Season 5 Quick Recap of Ep:5.12 - There's Only One Sydney Bristow

Tonight's episode was very good! Perhaps great thanks to the return of Will. :D

I was posting play-by-play at the SD-1. I'll do a quick recap before discussing the episode.


The show opens in Minsk. A limo arrives at a castle and a hooded man gets out of the car. The hood is removed to reveal it is Arvin Sloane. He has been summoned to meet with the Prophet 5 man, Joseph Ehrmann. He tells Arvin that he is going to meet "The 12." When Ehrmann indicates that he isn't going with him, Sloane surmises "You aren't allowed in that room (to see them), are you?" Joseph looks downward and his silence indicates that Arvin is right. Sloane hands him his overcoat, indicating that he considers Ehrmann a lackey now. In the sitting room a man greets Arvin and says that it is an honour to meet him and they have been admirers of his for a long time. An older man presents Sloane with their latest medical report on Nadia. The first man tells that they are will to give him a permanent cure if he will do one more assignment for them.

In a high security prison, Kelly Peyton goes to meet with Anna Espinosa to offers her a long term, deep undercover mission. When she refuses, Peyton explains that it is a chance to destroy Sydney Bristow. Now Anna is interested.

Nighttime in Sydney's safehouse, she is putting her baby into the crib when she hears a clatter in the kitchen. Jack complains that he accidentally knocked over some kitchen knives. He chides her for leaving edged weapons within the reach of children. Syd points out that the baby is only 4 weeks old. Jack adds "Especially young Bristow women." Syd asks if he checked with his field sources. Jack replies that no one has had any news about Irina since she disappeared. She then asks about Prophet-5, so he explains that there hasn't been any significant activity in the last few weeks. Sydney is troubled by that and figures out that they must be coming up with an alternate plan since the loss of the Horizon.

Arvin tells the Twelve that he needs their assurances that Sydney Bristow will not be harmed. He points out that Sydney rarely followed his orders when she thought that he was an honourable man. She is even less likely now, besides she is on her maternity leave, so he can't send her out on a mission and expect her to follow orders. They say they'll give her an incentive.

Anna finds Will at his house. She identifies herself as a CIA agent. Will is cautious, but when she mentions that Sydney Bristow is in trouble, he invites her into the house. Seeing that he has lit candles and a bottle of wine, Anna asks if he is alone. He says that he is alone, but is expecting someone soon. Anna then fires a taser at him. As Weill convulses on the floor, Anna phones that she has him.

At the APO Briefing Room, Jack and Sloane show a security video to Sydney showing that Anna has captured Will. Arvin says that her escape and knowing where to find Will indicates that Anna has high level assistance. Syd says that she doesn't trust the CIA. Jack explains that they already requested that APO are going after Will. Sloane says that they aren't asking her to return to duty. They have everything under control. Sydney says that she appreciates them wanting to keep her protected, but she is now on the case.

The doctor who was working with Irina on the freighter injects a small explosive pellet into the unconscious Will's head. Peyton says that she'll let Anna know.

Arvin telephones Sydney that Echlon has intercepted a phonecall of Anna talking about having Will. A Russian Mafia lieutenant, Yerik Semanko has Will at The Centurion nightclub in Moscow. Syd points out that Anna will probably have people alert for her at the front door. Arvin replies that he has an insertion plan.

Two male agents, Rance and Dalton, come to Sydney's house to protect the baby while Syd goes on the mission. Syd says that her father spoke very highly of them. The two men say that they'll baby-proof the house. The baby starts crying, so Sydney picks her up and explains that it takes a while for her to calm down. Rance asks to hold the baby and as soon as he takes hold of her, baby Isabelle quiets down, much to Syd's surprise. Syd apologises to the baby for having to leave. She tells her that she trying to make the world safer so she can grow up and have a normal life. Syd explains that someone she loves is in trouble, she has to help her friend. She says "Mama's got to go to work."

Nighttime outside the Moscow disco. Marcus and Rachel are standing in line waiting to be admitted. Sydney is on a rooftop watching with a high power rifle equipped with a sniperscope. Thomas is standing away from the others and notes that the security is tight and the guests are A-list. Syd fires a zip line and slides across the street to the rooftop of the nightclub. She opens a panel to the building's computer and connects a relay to it. Marshall then sends photo identification passes of Tom, Rachel and Marcus to the VIP database. Marcus and then Rachel are admitted into the disco. Seeing a guard near the roof door, Sydney asks for Dixon to make a distraction. Marcus acts like a drunk and gets into a fight. The rooftop guard gets a call to breakup the fight, so Sydney is able to enter the building and head downstairs, entering the disco. Tom then gets admitted from the front too.

