Gamer bites neighbour's penis

Azhria Lilu

Not funny really, I suppose, but yeah I laughed.

Apparently the guy (Jason Martin) was asked by his neighbour (a former friend) to turn down the volume while he was playing xbox. When Jason saw his neighbor outside, he bit through the neighbour's pyjamas penis "like a sandwich" *pauses to die of laughter again* Apparently the neighbour needed stitches.

How the Judge kept a straight face while saying the following is beyond me:-

‘You also set out to humiliate him by taking hold of his penis and testicles and gnawing at them.’

Full story here anyway - Gamer bites neighbour on penis in Xbox row
When the pair met outside, Martin bit through his victim’s pyjamas ‘like a sandwich’.

ROFLMAO - I guess he wanted a little "Salami" in his sandwich for extra, how can I put it? Taste? . :LOL:

Jokery aside. The guy had two teeth? odd, I'm assuming had there been more teeth, the guys rucksacks would have taken a hit. lol Sorry, can't take this story seriously. :LOL:
This is disturbing on so many levels. Also this thing must be alien. It's a known fact that whenever you see or hear about someone whom in any way have injured their groin, there is also a universal pain or feeling of unease that every man on the planet share in.