Remember When

Title: Remember When
Disclaimer: I don't own any of the Alias characters. They all belong to JJ, ABC, Touchstone, Bad Robot, etc. I do own all original characters, like Sarah Vaughn-Tippin and Josh.
Author: Sydney (mountaineer68)
A/N: This is an AU. Everyone's in high school. Irina did die in a car crash, but she's Laura, and she really is dead. Vaughn and Will are brothers, and Syd has been their next door neighbor since she was born. Danny is still around. Sydney has liked him since they met, 5 years ago. Lauren is also in the story, but she isn't with Vaughn or anything. This takes place during Syd's freshman year.
Classifications: General Alias and some Romance Later on
Rating: PG to PG-13
Status: In Progress

Chapter 1
“What am I going to wear?!” Sydney shouted to Michael.

Michael sat on Sydney’s bed, watching her frantically search through her closet and dresser for the perfect outfit to wear on the first day of school.

“It has to be perfect!” She said.

“Syd—you’ll look good in anything,” Michael said, hoping that she didn’t take his remark the wrong way.

She found a pair of jeans and a tank top. “Oh! Oh! This is so perfect!!” She turned to Michael and showed him her outfit.

“That looks good,” he said.

“Oh my God!! I have to have a jacket too!!” She started to search through her clothes once again, now in search of a light jacket to match.

As Michael sat there, he thought I can’t believe I’m sitting here, just watching Syd pick out an outfit for the first day of school. I’m a guy. Why does she want my help? Well, she’s known me forever. I’m like her brother. She needs me now. Oh, fine, I guess I can manage.

Sydney finally finds a jacket and holds it up, screaming, “I can’t believe I found one! Michael—what do you think?”

He nods his head. “That’s great Syd,” he said with a smile, trying to seem as happy as she was.

“Ok—good.” She set down the outfit on a chair with a matching pair of flip-flops and put the rest of her clothes away. She sat down on the bed next to Michael. “I can’t wait!! Danny’s going to be at the same school! Can you believe it!!?”

“Yea, I guess so, but Syd—he’s bad news.” Michael and Will had always thought Danny wasn’t good enough for Sydney. They also knew stuff about him that Sydney was unaware of.

“I don’t know what you have against him, but he’s a really nice guy!”

“Syd! He’s not a nice guy! He’s two years older than you, and he has at least two girlfriends a week!”

“I don’t care what you--” Her phone rang, breaking the argument. She picked up the phone.



“Oh---Hey Will.”

“What? You expecting someone else?” he said, jokingly.

“No, never mind. Mike and I were just talking about Danny.”

“Syd, stay away from him—just for a while, ok?”

She sighed. “Ok, fine---I’ll stay away from him—if it makes you happy ok?!” She shouted, meaning that for both Will and Michael.

Will felt bad for saying what he did, and making her mad, even though he knew it was for her own good. “Well, my mom was wondering if you’ve heard from your dad yet. He said he’d be home today and call either you or her, and she hasn’t gotten a call yet.”

“No, he hasn’t called yet. Um, so am I staying with you guys?”

“Yea, it’s eight and he’s not back, so my mom said you should come over.”

“Ok, we’ll be over in five minutes.”

“Ok, see you soon.”

“Bye.” She hangs up, and turns to Michael. “Since my dad’s not home yet, I’m going to stay with you guys.”

“Ok—sounds good.”

She got a small duffle bag and packed a few things for herself.


More about Vaughn soon to come ;) :D

So, what do you think? It's my first fan-fic, so be honest. Thanks! :smiley: R/R!!
Ok, here's the second chapter :smiley:

Chapter 2
A few minutes later, Syd and Michael head over to Michael and Will’s house. Sydney put her stuff in the guest bedroom and then went into the family room to join everyone.

“Hi, sweetie!” Sarah greeted Sydney with a smile.

“Hey, Sarah!” Sydney said, and gave her a hug.

Michael and Will were on the couch across the room. “You guys want to watch a movie?” Will asked.

“Sure! What do you want to watch?” Sydney responded.

“How about Little Black Book?” Michael suggested.

