

An Old Friend
Lasciliks by Tom

Around the turn of the century of 2100 humans developed a commercial nanofog that went viral. It was so cheap to make and maintain everyone had a set.

The Lascilliks were unrestrained and rampant results of this nanofog.

You see, people throw things away quite haphazardly and would often forget the nanofog had the ability to morph. Where they should have put the article back into its original state and recapsulated the fog, they tossed their creations like trash.

Lascillics were created from the nanites ability to molecularly change matter. Without instructions the nanites acted on an instinct for preservation. Thank God they inventor put a sized restriction on their mass.

The first Lascilliks resembled small scavengers in the landfills. As they converted more and more trash they multiplied and expanded into the surrounding communities resembling animated objects that scurried around the edges of humanity.

Nobody know who initiated the AI into the Lascillik sub-routines but they became aware shortly after the 2131 famon.
They abosorbed the media and fiction they found in the empty human dwellings. They recreated the shapes and demeanors of the waning human occupants of the planet.

They became the things of nightmares.

Humans found themselves besieged by small renditions of werewolves, vampires, demons and monsters. None were bigger than a german sheppard but they all had one thing in common...They were just as deadly as the fictional stories that created them said they were. For the remaining humans nightmares had become all too real.

Around 2135 the nanites had figured out a way to reanimate the dead. These dead animations then began 'feeding' on the living. The feeding process was to infest the living host with nanite replicas essentially disolving the living then reconstructing it with greusome features and abilities.

Of the billion or so remaining humans in 2135 only 700 million survived by 2138. By 2140 the scientists had figured out a way to rewrite the nanite programming via remote upload. Unable to 'kill' the nanites, scientist settled for rewriting their imperatives to non-lethal parameters.

In 2150, Lascilliks were peaceful but horrible monstrosities that assisted in the rebuilding of the decimated human populations. They became the workforce that sustained the human reproduction efforts.

Occassionally errant programming sent a nanofog on a murderous rampage until the nanites could be brought back under control.

Yea, monsters exist - we made them.