A Suprise from the Past


Title: A Surprise from the Past
Author: Kimmers_1981@dart.net.au
Spoiler: S/V
Summary: Sydney moved on with her life after Danny’s death what happens when he comes back into her life.
Disclaimer: None of the Alias Charters Belong to me they belong to JJ
Note: Sark and Irina aren’t Evil; they were both working undercover for MI5. They both know work for the CIA

Part 1

Sydney placed the sleeping toddler into her bed, she smiled Bella rose was the perfect mixture of her parents. She had her mother’s dark brown lock and face structure, her fathers green eyes and even her father’s nose, much to the laughter of Eric.

~ * ~* ~* ~*

Sydney walked into Vaughn’s office she noticed that neither he nor Eric were there, she placed the tray with the coffees on top of the desk and took a seat in Vaughn’s chair.

Five years ago next week would be the anniversary of there first date, and she had something planned for her husband, after Four years of marriage she could still surprise him.

On their trip to Santa Barbara Vaughn had proposed to her, they were married six months later on October 1st, Three months later after they got back from their honeymoon Sydney had found out that she was pregnant, they now had a beautiful almost three year old little girl.

Both were still field Agents but took less and less dangerous missions, wanting to be there to watch there daughter grow up. Mind you Sydney thought when there was a dangerous mission and things got heated up on it, things got heated up when the couple got back to the hotel room.

Five years later and her husband could still make her toes curl, Sydney’s thoughts were interrupted when the object of her thoughts walked into his office with Eric.

“Hey what you doing in here?” Vaughn asked.

Sydney held up the cups,” I brought Coffee but then found no one here.”

“Meeting with Kendall,” Eric said as he took the cup from her and sat down on the couch.

“Anything interesting I should know about?” Sydney asked.

“Nah just something about they found this guy in one of Sloane’s hide outs and are brining him in so that we can question him,” Vaughn explained as he took a seat beside Eric.

“So we have no missions, no paper work, ok are we missing something here?” Sydney questioned.

Eric shock his head,” Seems that Kendall wants us free to question this guy, which is weird why he wants all three of us, Even your dad has nothing on apparently.”

“Must be something special about this guy,” Vaughn mused.

~ * ~* ~* ~*

Jack, Vaughn and Eric stood on the side of the one way glass, Kendall stood beside them.

“How the hell is this possible, Jack you told me that you saw the body,” Vaughn demanded.

“Yes I saw the body, but seems Sloane was out to play us all,” Jack said.

Eric rubbed a hand over his face, “Who is going to tell her, she needs to be made aware of this and soon.”

“Which is the reason I thought that the three of you should see him before she does,” Kendall said.

“I’ll do it I should be the one to tell her,” Vaughn said.

“It’s ok I can do it,” Jack said.

Vaughn walked towards the door, “She’s my wife Jack and I will tell her.”

~ * ~* ~* ~*

Sydney smiled as Vaughn walked into the house, she placed pot on the stove and turned to kiss him, she noticed the serious look on his face, she reached up a hand and ran it along his check, “Baby what is it?”

“Syd um Kendall called Eric your father and I into his office today it seems that the guy Sloane was keeping had arrived.”

“And what’s the big deal?”

Vaughn watched his wife, “Syd the guys that Sloane had Syd it was Danny, apparently Sloane Faked Danny’s death to get to you.”

Sydney looked at Vaughn not believing that he would do this, she slapped him across the face, “I can’t believe that even you would do say something like this how could you?”

“Syd I wish that it wasn’t true but there is nothing else I can say about this I am sorry I saw him with my own eyes.”

Sydney grabbed Vaughn’s keys from where they lay on the counter and ran from the house.

~ * ~* ~* ~*

Vaughn parked Sydney’s SUV in the spot next to his car, he opened the back and took Bella from the car, as he walked in he noticed Eric walking towards him.

“Want me to take Bella to your office?” Eric asked.

Vaughn handed his daughter to Eric along with the diaper bag, “Baby you go with Uncle Eric while Daddy goes and deals with some stuff ok?”

Bella raised her sleepy head from Eric’s shoulder, “play toys?”

“Yeah Eric will play toys with you,” Vaughn said.

“Good luck,” Eric said as he watched his friend walk off.

~ * ~* ~* ~*

Sydney stood looking through the one way glass looking at a man she thought was dead, she heard the door open but she didn’t turn around, “Why now, why would he do this to me?”

“I don’t know Syd I wish that I could come up with some reason that would explain this but I can’t,” Vaughn said as he slipped his hand into hers.

“Will you…”

“Yeah if you want then I will no problem.”

Sydney opened the door and walked in, Vaughn walked behind her, She handed her weapon to him which he checked as he walked towards the seat in the corner to take a seat, he handed the weapon to the Marshal as he walked out.

Sydney faced Danny with tears in her eyes.

“Sydney how nice to see you,” Danny said.

“You were working with Sloane all this time?” Sydney asked.

“Who really works with Sloane everyone works for him,” Danny said.

“Why do this, why leave that message on my machine?”

“Why not after all you were the one that lied to me, weren’t you?”

Vaughn watched as Sydney bit her lower lip, she only did it when she was upset and he knew that this was upsetting her.

“Why is he here?” Danny demanded.

“Protocol, says that Another Agent be present,” Sydney said.

“I want to talk to you alone, not with anyone else around Danny demanded.

