A Mission to Die For

AKK!! Evil server, good thing that I wrote it down beforehand, so I'll repost the first chapter and the second a little later!

Title: A Mission to Die For
Author: Kate
Rating: PG-13 just to be nice and safe
Spoilers: None that I'm aware of.
Summary: The Spy family and Vaughn go on a mission and all hell breaks loose.

Chapter One

Once upon a time there lived a young woman who had a normal life and she told all of her friends absolutely everything.

Well, I hate to say it, but that's not me. My life is much more complicated then that. I didn't even realize what was happening until it was too late. And now, there is only one thing that I can do about it - kill Sloane.

As I think about bringing down Sloane, the devil himself, I hope to God that life will return to a state of normalcy, but the little voice inside my head tells me that that will never happen. I work for the CIA and as much as it frustrates the hell out of me, I don't even really think that I could ever leave. It's been the pivotal object in my life now for too long. I can never go back to the way it was before.

On the brighter side, I'm in love with Michael Vaughn. I can't imagine being with anybody else. He's the only man for me.

Time to leave dream land Sydney. Your coffee's cold and if you don't leave right now, you're going to be late for work.

End of Chapter One

So this does have a plot and it will emerge soon. These chapters are going to be on the short side, but I'll update everyday IF I get feed back. Thank you all so much! :D

P.S. Please PM me any typos, spelling errors etc. so I can fix them! :blush:
LOL, not much of a plot yet ^_^

And I'm very very glad you typed it beforehand :D

One good thing about this, as ppl repost their stories I will get a chance to read all of those I never noticed before :smiley:
All right. I hear you, so here comes the plot rolling in.

Chapter Two

"Hey Michael." I walk over and give him a hug, which he quickly returns.

"Hey beautiful. We've got a meeting with Kendall in five minutes."

"Yep, thanks. So, do you want to have lunch today?"

"I'd love to. Where should be go?"

"Hmmm...how about some place quick like the Fifth Avenue Cafe?"

"Sounds great." He looks down at his watch and says, "Looks like it's time for that meeting."

We talk some more as we walk over to the briefing room.

"Yeah, I really hope this one won't be as grim as most tend to be. I'm getting sick and tired of going in there and hearing more bad news day after day after day," I say feeling a depressing mood coming on.

"I know what you mean. But that's our job and that's what we've got to do. Look on the brighter side, what we do is probably ten times more exciting and interesting than anything that anybody else does on the planet."

"You're right. While most people have boring desk jobs, we get to work at the CIA and hopefully help bring the justice to the world."

We enter the briefing room and are met with serious faces. Here we go again. I know that apprehending Sloane is the top priority on my list of "to do's", but sometimes I just get so sure that well never catch him and I'll die trying to find him. Before my mind can wander any further, Kendall starts the meeting.

"As you know, our last attempt to get Sloane did not work. All of us were disappointed and angered by this event." He looks in my direction. "But we have reason to believe that we know where he is and are sending in a team to capture Sloane and Sark as well as bring Kaplan home to his family before anymore incidents occur."

I shift in my seat while he pauses.

"Agent Vaughn and the Agents Bristow will be accompanied by Irina Derevko to Switzerland to find Sloane."

A look of shock crosses everyone's faces. I can't believe that he is actually letting my mother go on a mission. Last time, he wouldn't even consider it.

Dad stammers, "Wh-What? You are letting Irina Derevko out of her cell to go help capture Sark and Sloane? Sark used to work for her and now he is helping Sloane. How can you be sure that she hasn't foreseen-"

Kendall cuts in, "Jack, you do not need to remind me of Derevko's former operations and employees. I have decided to enlist her help because I believe that she has proved her loyalty-"

"Loyalty?! What are you talking about? She killed twelve CIA operatives including Agent Vaughn's father. She-"

"Agent Bristow-You do not need to tell me Ms. Derevko's past misdemeanors. The CIA is fully aware of what she has done to you, other agents' families, and this country."

"But that is exactly my point. She knows that she's gained the agencies trust and now will use it to bring us down. I, under no circumstances, will allow her to leave this facility."

"Agent Bristow, I'm afraid that you don't have that kind of authority. I've talked this over with Devlin and he thinks it is the best thing that we can do."

This argument is going no where, so I decide to interrupt to try to move things along.

"Now who will be going on this mission?"

"Good question Agent Bristow. Originally, it was going to be you, your father, Agent Vaughn and Ms. Derevko, but now since your father has voiced such a strong opinion against this, I don't know if he'll be going on this mission."

I glance over at dad and see a look of panic replace that of his former anger. "There is no way that Irina Derevko is going to leave this facility with my accompaniment."

"Good," Kendall replies and brief smile crosses his face as if he knew that dad was going to go all along. "Then you'll leave tonight. You're flight's at 6 PM.”

End of Chapter Two

All right. The plot starts rolling in *low frequency rumble*. More tomorrow.
Good, but you'd better hurry. Next week's episode might hinder your own ideas. :cool:

My personal take is to not get too close to Alias' story line. It depresses me when it doesn't go the way it should and as we all know,
NOTHING IS AS IT SEEMS....just check those promos they do at the end of each episode!!! :angry:
All right, I'm putting on the power so I get this done before the next episdoe. Just in case I don't finish it, it can also be consdiered a stand alone. I just sort of spun the find Sloane idea off of last week, but otherwise, it's just another mission...or maybe it isn't.
I'll still be happy to read it even if the next episode changes everything :smiley:
That kind of happened to my story too :(
i'm excited for more chapters!
Okay, here goes Chapter Three. It's short, but I'll have Chapter Four and maybe Five up later tonight.'

Chapter Three


"that was just a little weird," I say.

"Yah, I know what you mean. I can't believe that Kendall actually smiled today. I don't tank that I've ever seen him do that before."

"Me neither. But, I guess that it was a prideful victory for him to have gotten Dad to go even though he knew he would all along. Plus, we may just have some intel that will bring down Sloane."

"I really hope it works this time. I know it's especially frustrating for you and I hope this gets resolved as quickly as possible."

"Me too. The one thing I'm sort of worried about though is that all four of us are going. Me, you, Dad, Irina. I don't think Kendall was in his right mind when he put us on a mission together. First of all, Dad and Irina get along pretty well, but last time she wanted to help, he refused. I think there's something going on that he's not telling us."

"I agree, but who know the strange inner working of Kendall's mind."

"Well, we'd better get back to the Ops Center so Marshall can detail all the tech gear for us."

"Okay, but just one kiss before we go back," Vaughn smiled mischievously.

"What are you up to mister?"

"Oh, nothing," he grinned.

"Okay, but only one because you know what will happen otherwise."

"Well, would that be so bad?"

I blush and lean in for a kiss.

End of Chapter Three

Sorry, I'd put up the next chapter or just combine them, but I've gotta go to ballet class! I'll try to post more later tonight and if not, tomorrow morning.
:rolleyes: OK, not much going on here yet. I'm dying to see what happens when all four are on a mission together!! I'm working on one that has all four working toward one goal but primarily one is away from the other three. I won't spill the beans, but look for "Deja Vu" sometime in the future. )O(Of course, it's Vaughn and Sydney and ???) :cool: :cool:
Chapter Four

Sydney and Vaughn walk over to Marshall's desk and see him quickly exit some sort of online game.

"Hi Marshall," I say.

"I wasn't playing Dungeon Master. What are you talking about? I'm working on the equipment for the mission. Night vision goggles and a compact carrying case for that C-4."

"Marshall, it's okay. I just said hello."

"Oh, sorry. So I guess you're here to hear about your mission gear. Get it - hear to here? It rhymes."

I smile at Vaughn and he tries to suppress a grin, but isn't doing very well.

"ANYWAY - hmmm....here are night vision goggles to help you see in the dark because you'll be in the dark because it's dark out. Umm...anyway, you put them on like this." Marshall slips them over his head and adjusts it so he can actually see out of the goggles. "And voila. It's night and you can see. I mean you can see at night, but these, they really do the trick. Oh and they come with a handy dandy adjustable strap so that the goggles will stay on your head. They can't exactly be on size fits all because you - uh - Miss Bristow, have a much nicer head shape then your father's. Not to say that there's anything wrong-"

"Marshall," I interject with a huge smile. "It's okay."

