Feedback Why isn't this forum wildly popular?


As I've said before... I like the forums here at You've got a great URL, and it's a popular enough topic. You have all of the latest bells and whistles for VBulliten, lots of great smilies, plenty of user-friendly options (private messages, avatars, uploadable gallery, etc.)... and yet I've seen more action in the Amish eHarmony community.

What's the deal? Why isn't rocking 24-7? Why don't you have, like, 29,000 active members? Is that by accident, or design, or what?
Any theories?

I mean, it's not like the entire sci-fi community doesn't have any free time on their hands...
I have tried everything I can think of to get people to comment or post.
I have made polls, created challenges, asked questions, added links, added pictures, pleaded, begged and shouted.
We had a spurt back when we were under 1000 members but it faded away.
Lately I have been trying to just filter in SF news and related to the forums in hopes of accidentally finding a topic someone is interested in.
I invite people here, put it in my sigs, post about it and constantly clip CoolSciFi at clipmarks.
Granted there are massive science fiction forums out there but they are often impersonal and hostile. CoolSciFi is a family friendly forum and very pleasant to be a part of. There are wonderful features as well. I can't figure out why it is so quiet.
Might be something to do with open reading of 90% of the site to non members. But it's not a major issue really. Eventually something will happen to change things and we'll be there :)
Might be something to do with open reading of 90% of the site to non members. But it's not a major issue really. Eventually something will happen to change things and we'll be there :)
Most forums I have been to have open reading of 90+% of the site... that's actually a real plus, not a negative in the least.

I have tried everything I can think of to get people to comment or post.
I have made polls, created challenges, asked questions, added links, added pictures, pleaded, begged and shouted.
We had a spurt back when we were under 1000 members but it faded away.
Lately I have been trying to just filter in SF news and related to the forums in hopes of accidentally finding a topic someone is interested in.
I invite people here, put it in my sigs, post about it and constantly clip CoolSciFi at clipmarks.
Granted there are massive science fiction forums out there but they are often impersonal and hostile. CoolSciFi is a family friendly forum and very pleasant to be a part of. There are wonderful features as well. I can't figure out why it is so quiet.
And as a point of contrast, there are a lot of really ratty, grating and offensive forums out there (I don't want to name names, but many of them are just something awful) that don't seem to want for active members.

It is a mystery. I like posting here, but the silence can be a bit deafening.