HEROES Season 4, Ep 14 - "Let It Bleed" - Jan 4, 2010

"Let It Bleed" is the thirteenth episode of the fourth season of the NBC science fiction drama series Heroes, the seventy-second episode overall. It is the second episode in a back-to-back series return after the 2009 holiday hiatus. The episode aired on January 4, 2010.


Outside of New York City, 86 hours ago, Peter meets with Noah on a deserted stretch of road. He tells Noah that he wants to see him, and Noah opens the trunk and reveals Nathan's dead body. Noah says he can handle it, but Peter insists on helping.

Now, at the wake at the Petrelli manor, Nathan's secretary Elizabeth extends her condolences to Peter about the death of his brother, and wonders if the authorities know anything about how the plane crash happened. Peter says they don't know anything.

At the Sullivan Bros. Carnival, Samuel is using his ability to create an image of an attractive woman. Suddenly Doyle comes flying through the air, shattering the table that Samuel was working on. Doyle apologizes, saying he tried to stop him. Samuel turns to find Sylar restored to his proper body. He tells Doyle to get everyone to safety, but not too far. Samuel then asks why Sylar didn't kill Doyle when he had the chance. Sylar says he'll get to him and the others in good time, and then tosses Samuel the compass he used to find his way back to the carnival. Sylar says that he has returned with one thought: feast. He uses telekinesis to slam Samuel against the side of his trailer, and explains how he plans to feed on them all and become more powerful. Samuel says he has big plans for Sylar, but Sylar dismisses his supposed concern and tries to cut open his skull. Concentrating, Samuel summons a cloud of dirt to grind Sylar down to the bone. The shock and pain knocks him unconscious.

In her dorm room, Claire is checking her eyelashes when there's a knock on the door. She answers and finds Noah there. He asks if she's doing okay and Claire admits she wasn't expecting to see him. He offers her a ride but she declines and says that he lied to her about what happened between Nathan and Sylar, and let her believe she was hugging and holding Nathan, her father, when it was actually Sylar. Noah admits that they did the wrong thing and she says she needs time alone to grieve properly without being reminded of what really happened.

Angela goes over to talk to Peter and says that it couldn't have been easy for him, covering things up with Noah. Peter says that he's doing better but she doesn't believe it. He snaps at her briefly and then admits that he wants to express his anger. She figures that he wants to take revenge on Sylar, but warns against it because revenge will get him killed. Angela admits she can't bear to lose him. Claire comes in and Peter goes to embrace her, and then ask her to come with him to the kitchen. He sends the caterers out and closes the door so they can have a break and cut up lemons and limes for the wake. When he notes Noah isn't there, Claire admits that she's pissed off. Peter says that he is as well, but figures they were just trying to protect them. Angry, Claire slips and cuts her finger. Peter examines it and they realize that it's not healing. Peter apologizes, remembering he has the Haitian's power to neutralize powers. He offers to turn it off, but Claire tells him not to so she can experience the pain again. She talks about how they are there to remember Nathan, and how Nathan gave her grief for dating West, a guy who could fly. As they talk, Claire admits it feels nice to share stories about Nathan and asks if he has any. Peter chooses not to respond and goes back to the wake.

Noah arrives home, apparently unaware that Edgar is lurking outside the window. Once he turns away from the window, Edgar moves into the room and prepares to close in with his super speed. Noah spins and tasers him unconscious. He then takes Edgar downstairs to the sushi restaurant and the owner, Mr. Nozawa, lets him use the freezer. Noah then asks to have the entire restaurant for himself and pays the owner well. Lauren comes in and greets Mr. Nozawa, who he knows as the "Iron Maiden." Realizing that it's serious, Nozawa agrees to the arrangement and closes the restaurant. Noah explains that Claire didn't want him at the wake and admits that she's justified, and he isn't taking it personally. Lauren has the truth serum he requested, and Nathan explains that he's using the freezer to chill Edgar's muscles, and Quaaludes, to slow the speedster down and keep him prisoner. He opens the freezer and reveals Edgar, tied up. Noah insists that Edgar is going to tell them everything he knows about the carnival and prepares to administer the truth serum.

At the carnival, Lydia wonders why Samuel put Sylar in her trailer. He says that there's something wrong, and Sylar couldn't bring himself to kill Sylar and Doyle. He wants Lydia to find out what has changed so they can use it to their advantage. When Lydia objects, Samuel says that they all have to follow the rules, and he is having her do what she does best. He tells her not to disappoint him and leaves. Lydia smiles thoughtfully and then goes inside. She strokes the still unconscious Sylar, waking him. He grabs her and insists there's nothing wrong with him, but Lydia notes he couldn't kill Samuel. She offers to find out why. When Lydia tries to kiss him, he shies away briefly and she asks what he's afraid of. Sylar returns her embrace and Lydia gets empathic flashes. She realizes that he wants love but doesn't feel he deserves it. Sylar asks if she knows what he does to people like him. She admits that she does and he realizes that she can see people's desires and hopes. Sylar admits that he likes it and kisses her. He examines her tattoos, and Lydia explains that they're a map to find what he needs. Sylar figures that she wants to manipulate him into killing Samuel, and explains he can tell because he mimicked her power without killing her. Lydia notes that he can't kill because he's impotent, and Sylar shoves her away and leaves.

At the wake, Claire is examining a photo of Peter and Nathan together. Angela comes over and Claire figures there is no photo because Angela didn't want Nathan to acknowledge an illegitimate child. Angela admits that Claire has no reason to trust her, but she's worried about Peter and feels he needs Claire to lean on. She tells Claire that Peter is on the roof listening to the police scanner, looking for justice, and asks Claire to help him.

