No permission error when a game is in no category

As I was removing categories I decided not to use, I noticed that I'm getting a "No perms" error message when trying to play a game that doesn't belong to any category (IOW, to a category I just deleted). I just brought back the Other category and added all the games, no big deal.

I'm not sure if this is a normal behavior, or a bug, as I'll admit, it doesn't make much sense for a game not to belong to any category. I just thought you may be interested to know about it though.

Mental note out loud... I would think that if you delete the category that a game is associate to then the game shouldn't be playable since there is no 'no category' listing.

Deleting the category and then playing games from the delete category is not something I've tested for so I'm glad you posted this as I'm not sure I would've come across it. I'll add it to the To Do list to check out. :smiley: