Who is Troglodyte Rose?

We are inside Hell. How can I describe it any other way?

I can feel the fires of the glass works. I can smell the sulphurous breath of our chthonic gods.

I live in squalid darkness and breathe filthy air.

My name is Rose and I’ve never seen the sky.


[Shameless self-promotion, I know, but I'm excited!]
I am not sure what it is exactly that is being promoted, but the graphics and reading material is quite interesting. (Surfers: If you visit the site, be sure to mouse over the graphics to find all of the hot links.)

Adam, care to share more details? :)

Yes, it's what's called an 'illustronovella'. The best articles I can find online to describe it are:

Total Licensing Winter 2007 - 116

Basically, it's a fusion of prose and art, using comic sequentials and traditional prose narrative forms, alongside traditional colour illustration. So it's best to think of it as a hybrid novel/graphic novel.

The story is all a bit hush-hush at the moment, but details are seeping out slowly via the website.

I'm the writer and the gestalt entity of Teetering Bulb (Kurt Huggins & Zelda Devon at http://www.teeteringbulb.com) are the illustrators. We're hoping it will be something unique and exciting, and since Teetering Bulb won a Spectrum Fantastic Art award for their illustration of one of my short stories, I'm pretty confident it'll look great when all the artwork's finished too.

The publishers are Crossing Chaos Enigmatic Ink (crossingchaos.com) and there are weekly updates to the website.

Any questions? :D
