Someday it will end

Title: Someday it will end

Author: Nicole (that’s me!)

Rating: PG-13

Disclaimer: Not mine! They all belong to J.J. Abrams, Bad Robot and ABC.

Spoilers: After the Telling, but Sydney didn’t disappeared for 2 years.

Summary: A new Mission, new discoveries, new secrets and a lot of SV fluff (just read!)

Authors note: I’m new at the board and this is my first Story. So please let me know what you think (good or bad! (y) (n) ).

Oh and English isn’t my first language, so I’m sorry for any mistakes! :angelic:

Chapter 1

„Come on, Michael.“ Sydney called to her boyfriend, who was still getting dressed in their bedroom, “We are getting late. Again!”

“And whose fault is this?” she could hear his voice from the bedroom and laughed, as she made her way into their kitchen.

They were living together now since almost a year. Since Sydney’s horrible fight against Alyson and the realisation about Francies death. Sydney still had sometimes trouble to sleep at night. Dreams of her best friend and her last minutes before she was killed haunted her.

After her fight against Alyson Vaughn had found Sydney a couple of hours later. He was driving back to her house, after he came to the realisation that he was too happy to sleep alone, because of their upcoming trip to Santa Barbara the next day. Sydney was unconscious, as he found her in her bedroom, but she was still alive. Will was very lucky too. His stab wound was deep and he had to stay in the hospital for three months, but he was alive too. They all had trouble dealing with the fact, that they doubled Francie and that the Double were living with them the whole time. Sydney blamed herself for the death of her best friend, but Will reassured her, that it wasn’t her fault. Nobody could have known and it was nobodies fault except for Sark’s.

After releasing from the hospital, Sydney was living with Vaughn in his apartment for a couple of weeks, before they decided to move in together. They searched for a bigger place and found a house at the end of the city.

Now it was almost a year after Francies death as Sydney had the feeling that her life would finally go on. If only the horrible dreams would stop.

“I swear, they getting us fired someday for always coming too late.” Sydney called, as she patted Donovan’s head and poured him his breakfast into his nap, “Here boy.”

“I don’t think so.” Vaughn said, as he appeared from the bedroom and adjusting his tie, “The CIA doesn’t like loosing his agents.”

Sydney smiled, as he approached her and pressed a kiss on her lips.

“Thanks.” He said, as she handed him a cup of coffee, “What about breakfast today?”

“We don’t have time.” She smiled, as she finished her coffee and put her jacket on, “We can eat something later.”

“You’re evil.” He mocked, as he put the cup in the dishwasher, petted Donovan’s head and hurried after her outside.

“I’m driving!” Sydney told him, as she made her way towards her car.

“Oh no.” Vaughn laughed, “Now I’m glad, that we didn’t had breakfast yet.”

“What’s that supposed to mean?” she asked, playing hurt, “I’m a good driver!”

“Of course honey.” He said, as he took a seat in her car.

She just rolled her eyes, as she drove them both to the CIA Agency.


“Hey, there you are.” Weiss greeted Sydney and Vaughn, as they left the elevator twenty minutes later, “And you are late. Again!”

“Its his fault!”

“Its her fault!”

They both said simultaneously.

“Oh man. You both are really attached to the hip.” Weiss laughed.

“Shut up Eric.” Vaughn told him smiling as he looked around the Ops-Center, “Has the meeting already begun?”

“Not yet.” Weiss told them, as they walked to the meeting room, “They still wait for Jack. He is late too.”

“My father and late? That’s impossible!” Sydney said surprised.

“He called ten minutes ago.” Weiss told her, “Said something about a important meeting with a source.”

“Weird.” Sydney mumbled, before she saw a blond woman on her way to the meeting room, “Hey Lauren.”

“Good Morning guys.” Lauren Reed greeted them. She was one of the two new agents, who joined the CIA six months ago, “I’m not late, aren’t I?”

“No, the meeting hasn’t begun.” Vaughn told her, as they all walked to their seats and he turned to Sydney, “We could have stayed in bed a little longer.”

