General question-phone ringing [edit]


Those piercing baby blues
ok so I haven't watched season 4, but have you ever noticed, that whenever the shot is in an office, whether it be the CIA, SD-6 (and maybe APO in season 4, i don't know) that there is ALWAYS a phone ringing in the background? :confused:

I'm serious... go to any DVD you have, switch to any shot that is in an office and the first few seconds of the scene has a phone ringing

... why? No, like seriously, it's kinda annoying...
Bubbles said:
ok so I haven't watched season 4, but have you ever noticed, that whenever the shot is in an office, whether it be the CIA, SD-6 (and maybe APO in season 4, i don't know) that there is ALWAYS a phone ringing in the background? :confused:

I'm serious... go to any DVD you have, switch to any shot that is in an office and the first few seconds of the scene has a phone ringing

... why? No, like seriously, it's kinda annoying...

But in reality, that's the situation in any office. Especially a place where you have intel being exchanged/gathered at such a high rate.
but it's so annoying!! it's like, every time i watch my DVDs, my ears automatically look out for it :mellow:

oh and thanks to whoever edited the title of this topic :blush2: