little sis

Title: Little Sis
Author: lonesurfergal
Disclaimer: I dont own alias or any of its charters. They all belong to J.J and abc.
Summary: the reasons for the wa sark is and how it got him there. What happens when the problem is resloved.
A/N: This is my first fic post here at I have this stiry aslo posted at I'm looking for a beta becuse i know that i will do something and screw it all up. :( But i have a direction for this and somehow i will get it there. enjoy and please review. thanks.

<span style='font-size:14pt;line-height:100%'>Chapter One</span>

8 years ago- in Europe

“Come on Julian! I don’t want to be late!” huffing and stomping her foot at the bottom of the stair case “Julian!!!”
“Ok, ok!!! I’m hear!!” laughing at how cute his little sister looked when she was in hurry. “ Come on, Julia. I’ll walk you over to the pool.”
“Don’t laugh at me.” She cried sticking out her bottom lip.
“Ok, ok. Baby.”
“I’m not a baby!”
“Yes you are.”
“No I’m not!”
“Yes, you’re my baby sister.” Laughing, he pulled her closer to him and messed with her hair.
“Fine! So I am your baby sister. But I can still kick you’re a..”
“Don’t say that word! You know better.”
“..Your butt.”
Looking down at her, he let a small smile creep out. “That’s better. So young but knows so many words.”
“Thanks because I get them from you.” She looked up and gave a full mouth grin.
“Here you go. Have fun at practice.”
“Your not going to come in with me?” she looked at her brother.
“No, you said your not a baby anymore.” Laughing he turned her so that she was looking at him. “Besides I have to go. Now go and have fun.”
“Ok.” Looking down with sad eyes she looked back up and gave her brother a hug. “I love you.”
Smiling and pushing his glasses down, he returned her hug and kissed the top of her head. “I love you too. Remember, if you finish early or anything just call me on my cell with yours.”
“Kay. Bye.”
Watching her run up the stairs and see her get about half way there, he turned and started walking in the other direction. She too watched him when she got about half way there. When she saw him turn the corner she went inside to the pool deck.

When she made her way to the pool she saw the people that she would normally not see. She waved to theme and said good afternoon. But when she went into the back area, a short cut to get to the lockers, She noticed that the area was different than usual. She thought nothing of it, she just continued on her way. Then she saw him.

Walking back towards his house, Julian’s cell phone started to ring. “Hello.”

“Julian, help. I need help.” Hearing that his sister was breathing hard into the phone, he though that she was just playing with him.

“Stop playing around and get ready Julia.” He laughed into the phone.

“I’m playing around. God! Some creepy guy is after me. I don’t know who he is.” Huffing into the phone, she keep running, trying to out run the guy. “Stay away you creep! Leave me alone!!” she screamed to someone on her side of the line.

“Come back hear you brat!” came a voice, which Julian could not place.

“Hurry Julian! Hurry!” she pleaded.

“Okay, I’m on my way!” he responded.

Running as fast as he could, he raced back to the gym, where he droped his sister off. He stood there looking for where his sister maybe. “Julian!” he looked around trying to find where his sister was calling his name from. “Julian!”

“Julia! Julia! Where are you?” he screamed running in the direction of her voice.

“Julian! Help! I’m behind you! Help!”

He turned around and saw that someone was chasing his little sister. “Julia!”

Sprinting over to where his little sister was he pulled her into a hug. Grabbing her head in between his hands he looked into her eyes and placed a kiss on top of her head. “You okay?”

“Yea now that you are here.” Hugging her brother she looked over his shoulder and saw that another creepy guy was running their way. “Julian, behind you.”

Letting go of Julia, he turned around and saw what she was talking about. He let her go and tried to fight the guy off. He heard his sister grunting and trying to do the same thing. He was hit across the head and knocked to the ground.

Julia saw that Julian was knocked to the ground. She tried to jump to her brother, but the guy that she was fighting grabbed her around the waist and threw her over his shoulder.

Screaming and kicking as much as she could she tried to get out of the mans grip. “Julian!! Julian!” coming into sobs she keep trying to reach her hands out to her big brother. “Julian!”

When he looked up from where he was on the ground he saw that Julia was going for him, when the other guy grab her around the waist and was tacking her away. He tried to get up but he was stunned with something that was injected into his neck. “Julia! Julia..” he saw that they did the same thing that they did to him. She became limp and her eyes closed. “Julia!”


hoped you liked it. please review. :D
hey sorry for the long wait. was not sure about this one. But i'm posting it.
Also im sorry for the shot post but i'm working on the rest of it. Anyways i hope you like it. enjoy!

