GFX My Graphic Resume

I made this using Photoshop 3 for next month's GDC. My game design teacher and career services head are both going and they'll be handing out resumes to potential employers for the people who can't go with.
Since my interest is in level design, I wanted my resume to resemble an editor interface (Unreal Ed actually). Hopefully this will stand out from the rest.

*the grid appears blotched on my screen, the printed copy has a full grid*
Any opinions?
It certainly catches the eye and stands out which is a very good thing. At first glance it is somewhat hard to read but it's interesting enough that I keep looking at it until I figure it all out. That could be a good thing or a bad thing when it comes to someone churning through a pile of resumes. Given the field, I'd lean towards it being a good thing.

I personally would put your objective somewhere else, it's too much of an afterthought down there. The overall design makes my eye slip right past it. That said... I have no idea where else you would put it.
It's funny you say that about the objective because in editors, that's where "afterthought" information is displayed, so in a way I felt that it's in the right spot, granted it isn't very noticable, but I don't know where else to put it either lol.
Thanks though
I like it a lot. One of the things I look for almost right away is "What is it that this person wants out of this job?" and I go looking for the Objective, almost right away. If the objective is something from a tin can, I will usually skim the rest, but by then, I've lost interest. I did go hunting for yours, and grumbled at finding it at the bottom... skimming past the rest of the resume without reading any of it.

I agree with both you and Gate though. Being a designer, that is fitting; and being different can be very good for the field you're pursuing. Only other idea I can think of, is placing it under the toolbar at the top... but as already stated, I think that would be out of place... so no other ideas.

Good job on it!