Season 3 Repercussions

I found this at Vartanho.

Previously on Alias: Sydney watching the video of her assassinating the Covenant dude, "Julia" meets Simon, Simon sees the picture of Vaughn and Sydney together, Vaughn is caught and about to be shot, Sydney stabs Vaughn and sends him tumbling down the hill.
Three Hours Later reads the caption and in the morning sun, Sydney runs frantically down a rural street. She comes to a payphone and quickly dials up CIA headquarters, using some special code number. Soon she's talking to Jack and tells him frantically that she stabbed Vaughn to save his life and that she planted the tracking device on him so he could be located (the tracking device originally meant for the virus she helped steal). Jack contacts Marshall and tells him to track the tracer's signal and have Weiss track it down. Sydney is frantic, worried for Vaughn, as she tells her father that the virus is in a briefcase in Simon's room and she's planning on stealing it soon. Jack assures her that they'll find Vaughn as she hangs up.
Special note: Opening credits begin here over the next scenes. The traditional opening credits with the Alias theme music is not seen/heard. they're treating this as a two parter.
At the same time in a back alley somewhere, Simon and Havier get out of a van carrying a briefcase and walk up to Sark. Sark also has a briefcase and, opening it, the men see large bundles of £500 notes. As a courtesy, Simon gives Sark a bottle of wine, which Sark takes a big swig of. Satisfied with everything, he asks to see the biological weapons. The other briefcase is opened and the stolen canister from last episode is seen. The men swap briefcases, exchange pleasantries, and split.
Sydney walks at a fast pace into the hotel and quickly up into the hall outside Simon's room. Using an electronic key card decoder, she quickly breaks into his room and begins searching for something. Finding a briefcase in the corner, she grabs it and starts picking the lock.
Simon walks slowly up towards his room.
Sydney continues picking, managing to get it open for a quick peek to reveal... nothing! The briefcase is empty as she hears Simon's door lock beep (he inserted his key card wrong). She quickly stashes the briefcase and Simon enters to find... a trail of clothes leading up to the shower! Sydney peeks around the shower curtain with a "surprise." Simon says he was looking for her, which she says she just wanted to go out for a walk. Simon then tells her that he went ahead and did the exchange early, one day earlier than planned. She's disappointed but covers well. Simon packs to go as Sydney asks him when she'll see him again. He says that he'll contact her if another job comes up. He smiles as he kisses her passionately, then leaves, telling her to feel free to use the room.
Meanwhile, out in the mountain/forest area, an SUV swerves to a halt and Weiss jumps out with a tracker, quickly spotting Vaughn and he and another CIA dude start administering first aid.
Commercial Break: Windex makes it SHINE!
In ICU at a hospital, Lauren sits over Vaughn's bedside, very sad. Vaughn is hooked up to a respirator and not moving. Sydney exits from an elevator and meets Lauren in the hallway. Sydney asks Lauren how Vaughn is and Lauren answers she doesn't know. He's critical but stable, in a coma-like state, and because his lung was punctured, he was deprived oxygen and may have suffered brain damage. Sydney then tells Lauren she wants to explain what happened. Sydney starts to explain that a member of Simon Walker's team caught Vaughn and Identified him as CIA, but Lauren finishes her story, saying she knows what happened: he was stabbed and left for dead. Sydney shakes her head and says that Walker had a gun to Vaughn's head, ready to kill him, but Syd stopped him, saying that she stabbed him herself so that he would have a chance to live. Lauren looks on in shock, almost disbelieving as Sydney tries to explain that it was that or certain death for him. Just then, both girl's pagers go off.