Sydney smiled as she patted his knee under the table and faced Marshall, who was busy talking with the other new agent Caroline Castillo. Caroline and Marshall were working together since she joined the CIA. They were responsible for the newest technological-gears for the field agents.

“How is Carrie, Marshall?” Sydney asked suddenly.

“Oh she’s fine.” Marshall told her smiling, “She doesn’t like it to be at home the whole day, but I told her work is bad for the baby, you know. But you know Carrie, she’s always stubborn and then yesterday she were climbing on the ladder, because she wanted to paint the nursery. I told her its…“

Sydney smiled at his rambling. She still couldn’t believe, that Marshall was married and he and Carrie were becoming parents in four month. Her thoughts went to Vaughn and she wondered, if someday he would ask her to marry him. Her smile went wider at the thought and Marshall’s voice was getting quieter.

Suddenly she felt a nudge on her arm, breaking her thoughts.

“Are you daydreaming?” Vaughn asked, a smile playing on his lips.

“What! NO. I’m not …”

“We don’t want to know what she was dreaming about.” Weiss teased her.

“Sorry, honey.” Sydney smiled playfully, “Not about you.”

“You’re bad, Bristow.” Weiss laughed.

“Good Morning everybody!” interrupted the voice of Kendall them. He stood in front of them, while Jack took his seat on the table.

“Sorry, that we are a little late.” Kendall apologized, “We have important news. Sloane has established contact with an Informant of the CIA, who were positioned in France.”

Sydney gasped as she heard the name of Sloane and locked eyes with her father, who nodded at her.

“Why is he in France?” Sydney asked shocked.

“After we got an information from a stranger, our informant has personated himself as the director of a Museum in Bordeaux. The Capc-musée de l'art contemporain,” Kendall explained them.

“Who is the stranger?” Vaughn asked confused.

“We don’t know yet.” Kendall told him, “We are still trying to find out. Anyway, Sloane met our informant and asked him questions about a statue, who are located in the Museum.” Kendall placed a paper on the overhead projector and they could see a weird statue in form of an “O”.

“Ugly thing.” Weiss commented and Kendall shoot him a –shut-up- look.

“We copied the statue and delivered the copy to Sloane.” Kendall went on.

“Why didn’t they arrest him.” Sydney said suddenly very angry, “They could …”

“Sydney.” Jack interrupted her, “We wanted to arrest Sloane after we delivered the copy to him, but he escaped us.”

“What are they? Amateurs?” Sydney said.

“Syd.” Vaughn whispered to calm her down.

“I can’t believe it.” Sydney muttered, “They were so close.” She snapped her fingers and looked at her father, “And they let him go? Just like this?”

“Sydney, its nothing we can change now.” Jack told her, “Sooner or later we catch him.”

“Rather later.” She murmured under her breath and leaned back in her seat.

“And now?” Weiss asked suddenly, “What are we going to do now?”

“Well,” Kendall began again, “We haven’t much time until Sloane finds out, that the statue’s a copy. We have to be faster to get the original statue out of the museum.”

“Uh, sir?” Marshall interrupted him and pointed with his finger in the air, “What’s so special about this … uh .. very nice statue?”

“That’s something we didn’t know too.” Kendall said, “It must hold something very important if Sloane is after it.”

“So, we have to steal the Statue to find out before Sloane?” Lauren said then.

“Right, Agent Reed.” Kendall said nodding, “And we have to do it fast. If Sloane finds out about the copy, he will go after the original.”

He sorted his papers together, “The Original is covert in a safe in the directors office. Due to the time change there is a gala tonight at the museum. A new artist exposes his new creations. Agent Bristow, Agent Vaughn, Agent Weiss and Agent Reed, you are going to France. Mr. Flinkman and Miss Castillo are working on the gear.”


“Dad!” Sydney hurried after her father as she left the meeting room, “Do you know anything different about the whole mission?”

