Season 3: episode 1

All character belong to JJ Abrams and the rest of his talented team of writers.

Episode 1:

Sydney sat in shock on the bed in Hong Kong, not able to bear looking into the eyes of her handler Michael Vaugn. He understood her shock and decided it was best to let Sydney absorb the enormity of what he'd just told her and not speak. At first, Sydney didn't register what Vaugn had said. When it started to sink in, her mind exploded with millions of questions...none of which she had the knowledge to answer.

In her confusion and shock, Sydney burst into tears. She put her head in her hands and hoped desperately that it was all a dream.

And then, suddenly, her wish was granted.

Sydney sat up so fast she nearly bashed her head into the person who was leaning over her. She was in a bed, in an apasrtment. When she sat up, she felt a rush of pain course throughout her whole body. She could see she was bruised and cut badly. Sydney looked around and focused finally on the woman she had almost given a concussion. It was her mother.

"Lie back down," said Irina soothingly and Sydney obeyed in hopes of the pain that racked her body would subside or at the very leat, be eased. It some degree. Sydney tried to speak but she couldn't, her throat hurt and was very dry.

"You must be thirsty," said Irina, who handed propped Sydney up with no effort at all and handed her a cup of water. Sydney took it gratefully and drank. The liquid felt good going down her parched throat, and when Sydney tried to gulp it down faster, she ended up choking and spitting it all out on herself. Sydney coughed painfully. Irina handed her another cup of water. "Drink slower this time," she admonished. "That was quite a fight you got in with A.G. Doran. I told Sark that if she was discovered she was to be pulled from the field. Unfortunately, Mr. Sark has trouble with authority. It is no matter now though. Doran is dead, and so is your friend Will."

"Oh my god Will!" cried Sydney in a voice that she didn't expect.

"Yes. He might've lived, however, Sloane shot him to ensure his death...before he took you..." Irina trailed off and her unemotional expression turned to one of malevolence.

"Took me?" asked Sydney, her head throbbed.

"After your fight, Sloane came in and apprehended both you and the body of Doran. You were taken then to his safehouse to expose you to the...Rambaldi device."

"What is it?" asked Sydney breathlessly.

"I do not know. However, what you think was a dream you just had is something far more important." Irina looked down at Sydney from where she sat on a stool by the bedside. "What you saw was a possible future."

"What? A possible future? But how? Why? What's going on? Where am I? Where's Dad and Vaugn? Why am I with you?" and t6hen Sydney, exhausted by her confusion, lapsed back into sleep.

OK. I think it could bcome an interesting story, but I'd love to hear your feedback as well!
Season 3: Episode 1
Next Part

Jack sat down defeatdely in his chair at the CIA conference room. He was meeting with Kendall and Vaugn. It had been two days since Sydney's disappearance and the death of Will Tippin. Jack and Vaugn had been working madly round the clock to try to locate Sydney. They had found nothing, and were meeting with assistant director Kendall to report the lack of progress. When Kendall spoke, his fears were confirmed.

"Jack, agent Vaugn, I'm afraid this little search for Agent Sydney Bristow has to stop. You're not going to find her if you haven't by this time. Let me remind you that this agency..."

"No! Let me remind you that Sydney Bristow is an agent of this agency and an valuable asset!" exploded Jack. He was tired and worn, and in no mood to deal with Kendall's uncaring.

"Excuse me, Jack, I needn't remind you that I am your superior and you should have some respect!" retorted Kendall angrily. Vaugn then spoke.

"Jack and I, sir, do not require services from others in the CIA at the moment. I'd like to request that you allow us more time to solve this on our own. You can't just give up on one of the best agents you have without a fair fight." Kedall scowled and looked at the fuming Jack and stern Vaugn.

"Fine! But you can not distract the others. This will be a private investigation, and I am giving you three days to find agent Bristow. If you have a problem with that generous offer, you can give me your badge right now and walk yourself out of this building for good!" said Kendall. Vaugn and Jack nodded and needed no prompting to leave the room and begin work.

Jack and Vaugn sat at a table by Vaugn's desk and thought.

"We must be missing something..." said Vaugn. "Who are the people who can and would kidnap Sydney and kill her friend?"

"We've already established this: Sloane, Sark, or Derevko."

"Right. Now the motives for each could be anything, but I don't think it was Derevko who kidnapped her."

"Why, from what we can see, the double worked for Sark, who presumably works for Derevko. It would make sense..." Jack was confused.

"I was on the line when Sydney talked to her mother Sweden on the roof. Derevko said that Sloane beleives he was the one to realize the word of Rambadi, but Sydney was chosen too. Sloane beleives that in order to do whatever he intends on doing, he must kill whoever can destroy him: Sydney."

"You're not suggesting..." said Jack with fear that his daughter might be dead.

"No. I don't think she's dead yet," said Vaugn with forced certainty. They sat in silence, imagining how destroyed life would be without Sydney.

Just then, Jack's cell phone rang. Roused from his stupor he answered the call. Vaugn saw that all of a sudden Jack's face went white.

"You know where Sydney is??" said jack
Hey everyone. I'll be on for the next couple of hours, so expect quick updates. Here's Episode 2!

Season 3: Episode 2

Irina was pacing around her apartment in Stockholm, Sweden, watching Sydney sleep, and talking to Jack.