Marcus briefs Sydney, Weiss, Lauren, and Marshall about new events: a satellite detected a low flying plane making continual passes over a maximum security prison in the Ural mountains, deploying some sort of biological weapon. Showing pictures of dead guards, he says the entire prison population of 300 were killed, save one man: Usari Bumani (forgive the spelling if it's wrong), the largest arms dealer in Africa. When the locals contacted the government and a HAZMAT team showed up to secure the facility, Sark was one of the members of the team, and since being loaded onto a HAZMAT truck, Bumani hasn't been seen since. Sydney asks how Bumani survived. Marshall awkwardly explains that Sark was able to combine the Ebola virus with the Bio weapon they stole from Spain to make a deadly virus that killed everyone save Bumani, who's genetic profile was programmed into the virus.
Lauren says that Sloane has a conference soon and that she'll schedule an appointment in Mexico to talk to him ASAP. Sydney asks what Sloane has to do with this (she's still catching up). Lauren explains that it was the information that Sloane gave them that lead to Bumani's capture, arrest, and destruction of his terrorist network. It's the main reason Sloane was given his pardon. Marcus says that Sydney will accompany Lauren to Mexico for the meeting.
Outside of the office, Sydney talks to her father, saying that Lauren thinks that she stabbed Vaughn on purpose, for some sort of revenge. Jack says that it's understandable, that Lauren is upset and wants to lash out at anyone because her spouse is injured. Jack then asks for any information on Walker and information on Julia. Sydney says that she only was told she'd be contacted if another job came up. Jack then makes a plan to come up with some fictional "job" for Walker's team to be called up on, and when they're assembled, they'll have a "face to face" with him about who Julia is. He then reassures her that she did to the right thing to save Vaughn's life.
In a jet on the way to Mexico, Sydney walks up and sits across from a silent Lauren, trying to make small talk by saying it's good that Vaughn is off the respirator now. Lauren says they're keeping him in a coma for 36 hours to reduce the chance of brain damage. Lauren turns to Sydney and says that she understands it was her intention to save Vaughn's life, but then she says she's gonna be honest with Syd: when she heard she was back, she felt threatened, and she hated herself for that because she actually did sympathies with everything Sydney had gone through. Lauren says it's very tough to be working with such pressures as working next to her husband's ex-lover, so she then lays it out bluntly: she wants Sydney to request a transfer to a different office. Sydney looks a little taken back, but tells Lauren that everyone she has left in the world, her friends, her work, her father, is in that office. Lauren then says "I thought it would be better if the request came from you." "I know we're being blunt, but was that a threat?" Sydney asks, accusingly. She knows Lauren doesn't have that authority, but Lauren tells her that the NSC will support her due to the conflict of interest that their relationship can cause to the investigation of the covenant. She says if Syd doesn't make the call, she will.
Paris: On a pedestrian bridge at night, Jack (in disguise as a "Mr. Warner") walks up to Simon, giving a secret password-sentence. Simon asks how Warner knew how to contact him about a job. "Warner" says that they have a mutual acquaintance, Julia Thorne. Simon smiles and says "REALLY? Oh, I love her..." then asks what the gig is. Jack (Warner) says that there is a Fuel Cell prototype car in Japan that he wants stolen. Some light chit chat about the job, price, and stuff, and Simon tells Warner that he'll contact Warner later about the time and place for the next meeting, to get the specs of the shipment, etc. The two part mysteriously, but as Jack walks away, he is photographed from a distance by Havier!
Mexico City: Sydney and Julia are at a plush hotel front counter, signing into their room, saying they're there to see Arvin Sloane. The desk lady looks over and says that their timing is perfect, he's just arriving. Through the front windows, they see Sloane, who smiles and waves, but then suddenly a man with a large shotgun from inside the building takes aim at one of Sloane's bodyguards and shoots him down! From a van behind Sloane, Sark pops out, shooting another bodyguard and then grabs Sloane by the arm, telling him at gunpoint to get into the van.
Lauren ducks out of sight as Sydney reacts, pulling out a gun and firing at the van, killing one armed man who was trying to get back in. The van streaks off with Sloane inside, and he is sitting with Sark and... Bumani! Sydney runs out in the street, firing off a few rounds at the rapidly disappearing van. Suddenly behind her, Lauren streaks up in a black Mercedes and yells "Get in!" A little surprised/shocked at her appearance, Syd jumps in the car and the two take off after the van.
