Screen Caps (HELP!)


I have an Alias episode here on my puter...but when I play in Real Player, I can't get screen caps...I tried using my capture program as well as print screen..but it wouldn't!!

i've found the same - i just get a black pictue. i thought it was just me being a dumb ass! :rolleyes:
that also happens in windows media.

I figure since it's a moving picture you're trying to take, there's a problem with capturing the frames but only in windows media and real audio. :rolleyes:

What I do is pause then print screen and paste it into photoshop. I have a bunch of 1024x768 blank doc's open and do it en masse that way. It's a pain but it works.

I'm trying to think of a capping program that does it automatically for you without having a black pic but I'm blank.