“Yea, that’s good,” Will said.


As Will got the DVD out, the phone rang.

Michael picks it up. “Hello?”

“Michael? It’s Jack.”

“Oh, hey”

“Sorry, I didn’t call last earlier, the phones were out. There’s a storm here, and I won’t be able to fly home until Tuesday,” Jack told him.

“Oh, ok. You want to talk to Syd?”

”Yea, sure.”

“Here she is.” Michael hands Sydney the phone. “It’s your dad.”

“Oh, ok.” She holds the phone up to her ear. “Hey dad. How are you?”

“Good, but I won’t be able to come home ‘til Tuesday. Big storm. All the flights are canceled. Sorry, sweetie.”

She looks disappointed, but doesn’t let her voice show it. “Oh, ok. Well I guess I’ll see you on Tuesday. Love you dad.”

“Love you too, Sydney, bye.”

“Bye.” She hangs up.

“He’s not gonna be here until Tuesday…sorry.”

“Oh, it’s fine Syd. You’re here half the time anyways. It’s your second home,” Will said and smiled.

Michael couldn’t help but laugh, and so did Sydney.

Julie went into the kitchen, as Will popped in the DVD.

As they watched the movie, they all sat on the couch together. Michael couldn’t stop thinking about Sydney.

~Michael’s POV~
Why do I feel like this about her? She’s like my sister…I’m so protective, and that’s like an older brother, but there’s something more…..jeez…why does everything have to be so confusing…and complicated…..I love her…..more than just like a sister…but….I can’t...I’ve known her forever....

~Sydney’s POV~
I’m so glad I have such good friends like Will and Mike. Especially with dad gone so much. I don’t know what I’d do without them. There always here for me. They’re like the brothers I never had…..

~Will’s POV~
I hope Syd’s first day at high school goes ok. It’s so hard on her, not having Jack around a lot. And now he’s missing her first day of highs school. I’m just glad that she has friends….like Mike and I….

~2 Hours later~

“That was a cute movie,” Sydney said.

“Yea, it was good,” Will agreed.

They were all sitting on the long couch, covered in blankets.

Sydney yawned. “Oh, I’m tired.”

“Yea, me too.” Michael said.

They all got up, and went down the hall into their bedrooms.

“Goodnight guys,” Sydney said and hugged Michael and Will, before going into the guest bedroom.

“Night Syd.”


They all went into their own rooms and got ready for bed. Each of them couldn’t get to sleep right away. They all had something on their mind.

~Sydney’s POV~
I’m starting high school in two days…I’m starting high school in two days…what will it be like?...will people like me?...Will I make friends?...Danny’s gonna be there!

~Michael’s POV~
I swear—if that Danny schmuck hurts Syd at all—that’ll be the last thing he ever does…

~Will’s POV~
I hope Syd does ok with high school—with all the stupid jerks—well, she does have me and Mike there—with us, she should be ok…

Ok, so what do you think? good? bad? be honest :smiley:
Please R/R!!
This is GOOD!! I hope Syd doesn't get with Danny, he seems like a jerk, atleast that's how Vaughnie poo thinks. lol. PM me when there's more!!!
Ok, I'm not going to post another chpater yet (I have like 5 more written), but here are some teasers fro the next chpater:

Start Highlighting at teh brackets


“Hey Danny!”

“Oh, hey—Sydney? Right”

She nodded her head, like a crazed fan, too shocked to say anything. As she saw him open the locker next to hers, she said, “This is your locker?”

"It sure is. Why?"


She looked into her locker, pretending to be busy, when Lauren Reed also walked up and unlocked the locker on the other side.

:smiley: I'll update today for sure!! :D I have to go out to breakfast, and I won't be back til like non, pacific time. But, I'll post as soon as I can after that! :trampoline:

~Sydney :smiley:
hey :D

oooo good teasers!! i'm sensing that Sydney's locker could be next to his or something? :confused:

anyways, it looks like Vaughn's starting to have more than 'brotherly' love for Sydney :D lol that should be fun!!

Can i be added to the pm list please? Danke!

