
Title -- Eruption

Summary -- Sydney wants truth, and she'll do whatever it takes to find it. Even if it means facing her parents, her friends, and her past. However, finding the truth won't be that easy. Can she change her destiny, or is it too late? Can the eruption be prevented?

Disclaimer -- I own nothing. I am a broke teenager, who just wishes that January would hury up and get here, so I can watch Season 4 already!!

Rating -- Anywhere from G to PG-13

Author's Note -- Well, I'm sick of waiting for Season 4 to come. So, I decided that I would make my own Season 4 to ease my suffering. That way, I won't be disappointed. There will be new characters introduced, old ones brought back, and many mysteries revealed. Plus, the Rambaldi storyline is going to get wrapped up. Well, I hope you enjoy!


Chapter 1 -- Enough is Enough

She stared at her father, in disbelief. She couldn’t believe it. She really couldn’t. Why? It didn’t make sense. He had betrayed her before. All for the greater good though. But this? Why he betrayed her this time, she had no idea. It wasn’t to protect her, that was clear.

“Sydney, let me explain” he finally spoke.

“No, let me explain!” she sobbed.

“All my life, you have been lying and betraying me. Why, I didn’t know. But you filled me in. They were all to protect me. But this time, this isn’t about protecting me. Why did you… this doesn’t make sense” she shouted, breathing rapidly.

“Sydney, this… I did this to protect you”

“Bulls***! That’s bulls*** and you know it! This isn’t even about me! This is about you! The prophecy… my two missing years… Vaughn marrying Lauren… you knew! And why? So you could get back at mom? So you could keep me from finding my sister?”

“No! This has nothing to do with your mother!” he shouted, angry that she even brought that up.

“I think it does” she said between sobs.

“Sydney, listen”

“No!” she shouted.

She gathered the documents up, and walked right past him. She stopped for a second, and looked back.

“I want nothing to do with you… ever again”


“Project SAB47 has been compromised”

“So, she found out?”


“Don’t worry. I will silence her”


Sydney arrived home late. She was exhausted from her day. All the lies. All the betrayal. She couldn’t take it anymore. She wanted to go to sleep, and never wake up. She wanted to run off to some far place, away from all these nightmares. She threw her suitcase across the room, and with impressive force. She managed to smash a hole in the wall.

“Temper, Sydney. Control your temper” a woman’s voice said.

Sydney knew that voice. She knew exactly who it was.

“So, did dad send you? I’m surprised you came, if he did” she said, sitting down on the couch next to the woman.

“Yes… and no. Your father did send me here, but I was going to come anyway” she explained.

“Then dad didn’t tell me that he wanted me to kill you” she replied.

“No, Sydney. You’ve got it all wrong. But it’s pretty impressive how you have managed to put that together in such a short amount of time” the woman said.

“Mom, I know you didn’t come here to toy with me. So, what do you want to share?” Sydney asked.

“Project SAB47... Your father wasn’t the only one. I was too” Irina answered.


“You’ll know more in time”

Irina got up off the couch, and walked to the coat rack to get her coat.

“Mom, don’t you dare leave! I need answers! I deserve answers!” she screamed.

“You don’t deserve anything!” Irina replied, in a harsh tone.

“If you leave this house, I will hunt you down and beat those answers out of you!” Sydney shouted.

Irina turned around, revealing a pistol that she had hidden in her coat pocket. She aimed the gun at Sydney.

“I won’t be going anywhere. You won’t be going anywhere… yet” she replied, and fired at Sydney.

So, should I update? I know it's kind of boring, but it will get better. 👎 👍 ?

Chapter 2~ It Runs in the Family

Sydney opened her eyes, and looked around. She was in a different room. She looked around, and noticed it was a bedroom. Not her bedroom, though. She was in a different house. Last thing she remembered was her mother shooting her in the neck. She touched the spot where her mother had shot her, and noticed there was a bandage over it.

“She shot me with a tranq dart…” she mumbled.

Sydney got up, and walked out of the room. She walked into what appeared to be a hallway, and noticed that there was a huge window.

“Snow… snow?!?” she shouted.