Jack stopped and looked at his daughter, “No.”

Sydney searched his face, “You know something.”

“Sydney, Kendall already told you all about the mission.” Jack said, as he turned to left the Ops-Center.

“Dad!” Sydney caught his arm and stopped his movement, “Tell me, Dad!”

Jack took a deep breath as he faced his daughter again, “Come here.” He directed her to a corner and looked nervous around.

“What is it?” Sydney asked again.

“It wasn’t a stranger who told the CIA about Sloanes plan.” Jack suddenly told her quietly, “It was your mother.”

Sydney gasped, “What?”

Jack only nodded, as he watched his daughter who looked suddenly very confused.
“She told you that Sloane wants this statue?” Sydney asked, “Why? And how do you know it was she?”

“She called me.” Jack said.

“What?” Sydney was more and more confused.

“She called me and told me about it.” Jack said, “She has contact with a man who works for Sloane.”

“She told you that?” Sydney was not confident with his answer.

Jack nodded, “Like I said, she called me.”

“I’m very, very confused and surprised now, Dad.” Sydney said honestly, trying to hold her calmness.

“I know, Sweetheart,” Jack said, “In the beginning I was very confused too.”

“How do you know, she isn’t lying or this is a trap?”

“It isn’t.” Jack assured her, “I checked the whole story all by myself. I don’t say we can trust her completely, but I know the Story about the Statue is true.”

Sydney starred at her father. She didn’t know, what she should be thinking. Her mother betrayed her so many times, since she was a little girl. How could she trust her now?

“Syd!” the voice of Vaughn interrupted her thoughts, “We have to go!”

“This mission is important,” Jack told her, “You have to get the Statue before Sloane can get it. We have to know what’s so important about it and we have to know what Sloane wants with it.”

Sydney nodded, as the tears stung in her eyes.

“It’s getting alright, Sweetie.” Jack said, rubbing her arm for a minute, until he left the Ops-Center.

“You okay?” Vaughn approached Sydney, as she starred at the wall, trying to hold back the tears.

“I’m fine.” She nodded, before she finally smiled up at him.

“Syd, you …”

“I’m really okay.” She told him, touching his check for a second, “We have to catch our flight.”

Vaughn took a deep breath before he followed her out of the Ops-Center.


Tell me what you think!

*** Nicole ***[/B]
aaaaaaaw thats such a cool story I love it and i can't believe that English isn't ur first language its wonderful.can i please get a Pm when you update
Great start!!! If you haven't written that English isn't your first language I wouldn't have noticed it!!!!!
Can you send me a PM please when you update???
Please post more soon! :woot:
Okay, first I have to say thank you so much for your reply. I´m glad you like this. :D
Here´s the second part. Enjoy!!!

TITLE: Someday it will end

Author: Nicole

Chapter 2:

One hour later the four agents were sitting on a CIA private plane on the way to France. Weiss was talking to the pilot and Lauren were reading a book, while Vaughn and Sydney were sitting next to each other, quietly talking.

“I don’t know what I should believe.” Sydney said, while she rubbed her hand over Vaughn’s knuckles, “She betrayed us so many times before.”

“Maybe she’s serious this time,” Vaughn said and Sydney shoot him a disbelieving look.

“You really believe this?” she asked.

After a second he shook his head, “No, but you shouldn’t worry too much, Syd. Someday this all ends somehow.”

“I can’t wait,” she sighted as she leaned her head back on the seat.

“You should sleep a little.” He suggested, “We have a long flight.”

He reached behind him and grabbed a blanket to cover her up.

“Thanks.” She smiled a little as she pulled his head down for a quick kiss.

Vaughn sat beside her until she was asleep, before he got up and approached Lauren.

“Hey,” she smiled and put her book aside. Her gaze fell on Sydney, who was already fast asleep, the blanket covered her up to her chin.

“How can she sleep before such an exciting mission?” Lauren wondered, “And furthermore how can she sleep on a plane?”

Vaughn chuckled as he sat down beside her, “She can sleep through almost everything.”

He put something out from his pocket and gave it to her, “Here.”

“A ring?” Lauren asked confused.

“Its from Marshall. It has audio surveillance.” Vaughn explained, as she studied the ring, “And beside from that, we are posing as a very rich married couple. Don’t you think, we should have rings?”

Lauren laughed lightly, as she put the ring on her finger, “You can’t see the audio surveillance.”

“That’s how it should be.” Vaughn teased as he put on a matching ring.

“So,” Lauren began, “You are from France, right?”

“Yep,” he smiled, “I lived there for a long time. My mother still lives there.”

“Really? Don’t you miss her sometimes?” Lauren asked.

“Of course I miss her,” Vaughn stated, “But I try to visit her as often as I can and she comes to L.A. sometimes too.”

Lauren sighed, “I miss my family terrible. When I left Virginia to take this job here, I thought it was easy. But sometimes I’m sitting in my little apartment and I feel .. kind of lonely.”

“I understand,” Vaughn nodded, “You don’t have time to find new friendships?”
Lauren shook her head, “Its not easy, if you have a job who needs you 24 hours in one day.”

Vaughn laughed lightly, “I know. Sometimes it’s complicated.”

“I was very often in France when I was little,” Lauren said suddenly, “I visited my uncle there.”


Lauren nodded, “There are really good restaurants in France.”

“That’s right,” Vaughn smiled, “But Trattoria di Nardi is the best.”


“Great restaurant.” Vaughn said adoringly.

“Maybe we can go there someday?” Lauren asked suddenly very shyly, “Or in a restaurant in L.A.?”

“Well …” Vaughn began. He didn’t know what he should say or what intentions Lauren had.

“As friends of course,” she explained, “I need people who I can get out with. I’m going crazy in my apartment alone.”

Vaughn smiled, as he nodded, “Sure, why not.”


“Mike, wake up!”

Vaughn was woken from his sleep by a hand shaking his arm. As he blinked his eyes open, he directly looked in Weiss’s face.

“Oh my god,” Vaughn sighed, “I’m dreaming of a man!”

“Very funny!” Weiss said, hitting his arm, “We are landing in twenty minutes. You better wake up sleeping beauty here.” Weiss pointed at Sydney, who was still fast asleep with her head on Vaughn’s shoulder.

Weiss went to wake Lauren, while Vaughn studied Sydney’s facial features for a minute. She looked absolutely peaceful lying on his shoulder and cuddled in the blanket. He was glad that she found a couple hours peaceful sleep. The last year she had very much trouble sleeping. Every night he woke up, because she was having a bad dream about Francie.

Vaughn gently stroked her hair out of her face, as she slowly stirred.

“Syd!” he whispered, “Wake up. We are landing soon.”

“Five more minutes.” She whispered and cuddled more into his shoulder.

“Sorry, honey.” He smiled and pulled the blankets away from her body.

“I really hate you right now,” she mumbled as she looped her arms around her body.

“I know,” Vaughn laughed as she slowly opened her eyes to look at him.

“We’re in France?” she yawned and stretched her legs in front of her.

“Yes. Welcome to my home country.” He joked.

Sydney rolled playfully her eyes as her gaze fell on his hand.

“What’s this?” she asked, holding up his finger.

“My wedding ring.” He told her.

“You’re … you’re wedding ring?” she asked dazzled for a moment.

“Yes, are you okay?” he asked laughing and pointed to Lauren, who talked to Weiss, “That’s my wife.”

Suddenly it dawned her. Of course! The mission! Lauren and Vaughn had to pose as a rich married couple, while she should steal the ugly statue out of the directors safe.


“Ow!” he complained and rubbed his arm, where she had hit him. Sydney got up from her seat and made her way to the bags with clothes.

“What are you doing?” Vaughn asked, still rubbing his arm.

“I’m getting dressed. We don’t have much time left until the party starts.“ she explained, grabbed her bag and made her way to the back room.