"Oh yeah. Of course. Whew, I need to take a breather after that long speech."

"If you want we can come back in a few minutes when you're ready," Vaughn offers.

"Yeah, thanks. That actually would be really great.

Vaughn and I walk away from Marshall's desk and over to the break room.

"Isn't Marshall so sweet?" I ask.

Vaughn smiles and nods in agreement and adds, "But not as sweet as you."

"Okay, Mike. This flirting thing in a public place is not working for me," Weiss says.

"Weiss, since when did you get here?"

"Long enough ago to understand what's going on."

"Well, if I remember correctly, Agent Weiss," Vaughn counters laughingly, "you were going at Agent Philips, the blonde girl, a few weeks back."

"Yah, well..." Weiss says sheepishly, "That was different."

"Pray tell how so?"

"Well you know what I mean."

"Gentlemen, gentlemen. I understand what's going on here and you don't have to worry about a thing, either of you," I jump in with a light-hearted tone. "Michael, you can flirt with me all you want. And Weiss, you can keep pursuing other agents at your whim without further discussion." I give both of them a big smile.

"Well, we'd better head back to Marshall or he might send the national guard out to find us," Vaughn says.

We start to leave the break room, but I linger behind and loudly whisper to Weiss, "Don't give up on her. This boyfriend probably won't last forever." I wink and hurry after Vaughn.


"Okay, I think I'm ready to continue. No more crazy, sporadic tangents like before. I'll just stick to the-"

"Marshall," we both say in unison.

"Oh, sorry. So as for the C-4 carrying case, it's pretty simple. It comes with a remote trigger that is also a wrist watch. Now you must be thinking, 'Marshall, what if we hit our watches?' Well, you don't have to worry about that because in order to trigger the explosives, you have to push this green button here," he demonstrates, "and twist it counterclockwise, so it makes a full rotation." This he doesn't demonstrate.

Vaughn asks, "How many watches will we have? Three or four?"

"Umm, well - I made four, but Jack came in here while you were out for a break and told me that you'd only be needing three..."


"Marshall?" Jack asks.

"Yes, sir? How can I help you mister, I mean, Agent Bristow?"

"Have you given the C-4 triggers to Operations yet?"

"No, why?"

"Because I want to make sure that Irina Derevko does not have her hands on anything that could cause an explosion."

"Sir, but isn't she a full member of the team?"

"She will not have access to the C-4. Understand?"

"Yes, sir."


"He was very definite in his decision."

Vaughn and I exchange knowing looks.

"So, that's it. Everything will be ready for you before you leave tonight."

"Thanks Marshall," I say.

Vaughn and I start to walk out and Marshall says, "Oh and Sydney," I turn back around. "Please be careful."

End Chapter Four

Tomorrow, the mission.
How many chapters are you planning?
"Isn't she a full--?" asks Marshall of Jack" So, Isn't Irina what? I guess I'm missing something. Well guess I'll have to wait for the 5th chapter. :cool:
Although this is short, Chapter Six will be up this evening and maybe even Seven.

Chapter Five

“Fran, you home?”

“Yeah, I’m in my bedroom.”

“Alright.” I walk into her room and mentally prepare a “bank excuse”. Here it goes. “I’m really sorry, but I have to go to Boston for a couple of days to co-lead a seminar a prospective client.”

“Okay.” She sounds hardly disappointed.

“Honey, are you okay?”

“Yeah, why do you ask?”

“I don’t know. You just seem a little mellow lately. Is anything going on?”

“Well, I’ve just been really busy lately. You know, my restaurant is pretty taxing. I think I need to take a break. Get some rest.”

“You should totally do that while I’m away. You’ll have the whole house to yourself, during the day at least.”

“Good idea. Well, I need to go make a phone call and you’d better pack.”

“Okay. I’ll tell you when I leave tonight.”

I walk back into my room to pack and think about our conversation. I don’t know. Francie says that she’s just overworked from the restaurant, but she seems almost distant, sort of alienated. Sydney, you’re just overreacting. She’s not some sort of spy or anthing.


“She’s coming. Be prepared.”

“Good work.”

End of Chapter Five