He didn't sound well. His voice, though excited to hear that Sydney was alive, was hoarse and tired, and he sounded in dire need of a shower, good meal, and long sleep. She had expected him to be devoting his every hour to trying to find and recover their daughter. She also suspected agent Michael Vaugn was working just as fervently.

"She is with me, Jack. I can not tell you over the phone where I am because it's too dangerous. I an however, assure you that Sydney is alive. Though you probably won't beleive me, I rescued her from Sloane's laboratory in Miami Beach. I can't specify details right now, but I can meet you."

"How do I know this isn't another one of your traps?" asked the skeptic Jack.

"Trust me. If you want to talk, I will meet you where we had our second date as young people. You know where I speak of. Bring only one other if you must."

"Wait, Irina..." It was too late, Irina had already hung up. When she did this, Irina saw Sydney stir. Immeadiately, she was by Sydney's side. Sydney's eyes fluttered open and she shifted slightly.

"Who was that?" asked Sydney weakly, referring to the peron on the other end of Irina's call.

"Your father," said Irina. "I am going to try to and meet with him. You can not come though, you are in danger." Sydney remembered what her mother had said before she passed out. Sydney was puzzled, her dream was a vision of what could possibly occur in the future... How did her mother know that? Sydney couldn't recall anything after her fight and murder of A.G. Doran.

"I know you must be bursting with wuestion, and I promise you, when your strength returns, I will give you all the details. For now, you must rest, sweetheart." Irina's expression suddenly became caring and warm, and she gently brushed some of Sydney's hair out of her face.

Even though Sydney still had a hatred for her mother because of her betrayal and abscence in her childhood, she found herself becoming attachd to the woman who had made the first six years of her life the best. Sydney still loved Irina, despite the past.
Hi again. Here's the next Part:

Season 3: Episode 2 Part 2

Jack threw his cell phone on the desk and looked at the excited agent Vaugn. Michael looked at Jack for instructions or information but Jack said nothing but a simple "Come on, we have to go on a drive."

Michael couldn't help himself, he was exploding with curiousity as to the whereabouts and conditions of Sydney.

"Where is she? How is she? What's up with Derevko? Where are we going?"

"Shut up. This is not the time to ask questions. I am aking you to a cafe twenty miles from here. We are meeting with Derevko there. Sydney is alive and in her custody. Now don't ask questions, just get in the car and act like nothing happened."

"I just have to ask, why?"

"Because Kendall would have me court martialed if he knew I was having an authorized meeting with that woman. " Vaugn nodded and realized his job was at stake too. Vaugn hated Sydney's mother, but was concerned about Sydney.

JAck and Vaugn drove in Jack's Mercedes for half an hour before they pulled up at a little cafe sandwiched in between a book store and bank on a quaint little street Vaugn didn't recognize. Jack parked in the lot fifty feet from the cafe and they both got out. Jack was beginning to really feel the effects of lack of sleep, and apparently, so did Vaugn. They both looked terrible and Jack wanted desperately to get a large coffee at the cafe.

To Jack's disappointment, the rendezvous was to be out in the back alley beside a dumpster. He saw a leather clad Irina smoking (or pretending to smoke) a cigarette. She wore sunglasses and her long brown hair was in a loose ponytail.

Jack and Vaugn, in their ragged suits, approached her. When they faced her, she told them to duck behind the dumpster.
Here's the nest part!

Season 3: Episode 3

Jack, Vaugn, and Irina huddled in a circle behind the dumpster, out of sight from all passerbys. Irina studied them and suddenly felt a twinge of guilt for not telling them about Sydney sooner. Maybe if she had, they would've gotten some sleep and looked more healthy.

"You two need rest, and lots of it," said irina seriously. Jack shrugged it off.

"It doesn't matter, where's Sydney?' he demanded.

"She is in Swenden, with me. Mr. Sark is watching her at the moment. I know ypu have every motive to handcuff me and drag me away back to the CIA, but I can not protect her if I am behind bars. I will help you though, by bringing you Sydney and explaining the danger she's in."

"She's in danger staying with you," said Vaugn heatedly.

"Hold you tounge Mr. Vaugn, it is not wise to anger your girlfriends captor," said Irina, glaring at him feircely. Michael stopped talking but stared back as ferociously as he could. Irina payed no attention. "Now, as I was saying, Sydney is in grave danger. You must beleive what I say because I won't return her to you unless you hear me out. This is what happened: Doran was my asset. When she and Sydney fought, Sydney won but soon passed out. Sloane found out Sydney's whereabouts at the time because he had a tracker and video bug in your car, Mr. Vaugn, that night. He ceased Sydney when she was knocked out and brought her to one of his laboritories in Miami Beach. There he used the Rambaldi device on her. Now, as far as I know from what he told me in our alliance, after exposure to the device the subject will begin to have dreams about possible futures for themselves." Irina paused.

"So you're saying Sydney can see into the future?" asked Vaugn, who clearly didn't trust her.

"yes and no. She can see visions of the future, but only possible futures. it is difficult to explain. Depending on what she does when she battles Sloane soon, the furture will end up a certain way. She is seeing all her possible outcomes when she sleeps."

"that's impossible," said Jack.

"No, it's quite possible. Rambaldi's device is one of incredible power. Now, Sydney is in danger because he intends to kill her. I extracted her from his custody last night and he was furious."

"How did you know where she was?" asked Vaugn.

"I have my ways."