Claire goes to the roof and finds the radio. There's a police report about an employee firing a gun and holding hostages at an office building, and no sign of Peter.

At the building, Peter slips into the building and uses the Haitian's abilities to render a police officer unconscious. He finds one of the injured hostages, Wendy, and starts administering first aid. Claire gets into the building and finds Peter, and helps him. Wendy says that the employee is Adam Malamut, who got a gun and started shooting after he was fired. Peter goes to deal with it against Claire's advice, leaving her to maintain pressure on Wendy's wound.

Noah interrogates Edgar, beating him and asking what Samuel wants with Claire and where he is. When Edgar can't answer, Noah takes one of his Kukri knives and admires the craftsmanship. Edgar admits that it's the knife he used to cut Noah. Before Noah can start cutting, Lauren interrupts and calls him outside. She tells him that it looks like revenge and torture won't work. Lauren warns him that he's getting emotional and his crude tactics aren't getting him anyway. She suggests that he start talking to Edgar and get his story. Noah realizes that Edgar doesn't have a compass and there's a reason for it.

Adam finds Claire and prepares to shoot her. Peter comes in and makes sure that Adam keeps his gun trained on him. Peter admits that he's also having a bad day: his brother is dead and Peter had to stage his death. When Adam wonders why Peter is telling him everything, Peter says that he understands that Adam wants to punish the people that hurt him, and Peter feels the same about the man who murdered his brother. But he wants to be strong, and he promised his brother that he'd be a hero. He asks Adam not to make him a liar and reach for the gun. Adam considers for a moment… and then pulls the trigger.

A little later, the EMTs are treating the injured. Peter has a shoulder wound, but Claire congratulates him on managing to take down Adam and save the day. He then asks for Claire's hand so he can borrow her power. Claire refuses, saying that he has to stop. Peter says he can't and Claire lets him mimic her ability. She warns that she won't always be there for him. Peter heals the wound and gets up, but Claire warns that it's no kind of a life. Peter admits that as long as he keeps moving and acting on instinct, he doesn't have time to think about Nathan. Claire points out that Nathan would be pissed at what he's doing, and Peter isn't honoring his memory. However, Peter admits that he can't accept it's for real and that he misses his brother.

Noah pulls up a chair and offers Edgar a cup of tea. He admits that Edgar is only relatively unharmed because of Lauren, and has concluded that Edgar could have easily killed him if he wanted him dead. Noah asks what Edgar wants and the speedster admits that he was exiled after he learned that Samuel killed Joseph. Samuel turned the carnival members against Edgar, forcing him to leave. Edgar explains that Samuel ordered him to kill Danko and cut open Noah, but Noah doesn't believe he's a killer. The speedster explains that he's a juggler with a mastery of balance, but Noah notes he's out of balance. Edgar admits he hoped to take Noah back to win a place in the carnival again, and protect his friends against what Samuel is going to lead them. Noah admits that he's concerned as well and doesn't want his loved ones hurt. Edgar considers and then accepts the tea.

Sylar is searching for Samuel's ink so he can learn where he needs to go next. Samuel steps up and says he knows why Sylar can't kill. He says that Sylar is hurting and needs a friend, and that they all need someone to care about them. Samuel picks up the fallen drawing of the woman, Vanessa, and says that he would have moved mountains for her if she asked. He admits that she's out there, and he's afraid that she'll reject him. Samuel says that Sylar thinks the same way and that he knows Hiro told him he would die alone. He says that he's not a good guy, but he's not all bad, and he found love and forgiveness at the carnival. Samuel offers it to Sylar, who asks to be given a tattoo, saying that he'll agree to stay but only after seeing the image it makes. Samuel hesitates and then admits that he lives for games of chance. He takes some earth from a pot and prepares to make more ink.

Lauren brings Edgar up to Noah's apartment and he provides a layout of the carnival. Now they have to find it, but Noah refuses to involve Claire by using her compass. Edgar explains that he can get in with Lydia's help. They'll isolate Samuel in a backstage area and take him captive. However, when they can't assure Edgar that they can keep the others from getting harmed, either during their raid or afterward, he has second thoughts. He produces a hidden lock pick and secretly frees himself, while Noah warns that if they don’t break up the carnival family and hide them, integrating them into normal lives, they'll be easy targets. Edgar unlocks the handcuffs and says it was a mistake trusting them, and he won't let them hurt his family. He grabs the carnival layout and speeds away before they can stop him.

Upon making more ink, Samuel injects it into Sylar and they watch as it crawls across his body. Samuel tells him to relax and just let it happen. It finally forms an image on his forearm. They look at it and Sylar says that he doesn't belong there and walks away.

Claire and Peter go up to the roof and Claire says that she will stay if he wants. Peter says it isn't necessary and she decides to trust him. Peter promises that he'll always be honest with her. He then asks her to call West. When Claire agrees, Peter smiles.

Noah blames himself for letting the situation fall apart, but Lauren insists that they did the right thing. Samuel still has a psychological grip on everyone, including Edgar. Noah is worried that Samuel has influence over Claire, but Lauren assures him that burnt bridges can be rebuilt. Noah considers what she's said and then starts to call Claire… and stops.

On the rooftop, Peter uses West's mimicked ability to fly into the sky.

Samuel tapes his drawing of Vanessa back together and puts it in a drawer with other drawings of her.

Claire returns to her dorm room and finds a note from Gretchen saying she's in the library, studying late. Claire's phone rings with a message from her father. She ignores it and lies down on her bed. She's unaware that Sylar is hovering outside her window, her face tattooed on his arm.