In the car, Sydney asks if she's done this before, which Lauren says she cross trained in it, as she speeds through traffic like a pro. Just a hint of an adrenaline smile creeps across Lauren's face in the chase.
In the van, Sloane tries to address Bumani about his responsibility in Bumani's imprisonment, but Bumani shuts him up with a left cross.
Back in the car, Sydney's phone rings. She answers and it's Simon, who tells her that he's got another job for her if she's interested. Syd asks if she can call him back (as she's a BIT in the middle of something) and they end the conversation.
From the Van, orders are given that a chase car take the ladies out and soon another black Mercedes appears behind Sydney and Lauren. The passenger fires off a few rounds at them, blowing out the back window. Sydney tells Lauren to brake hard and cut right. Right here we get an excellent shot of Sydney (yes, it's really Jennifer) shooting out the passenger window as the car spins in a 360 degree spin. Taking out the other car's driver, the two continue their pursuit of the Van, which ducks down a side alley. the alley is thin and leaves them few options. Still grinning at the excitement, Lauren tries to squeeze by another oncoming car, but can't as the two skid to a stop, watching the van peel away.
Commercial Break: You're sick and tired of everyone in your neighborhood except for the cute next door neighbor. You wish they'd all just leave you two alone! Come on down to Sark's House of Biologics and get yourself a custom made deadly disease! Containers and shipping now free!
"I thought we were partners. I thought we had an association. I was wrong." says Bumani. Sloane is sitting in a dark warehouse-ish room, tied down to a chair, slightly beaten up. Bumani talks about his rise to power after watching his parents brutally murdered before his eyes in Africa. He swore he would never be powerless again. Picking up a machete, Bumani hints that he's going to do the same thing to Sloane as was done to his brother by the killers of his parents, chop off his hand. Sloane addresses Bumani simply, saying that he did indeed turn Bumani in, the same way Bumani would have turned Sloane in given the situation, to obtain one thing that would make them more powerful: Legitimacy. With that, there is power. Bumani looks at Sloane with an evil eye, then quickly turns and swipes down with the machete.
Back at the CIA joint, Marcus spells it out plainly for Sydney and Lauren (and I'm guessing us the audience?): Sloane gives information that puts Bumani away, Sark breaks Bumani out, and the first thing they do is get Sloane. They reason Sloane is either in large amounts of pain or dead. They start to split up to check their resources, but Lauren stops Sydney, almost apologizing for the earlier threat of having Sydney transferred. She says it wasn't her place, and that while it will be tough, she'd really like their working relationship to work. Sydney appreciates her saying that.
In the hospital bed, Vaughn slowly awakes to see Sydney sitting by his bedside. She is so relieved to see him conscious and aware. "You stabbed me." he says weakly. "I'm sorry..." she replies, saying that if she didn't he would be dead. There are looks and caresses between the two, with both expressing that they miss each other deeply. Sydney then leans down and they kiss tenderly for moments. Then, suddenly Vaughn jolts in bed as Sydney pulls back with a knife in her hand, having drawn it out of a fresh stab wound. "How could you do this to me?" she says, looking down at a shocked Vaughn.
Vaughn jolts awake, looking around from his bed and quickly seeing Lauren sitting there, relieved and surprised at him being conscious. She asks if he remembers her, which he says "of course." Vaughn is ok and recovering, but as he hugs Lauren, a look in his eye makes him wonder what that dream was.
Commercial break: Highly suggesting you check out the top 50 Alias sites on the web. Yes, all 50. No matter how long it takes. Go. Now! DO IT!
