Then and Now

Chapter 7~ Everywhere

It had been 3 days since Sydney had gotten to the school and already every one had totally disregarded her. The people there were snobs and cliquey. Alone in her room she unpacked and went through the possessions she brought with her. She packed light like her father said. She never said goodbye to her father. How could she have? He had just ruined her life, she wasn’t about to be all, ‘thanks I’ll miss you’ when she had been totally disregarded by him.
She was very alone, her roommate having asked for a room with a different roommate and to be quite honest, Sydney didn’t care. Being alone was one of the advantages of this room. She just wished somebody would be alone with her.
She set up her stereo system, one of the things she couldn’t live without. Then unpacked her other vital necessity, her computer. After setting up the monitor and the hard drive she was ready to get on. Her computer was her ticket to her own world. Whether it be with friends or with people she had never met before, she was never shy on the computer.
She hopped that when she logged on, Michael would be on. But to her dismay he was not. She kept the computer on thinking that she wouldn’t have to pay for it her father would so she’d just wait until Mike got on.
Then she left the computer to hookup her phone. Her last imperative possession. Then she could call anyone in the world, the pizza guy to her father, if she really had too.
Then the sound of a door coming from her computer made her hopes rise. She looked at the screen to see boyscout101 signed on. Immediately he put his away message on.
Sydney moaned, ‘why’d he have to leave?’ she thought to herself. She knew he’d be on later but just the fact that he was there but away, killed her. Then he signed off altogether.
The sadness engulfed her but she remembered the gift that Mike gave her. She went to go look for it. Throwing her clothes onto the floor she looked into the bottom of the bag where she had placed it. She open the small box and inside was note.

Leave everything behind, Start out new. Find new friends, and you’ll be better off. I’ve got my eye on you.

Sydney couldn’t believe her father took the gift. She couldn’t help thinking that his job was to make her life a living nightmare. She was so angry she stomped out the door and decided to explore the school.
She wasn’t sure if the note had been threatening or insensitive. Oer maybe even a little provocative.
As soon as she stepped out the door she realized that her father was everywhere. A note was waiting for her outside the door.
OO spooky! What gift was that? and is this in college now? I'm really confused! I guess I'll have to go back and re-read everything! O well fun fun. you're really good at it won't waste my time! I love this!
OMG that was SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO GOOD!!!!!! FABULOUS!!!!!! Is there an emoticon for showing awe b/c I REALLY need one. woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooow........ Chanel, that was great. If it isn't too much trouble would it be alright if you could PM me when you update?

I love this story. It is very original. What did Vaughn get her! GRRRRRR! Could you pm me when you add a new chapter!


Love ya babe~
Karen :surf:
ok u guys... glad u liked.. oo whats in the gift.. hmmm.. well ere was nothing in the box bcecause jack trook it.. but whats in it... well soon.. ive got to update my other story soon.... and i feel liek starting a new one... hmmm....
more is on its way.. my computer crashed last nite.. so mite be a little while but soon. thanks forall the greta reviews
WHY DID YOU STOP PMING ME? I like your story. It's really cute. I'm sitting here, and I'm like why did she not pm me. Anyway, great job with the story. It's so cute. I want to know what was in the box. Stupid Jack. Why does he have to be so mean. Did I mention that I really like your story. Please update soon, and if you can, can you pm me when you do!!! (y) :D

Love ya,

Lauren :angelic: