Season 3 What does all numbers mean?

Syd's birthday is 17th of April. So, April is the forth month of the year. 4. And 17-10=7. We have 47.
Maybe Nadia's birthday is 4th of July?

And what does 1062 means? Is it just numbers or does that numbers mean something?

Maybe 62 is a year. 1062. But what's ten? Maybe 10 as in October? Then we have October 1962. But what happened in October 1962? Then I remembered that Sydney and Vaughn met October 1st.
So maybe it was kind of meant that they would meet October 1st. Like, planned?
But I still don't understand, if 1062 does mean October -62, what happened that year that month? Maybe two other people met October first -62? But who?

Just my speculations.

Sydney was 19 years old when she started to work on SD-6. That was 1994. And Vaughn was 26 years old when he started to work on the CIA. That was 1994.
So their crazy world started the same year. Isn't that a little strange?
But maybe that's just by mere accident..

Like I said, my speculations.
Wow, that is interesting, never got so in depth like that. But i wouldn't be surprised if this stuff wasn't just a coincidence.
Hey! I was just trying to find out what these numbers represent!
In the documents that Syd finds at the end of the episode there are a lot of numbers if you look with attention....for example ...

The first number that I found is:
13 5 98
But i can't understand if it's a date or a number like a serial number or a code... the caps that I saw are not enough clear!

And this one, as you told, is Syd's birth date

4- 1976
Before these numbers there is written Date Next followed by something that i can't read!

But i can nearly say that it's sure that is a date! So a date that bring us to one year later Syd's birth....

Only one last question....
Where did you find the number 1062?
Only one last question....
Where did you find the number 1062?

1062 was the number of the safe deposit box in Wittenberg where Syd found the secret CIA documents.