Lianne :smiley:
lol, one more tonight :D I'm going to a volleyball thing from 6-8 (pacific time). When I get home from that, I'll post the 3rd Chapter. :smiley: Actually, if I ahve time befor I leave at 5, then maybe I can post it earlier, but I'm not sure ;) :trampoline:
Here's the next chapter! :D

Chapter 3
~Sunday Morning~

Sydney wakes up, and brushes her hair. Then, she goes out into the kitchen. Michael and Will are already out there, eating cereal. “Morning,” she says and smiles.

“Hey, Syd,” Will said

“Sleep ok?” Michael asked.

She smiles, “Yea, great. You?”

“Fine, just thinking about starting school.”

“Me too,” Sydney said as she poured herself a bowl of cereal.

“Everything will be great. You’ll fit right in,” Will said.

“Yea, I sure hope so,” she said and smiles.

~The Next Morning~

The alarm woke Sydney up at six, and now she was frantically running around, still half asleep, and trying to get ready in time for school. By seven, she was all ready and she went out into the kitchen to get herself a bowl of cereal. Michael and Will are already out there, eating cereal too. Julie is also helping everyone get ready by doing whatever she can. Everyone was so busy, that no one really worried about having a conversation. Everyone was worrying about getting to school.

Once it was 7:30, Will, Sydney and Michael all got into Michael’s red mustang and they drove to school. Sydney sat in back with Will and Michael in front.

Sydney sighed, finally being able to relax for the first time this morning. They now had about ten minutes to talk.

“Ok, so Syd—you know what classes you have and everything—right?” Michael asked, making sure everything was going ok so far.

“Yea, and I’ve got my locker number too.”

“Ok, good.”

“Once we get there, do you want us, or one of us, to help you get to your first class or find your locker?” Will asked.

“Um…no, I think I’m ok,” she answered.

“Ok, you sure?”

“Yup, I’ll be fine.”

Just as she said that, they pulled into the parking lot, and Michael found a parking spot fairly close. They all got out and went to get their stuff out of the trunk.

“And Syd, if you need anything or something goes wrong, you know my locker number right?” Michael asked.

“And mine?” Will added.

“Yea, I know both of yours,” she answered.

“Ok, good. See you later.”


They all went off on their own way. Sydney soon found her locker, and she started to put her books and binders inside it along with some pictures, mirrors, and magnets. She was off in her won little world, dreaming of high school and everything that was so great about it, when she saw Danny walking up to her.

“Hey Danny!”

“Oh, hey—Sydney? Right”

She nodded her head, like a crazed fan, too shocked to say anything. As she saw him open the locker next to hers, she said, “This is your locker?”

“It sure is. Why?”

“Oh, uh, never mind.” She smiled, embarrassed.

She looked into her locker, pretending to be busy, when Lauren Reed also walked up and unlocked the locker on the other side.

Sydney thought Of all people to be next to…I get stuck with HER. Lucky me…Now what is she going to do…torment me in-between classes too!?

Sydney tried not to make eye-contact, but Lauren immediately realized who Sydney was.

“Hello, Sydney,” She said in her accent.

“Oh, Hey Lauren,” Sydney responded, trying to sound nice.

“I had no idea we were both going here!” She smiled and started to laugh.

Sydney said, “ Yea—me neither!” She started to laugh too, but she was really thinking: What did she do know? Take some dumb blonde classes? Is she trying to be stupid or did she just lose a few too many brain cells over the summer…

Danny sees Lauren and smiles. “Hey Lauren,” he said calmly, acting very slick and cool. Lauren walked over to Danny’s locker, and gave Sydney the view of her back. Sydney was amazed that someone would actually do that without at least trying to be subtle.

Danny and Lauren kept on talking to each other, and Lauren kept on acting dumb, until the bell rang. Danny then offered to carry Lauren’s books for her and walk her to class. She gladly accepted. Danny slammed his locker door and it hit Sydney in the head. She looked around to see what it was, and realized that it was the door. As soon as she figured out what class she had to go to, everyone was gone, already in their classes, and she went off to find the Spanish room.


So, what do you think?? :smiley:

Please R/R!!