoyance of himself to keep blows from coming. He still took hits, all light, but beginning to add up. In a desperation move, he charged forward and tangled his blade with his opponent's. His move had a major drawback, however: the was being pushed backward, off his feet, and nothing he could do would allow him to escape with his weapon. So he did the one thing he had left: he took the fall early, swinging his foot up between the man's legs. With a soft 'oof' both Chris and his opponent fell to the ground.

Minutes passed. Silence reigned over the square, punctuated only by Chris' heavy panting. Then another sound rose. The man with the wolf's badge started to laugh, weakly at first and then with increasing volume. He stood up and offered Chris his hand. When Chris took it and rose, the man looked around the square and ordered 'Go Home!' The crowd started to disperse immediately.

The man introduced himself: "My name's Radigin - Sergeant Radigin. I'm with the Brown Wolves and we could use a young talent like yourself." Radigin pressed three gold coins into Chris' hand. "The two I promised and one for fightin' like a merc. Now, don't suppose you'd be interested in checkin' out the camp and maybe signin' up?"

(Running low on time, so gonna hurry this up to the present.)

Chris accepted, gave his guard friend on of the coins and asked him to take the other two home to his parents. There was no doubt in his mind that he would join the Brown Wolves. He was taken in and given training.

His career began as a generalist, keeping him lean to be a scout and skirmisher. His weapons training was such that he could pick up most any weapon and use it. As he progressed in age and his reflexes started to slow, he bulked up and became a mainline fighter. He never engaged in the vices his brothers in arms did - no drinking or wenching, no starting fights with civilians. Most of his pay was sent home to his family, along with letters. Letters came back, and occasionally a sibling with them.

This last month, many things happened. First was the issuance of a conditional discharge by the Company Commander. With a couple weeks' notice, he could retire from the Company. Following this was the mage the Company managed to recruit who told him he was using magic without knowing it; mostly to protect himself, but also to protect his comrades. And shortly after this, was a letter from home - his parents had passed, wrapped in each others' arms.

Chrisidon is now a man at a crossroads. What path will he choose? Does he go home for the first time in two decades? Will he seek to harness the power he's been using all this time without knowing it? Or will he find yet another path?
Character Name:
Claes (last name still to be decided)
23(actually not sure on this in convertion to ilvari ages, but I know looks and personality wise this is where I want her to be)
Profession: (fletcher, blacksmith, cook, fisherman, carpenter, etc)
Body Build:
Currently none. (White Lotus, perhaps. Will change if that is too far.)
Physical Description
Long, straight blonde hair with a perfectly even cut and bangs as long as the rest of her hair. Eyes are slanted, turning up at the outer corners and a warm gray color, but are normally behind gold framed glasses. Her face is oval, nose small, and everything neatly trimmed. Rarely wears much in the way of make-up or jewelry.

She has ample curces, clothed in a form-fitting, but at the same time thick blue over dress with a ruffle filled under dress that is somewhere between the look of a military sergeant, a school marm, and a southern bell. Although the flared out skirt ending in lace stops just a few inches below her knees, no skin shows through the thick blue stockings and her leather boots go high on her legs. The dress contains many buttons, all of gold with a small, intricate carving of a flower blosom in each small button. High on the left sleeve just above her elbow is a badge of a white lotus.

Grew up in a small family. Spent much time away from home in various schools and libraries.(May be lengthened later.)
Can often seem haughty, but once she comes to care for someone she tends to take on an almost motherly, if not overly sceptic, aire. Has a bad habbit of lowering her glasses and giving people a scolding look over the rims. Mildly prejudice against other races in that she thinks no one can be as knowledgeable as a full blooded ilvari.

Likes, Dislikes, Fears, and Goals
Likes: Children, books, nature watching, well played music (secretly sings and plays a little of the violin, but is her worst critic with both), the color blue.

Dislikes: Unnatural things (such as death, unethical uses of magic, strong perfumes), ignorance, lewdness, the color purple, being dirty(as in needing a bath), nicknames.

Fears: Bugs, losing control.

Goals: Help in finding the secret behind her peoples' slumber and in turn the problem of dream madness. Also, recently began working to help with the restoration of Elanthia within the White Lotus' Arcanum division(will change if this is too far).
Character Name:
Oraculum Umbra ((Kind of a placeholder name.))
Unknown, but not too old.
Dranaar. (Human/Burian)
Likely Warrior/Cleric or Cleric/Rogue, though I'll wait for word on final abilities before confirming this.
Profession: (fletcher, blacksmith, cook, fisherman, carpenter, etc)
Self-Proclaimed "Speaker"
Body Build:
Somewhere between your average Human and your average Dranaar.
The Godless (Sine Dei?) ((A group that seeks to thwart the workings of the gods, and rip them from their seats of power. Thinking about making them, anyway.))
Physical Description
-Hair: Black, straight, not quite shoulder length.
-Eyes: Green, glaring.
-Face: Roundish, generally wearing either a scowl or an ominous grin.
-Hands: Somewhat large in comparison to the rest of his body, always covered.
-Wardrobe: Usually wears many layers, very rarely showing any skin other than that of his face. He wears a lot of rather plain looking silver jewelry over top of his regular clothing, and favors darker colors with the occasional bright accent.

Unknown at this time, though it likely involves a sacrifice, if such things are practiced in Elanthia.

Hateful, spiteful, apathetic, or just generally a -----, depending on who you are. He's rude, and has trouble recognizing the rights of others, but generally feels that his actions serve the greater good, regardless of what "the fools" think. He's out to accomplish his goals, and those in his way soon find themselves underfoot.

Those to whom he takes a liking are few and far between, and though he'd never betray them on a whim, he would not falter to cut them down, should they stand in the way of his goals.

Likes, Dislikes, Fears, and Goals
Likes: The death cries of his enemies, the feel of slicing into a foe's throat, the taste of blood, the smell of the battlefield, the sight of flame, death, causing pain to those who would seek to stand in his way... Oh, and melon. (He's not a monster! :P)

Dislikes: The Gods, crowds, Clerics, the 'faithful', celebrations, loud noises, bright light, the feel of the wind, flowers, being unprepared, children, being underwater.

Fears: That he will not live to see the downfall of the Gods, drowning, crowds.

Goals: The downfall of the Gods.
Character Name:
Vae Claywright
Silvan (although she holds more human blood than anything else, the ilvari being almost unnoticeable)
Profession: (fletcher, blacksmith, cook, fisherman, carpenter, etc)
Body Build: (chubby, lean, athletic, toned, ripped, bulging, fat, obese, scrawny, trim, spry, etc)
A little on the scrawny side.
None at present.
Physical Description
Round faced with a rounded but small nose and many freckles. Her eyes can be rather large if she opens them fully, but they are normally relaxed behind her rectangular frames. Her eyes are a soft hazel and surrounded by long lashes. Hair is a wavey brown with gold highlights reaching her waist ((if the game allows for it, it will have a scarf over it.))

Her outfit consists of a brown jacket, leather pants, an off-white scarf around her waist, and a white wrap around her breasts. She normally wears a ring on her right middle finger that actually has a small time teller inside.

Born to a general goods merchant and a midwife in a small town, she had a thirst for books the moment she saw them. Particularly, she enjoyed fiction novels on espionage. By age thirteen, she had trained herself enough to sneak into any nearby manor's library for learning on the ways of shadow magic. By fifteen, she had convinced the local ruling house that she had skills that would be useful to their standing. By the age of twenty she found that her morals dictated that she could no longer work for that house and helped to set her parents up in a different town before moving herself far away from them and becoming a simple clerk mostly in the ways of ships and shipping goods.

She still visits her parents from time to time, but for the most part stays away from the place they now live, finding that while she might beable to save her own back from being stabbed, they wouldn't be as skilled.

Studious, content, and rarely unsure of her actions. Vae is the sort to never regret the actions she makes. Life comes as it comes, and every day is a new adventure. At first glance, people wouldn't expect her to be the type to join in on a party but when things get up and running she folds up the glasses and dances and drinks with the rest of them.

Likes, Dislikes, Fears, and Goals

Likes: Books, challenges, art, jewelry, ancient ruins

Dislikes: Paper cuts, spicy food, being forced

Fears: Being under another's control

Goals: Live and learn.
Character Name:
Way old! "Shut yer trap, ye rascal, or I'll shut it for ye!"
Probably Ranger/Healer, or Healer/Ranger.
Profession: (fletcher, blacksmith, cook, fisherman, carpenter, etc)
Hermit "'Ey! I per'fer the term 'Woodsman'."
2'3"-3'5" (Depends on just how short Qwi are.) "Quit yer whisp'rin'!"
Body Build:
Scrawny old man. "Tha's jus' rude..."
None. "Not one fer them big groups o' people."
Physical Description
-Hair: Wild, bushy grey hair and beard. "Those aren't twigs, they's decoration-a-tivities!"
-Eyes: Brown. "Jus' like mah Pappy's's, they are!"
-Face: Mostly hidden by his crazy beard, but it's clear he's quite wrinkly. He's also missing most of his teeth, making his good-natured smile look a bit... goofy. "Why, I'll show you goofity! Get'cha self back ovah here!" *Waving of cane* "What's those li'l twinkles mean? Don'cha be try'na hibalize me now!"
-Hands: Gnarled and old. "Shut yer trap..."
-Wardrobe: Layers and layers of stained old rags. He insists they look good... "That'sa 'cause 'ey do! Hmph..."

Well, a long, long time ago-Hmbff! "Sssh! Ih'sa secret! Hehe!"

Uh... He's eccentric, but generally harmless. " 'Centric'? Well, I'm no 'Leftic', 'n I'm def'nately no 'Rightic', sho... I guess I'm 'Centric'. Whaddya know! ...Harmless?! I'll show you 'Harmles'!" *He swings a stick around and falls over.* "I told'ye once a'fore, I'm not gunna be hibenized by the likes o' you! Aah!"

Likes, Dislikes, Fears, and Goals
Likes: Nature, visitors, sweets, music, food, cooking, uh... What else? " Pssht! Don't ferget tha' women, boy!" Oh, right...

Dislikes: You wanna take this one? "O' course! Ho-hum, 'et's see... Whelp, there's city-folk, 'n gear-dgetry, priests, wizards... All 'em skollers, really. 'N'at stuff 'ey serve at 'em parties... What's'it called ag'in?" Uh... Soap? *SMACK!* Ow! "Don't dis'er'spec yer elders."

Fears: Those little umbrellas that come in party drinks, for one... "I've told'ya a'fore, I'm not scared o' 'em! I just don't trust any'in 'at's 'at teeny 'n still needs an um'belly..."

Goals: To-"Scoot, scoot! Iss'n's mine! Uh... I like, uh... Come 'n visit me! ...I need comp'ny... :(2"
I plan 'em before I know whether or not I'll use 'em. I mean, like... I always think "Oh, that'd be cool!", but in a month, they don't seem like they'll be much fun anymore, ya know?
Character Name:
Valenth Alorae
180-190 - Depends on how fast in game time advances. I don't want ten years of game time to go by and hit age 200 as an Ilvari
Ilvari - Mistfolk
Wizard/rogue or Wizard/healer
Profession: (fletcher, blacksmith, cook, fisherman, carpenter, etc)
Body Build: (chubby, lean, athletic, toned, ripped, bulging, fat, obese, scrawny, trim, spry, etc)
Physical Description
A gaunt face with a classical nose and long pointed ears. His almond-shaped crystal blue eyes are very sharp and calculating, with a look of experiance that surpasses his age. He wears his shoulder length silvery-platinum hair parted on one side, obscuring a portion of his face.

His wardrobe consists of a cerulean tunic with a high colar, trimmed in silver, a pair of silver leggings, and a pair of shin high gray cuffed boots.

I'm not fleshing out a background until more solid information is released about the current Elanthia. But as an Ilvari approaching the age of 200, he's doing all he can to find a way to avoid the seemingly unavoidable.

Studious, inquisitive, and a lust for knowledge. Valenth is somewhat of a tactician and has survived in many cases on his wit alone. More to come once a greater picture of Elanthia is revealed.

Likes, Dislikes, Fears, and Goals

Likes: A good challenge, arcane studies, ancient ruins/artifacts

Dislikes: Ignorance, wastefullness, the mis-use and poor management of time

Fears: Becoming another 'broken' Ilvari

Goals: Survive the next 20 years and still maintain his functionality.
((Maybe Suwari will make a come-back, if they do get released at some point I'll probably be playing this character))

Character Name: Khalil ((for the moment))
Sex: Female
Age: ((not sure but she’s young, probably 23ish))
Race: Suwari
Class: Ranger/Rogue or Ranger/Bard ((at least for the moment))
Profession: Survivalist, hunter, tracker, likes to sing sometimes and tell stories
Height: ((in the normal height range of a suwari))
Body Build: Athletic with cat-like grace
Guild/Affiliation: (None)

Physical Description

Fur: Dark black/grey background fur with spots, stripes and patches of dark grays, light grays, black and some dark browns. (Think a black/grayish clouded leopard pattern).
Eyes: She has amber colored eyes.
Other physical traits: The tip of her right ear looks a little gnarled, like it’s been scratched up or chewed, due to this the ear tends to flop over a bit. The fact that the ear sits slightly lower on her head doesn’t help the matter and gives her a slightly lopsided appearance. She wears a pretty blue stone amulet around her neck, though often it’s hidden under her clothing.

Background (Basic background)
Khalil grew up in a tight-knit small group of Suwari that travels from town to town selling items and goods. She was adopted as a baby by the caravan during one of their trips to town. Khalil was always fascinated by the variety of goods that the caravan sold and traveled with from a very young age and was always eager to help. She grew up on stories told by the elders as well as skills being taught to her from the adults, such as hunting, tracking, etc. She also grew up being very close to a male Suwari kitten a few years older than her. His name was Rashane, but Khalil called him Shane for short. The two were inseparable from the start and were always by each others sides. They would play together for hours in the forests and towns that the caravan visited, many times exploring the alleys or “darker” corners of the cities/towns, sometimes being a bit of trouble-makers. Eventually the older suwari retired to a small village and Khalil and Rashane decided to continue their wanderings together. The older Suwari were worried about what kind of trouble the youngins could get into, but at least they were leaving together.

Shane and Khalil set out and wandered through the forests, living off the lands as they journeyed to see the world themselves, however during the night some feral Suwari attacked their camp. Khalil’s ear was tore up but Shane attacked the feral’s and drove them off to protect her. He was wounded in the process though. Khalil took care of him and both fearing that they might also devolve into ferals themselves they set off to begin a pilgrimage in hopes to stop the process. It was slow going with Shane’s wounds and soon the “disease” began to spread, afflicting his senses. He knew the inevitable would come before they could find any sort of cure and during the night he left Khalil a note and fled into the darkness.