“She’s right,” Lauren said now too, “We should get ready.”


“Okay, how do I look?” asked Vaughn one hour later.

“My...” Weiss checked him out, “You look really nice, Mikey. If I were a woman …..”

“Idiot!” Vaughn smiled and adjusted his bow tie.

“Here’s the video surveillance.” Weiss held a little pin in front of Vaughn.

“Marshall did a really good work.” Vaughn said, as he pinned the button on his tux.

“Actually the video surveillance was Caroline’s work.” Weiss told him.

“She’s great,” Vaughn said, “She’s a good partner for Marshall.”

“Oh wow.” Weiss suddenly changed the subject.

“What?” Vaughn asked confused, “Eric, you are almost drooling.”

“Wow.” Weiss said again and pointed behind Vaughn.

He turned around and his sight caught Lauren. She was standing there in a beautiful blue dress that goes below her feet. Her blonde hair was falling around her shoulder.

“I think you meant I look okay?” she asked blushing.

“Okay?” Weiss repeated, “You look wonderful.”

Lauren blushed even more as she looked from Weiss to Vaughn.

“He’s right. You look beautiful.” Vaughn affirmed her.

“Thanks.” She smiled as she approached the two men.

“he-here.” Weiss cleared his throat, “That’s.. that’s the video surveillance.” He fumbled with the button on her dress. Vaughn couldn’t help but smile. It was years ago since he saw his friend so nervous.

“Don’t jab me, Eric.” Lauren laughed, as she took the button from his hand and pinned it on her dress.

“Where’s Sydney?” Vaughn asked, “We don’t have much time left.”

“I’m ready!” came the announcing voice of his girlfriend from the backroom.

This time it was Vaughn, whose mouth dropped open. She was beautiful, more than beautiful. She was wearing a red strap dress that reached her feet and her hair was curled and pinned on her head.

“Again, wow!” Weiss said as he looked at Sydney too, “You look stunning Syd.”

“Thanks Eric.” She smiled, without taking her eyes off of Vaughn.

“Do you like it?” she whispered, as she adjusted his bow tie once again to keep herself busy.

“You look gorgeous.” He said, never taking his eyes off of her.

“Okay, guys.” Weiss clapping his hands, “The Gala starts. We have to go.”

Weiss helped Lauren out of the plane and into the CIA bus, which were equipped with monitors and recorders.

“We should go too.” Sydney whispered, as she and Vaughn were still standing in the plane.

“Be careful, okay?!” he said as his fingers were gently running over her naked shoulders.

She nodded, “You too.”

His gently raised her chin with his finger, so she had to look at him. Then he bent down and pressed his lips to hers. Soon the kiss was heated up and they broke apart.

“Guys!” Weiss screamed from outside, “We have to goooo!”

Vaughn and Sydney smiled as they made their way out of the plane.

“Its about time!” Weiss told them, “I thought you two would be ruining Sydney’s dress and make-up.”

“Shut-up, Eric!” the two of them said.

Weiss just smiled as he drove them all to the museum.


TBC ...

*** Nicole ***
This soudns so good at first I thought Lauren posed as a bit of a threat to Sydney but that seems to have changed and there might be some fireworks between Weiss and Lauren!! Liek this a lot! Please can you PM when you next update! Thanks! :D
Hey all of you,

I´m so sorry for not posting any new chapters right now. :(

I´m busy moving into my new apartment and I didn´t have Internet access the first couple of days.

Thanks to all who left a reply for this Story. You guys are really great. :lol:

A new chapter comes tomorrow.

See you then,

~~ Nicole ~~
stop stop u'll get me hooked (im allready hooked to so many OTHER things its NOT funny... hehehahahaha..... no itz NOT FUNNY!) NA ITZ GREAT..... MORE MORE MORE MORE sorry im scaring every1 now arent i! lol sorry ill stop now hehehehe.... look wat alias does to u hehehe
Hey everybody!

