
hey guys! this is my second fic, so if u don't like it well, i'm sorry but i'm hoping that u will.

Rating: pg-13 just to be safe. mostly pg though.
Disclaimer: i wish i owened the characters but of course, i don't but i do own some very attractive pics of mv... never mind.
Setting: Season 1, right at the very beginning of everything.

A/N Unless I write anything that would make them not fit right or if I change them, all of the scenes are the same in this fic as in the show. Enjoy!

Syd walked into Danny's apartment. The place had been ramsacked, furniture turned over, glass broken. Where was Danny? Syd searched through the apartment when something in the bathroom caught her eye. She walked in and saw blood all over the place with Danny's body lying, dead in the bathtub. Syd knelt down and felt for a pulse. To shocked to cry, she screamed. They had done this, the people that she worked for, becaue she told Danny the truth, they killed the man she loved. Syd screamed louder than she ever had.

" No!" Syd screamed, waking herself and sitting up in bed.
" Hey, hey Syd, what's wrong?" Danny asked, having been woken up by her screaming.
" N, nothing. I just had another bad dream, a nightmare." she said lying back down. " Just hold me okay?"
" Sure, yeah." Danny said wrapping his arms around her, sencing that she kneeded to feel close to him.

Syd drifted off and woke back up over and over. She was almost afraid to go back to sleep, afraid that she would have that awful dream again. She had had it every night for the past week. But she would never tell Danny about them, it hurt to much to talk about them. They felt so real, like she had seen the things happen before. Later that night, Danny noticed that Syd was wide awake and decided that it was the perfect time to ask her what he wanted to ask.

" Syd?"
" Yeah, hey why are you still awake?" Syd asked
" Yeah, listen I know you're upset but I have something I need to ask you and now just seemed like a good time."

" Will you marry me?" Danny asked opening a velvet box,exposing a diamond engagement ring.
" Yes, yes of course I will!" Syd exclaimed and kissed Danny softly.
One week later. After Syd told Danny about the CIA. I'm paraphrasing like mad crazy but most of u have these scenes memorized anyway.

" This isn't real." Danny said walking away.
" Ever since my mother died, I've been looking for someone to fill this void. That person is you." Syd said catching up to him.
Setting: syd just got back home from her trip.

" Hey I'm back, I didn't even go home first I just..." Syd stopped, looking around Danny's apartment. She dropped her luggage and keys, everything looked the same as in her...dream.

" Oh my God!" Syd thought, running to the bathroom, wishing that this was just another dream. " Danny!" she screamed, seeing his lifeless body lying in the bathtub.

" May I help you?" the receptionist asked.
" I need to speak to your director, Mr Devlin." Syd said, her mouth bleeding and her face swollen and bruised.
" Mr Devlin isn't in right now, may I take a message?"
" Tell him, he has a walk in." Syd said.

" Come with me please." the receptionist said, leading Syd to a small office where the rest of her life was to begin.
A/N Syd still does the whole double agent thing. the only thing defferent right now is that she's having nagging feelings about the dream.
Setting: After Q&A, noah doesn't exist. yay!!!!!

" Hey," Vaughn said, standing as Syd walked into the storage room where he had been waiting.
" Hi." she said with a smile, she had climbed mt. sebasio, proving that she wasn't "the chosen one".

" I'm glad you're back and okay." Vaughn said, returning the smile. He had fallen hard for this woman and knew that he couldn't have lived without being able to see her if she was kept in FBI custody.

" Thanks for breaking me out." Syd said, unsure as to whether or not she should tell Vaughn what she had decided to tell him.

Syd had grown close to Vaughn. She trusted him with her life and with her secrets. She wanted to tell him about the dream she had before Danny died, she thought Vaughn would be the only person who wouldn't think she was crazy, who might actually believe her.

" Well, I'm just glad you're okay." Vaughn said, " For now the CIA and the FBI is putting it's resorces in to finding your mother."
" Good." Syd responded half-heartedly. Vaughn could tell she had something else on her mind.
" What's wrong Syd?" he asked.

" Vaughn I need to tell you something, something I havn't told anyone." Syd took a deep breath, " I had this dream. I must've had it 6 or 7 nights in a row and then never had it again. I dreamed about when I found Danny's body, I mean vividly, right down to the clothes he was wearing. It seemed so real, there were only two odd things about it. The first was that not matter what happened, I could never hear anything. The second was that I wasn't in my own body, it was like I was on the outside, looking in. I saw my self find him. I saw myself scream." Syd said, trying not to cry at the memory. Vaughn wished more than ever that he could hold her.

" Hey," he said soothingly, " It was just a bad memory. But the dreams went away."

" But Vaughn that's the thing. It wasn't a memory, I had that dream a week before Danny was killed. I don't know how or why..." Syd trailed off.

" Oh, oh my God, Syd are you sure?" Vaughn asked, not completely positive that Syd was serious.

" Am I sure of what? Am I sure that I dreamed of my fiancee's murder the week before he died and me having told him about Sd-6? Yeah, I'm sure." Syd said, a bit frustrated.

" Okay, okay. Well, hmm." Vaughn thought, now knowing exactly what to say, not knowing how she wanted him to handle it.

" Look, I didn't expect you to have answers. I just wanted you to know."

" Okay, well don't worry, this is just between the two of us." he said, sencing that Syd didn't want this to be common knowledge.

" Thanks." Syd said and smiled slightly, she knew her secret was safe with Vaughn.

okay guys! i'll continue this if you like it so please leave me feedback! thanks, lauren