Back at CIA headquarters, Sydney talks to Marshall as she's rushing out of the office, saying that she heard Vaughn's awake and wants to visit him. Marshall babbles on about letting Vaughn know about the therapeutic use of magnets for his damaged lung. Both are stopped short by Weiss who says that he has surprising news: they found Sloane and have him at one of their facilities nearby.
Sydney walks into a briefing room, asking what she's missed. A slightly battered Sloane tells her that he was thanking Lauren for the rescue attempt (Lauren sits across from him). they ask him if he escaped, but Sloane says no, that Bumani just let him go. Not believing him, Sydney asks what Sloane offered Bumani. Sloane says that he offered Bumani what he eventually was going to tell them: he has sources in the Japanese mob who have developed the first AI computer virus. It probes networks, analyses systems, then writes its own sub-viruses. In the wrong hands, it can crash markets and destroy banks. Sydney is almost in shock, wondering in disbelief how he could give this information to a man who works for the Covenant. Sloane says that he gave it to them, but he's also giving it to the CIA so that the good guys can find the virus and disable it before the Covenant gets it. Sloane stresses DISABLE, not destroy, because if Bumani finds out the virus is gone when he gets to it, he'll know that Sloane tipped the CIA off and then he's as good as dead.
"You told Bumani you'll work for the Covenant?" asks Lauren. Sloane says yes, he did, and now he's in a position to work as a double agent for the CIA. Sydney shakes her head, not wanting to believe him, but he tells them to analyze the videotapes he knows they're making of him right then, using Marshall's electronic gizmos to see whether he's lying or not.
Sure enough, watching a screen showing a video of Sloane in some sort of x-ray analysis mode, the group of usuals listen to Marshall as he says that the lie detector tests are all high tech and top of the line, and that Sloane wasn't lying. Sydney doesn't believe it, knowing it's the trickster known as Sloane, but Marshall says he's pretty sure he's not lying. Lauren says that the position of the NSC is that they take Sloane up on his offer as a double agent. Sydney argues that Sloane is now working directly for the enemy, which is VERY dangerous. Lauren argues back that if they don't use him, they'll be losing their most valuable source of underworld intelligence they've got.
Marcus says that, according to Sloane, Sark and Bumani are meeting in a casino in Osaka, Japan that is run by the Japanese mob. The computer virus is in a back room there and they plan to steal it, so the mission is to get Sydney in, have the code re-written according to Marshall's specs, and render it useless before Sark and Bumani get it. Marshall then backtracks a little, saying that he can render it useless, but he has to SEE the code to be able to do so. Marshall says with a little awkward giddiness that he'll have to go on this mission. Marcus says that he'll have the planners draw up something to include Marshall. Marshall then makes another suggestion, saying it would be easiest for them to get into the back room if they were to get caught cheating, and then he goes to demonstrate how he learned to count cards when in high school. He pulls out a deck and has Weiss deal 9 hands of Blackjack, which he then easily wins all nine hands of! "I had a lot of free time in high school" Marshall jokes.
Outside of the meeting, Lauren tells Sydney that she should go and visit Vaughn in the hospital soon, as he's being released the next day. Sydney says she will if she has time before or after the mission and thanks Lauren for the info. The two are nice to each other (weird).
In an empty warehouse, Havier plans a meeting with Sark, not trusting Simon's judgment, and wants to have more information about this new client they've taken on. Havier shows Sark the surveillance pictures of "Mr. Warner" and Sark tells him that it is indeed a set-up. The man in the picture is Jack Bristow and his daughter is Sydney Bristow, both agents for the CIA.
Commercial break: OK, I only plan for 3 commercial breaks normally, so this 4th one is confusing me a bit. I've got nothing.