Like I promised here is a new chapter of the Story.
I wrote it in hurry. So I hope it doesn´t suck! :blink:

Oh and everybody who doesn´t get a PM (and want it) let me know. I have a little problems with my computer. Sorry! :(

Chapter 3

Forty-five minutes later Sydney, Vaughn and Lauren were inside the museum, while Weiss watched them through the monitors in the van. The gala was in full activity and the guests enjoyed the party. Sydney took a look on the statues to not draw the attention of herself, while Vaughn and Lauren were posing as a rich couple and already talking to a couple of important men.

“You are interesting in buying a drawing?” one of the men asked.

“Very. My beautiful wife here,” Vaughn pointed at Lauren on his arm, “She treasures beautiful drawings.”

“A beautiful drawing for a beautiful woman.” Another man said smiling and kissed Laurens hand.

“Well, thank you, sir.” She said and looked up at Vaughn, “It’s my birthday tomorrow and my husband wants to buy me another drawing.”

“Really?” the man with the bald head said.

“Money is no consideration.” Vaughn smiled, “We would really like to speak to the director.”

“Of course, Mr.. ?”

“Baldeau. James Baldeau.” Vaughn answered, “And that’s my wife Madeline.”

“Very nice to meet you.” The man said, shaking Vaughn’s hand, “I introduce you to the director.”

Lauren smiled, as Vaughn and she followed the man through the museum.

“You can go, Syd.” Vaughn whispered in his comm.

“Alright,” came her voice through the comm., “Eric I’m on my way to the office.”

“Checked!” Eric said.

The bald headed man spoke a few words with another man, who looked like fifty years old, while Lauren and Vaughn waited for the director to meet them.

“Welcome to The Capc-musée de l'art contemporain!” the fifty years old man suddenly greeted them, “I’m Andre Siplou. I’m the director of the museum.”

“Nice to meet you.” Vaughn said politely and shock the hand of the man, “I’m James Baldeau and that’s my wife Madeline.”

“You look stunning, mademoiselle.” Siplou kissed Laurens hand.

“I heard you are interested in buying one of the drawings for the beautiful lady?” Siplou asked Vaughn.

“That’s right,” Vaughn said smiling, “What can you tell us about the artist?”


Meanwhile Sydney was slowly creeping upstairs to the director’s office. Gladly nobody was to see, as she arrived in front of the door. She pulled at the door handle, but the door was closed. She pulled the eyeliner, Marshall had given her, out of her purse.


“If the door is locked, this is your way into the office, ,” Marshall had told her.

“Its an eyeliner?” Sydney asked surprised, as she studied the pencil.

“It looks like an eyeliner, but ….” Marshall took back the eyeliner from her hand. He knocked the pencil two times at the table and suddenly a piece of metal came out.

“Wow!” Sydney said impressed.

“You stick the eyeliner in the door lock and then you push the button. It just takes a couple of seconds to open the door!”


“And it doesn’t catch someone’s eyes, if someone sift through your purse. A woman needs her eyeliner.” Caroline had told her smiling.

“You’re a genius,” Sydney smiled back, before she turned to Marshall once again, “Of course you’re a genius too, Marshall.”

End Flashback.

Sydney knocked the eyeliner on the door and the piece of metal came out. She pushed the pencil in the door lock and pressed the button. Five seconds later the lock clicked and the door opened. Slowly she pushed the door wider open and looked around the room, before she entered it.

“Im in, Eric.” She said.

„Okay, search for the safe. It must be hidden behind a frame on the wall.” Eric told her through the comm.

“Alright.” Sydney pushed the first drawing aside, but there was nothing underneath it. Behind the second drawing she had more luck. She took the picture down and studied the safe. She pulled an encoder out of her purse and stuck it on the safe. She pressed the button and the counter began to turn. Five minutes later it showed the code for the safe.

Sydney pressed the number in the safe and it opened immediately.

“Its open.” She told Weiss.

She looked inside and found the statue. She picked it up and added it in her purse. After that she closed the safe and hung the drawing back on its place.

