The Things We Hide

shotput25ash said:
Lol - only if I can be a... chocolate milkshake - only decent thing on the menu :P

(And because youre you...dont make that sound wrong)
My milkshake brings all the boys to the yard, and they're like.. Its better than yours... Damn right.. its better than yours...


Um, I haven't talk to Ashley, and I've got a s***load of homework (plus it's her chap) so I don't know... Maybe...

I think Ashley told me that she wouldn't be on 'til Sunday, so probably then. :smiley:
*pokes head in*
Someone wanted an update?

Chapter Three-

It wasn’t until later in the evening that Jack and Irina came through the door, both wearing annoyed scowls upon their faces. Sydney knew it would probably be a good idea to stay away from them for the remainder of the night, but after years of dealing with both of those looks she was well aware that that wasn’t possible.

“Sydney, go sit in the living room.” Irina informed her oldest daughter.

“Nadia Marie Bristow! March yourself down here right this instant!” Jacks voice could be heard throughout the entire house, not that this wasn’t a common occurrence, but it still got the point across.

“Take your sister upstairs.” Jack told Sydney bluntly as he sat down.

“No, I told you to sit.” Sydney stared at her mother and father, not quite sure which one to obey.

Not wanting to stick around and see what would happen when they were both this upset, she picked up Hailey and made her way upstairs.

“What the hell is their problem?” Nadia asked coming out of her room.

“They’re pissed.” Sydney told her flatly.

“What are you doing with Hailey?” She asked suspiciously, following her older sister into the little baby’s room.

“Putting her in bed.” Sydney informed her, pushing past and out of the room. She stomped down the stairs, and it echoed through the house as Nadia sent an apologetic glance towards the child in the crib.

“I’ll get you in a bit; right now we need to listen to Mum and Dad yell.” She sighed, before making her way down stairs.

“We just…can not believe that you could act this irresponsible Sydney! You’re supposed to set an example for your sister! First what happened in New York…”

“Which was completely reckless, and we know you know better than to behave that way.” Jack cut into his wife’s charade.

“But now this. We’re all supposed to get a fresh start here, remember? So you can’t just go and act like – you.” Irina finished, completely ignoring her husbands interruption.

“I can’t act like me?” Sydney asked her parents irritated. “Now that is total…”

“Bull.” Nadia finished for her.

“You can not expect to move us out here and forget anything that ever happened. That just pathetic! Especially when-“

“Shut your mouth right now!” Jack snapped at her.

Sydney stared at her parents for a second in complete shock. “Excuse me?” she asked angrily.
“You two have some f***ed up idea that this family is perfect, and personally I’d like to know where you got that notion from. I’m sorry, but incase you haven’t noticed– look at us!”

Nadia screamed. “Seriously, your precious baby was off getting a life, and you couldn’t stand it! Then, when Ms. Perfect got caught screwing around with her boyfriend you decided you had enough! And what did you do? You just, left it, tried to forget it all! Well, I’m sorry Mr.I-used-to-be-in-the-CIA-and-can-lie-‘til-the-sky-turns-green, we aren’t brainwashed like that! There is no way in hell that this is going to be a bad nightmare! Deal with it!” Nadia yelled staring her father in the eye, before running upstairs. The door slammed and Hailey began to cry.

“I’ll go get her.” Irina said quietly.

“You have to understand, Sydney… look at me.” She turned her head slowly in the direction of her father’s voice. “I’m, you’re mother and I, we’re just trying to get you two on the right track again.”

“Don’t start Dad.” Sydney replied flatly, standing, grabbing her purse by the door, and slamming the front door behind herself.

She walked slowly down the sidewalk illuminated by the street lights. Michael saw her from the kitchen window and debated going to see her, that was until he heard Jenny enter the kitchen.

“Go, I’ll tell Mum you ran to the store to get… chap stick.” The younger sibling smiled at her brother and practically shoved him out the back door.

“What do you get out of this?” he asked her suspiciously.

“You being forever in my debt.” Jenny laughed slightly, shutting the door behind him.

By the time he reached the end of the driveway Sydney was two houses down. Michael jogged slowly and caught up with her, catching her off guard.

“Oh, hi.” She sighed heavily, and avoided looking him in the eye.

“Hey, I was wondering…wait, are you crying.” Michael’s eyes immediately scanned her over. The way Sydney had her arms wrapped tightly around herself obviously showed she was upset, and the tears leaving wet trails down her cheeks were proof enough that indeed she was crying.

“No, I’m fine.” She lied, wiping her tears away with the sleeve of her sweatshirt.

“You don’t look fine…” he let his voice trail off, and completely ignored the reason he came out to see her in the first place. “And you’re reminding me way too much of my sister.” Michael told her plainly.

Sydney eyed him curiously. “I remind you of a twelve year old?”

“No, just this whole ‘I’m fine, now go away’ thing. So, then again…you know what, I’m just going to shut up before I walk myself into a trap. I actually don’t feel like totally getting b****ed out tonight.” He smiled slightly at her, and Sydney couldn’t help but laugh at him.

“I won’t yell, not tonight at least.” She turned slowly and looked farther in the direction of her house. “Just keep me away from there, and you’ll be perfectly safe.”

“Is everything okay?” he asked her worried.

“Yea, its… normal.” Sydney explained, somewhat cryptically. “I just needed to clear my head. So, I guess I should…”

“Would you want some company?” Michael asked her, stopping Sydney’s sentence dead.

“You know, I actually think I would.” She smiled up at him, and the two began to walk. Away from the madness, away from everything she was trying to get over. They just went on, not really talking, just basking in one another presence.

Okie... PMs as soon as I update the list :smiley:
-Ash & Katy
God talk about perfect family with Jack and Irina as parents - sorry don't see it :lol: Awesome chapter. Can't wait for more.
Is the only reason they moved was becuase Syd got caught in bed with her boyfriend???

I think not!!

Vaughn is so sweet going out and talking to her. :blush: Maybe Syd will realize that she likes him and go out with him!! I like that idea!! :D

Update soon. Thanks for the PM. ~Karen