Season 5 episode 20


Update 03/16/ Lugia

Original: Thanks to Manu at

The working title for episode 20 is "Blood Ties."

*I wonder what that could mean??*
Maybe Sloane tells Sydney that he's her real father because he's in trouble (please no). Or Sark's related to Lauren (please please no). Or something like that.
I'm sorry, but that s.o.b. (aka Sloan) is working on something with that line about being Syd's father. Let's say for the sake of argument that he indeed had an affair with Irina. And Sloan will never know for certain unless he takes a DNA test along with Syd. The last thing I would do as a potential father would be to recruit Syd into SD-6. And then order to have Charley killed. Even if he values Rambaldi's prophesy above all else, why would he place Syd directly in his path?
I think that it has something to do with katya derevko coming back to carry out whatever it is that Irina has planned. When she talked to sloane on the phone it was obvious to me that she's protecting Irina and helping her carryout her master plan. Ofcourse syd and jack will come into play because their somehow involved in irina's plan. so its thus blood ties.
I agree that it's problaby Katia coming to help Jack and/or Irina. They haven't done enough with Sloane's supposed affair (which I think is just more felgercarb coming from Sloane), and they need to spin it out more before they can actually invole Sydney or even Jack.