Le Havre, France: Yet another dark, mysterious, empty-ish room has Jack (dressed as "Warner") preparing a money transfer via laptop computer to Simon, who is told to enter an account number, then the transfer will begin. As Simon does so, he gets a phone call from Havier, who informs Simon that the man standing before him is CIA! And not only that, his daughter, Sydney Bristow, goes by an alias of Julia Thorne! Simon plays it off as just another phone call, saying the team has been assembled. Simon then tries to make small talk as the money is transferred, wondering how "Warner" knows Julia, asking if Warner ever made love to her? "Warner" says no, and Simon tries to get under Jack's skin, saying that Julia is a demon in the sack, best he's ever had. The transfer completed, Jack folds up the laptop and the two men turn away from each other to leave. After a few steps, Simon pulls out a gun and turns to fire, but Jack had the same idea and beats him to the shot, shooting Simon in the chest. A struggling Simon is questioned by Jack, who says that Simon will tell him about how he knows Julia, then he'll get him help. Simon instead makes more remarks about how good Julia was in bed. Simon then pulls his gun up and tries to shoot again, but Jack beats him yet again to the draw and shoots Simon dead.
Osaka: In a casino, many business-type men are gambling as Marshall and Sydney walk in. Marshall is dressed as a Texan, Sydney his punk-ish girlfriend all in slinky black. Whispering he's nervous, Marshall then sneezes, saying he thinks he's allergic to the fake mustache he has on. Sydney tells him not to worry, he'll do fine, and the two walk on to do some gambling.
Multiple scenes of Marshall playing hand after hand of Blackjack and winning big. Sydney plays the part of the celebrating girlfriend. Now with a big pile of chips, a casino manager approaches them, saying he's very lucky, inviting the two into the back to convert their winnings to diamonds or make an electronic transfer. Marshall and Sydney both follow...
... "we weren't cheating" Sydney and Marshall both say as the casino dude says that they were counting cards. They have been pulled into the back room now. The casino dude pulls down a samurai sword off the wall and threatens to chop off Marshall's hand, but Sydney starts a scuffle with her guard. Marshall takes out the casino manager dude with a hidden tranquilizer dart in his tie knot as Sydney beats up the guards, kicking the felgercarb out of them. Hiding the bodies in the closet, Sydney watches monitors as Marshall quickly sits at the office computer and places a black box near some of it's cables. Quickly getting into the system using a password Sloane had given them, computer virus code starts streaming across the screen. Marshall says he needs time, needing to download the code before he can change it. Sydney tells him he'd better hurry as she glances at a casino security monitor and sees Sark and Bumani striding into the casino, taking out guards to the entrance of an elevator.
Typing furiously, the box and computer beep and Marshall says it's disabled. Seconds later, Sark and Bumani burst in the door to the office, guns drawn. They see no one and Sark quickly sits at the computer terminal, saying it will take him a bit to transfer a copy of the virus to their server. But the camera pans down to show Sydney and Marshall crouching under the desk, hiding. (Of course, Marshall now wishes to sneeze, but Sydney covers his nose/mouth.). The transfer complete, Sark and Bumani leave quickly, just as Marshall sneezes.
Back in LA, the group of friends are gathered around Vaughn's bedside. Weiss tells Vaughn, Sydney, and Lauren about a time how he tried to impress a girl at open night mic at a bar, even though he has no guitar playing experience at all. All four are laughing at his story as Vaughn takes a drink of a beer bottle, saying he needs it if he's gonna have to hear that story again. Weiss then announces that he's got an early morning and preps to leave. Sydney asks if she can grab a ride with him and the two leave, giving Vaughn and Lauren polite goodbyes. Out in the hallway, though, Sydney realizes she forgot her jacket, so she turns and goes to retrieve it, looking through the window and seeing Lauren caressing and caring for Vaughn. Sydney stares silently at that awkward scene then turns to leave, abandoning her jacket.

Bad Robot!
Courtesy of Leoff Online

Hope you enjoyed.
Only 2 hours and 17 min. left.

sounds like its going to be a great episode tonight ,finally that simon guy dies by jack he was never my favorite bad guy plus hes as ugly as they get so that makes me hate him even more and he kissed sydney before so anyways those lips are for Vaughn only :D