C & C Not finished web site


This is my 1st web site all done by me

its decent. but it still needs alot of work, very good for your first, and i <3 web 2.0.
Right now if you like it the way it is your going to have to come up with some ideas that will take up alot of that blank space on the right side to balance out the design. Either that or move all of the content to the middle of the site.

another thing with the site is that its pretty boring, everything is just rectangular. thats ok for your first site but you want going to want to try and spice things up, but still keep your site balanced and make sure it has good flow.
Well nosedog pretty much hit the spot. if you ever need tips on webdesign feel free and aim me.
thanks a lot, see i never knew that tip its kinda obvious but it didnt occur to me. and yes i do have stuff planed for the right side, im putting all the matches calender and some more things.
Nice start for a beginner, i remember my first templates looking exactly like this, all i did was practice, and now i am l33t master :smiley:

^^ Lol
thanks a lot, see i never knew that tip its kinda obvious but it didnt occur to me. and yes i do have stuff planed for the right side, im putting all the matches calender and some more things.

lol yeah i figured you had some ideas already.
like stuff thats on those clan templates that everyone has with the members section thingy on the homepage with the members pictures, and a section that shows the teams record and past matches.
hERE IT GOES, FINISHED SITE! CAPSSSSSSSSS! lol sry i think it looks good, tell me what you think and any things you think will be good to know for next time i make one, also starting on #2 now :O
