Need Sci-Fi Fans for Family Feud Survey

Greetings, one and all!

We are hosting an event called Sci-Fi Feud at SpoCon 2011 in Spokane, WA and we need your help!

If you've ever seen the gameshow Family Feud, you know that the show's questions are based on a survey of random people and the contestants have to come up with the most popular answers. Since our game focuses entirely Science Fiction questions, we're looking for sci-fi fans to take our survey!

So if you could just take a few minutes to visit the links below and answer a few questions, we would really appreciate it.

And if you're nearby, planning on being in the area, or think you might be abducted by aliens and dropped off in eastern Washington after they've extracted all the information they need to invade our planet, come on by and check out the event!

The SciFi Feud Surveys!

SciFi Feud Survey 5

SciFi Feud Survey 4

SciFi Feud Survey 3

SciFi Feud Survey 2

SciFi Feud Survey 1
I did the last one, but couldn't for the life of me remember a non-humanoid alien to pick so "n/a" it was!
Man, that was a lot of questions! :eek:

In hindsight, if I could change my answer for 'most annoying fans' I would have to go with "Avatar" fans.

I did the last one, but couldn't for the life of me remember a non-humanoid alien to pick so "n/a" it was!
I went with the Horta from ST.