<span style='font-size:14pt;line-height:100%'>Chapter Two</span>

“JULIA!!!!” he sprang from his bed, and looked to the clock on the night stand. He got out of his bead and walked into his bathroom. He washed his face and looked into the mirror. He turned off the bathroom light and walked into his closet. He reached up onto the shelf and brought down a large box.

He took himself and the box into the living room. He took a deep breath and opened the box and reached for a picture frame. Running his hand over her face he closed his eyes to keep the tears from falling. He then reached for a sweater that she had often wore. He had given it to her for her birthday, she had told him that she loved it. Well she did because she wore it as often as she could. He could still smell her scent on the sweater. That’s when it became too much. He buried his face into the sweater and cried for what seem to be hours.

It had been Eight years since she was taken away from him. He had promised to him self that he would do what ever it took to find her. No matter how long it took him. She would be 16 by now and him now 23. He had small leads that would always come to a dead end. Many have thought him to have no heart. He was cold to others ever since that day.

Now many still think that he cares for no one but him self. But its not true. Ever since she had gone missing, part of him had left also. She had thought of him as her own angel that he would never come to be what he is now. But he had.

He could not think of how she would react if she ever found out. He was her protector, but he had lost her. He had let some guys take her away. He was not strong enough, he was weak. He could not even protect his baby sister. Others stopped trying to find Julia, many thought she had died and could not find her body. They thought of burying a empty casket, but he said that they would do nothing till her body was found. Until then she would just be listed as to be missing. And they did just that.

But the others just stopped looking, he was on his own, he had been on his own, for years now.

He saw something that he had not seen before.

Her jewelry, he found her ring, necklace, bracelet, and earrings. He grabbed her ring and looked at it closely. He picked up her necklace and looked at the matching pendent. He place both on two different chains and wore them on his neck. He was amazed at how much she had. He closed her jewelry box, and placed it on his nightstand. He closed the box and reopened it once more.

He removed two picture frames. One was a picture of just Julia, and the other that was of both him and her, the last pictures that were ever taken of her.

~*~*~*~*~* CIA HQ ~*~*~*~*~*

Walking into the JTF building and making it across the office till they both, Sydney and Vaughn, made it to the board room, where the meeting was being held. Once they stepped foot into the room all eyes meet with theirs. They quickly took their seats, not even 10 sec. later Kendall walked into the room.

“Ok what we have so far, is that Mr.Sark, is looking for information on a girl named Julia.” Once he said that name all eyes where on him. Before even looked up he could feel the stares of everyone. “No, its not Julia Thorn. It’s a Julia that at the age of eight, had been kidnapped and all thoughts of finding her alive or even dead where put to an end.

“What we want is information on who this girl is, and why Sark wants information on her.” Looking at Marshall, he singled for him to continue.

“Oh well, thank you Mr. Kendall. Umm, what we are dealing with here is that eight years ago, Sark had stopped an order for; Ms. Julia’s burry of an empty coffin. I had looked for any DNA that I could get from the department. The bad news is that they won’t let us, take hold of the sample.”

“Wait are you saying that they won’t let us follow up on a missing persons file for eight years ago.” Questioned Vaughn, looking next to him, towards Sydney, he looked back up. “What country are we talking about?”

“England, of all places. They believe that we would use any information against them.” Jack filled in. His worry of where this was heading was growing.

Standing up Kendall stood up and paced around the room. Standing behind Vaughn and Sydney, he placed two files in front of them and placed another next to Weiss.

“Your mission for the three of you is to go to London, and find that sample of DNA. If Sark is looking for anything, it probably has something to do with weapons or worse. Your plane leaves in 20 min. Dismissed.”

With that everyone walked out of the room trying to wrap their heads around the information that they were just given. Each heading towards their own cars they talked about what they would do in the flight there.

“How about some poker?” asked Weiss.

Looking between each other they smiled since they knew how to call Weiss on his bluffs.


~*~*~*~*~ Rome *~*~*~*~*~

“I don’t care how long it takes! I want to find her!” sighing into the phone Sark rubbed his temples before talking back to the person on the other line. “Don’t call back unless you have something that will help me in the search for Julia!”

With that he slammed the phone down and placed his head in between his hands. When he looked up and across the room to where he placed the picture frames and her jewelry box. With the years going by he was becoming more and more worried about not finding her and more raged. He knew that the CIA would catch on to what he was looking for, but he was sure that they would not know why he looking for her. He could not stand it anymore. He picked up the phone again and called a contact.

“Have the plane ready in the next hour, I’m on my way. I need to pick up some things. But you better be ready when I get there.” He didn’t even wait for an answer, he hung up and grabbed a suitcase and started to pack.

Hope you loked it. Please review. Thanks