“That’s right, Sydney. You’re in Siberia”

Sydney turned around, only to see her aunt standing the doorway.

“You! You had something to do with this, didn’t you?!? Why am I here?!? What do you want?!? Why did you try to shoot me?!?” Sydney blurted out.

“My, you are worse then your mother. I guess Irina hasn’t filled you in?” Katya asked, walking down the hall.

“Are you asking me, or just stating a fact?” Sydney replied, following after her aunt.

Katya laughed.

“You have your father’s wits. You’re a perfect blend of Jack and Irina... but mostly Irina. I can see why it pains him to look at you...” Katya said, entering the living room.

“That man is not my father, anymore then I am his daughter. I’m just… an experiment to him” she said coldly, as she watched her aunt take a seat. Sydney did the same.

“Honestly, is that what you believe? Your father doesn’t think of you as an experiment, and you know that” Katya replied.

“Oh, and you know this from the good… let’s see… couple of hours you spent with him?” Sydney countered.

“My, you are your mother’s daughter” she muttered.

“I want answers, and I want them now. If you don’t answer me, you’ll regret it”

“Whoa, my niece is threatening me now? You’d threaten your own aunt?”

“I don’t care who you are! If you aren’t helping me, then you’re standing in my way! And I want have anyone blocking me from the truth. I don’t care if you’re the devil himself! Give me answers, or step aside!” Sydney shouted, clearly angry.

“Everything you say… everything you do… they’re all things Rina would say and do. You may not want to admit it, but you and your mother are exactly the same: stubborn, bold, and you don’t know how to keep your mouth shut. Doesn’t matter. Rina learned the hard way. Since you never grew up with any siblings to teach you, I guess it’s time you learned now. I will teach you” Katya replied.

“Teach me? What could you teach me? I think I’ll be the one teaching you! Now watch closely, because I’m only going to do this once…”

Sydney kicked a nearby chair in the air, and then at Katya. Katya quickly moved out of the way, avoiding harm.

“Pretty impressive. But your just a child. You still have much to learn. Plus, haven’t you ever heard to respect your elders?” Katya said, kicking the same chair in the air, and then kicking it at Sydney.

Sydney dodged the chair, as well.

“Don’t call me that! I’m not a kid! I’m sick of everyone treating me like a child. I’m a big girl, now! I can handle the truth!”

“From your reaction at the bank, when you saw the SAB47 documents… I don’t think you can handle the truth”

“You! You have something to do with it, don’t you?!?”

“Maybe. Why don’t you try to find out?” Katya said, provoking her niece.

“Don’t tempt me… you won’t like me when I’m angry” Sydney replied, with gritted teeth.

“Well, we’ll see”

“Yes, we will” Sydney said, picking up a vase of flowers, and throwing them at Katya. This caught her aunt of guard, and then vase hit Katya directly.

“Mistake number one! Never take your eyes off me! Mistake number two! Never underestimate me! And mistake number three! You made two mistakes. If this were real, and I was really trying to kill you, you’d be dead by now” Sydney said.

“Am I being lectured… by a kid?” Katya muttered.

Katya looked around, until she found a weapon.

“Fine Sydney! You want to play dirty, well, I created foul-play!” Katya said, picking up a fire place poker, and running at Sydney with it.

She swung it at Sydney, but Sydney ducked, avoiding serious harm. She then grabbed Katya’s arm, and twisted it, causing her aunt to drop her weapon. This caught Katya by surprise.

The room was filled with loud clapping, and both Sydney and Katya turned around to see Irina, who was watching the entire thing.

“Very good Sydney. You’re impressive. Katya, you were defeated by a child… my child… how does it feel?” Irina asked.

“Please. Loosing to you is bad enough. But loosing to your daughter, when I have years of experience on her, that’s the worst” Katya said, stalking out of the room.

“Sydney, your father is in the kitchen. He’s waiting to see you” Irina said, breaking the silence.

“Well, I don’t want to see him. I’m tired of hearing excuses” Sydney said, as she was about to walk away.

“The truth. He will- we will tell the truth, and nothing but the truth. We swear” Irina said.

Sydney turned around, as if she was going to say something, but nothing came out.