She tried to track him down and find where he left, but she could find no traces of him and eventually had to give up. She left that forest, considering traveling back to the village the elders retired too, but she couldn’t face Shane’s parents and instead she’s wandered alone, fearing that she might devolve. So far she hasn’t and the wounds in her ear healed, though she still looks for a cure.


Khalil is a home both in the cities and wilds, though her wandering nature and “mission” keeps her moving from place to place. She’s a survivalist, and will do what she needs to survive. She can be personable though tends to be more shy or wary of new people and especially of different races. She speaks very quietly usually, unless angered. Khalil is intelligent, and fascinated by new things as well as pretty objects, books, things that are shiny. She likes jokes and practical jokes and will play them on people she likes. Though she will also play them on people she doesn’t like (if she’s not afraid of loosing a limb, etc as a result of the joke).

Likes, Dislikes, Fears, and Goals

Likes: Fascinating objects such as books, art, jewelry, shiny things, and old things. Jokes, practical jokes. Forests, flowers (even if they make her sneeze), being sneaky, singing/songs, stories.

Being looked down on because of her race, loud noises, being bored.

Devolving, never seeing Shane again, and not being able to complete her goal of finding a cure.
Character Name: Scaledfang Howlingfang
Sex: Male
Age: Middle-aged (35-45ish)
Race: TBD (This character will prolly not come until additional race options are available)
Class: Ranger/Warrior
Profession: Survival, Exploration
Height: 6’
Body Build: Weathered and scarred body with a feral/wild appearance
Guild/Affiliation: (None)

Physical Description
TBD. Heavily scarred body with feral features, sharp claws, and piercing eyes that reflect a wisdom older than the body.

Background (Basic background)
A soul set free from the defeat and destruction of his own god, has roamed thru many dimensions and visited a great number of worlds. Upon some of these worlds, he’s had the ability to assume the identity of various inhabitants, learning their ways and strengthening the power of their people. None of these worlds have felt right to him as he searches for a world that resembled the one he was thrust out of, as his soul was absorbed by the dimensional rifts surrounding a deity’s destruction.

In his past, he was considered “evil” by all, his race the most hated of the world. He was a young feral lord. His companion and his own abilities were all that he could rely on to survive. One day however, he was befriended by a druid. Upon first meet, he had tried to kill the druid, but was helpless, even his warder would do nothing to help him. The druid had been tracking him for days, watching his movements and contemplating the fate of the young lizard. When the druid finally showed his face, Scaledfang attacked out of instinct, fearful of the hatred shared by so many. The druid did not kill him tho, instead, the druid sat down on a bush and began to talk. Wolffangs was his name, raised in the woodlands, much like the young lizard had been. He talked of days to come, power to gain, and a world to save. Scaledfang cared nothing of this world, but the talks of power gained his interest. One day he would be powerful enough to kill this druid without a second thought. The druid knew the plans of this lizard, but he believed he could turn this demented feral lord into a strong travel companion, with the right encouragement.

So a strange friendship was born, between an elven druid, and that of a feral lizard. They traveled together for years, both gaining strength, the feral lord intent on one day killing the druid and all other that would dare attack him. He would join great armies against amazing and terrifying beasts, advancing his own power exponentially. One day however, he stopped hating the druid. His power had surpassed the druid’s, yet he did not attack him.

Alone he sat, in the middle of a vast forest, staring at his claws caked in fresh blood. His arms and chest layered with scars from past battles. His weapons glowed with power stolen from extraordinary beings. Wolffangs appeared in front of him in an instant, looking down on the aged Iksar. Scaledfang stood, looked him in the eyes, and only nodded as they both understood. It was time for them to meet their fates.

Together they traveled into the planes of ascended beings, to join a great army designed to vanquish the gods from their world. For weeks they fought, until at last almost all of the “gods” had been slain. His belief in his own deity had begun to lessen over the past few years, until he finally lost all of his “faith” in their powers. He learned they were just strong beings that staked claim to his world, not godly at all. It was his mission to destroy them.

Before him he could see the massive behemoth that he once called his god. Roaring loudly, he ran straight at the being that once struck fear in his heart. As he sunk his claws into his own god, he felt his soul being torn from him. His strength was being drained with every strike, and when the being was destroyed, his soul was ripped from his body. The lifeless lizard fell to the ground, with one claw still imbedded into the side of the gigantic corpse.

Alone, his soul wandered the vast dimensions, ever searching for a way to return or to find a world that he could call home. In each world he visited, he was unable to call upon the powers he once possessed. Each time, he was forced to learn the ways of the new world and develop new abilities depending on the magics of that world. In each world tho, he felt distracted, unable or in some cases, unwilling, to fully align his spirit with the new world and call it home. So he traveled, dozens of worlds he visited, each unique, but none were home.

He stumbled upon a new world, with forests as rich as the ones he remembered from home. He searched for a new form to assume in this world. He knew he could usurp anyone, but he could not pull just any soul out of their own body, only unhappy and lonely souls would willingly give up their husk for his use. He found a victum, slumped against a tree deep in the forest. An older gentleman, scarred from brawls, with a stench of liquour and eyes that were in pain. Scaledfang drew closer to the body, slowly willing the current tenant to withdrawal. The man closed his eyes, hunkered down, and fell asleep.

Scaledfang opened his eyes, peering at the world around him with new vision. It wasn’t home, but maybe this world would suffice. He got up, felt the creaking in his bones, his back aching, and his stomach growling. Using knowledge from worlds past, he crafted himself a bow, and few arrows, and began his hunt for food. He spent weeks within the forest, gaining strength in his new body, calling it his own. The old man that once was, was now reborn, stronger, faster, and more agile.

As the magics began to flow thru him, he started to understand the ways of this new world and the desires of the creatures in the forest. As he moved through the forest, he came across a creature that held a strange resemblance to his warder in his past life. Moving in slowly, he began to befriend the young beast, holding out a slab of deer as an offering of trust. Slowly he began to calm the beast, and befriended him with a touch to the snout. He had his companion again, now his heart ached only for his lost friend.

The question still remained within him if this world would become his new home, or if he would once again leave another world behind. Time would tell.

Personality Calm demeanor even in the fiercest of battles, with a cold calculating heart and no fear of death. He lives to be free of civilization, and only visits towns for supplies. Holds no preconceived notions of nobility, and is honorable only to his own form of justice. Those that cross him die, but those that earn his friendship will notice an odd level of honor and trust.

Likes, Dislikes, Fears, and Goals
Likes: Battle, and his companion
Dislikes: Stupidity, crowds, and liars
Fears: Never seeing his old home again, and being unable to find a new one.
Character Name: Kiche Howlingfang
Sex: Female
Age: Teen (19ish)
Race: TBD (Depends on race of Scaledfang)
Class: Healer/Wizard
Profession: Scholar
Height: 5’
Body Build: Young and voluptuous, slender build, but still muscular
Guild/Affiliation: (None)

Physical Description
TBD. Long red hair with white highlights, high cheekbones, and very timid appearance

Background (Basic background)

Kiche came home in the late evening, after training with her wizard instructor. She set her books on the table, and sauntered into the kitchen to prepare dinner for the evening. Shortly after she sat down, a knock came to the door. It was a short man, of stocky frame, and blood dripping from his forehead, a friend of her father’s. He told her of the thugs that had attacked them on their way back from the city. Her father, Gabel, had been brutally beaten and was unable to walk back. He had gone to town to sell their last cow, a feeble attempt to keep the bankers from taking their home.

They ran to the neighbors and borrowed two horses, swiftly running back to where the gentleman had left her father. When she got there, all she could find was where he had sat down and rested, and then some very light footed tracks leading into the forest. Her father had vanished, and it was much too late to track him tonight. With her head hung low, holding back tears, they slowly walked back to the cottage, hoping he had somehow made it back, or perhaps they would see him along the road.

A week passed, and the entire village had helped trying to track her father in the forest, but to no avail. He had been declared dead, and the town council awarded her the house, that was taken away a week later by the bank. Alone, with only a few belongs on her back, she was determined to find her father or die trying. So into the forest she went, scared and alone, she walked for days, constantly calling out his name.

A month after her father had gone missing, she caught a strange scent deep into the forest on the other side of the mountain. It smelled of venison, and she was starving! After a month of eating nuts and berries, she sprinted towards the smell, hoping whoever it was would be willing to share. She found the campfire, but it was empty, except over the fire was a fresh deer leg, ready to be eaten. Cautiously she sat, and began to devour the meal before her. Suddenly, from behind her something sharp -----ed her neck.

She jerked, and blood flowed from the back of her neck, and a strange, yet familiar, raspy voice demanded to know who she was. Her eyes bright with fear, slowly turned to gaze upon her assailant. Before her was a very strong man, with a wild look in his eyes that sent a shiver down to the very tip of her spine. He wasn’t holding a knife to her neck she realized, that was a claw. The claw of a bear, he was wearing it like a glove! He stepped toward her, to grab her shoulder, when she jumped to her feet!

“Father! Where have you been?! And… what happened to you?” She couldn’t understand it. Her father was no hunter. He was barely even a farmer. Yet here he was, looking the part of a fierce hunter, a look that would frighten even the bravest of soldiers. His body covered in dried blood, his hands shoved into the paws of a bear like the claws were his own. His eyes were wildly different; her first thought was he had gone mad. His physical appearance was stronger, more defined, no longer did he have the depressed look that haunted her at night.

Scaledfang looked away from her, half in shock, and half in regret. The body he had stolen wasn’t alone. The man had a daughter. Scaledfang was beside himself, and didn’t know what to do. If he gave the body back, it would merely fall lifelessly, as the spirit that once inhabited it was long since dead. He turned back towards her, and looked deep into her wide and fearful eyes.

“I won’t harm you, but… I’m not who you think I am” he replied. Her shoulders dropped, and she started to back away. Before she could even react, he picked her up, threw her over his shoulder and disappeared into the forest. Fast, he was faster than the wind it seemed. She pondered how this man, her father, could have changed so drastically in a month. She knew she should be screaming, but something about him put her at ease. So she contemplated. What did he mean? Not who she thinks he is? He truly has gone mad. She would wait out this madness. So quietly she allowed him to carry her. For an hour he ran, at full sprint, until he reached a cave, and let out a whistle.

As he set her down, a huge beast walked out of the cave, its tail wagging, but its jaws dripping of blood. Now that was enough to send her reeling and screaming at the top of her lungs. “Calm down” her father replied. “He wont bite, he’s just here to keep the bear out.” He motioned her over to a log inside the cave. She calmed and quietly sat down on the log, her body clenched in fear, not knowing what was next.

Scaledfang sent the beast out to hunt, and sat beside her on the log. He began to explain to her what happened to her father, careful not to mention that he had essentially stolen the body and forcibly removed the poor man’s spirit. He told her of his past world, of his unexpected departure, and even of some of the other worlds he visited. He led her to believe that her father had passed in his sleep, so Scaledfang slid into the body after he passed and took possession. It was easier for her, and he believed she would not be as mad. He pondered to himself, in the old days he would have merely killed her and had a grand dinner. Instead he’s worried about her feelings. His travels had made him weak, he decided.

As they talked, she revealed to him the problems her and her father had been going through, the crop failures, the loss of his cattle to the wolves, and the loss of their home after his disappearance. She told him of the loss of her mother last winter, from a very bad sickness, and how it had devastated them. Scaledfang began to realize why the spirit had freed so eagerly. It was heart-broken. Just as well then, he thought to himself.

After they talked for a while, Scaledfang stood, and looked directly into her eyes. “You will stay with me. Together we will hunt, and gain strength. Should this world prove to be a place I can call home, then our adventures will be grand.” She sat there silently, eyeing her father, trying to understand all that been told to her. Finally, she nodded, and lay down to sleep.

Calm and collective, uses a lot of common sense. She longs for her true father’s return, but welcomes the new personality inhabiting her father. She’s very curious of her current situation, and considers it and other “odd” situations with extreme care.

Likes, Dislikes, Fears, and Goals
Likes: Chocolate, Freedom to do as she wishes
Dislikes: Events she cant control, and the smell of Scaledfang’s beast.
Fears: Dark rainy nights, bugs, and creatures with sharp teeth.
I honestly don't know what I'm going to do with Azdel in HJ, so I guess I'll just write about his role in the stories I created him for.

NAME: Azdel
AGE: Varies between stories
RACE: Daemon
HEIGHT: 6'5"
APPEARANCE: Stark white skin, silvery hair reaching to his knees, effeminate face, glowing red irises, somewhat slender physique

BACKGROUND: Eons ago, there were two races in the Universe: Angels and Daemons. The Angels were inherently righteous, while the Daemons knew only evil. These two opposing sides of the Karmic coin created a cosmic balance between Light and Darkness that kept the universe in order. Then, there appeared a new race known as Humanity. While Angels and Demons had well-defined purposes to dictate their actions, Humans had no specific place in the divine order, and thus, they were free to behave as they wished. At first, this was not a large problem, but as Humans grew in numbers, they found themselves forced to compete for their desires and began conflicts with each other. Eventually, the Dark Karma they gave off overtook the Light, and the lack of balance began to tear the universe apart.

Realizing the fate of all that existed was in their hands, the Angels channeled the excess Darkness into a vessel that was void of it, a pure-hearted man named Azdel. Unfortunately, Humanity's Dark Karma continued to overpower it's opposing force, and thus, it kept flowing into Azdel until it eclipsed the purity in his heart, transforming him into a Daemon. The more Darkness filled his heart, the more powerful he became, eventually surpassing the Two Lords themselves. His existence needed to end, but his destruction would only release the Dark Karma that created him, and so, in a last desperate bid to preserve the universe, the Angels sent their most powerful warriors to cast him into an alternate realm and eliminate both threats. Their success was narrow, and came at great cost, for only two survived, one of them cast into the void with Azdel after being consumed by his Darkness.

4,000 years later, Humanity's Darkness has yet to upset the balance again, but that may soon change. 18 black hearts have heard a voice from beyond the bounds of our existence, and now seek to find it the one thing it requests... A way back.
Character Name: Alenamora (OOC: different from the character I submitted to Kuzzle for WoE2, but I love the name)
Sex: Female
Age: indeterminate (see Race, need lore)
Race: indeterminate: human with slight Ilvari features or Ilvari with slight human features
Class: Cleric/Bard
Profession: full-time cleric
Height: 5'0"
Body Build: thin
Guild/Affiliation: starting unaffiliated

Physical Description
Alenamora is thin. Beyond attractively thin, she's near-death thin. Her skin is pale and all her colors are faded. She shaved off her hair some time ago to not have to deal with it falling out. Most of the time her gaze is distant, as if she's seeing something that nobody else has.