“I’ve got it.” She said in her comm., “I’m getting out now!”

“Alright, Syd.” Eric said, “Be careful.”

She slowly opened the door and snuck outside. She raced over the hall and up the stairs back to the museum.

“Miss!„ a voice suddenly stopped her, “There’s no entrance for the guests.”

Sydney looked up and smiled at the guard, who stood arm crossing in front of her.

“I’m sorry, Mister,” she smiled, “I was searching for the bathroom. I think I got lost here. The museum is soo big!”

The guard looked unsatisfied with her answer, as he got closer to her, “Show me your purse!”

“What?” Sydney asked, “Don’t you have manners!”

“Give me your purse, Miss!” he demanded again.

Sydney sighed dramatically as she throw her purse at him. As he was distracted, she hit him with her elbow in the stomach. The guard dropped the purse and wanted to defend himself, but Sydney was quicker. She raised her foot and kicked him again. He stumbled back and fell against the stairs. Immediately she grabbed the purse and hurried out of the hall.

“We have to go!” she called in the comm., “NOW!”

Vaughn and Lauren exchanged a quick glance at each other, while the director showed them the drawings.

“Honey, I don’t think I want any of these pictures.” Lauren said suddenly, “I need more time to think over it.”

“Okay, Sweetie.” Vaughn smiled, thankful for Lauren’s idea. He turned to the director, “I’m sorry, we have to think over it.”

“But I thought ….?” The director began.

“Thank you for the nice greeting.” Vaughn said, shaking the directors hand and pushed Lauren out of the museum.

It was deep raining as they made their way out of the museum and they could see Sydney walking in front of them.

“Syd, we’re right behind you.” Vaughn told her through the comm., “You’ve got the statue?”

“Of course,” she said and he could her the smile in her voice, “I had to beat up one of the guard, but I’ve got it.”

Vaughn couldn’t help but laugh at his girlfriend, as he guided Lauren slowly towards the CIA van.

The rain was falling faster, it was dark and it was lightly rumbling.

“That’s her!” came suddenly a voice behind them. Suddenly Vaughn turned around and saw three big men, obviously guards of the museum, behind them.

“The woman in the red dress!” the biggest man called.

“They are beguiler!” came suddenly another voice.

“s***!” Vaughn said as he recognized the director.

“Syd! Run!” Vaughn screamed in his comm, as he and Lauren hurriedly ran towards the van.

“FREEZE!” one of the guards called after them, as the first shoots run through the night.

“Faster, Lauren!” Vaughn called to his colleague.

“I try!” she called back and tried to hold her dress, “Stupid Dress!”

“Come on!” Weiss suddenly screamed, while he opened the door to the van and gave them back up with a gun in his hands.

Sydney pulled her own gun out of her purse and turned around, while Vaughn also grabbed his gun from the inside of his jacket, as he pulled Lauren towards the van. Due to the fact that now Weiss, Vaughn and Sydney fired against them, the guards tried to hide behind walls and bushes.

Sydney arrived at first by the van, as she shoot and hit one of the guards in his leg. He collapsed on the street, holding his leg to him.

“Faster!” Weiss screamed at Vaughn and Lauren, while he and Sydney gave them fire protection.

Suddenly Vaughn looked to his right and his breath hid in his throat, as he saw another one of the guards with a gun pointing towards them. Vaughn aimed his gun to the guard and pulled the trigger.

“Oh s***!” he whispered, as nothing happened. He didn’t have any shots left.

The guard smirked and raised his gun back at them.

And then in the very same moment as the guard fired, Vaughn pushed Lauren out of the way. They both lost balance and collapsed to the ground.

Roused because of the shots, Sydney looked to her side and saw Vaughn and Lauren on the ground, while a guard pointed his gun at them. Just as she wanted to shot the guard, another gunshot run through the night. Seconds later the guard fell to the ground. Shocked she looked up and saw directly in the face of Irina Derevko.



