The Experiment

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BoredSilly13 said:
I was thinking about a sequel, but I really didn't have a plot for any of them:
String 1:No one dies. No shot fired from C'd. All move on and become closer with "this horrible ordeal" and never talk about it again.
String 2:Shoots wife a)Baby dies and she goes back w/P b)She lives, merge with String 1 c)she dies but both move on. Both reflect on how she impacted their lives and how much they loved her "We may be two very different people, but we were both insanely in love with her. We'd both kill for her." "And yet you killed her? I still never understood why." "The shot was meant for you. I hesitated and my hand shook." Light Slash? d)she dies, the father raises his daughter and marries another woman. P leaves and goes away.
String 3:Kills Paramour. She feels sad, moves on with him but always wonder what life would be like had he not died.
String 4:Shoots himself, P takes on the role of the father of both children. Takes place in the daughters POV wondering whatever happened to the man she knew when she was a kid and why she doesn't look like her "father". Goes through photo albums and sees pictures of her real dad. Her mom has just died and it is part of her inheiritance. P is away or dead.
Too much like Choose Your Own Adventure Stories. lame I have no plot line for any of them, maybe String 4..... no, scratch that. String 2 and 3 do not work for J/I shippers. I'm dizzy already.

I can't take any of them very far...or at least as far as I want to. I want to know what you think. I may ditch the idea all together and work on my new fic. Just wanted to give you an update. Enjoy the premier!

Erm... got any other strings? Not that i didnt like any of them or something. Heheh?

Ooh... New Fic? :Ponder:
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