You were meant for me

I think Syd has had a very big, very special day. One she'll never forget. Everyone that she loves was at the christening.

Thanks for the PM.

ONLY ONE MORE CHAPTER LEFT? :shock: MICHY! *sobs* i'm going to miss this fic SOO much!

the irina appearance was amazing. you wrote it so well and i love how she's forgiven sydney

it's awesome that they finally all have the life they deserve

*sighs in contentment*

luv juju :harp:
That was soooo amazing!!! I can't believe there is only one chappie left!!! *cries* it can't be over! That was so beautifully written, gotta luv happy JAck and Irina, aww even irina thinks vaughn is handsome lol, doesnt he know tht evryone in the world luvs him lol
Thanks 4 the pm, plz update soon, but i dont want it to be the end so *sigh* i guess all good things come to an end!
michy said:
"You were enormous Syd.  How are you feeling?  Are you tired.  Let me put Em down.  You should get some sleep."

What a way to make a girl feel good. Nah, I'm joking, anything he says sounds like a compliment. lol. :D :o_O: :o_O:

Anyway, great chapter.
I am sooooooooo glad sloane is dead.
Let's just hope he stays dead.
Update soon.
Whoa whoa whoa! Waaaaaaait a second.
:shocked: ONE MORE CHAPTER LEFT? First Destined ended now this one too? :cry: NO!

Anyways, I loved the chapter!

Aww, Syd forgave Irina! I guess that's good! Lol!

I love this too much to see it go! :cry:

Update soon!!

xO laur
i hope the last chappy has fluff!

You bet ya!

Thanks for all the great reviews. I'm actually blushing :blush: . I'll probably update tomorrow if I don't have to work. Thanks for all the encouragement.
Michy ^_^
one more chapter left? how come? i mean i'm happy things being normal for them but i wanna have the story behind the normal life. but this is really great! thanks for the pm and i'll be waiting or the final chapter
loved it!! sorry its taken me a while to catch up but ive loved all the past chaps. it whole thing with sloane was great...nice twist
Sydney held Michael's hand. She felt it's heat and it made her feel warm inside. Warm, loved, content. They each held a baby on thier laps. The babies were now six months old. Will's head was abound with lucious curls, glorious and unruly. Emily hardly had any hair on her chubby little head. Sydney had tried in vain to tie a ribbon in what little hair she did have. It lasted about 30 seconds, until Emily had discovered it and pulled it vioelntly away, quite peturbed that someone had dared alter her apperance without her permission. She tossed the ribbon to the floor with a repulsed look on her face.
"Et Vous, Jack, est-ce vous prennez cette femme comme ton epouse?"
Emily let out a little squeel. "Ssh. Quiet down, Grandpa's getting married." Sydney whispered.
"Il est mon plaisir de prononcer ce couple marié." The old priest said. Jack leaned over and kissed Claudette's full lips before the words even left the priest's mouth.
"Je t'aime." he whispered. "Toujours."
"I love you too Jack. Forever." Claudette managed to whisper between tears of joy.
The church erupted in applause and cheers. Sydney wasn't sure, but were those tears in her father's eyes?

Christmas morning dawned cold and crisp. The twins were now sleeping through the night. Jack and Claudette had just returned from their honeymoon last night. They arrived just in time for mass at the church and the traditional meal that was shared afterwards. The twins were too young to attend the midnight mass, so Sydney and Vaughn had taken them to the earlier one. Once they were alseep, Sydney began preparing the bisque, a traditional frech soup. This was a tradition in Vaughn's family, and Sydney was now all about tradition. She wanted to raise her babies to have a sense of family and that they were part of a whole that would never end. They would always have their family. That was all that mattered.
Jack, Claudette, Sydney and Vaughn had eaten Sydney's delicious bisque and retired to bed. All of them exhausted from the day's events.
Now, the house was quiet and still. The full moon was setting over the horizon and a slight grey hue began lighting the sky. It was Christmas morning. This was her first Christmas with her babies. Their first as a real family. She was so excited. She began to rise from the bed, only to be pulled back down against the warm sheets and the waiting arms of her husband.
"Just where do you think you're going?" he whispered into her hair.
"I can't sleep. I was going to check if Santa's been here." she giggled.
"You're such a kid. I know exactly what you're up to. You're going to peek at your presents, arnen't you?"
"Who me?" she asked innocnetly.
"Yes you." he laughed and rolled her over onto her back. He looked deep within her eyes and never before saw them so alive. Alive with life. She was finally the woman she was meant to be. Free from the evils of the world, free from those powers that had turned a once innocent child, to a hardened woman. Betrayed by her family and the world. Now, she was safe and loved. Vaughn felt so lucky to have witnessed this transformation. She was truly the kindest, most remarkable woman he had ever known. And she was his.
"What?" she asked self-consciously, aware that Vaughn was staring at her.
"You. I love you so much Syd. You make me happy." he said simply.
Sydney reached up and carassed his face, which was full of morning stubble. She rubbed his chin and smiled. He was so handsome. So kind. She was the luckiest woman in the world to call this man her husband. He too was a different man here in France. He was happy. He laughed every day. He too was free to be the man he was meant to be. Free from the pain of losing his father, Lauren's lies, and the pain of losing Sydney which had almost killed him. He had healed from those wounds and his heart was full of love. He was the most remarkable man she had ever known. And he was hers.
"Make love to me Michael." she whispered.
Michael bent down and kissed her full lips. She was so amazing. His heart actually felt as if it stopped every time he kissed those lips. He knew that for as long as he lived, it would always feel this way. As if it was the first time. Sydney always made him feel like that. Like it was their first time.
Michael Vaughn made love to his wife in his home in France. The sun was coming up over the horizon, banishing the last remains of darkness. The sun would shine gloriuosly upon them today. Today and forever.

Omg! Im such an emotional wreck right now!
Jack and Claudette got married!
Vaughn and Syd are just too perfect and their kids are gorgeous! I love how Emily is just like her mother!
I can't believe this is over, its so precious and special, thanx so much for writing an awesome story!
Sequel or other story, u gotta pm me k!!!
Luv ya and this ending, it was so perfect
Luv Dani
I am so sad that this fic is over. Good job on it.

This last chapter was so cute and sweet. They are such a happy family.

Thanks for the pm.