Alenamora, as a young girl, sought the gods on her own. The visions described to her by the local clergy were her goal: she didn't want to be merely dedicated, she wanted to be one of the chosen. Unfortunately, something did find her, and showed her how death is a part of life - and gave her a glimpse of what awaits some beyond the grave. She was shown neither a heaven nor a hell, but a vast plain where many moved, constantly in search of another to touch but unable to see those around them.

This vision ravaged her mind, sending her into a stupor in which she needs to be reminded to eat, to sleep, to do almost everything. She told only her mother of what she saw - her mother recognized that with her Bardic talent, in this case the Voice, she had an innate need for others. Seeing only one vision of the afterlife where one was cut off drove Alena mad because she didn't recognize or know how to deal with that need. Alena's mother wandered off into the lands to seek one who could trigger another vision of another Afterlife in her daughter; she hasn't been seen since.

It's been over a year since her mother disappeared. Her parents and siblings were enough to keep her alive, but lately it's been an losing struggle. However, something has just happened. The spark, much dimmed, has returned to her eyes. She swears that her mother has called her, and in that call was contained hints of The Answer that she's sought. The Bardic school that her mother trained with has taught her the rudiments of using her Voice, but before they could teach her the need it causes she had already left on her quest.

(OOC: If character appearance respecs are available, the description I put in for her is completely valid. She'll start as thin and worn-looking as possible, and slowly blossom over time as she finds her Purpose - purportedly including her mother. If for some reason they are not available, the Bards restored her physical strength, thus putting her appearance as 'not quite attractive, but distinctly enhanced by her Voice')

(OOC: I'm using this section entirely for my guidelines for playing her) Never let death bother you. Use short sentences unless somebody is talking about death, the afterlife, or their family. Then talk quickly and at length. Always walk when not in a dangerous place. Never eat or drink in public unless somebody urges.

Likes: Cats, children, healers of all sorts (including necromantic healers)
Dislikes: Necromancers who use the dead, Clerics who preach the fear of death
Fears: The Afterlife she's seen, large open plains
Goals: Find Mother. Nothing else matters. Make allies along the way. If there is a better Afterlife out there, preach it. It may very well be the utter fear of death or Afterlife that's causing some of the Broken.
((Oi, here goes nothing. Just one of my characters since I do not know if Suwari will really be in or not. Most of this, mainly the description and colors are subject to change.Yes yes, just a rough sketch I can flesh it out later.))

Character Name: Teranash Numelton
Sex: Male
Race: Mistfolk
Class: Rogue/Gearknight
Profession: Self-indulged Hero
Height: 6' 11"
Body Build: Very lean and feminine looking(For a man. ^^) His build belies his true strength.
Guild/Affiliation: None(Subject to change as you well know.)

Physical Description: Trimmed blue hair in a ponytail with streaks of grey and white showing his age. Grey eyes and a relatively non-descript face.

Background: A wandering self-indulged hero, he tends to flit from place to place. Mainly stopping in towns to flirt with the men and show off his hot body. No one really knows where he came from or about his past. (AKA it's a secret.)

Personality: Very Effeminate, he loves to embrace friends and strangers alike in hugs for no reason. Utterly enjoys talking in the third person.He loves to collect odd things like dinner utensils, mugs and bottles of wine.

Likes/dislikes/fears and goals:

Likes:Himself, enticing other men in to his bedroom, water, sensuality.

Dislikes: Most women, Evil in general.

Fears: Fears permanent scars and malfunctions of his body. Being alone for long periods of time.

Goals: None, besides to be a real Man's Man.
((Oi, here goes nothing. Just one of my characters since I do not know if Suwari will really be in or not. Most of this, mainly the description and colors are subject to change.Yes yes, just a rough sketch I can flesh it out later.))

Character Name: Teranash Numelton
Sex: Male
Race: Mistfolk
Class: Rogue/Gearknight
Profession: Self-indulged Hero
Height: 6' 11"
Body Build: Very lean and feminine looking(For a man. ^^) His build belies his true strength.
Guild/Affiliation: None(Subject to change as you well know.)

Physical Description: Trimmed blue hair in a ponytail with streaks of grey and white showing his age. Grey eyes and a relatively non-descript face.

Background: A wandering self-indulged hero, he tends to flit from place to place. Mainly stopping in towns to flirt with the men and show off his hot body. No one really knows where he came from or about his past. (AKA it's a secret.)

Personality: Very Effeminate, he loves to embrace friends and strangers alike in hugs for no reason. Utterly enjoys talking in the third person.He loves to collect odd things like dinner utensils, mugs and bottles of wine.

Likes/dislikes/fears and goals:

Likes:Himself, enticing other men in to his bedroom, water, sensuality.

Dislikes: Most women, Evil in general.

Fears: Fears permanent scars and malfunctions of his body. Being alone for long periods of time.

Goals: None, besides to be a real Man's Man.

He sounds like he would be an interesting character to form a party with. I'll bet there would never be a dull moment! :D2
He sounds like he would be an interesting character to form a party with. I'll bet there would never be a dull moment! :D2

He aims to please. ^^ Literally. (It can be taken both ways technically. It just depends on your views.)
Sex: Female
Age: 16-18
Race: Ilvari
Class: (Not yet settled, but whatever it is will have at least a healing subclass if not a healing main class)
Treasure hunter, part time fortune teller.
Height: 5’3”
Body Build:
Thin, not very toned. Smaller bust and wide hips.
Guild/Affiliation: (this obviously may change once the game comes out, but some characters may already have a guild or affiliation)
None currently.

Physical Description:
At first glance, Uta looks the perfect part of the damsel in distress. She’s small, almost waif-like. Her eyes are large and dark brown and her lips like rose-buds. Her nose is delicate and over-all, her skin is clear and pale, making her black hair almost striking against it. Despite all this, she never did quite develop a full bust and her ears have always been a bit on the large side.

Uta wears clothes that are mainly able to allow her to move/climb easily while still looking feminine and showing a minimal amount of skin.

Uta spent most of her life in a small, run-down charity schoolhouse of the White Lotus.
Uta's parents felt it best for her to be well-rounded and learn the way of those without her luxeries while going through her training in healing. The family is actually quite well-to-do, but she never really learned to rely on the family's money.

She currently travels with a woman named Farahl Shadewhisper as her partner.
At first glance, Uta seems to be a calm, serene girl. In all actuality, she is actually quite mischievous while also being a little naive about the ways of a city’s streets and the people who frequent them. The look of calmness is a schooled look that rarely drops, her being proud of her ability to control her emotions.

Uta has been known to play small jokes on people while keeping a perfect poker face. It isn’t abnormal for her to tell someone she just met white lies such as “Farahl is my sister” just for an inward laugh as they try to fathom how the two could possibly be related. Her wish to make those around her feel happy while also having the tendency to want to make up stories makes her the perfect fortune teller when funds run low. Not so surprisingly, she is a firm believer in destiny and fate. Because of this fascination with destiny, she is interested in collecting a variety of wyr and learning the fates of all those heroes long past that are connected to them.

This is one tidy elf. At every stop for the night, she takes a thorough bath and if there is a picture that is crooked at an inn, she’ll be the first to get up and cross the room just to fix it. Life with Farahl has also caused her to develop sort of an ego.

Likes, Dislikes, Fears, and Goals
Likes: Comfortable places, butterflies, tribal jewelry, books, temples, singing, being clean, wyr, and adventure.

Dislikes: Messiness, drinking, compliments (doesn’t know how to handle them), pain.

Fears: Farahl’s death, living life alone.

Goals: To make a difference in someone’s life. A nice collection of wyr gotten along the way would be nice as well.
Character Name: Farahl Shadewhisper
Sex: Female
Age: 19
Race: Human
Class: Warrior/Rogue
Profession: Treasure hunter/Explorer "The dead can't OWN things..."
Height: 5'11
Body Build: Very athletic and toned without entering female body builder territory, with abs you could fold steel on.
Guild/Affiliation: None!

Physical Description As I stated earlier, a very athletic build and red hair that will be either tied back or kept fairly short (depends on what style the game engine will allow me). A tanned caucasian skintone and bright green eyes. The clothing/armor is also going to depend on the game engine.
(insert here)

Farahl is adamant about keeping everything about her life prior to being 16 a complete secret beyond the fact that her parents were "Okay, but I haven't seen them for a few years." Details after that however she is rather glad to supply. She'll often regail people about her amazing adventures exploring the most dangerous places she can find in the hunt for profit, treasure, magical artifacts and even just the thrill of exploring a new place.

She has recently picked up a travelling partner of sorts, Utavis (Though Fara always sticks with just 'Uta') and they get along quite well despite Farahl's excessive enthusiasm for extremely dangerous adventures.

Farahl is loud, brash, co cky (Swear filter picks up ----y..urgh.) and generally tomboy-ish on most fronts. Her initial reaction to most negative situations is to act out violently, but when it really counts she can force herself to keep from lashing out and act calmly (though typically her arrogant, condescending tone can't help but shine through). She generally considers herself better, smarter and stronger than most other people and is never afraid to demonstrate it. It's very difficult for most to be accepted fully by her and she finds most of the 'friends' she makes are a result of people who know Farahl well reasurring others that she's not half bad.

She is a near obsessive danger-seeker, often acting like she beleives herself immortal. She will never hesitate to leap into a fight she has even the tiniest chance of winning or delving into the most dangerous of ruin. Authority figures also mean very little to her, often interpreting laws as she sees fit or ignoring them entirely.

Despite the massive, glaring flaws she posseses once a person gets close to her they can find Farahl has great insight into many situations and will usually be willing to help a friend through a problem (though more often than not she'll just tell someone to "Stop being such a freakin' wuss.").

Likes, Dislikes, Fears, and Goals
Likes: Exploration, canines, her abs, fighting, alcohol, nature.
Dislikes: The rich, authority figures, lazy people, cats, strong smells, the cold.
Fears: Starvation, losing the use of her eyes, pregnancy.
Goals: Aside from exploration, adventure and treasure? Well there's something, but it's a secret.