Title: Alita: Battle Angel
Tagline: An angel falls. A warrior rises.
Genre: Action, Science Fiction, Adventure
Director: Robert Rodriguez
Cast: Rosa Salazar, Christoph Waltz, Jennifer Connelly, Mahershala Ali, Ed Skrein, Jackie Earle Haley, Keean Johnson, Lana Condor, Jorge Lendeborg...
Of course the Winchester Bros have goon cartoon, or at least anime, previously for an entire spin off season.
Supernatural: The Animation (TV Series 2011– ) - IMDb
Surprisingly the first subject of a "deep dive" coming soon.
Title: Ronja the Robber's Daughter
Genre: Comedy, Animation, Family, Action & Adventure
First aired: 2014-10-11
Cast: Haruka Shiraishi, Reika Uyama, Yukari Nozawa, Mika Doi, Takaaki Seki, Atsuki Tani
Overview: Ronja is the only daughter of Mattis, a bandit leader who lives in a...
For the anime fans out there, a music video by Hayao Miyazaki known for his fantastic Studio Ghibli films.
Ghibli Experimental Theater On Your Mark is an animated music video created by Studio Ghibli for the song "On Your Mark" by the Japanese rock duo Chage & Aska. The song was released in...
Title: Ghost in the Shell
Tagline: There's nothing sadder than a puppet without a ghost.
Genre: Science Fiction, Action
Director: Rupert Sanders
Cast: Scarlett Johansson, Takeshi Kitano, Michael Pitt, Pilou Asbæk, Chin Han, Juliette Binoche, Peter Ferdinando, Rila Fukushima, Daniel...
Hi, Ghost in the Shell 2 Innocence is an anime movie which is coming to the US on September 17th, it is based on Ghost in the Shell animated movie which came out in 1995, the producers of The Matrix got the idea of doing The Matrix movies from Ghost in the Shell 1 movie.
If there is anyone...