Each team member are wearing eyeglasses with hidden cameras for Marshall to scan the guests with. A Russian man tries to pick up Sydney by offering to buy her a drink, but after Marshall scans him, he determines that he isn' t Semanko, so she gets rid of him by saying that she'll have club soda since her doctor advised her she can't drink alcohol while she's breastfeeding. Marshall IDs through Rachel's camera, a man wearing a concealed Makarov pistol. Then he detects he is with two other men carrying Makarovs, the one in the middle also wearing a money belt. That must be Semanko. Rachel bumps into the guy and asks him to buy her a drink. Tom comes and gets mad. They get into an argument and she slaps Thomas. Syd walks by and places a tracker on the man's collar. Tom then says "My apologies. My wife is a bit of a whore." Semanko then goes to the VIP room where he meets with Anna. They hear them arranging for Will's transfer. Anna says that he is in Room 147.

Sydney rushes to the room and finds Will is tied to a chair. She asks if he is okay and starts to untie him. He starts to warns her, but Anna comes and punches Syd. Peyton and and the Prophet 5 doctor are watching from a hidden camera. Anna cuts Sydney's arm with a switchblade knife. The doctor order "Begin data capture." There is a tracing isotope on the knife. Syd doesn't know that she's been tagged. Anna starts winning the fight and has Sydney pinned to the floor, about to plunge the knife into her. But Will gets free and grabs Anna, wrestling with her. He knees her in the gut, ducks her slash and punches her with a left, right combination. Anna falls against the blinds and falls to the floor. He turns to help Syd up and she asks where he learned how to do that. Will explains that he was taking Krav Maga figting classes. Anna escapes by smashing a window with a chair. Studying the scan of Sydney, the docotr says they have what they need.

Onboard a private jet, Syd is treating Will's cuts and bruises. Sydney wants to know if they interrogated him. He says when he regain consciousness there were several people in the room, but they left him alone. Will then asks if it is safe for him to call his fiancee. Syd is surprised to here that he has a fiancee. Will reveals that he was about to ask the painter to marry him before Anna showed up at his door. He is sure that she'll accept. Syd finds it hard to believe that he is about to marry a girl that she's never met. Will points out that they've been apart for nearly two years. When he asks what ihas been going on with her, Syd tells that she has a daughter. Will is astounded. She explains that she has a baby daughter named Isabelle. He asks who the father is. When Syd says that it is Vaughn, Will says "Of course".

At the APO, Syd tells her father that she hated having to tell her best friend that Vaughn was dead. Jack points out that the only way to ensure Vaughn's safety is keep his existence a secret. Jack suspects that Prophet-5 is behind Will's abduction in order to get to Sydney.

Ehrmann's technicians are studying DNA strands when he is speaking with Arvin by cellphone. Joseph tells Sloane to relax since everything is going according to plan.He adds that Arvin has performed admirably. Sloane asks about Nadia's cure. Ehrmann assures him once the operation is complete. Inside a room, Anna is undergoing some sort of treatment. The computer screen indicates "Isotope Data Transfer: Complete."

At her house, Sydney picks up the baby from her crib and tells Will "This is Isabelle". Will tells her that the baby is beautiful. Agent Rance comes in and asks Syd if she needs them to stay on duty overnight. When she tells him to go home, he explains that he has the surveillance equipment up. Syd then offers the baby for Will to hold. He delights in that. He then asks Syd if he is an uncle. Syd sys that he is. She then tells him that they assume he was abducted to get to her and apologises for that. Will tells her that his life is so much better because of she is in it.

The security alarms sound and the two agents rush into the nursery. Rance points his pistol at Will and tells Sydney to take the baby from him. They push him against the wall and do a sweep with a metal detector. Will asks what is going on. They find that Will has an object imbedded in his head.

At the APO, Marshall explains that there is a small subdermal bomb at the base of Will's brain stem. There is a radio receiver and a microcharge. Marshall considers that it is good news that if it explodes, there won't be collateral damage. Marshall fears that there is a failsafe device tht will detonate if they try to remove it surgically. Will's cellphone rings which startles everyone. Anna is telephoning with her demand. She wants Page 47 of the Rambaldi Manuscript. There is a train leaving from Madrid at 2100 hours where they'll make the exchange. Once they make the exchange, she give her the deactivation code.

After the call ends Dixon tells Jack that he can get the manuscript from the DSR within an hour. Jack tells him to get it. Rachel asks who Rambaldi is, so she is given a briefing after Marcus returns with the manuscript. She asks if Syd is the woman in the picture. Sysney explains that some people think so. Rachel then reads the manuscript and then marvels that everyone thinks that Sydney is the Chosen One. Marcus explains that Rambaldi has been correct about many things. Will interrupts to suggest that they debate after the bomb gets removed from his head. Sydney says that she doesn't see the harm in giving Anna the manuscript because they are only words of things that she might do. Arvin agrees. But Marcus objects. Will thinks they should give in to her demands. Syd explains that the manuscript is a means to get close to Anna, but there is no guarantee that she'll deactivate the bomb. Jack asks Marshall if he can hack the detonation frequency. Marshall thinks that he might be able to build a devise, but it would have to be close. Jack asks him to do it. Syd asks Will if he's ever been to Portugal.

Onboard the Lisbon train, Syd and Will use a French accent as they negotiate with a conductor get a private cabin rather than coach seats. The conductor loses patience and threatens to have them removed at the next stop. Will shows him a wad of Euro banknotes as a bribe. They are lead to a first class cabin.

Sydney taps into the train's security monitors for the laptop computer Will is using. She teases him for calling her a delicate porcelain lily. He jokes that he was on a roll. Will wants Syd to do something for him. Syd assures that he won't die. He says he knows that, then asks what she is talking about. Syd explains that she is being supportive. Will explains that he wants Sydney to be be his "Best Man" Syd is surprised. Will says that he is offended that she has so little faith in him expecting him to die. Syd wonders how it would be done and if she would need to wear a tuxedo. Will says that it doesn't matter because she is disinvited. They then spot Anna in the dining car. She explains they have to keep Anna busy while they scan for detonation codes.

Syd present the manuscript to Anna. Syd wants to know why it is important since it's predictions has been disproven. Anna doesn't care as long as she is paid. Syd want the tranmitter for the bomb, but Anna says that she doesn't have it with her. Will com-links that it is a lie. Syd stops Anna from leaving. Syd and Anna get into a fight while the bomb is seconds for exploding. Syd defeats Anna and stops the timer. Anna is knocked out.

Anna recover and escapes. She leaves the passenger car of the train and kisses the glass to mock Sydney. She sets off a trap. Red fluid is showering Sydney. Anna reports that Sydney's DNA is being collected. (The fluid is being collected to make Anna into a double of Sydney!) Syd can't break the glass to get out. She struggles and then passes out. As Anna is walking down a corridor, Will hits her in the head with a fire extinguisher, then rescues Sydney.

Anna recovers, restarts the timer and tosses it out of the train. Sydney pulls Will out of the train to go after the transmitter. They fall into a river. Will surfaces first and is afraid that the bomb is going to explode. Syd then emerges with the transmitter. She turns it off.

Sloane has a covert meeting with Kelly Peyton. He is furious with Prophet-5. He said that Sydney was not to be harmed. Kelly replies that Syd wan't harmed and that tests prove that. She then congratulates Arvin for living up to the agreement and gives him the formula to cure Nadia permantely.

At the Prophet-5 base, we see Anna lieing in a wire cage. The P-5 man Joseph Ehrmenn warns Anna that the procedure will hurt. They submerge her in the red fluid that was showering Syd. She convulses.

Syd and Will are walking through a park pushing a baby stoller. Syd apologises for all of the trouble she put him through. Will points out that he's been kidnapped and tortured twice, seen evil that he never imagined existed, but he is able to sleep well knowing that Sydney is there to fight it. He thanks her for all that she's done.

At the Prophet-5 base, we see the wire cage being lifted out. Anna has been made into a genetic double of Sydney.



I thought that the episode was pretty darned great.

Great to see Will again. There is such warmth and chemistry between Syd and Will. If only the writers recognised that Will was so necessary to Sydney's life years ago. I liked how Will got to save Sydney. We saw in his previous return, Will was able to kick Francinator's butt, so it was consistent that he could beat Anna. Why wouldn't someone who has been kidnapped and beaten not maintain his self defense training?

I thought that Jack complaining about Sydney leaving edged weapons available for baby to get hold of was funny. I got the impression that the CIA babysitters were sent by Jack to babyproof the house. :D

Did they ever explain why Sydney could come into the disco through the front door rather than come in through the roof by zip line? :lol:

I liked having the whole team involved with the distractions at the disco. Great interaction between Rachel and Thomas as a flirtatious wife and jealous husband.

Great to see Sloane say he is forced to cooperate to get Nadia cured, rather than him being evil (as many fans claim). Once again he is upset with Prophet-5 when Sydney gets endangered. He really does consider Jack and Sydney to be family. I was surprised that P-5 gave him the cure as promised.

I wonder if Nadia's cure will be so simple or will there be complications? Now that he has the cure, will Arvin tell Jack and Sydney what he had to do? I'm guessing that he will. He's already told them the other time that he was being forced to cooperate. Besides, I'd imagine if Nadia was suddenly cured, everyone would suspect that she was given a secret antidote by Sloane anyway.

It's not surprising that Anna was going to be turned into a clone of Sydney. I think that the process to double her was the one used by Dr. Desantis to turn himself into a double of Renée's papa. The cloning allows Anna to be "The Chosen One, not Sydney. That allows the Rambaldi Prophesy to occur where the Chosen One and The Passenger do great battle, where one or both die.

I also like Sydney apologising to Will for causing so much trouble to him. I loved his sentiment that although he's seen incredible evil in the world, he sleeps well knowing that Sydney is fighting it.