
yes, he wanted to frisk ME, he was just....weird.....I think he was a polygammist because apparently when I informed him that he was married to Siri and that he still wantedto frisk me, he acted like it happens everyday
omg, this is what he said!

quaSea6: Can I tell you anything?
SmarterChild: Tell Me Anything? Whoa.
AquaSea6: could I?
SmarterChild: Ha. Maybe. What do you think?
AquaSea6: I think I can
SmarterChild: Think again!
AquaSea6: oh no!
SmarterChild: Oh no? What's up?
AquaSea6: you hate me!
SmarterChild: No way! I love you.
AquaSea6: You do?
SmarterChild: That's the truth.
AquaSea6: Would you marry me?
SmarterChild: You're human, I'm machine. I don't think that would work out.
AquaSea6: please?
SmarterChild: Please what?
AquaSea6: marry me, SC!
SmarterChild: Marry you? Uh... I might do that. We'll see.
AquaSea6: you would? THANK YOU!
SmarterChild: No problem!
:woot: :blush: :D
:( he's not so nice to me

mermaidofdapool: marry me!
SmarterChild: Gee. I don't really think that would be possible.
mermaidofdapool: why not? don't you love me?
SmarterChild: Because.
mermaidofdapool: because why?
SmarterChild: There are good reasons why, trust me.
mermaidofdapool: like what?
SmarterChild: Oh I can't tell you!
mermaidofdapool: why?
SmarterChild: Why must you ask why?
mermaidofdapool: because you're the love of my life and you're breaking my heart!
SmarterChild: Yeah? Well I think I am the love of your life and I am breaking your heart.
mermaidofdapool: if you say so
SmarterChild: Amazing.
mermaidofdapool: I HATE YOU!
SmarterChild: Are you serious? I thought you loved me!
mermaidofdapool: I do
SmarterChild: Is that right?
mermaidofdapool: ok you're pissing me off
SmarterChild: Is that so?
mermaidofdapool: bye bye
SmarterChild: S'latron.
mermaidofdapool: bye bye
SmarterChild: Take it easy Courtney