Sydney shock her head,” Sorry Danny but that isn’t possible.”

“As Agent Bristow stated protocol states that another Agent is present, I am sorry about that Mr. Heact,” Vaughn said.

“Sydney I wasn’t working with Sloane I was working for him, he told me that if I didn’t work for him that he would kill you kill my family and I couldn’t let that happen, I tried to escape once and he made sure I paid for it, I spent weeks in the hospital for that,” Danny said.

Kendall walked into the room, “Vaughn and Bristow a word please?”

Vaughn and Sydney rose and followed Kendall out of the room/

“What is it?” Sydney asked.

“It seems that everything he has told us so far has checked out fine, and true right down to the the hospital stay,” Kendall said.

“So what are you saying?” Vaughn demanded.

“The Agency is prepared to release Mr. Heact into a CIA safe house where he will remain under guard until further notice,” Kendall said.

“I would like to accompy her to the safe house at least for the first couple of days to make sure that he gets settled back into life,” Sydney said.

“If that’s what you would like Agent Bristow,” Kendall said.
Vaughn moved towards the door,” Excuse me.”

~ * ~* ~* ~* ~*

“What about Bella?” Vaughn asked as he watched Sydney pack a bag.

Sydney turned and looked at him, “It will only be for a couple of days till he gets settled then I will be back here.”

“Will you?”

“What sort of question is that of course I will be back here.”

“Can you honestly say Syd that if he hadn’t died that we would be here today?” Vaughn asked.

Sydney looked at him before picking her bag up, “I can’t believe that you don’t trust me.”

Vaughn watched his wife walk out of there bedroom, he knew that it was the truth if it wasn’t for Danny’s death they wouldn’t be here today.

~ * ~* ~* ~* ~*

Sydney placed her bag on the bed, she pulled her cell out then put it away again, she couldn’t talk to him right now. She loved him and there was no chance of her going back to Danny. But she needed to be here for him, she was the reason that he was in this mess anyway.

“So whats the plan?” Danny asked from the doorway.

Sydney looked up, “This is a safe house they want you to stay here for a while, and I am here to help you get back into your life. Deal with your family and stuff like that.”

“And then?”

“When the Agency is satisfied with everything they let you go,” Sydney explained.

“And us.”

“We can stay friends, that’s something that I would like.”

“Friends Sydney I want us to be more than friends,” Danny said.

“Syd you here, we brought beer and not the imported felgercarb boy wonder likes,” Will said as he walked into the house with Vaughn, Eric and Carrie.

Sydney walked out of the bedroom, “What if I also like the imported felgercarb as you put it?”

“Well then you’re out of luck, because I paid for it and I’m not going back for anything else,” Will said.

“That and Mike has some in the bags he has,” Carrie said.

“Julian is bringing some other stuff, his just caught up at the office,” Eric said.

“Will wow your different,” Danny said.

“Yeah lots changed in seven years,” Will laughed.

“You’re not surprised to see me alive?” Danny said.

“Nah Kendall told me earlier this morning when I got to the office,” Will said, “I work there as an analysts.”

“I’ll take this through to the kitchen, “Vaughn said as he headed in there.

“Ah Danny you already know Will, and this is Eric Weiss, and Carrie Flinkman they both work at the agency with us,” Sydney said.

“Why are you all here, did that guy Kendall send you?” Danny asked.

“Nah Kendall didn’t send us, I wanted to see you and well the other followed to keep Syd company,” Will said.

Vaughn walked out of the kitchen, “I’m going I told Irina I wouldn’t be too long.”

“Is that your wife?” Danny asked.

Eric and Will burst out laughing.

“No Irina is my mother in law my daughter Bella is with her at the moment, but like the rest of us she has a job she needs to get to in the morning,” Vaughn said as he grabbed his keys from Eric.

“Want me to come back with you?” Eric asked.

Vaughn shock his head, “Nah it’s fine, give me a chance to get caught up in some paper work.”

“Vaughn you don’t have to go I am sure that she won’t mind having Bella over night,” Sydney said.

“Yes I do have to go,” Vaughn headed towards the door where he ran into Sark.

“Hey where you off to in a hurry?” Sark asked.

“Home, I have to get Bella from Irina’s and then head home,” Vaughn explained.

“She said to pass along that she was fine with Bella tonight, they are making cookies,” Sark said.

“Guess I don’t need to go then,” Vaughn said.

Danny watched Vaughn, “What about your wife won’t she be wanting to know where you are, Oh sorry you do live with your daughters mother right?”

Vaughn looked at Sydney then at Danny, “Yes I do and she wont be needing me tonight at all she has plans of her own.”

Sark grabbed a beer from Eric and took a seat, “So your Danny then.”

“Yeah and you are?” Danny asked.

“Julian Sark, we’ve never meet but I do know a lot about you,” Sark said.

Sydney shot sark a look knowing what game he was playing and she didn’t like it one bit.

“And you know a lot about me how?” Danny questioned, as Vaughn, Eric, Carrie and Will sat down enjoying the show.

“Oh we have files on you, know everything about you that happened before your death,” Sark said, “Right down to the tattoo you had removed off your butt.”

“I see that your files are very extensive then.”

“Oh yeah you wouldn’t know the half of it, I even know where Syd’s birth mark is,” Sark smiled up at Sydney.

“And I know that isn’t in my file so how do you know that?” Sydney asked sweetly.

“Ah not sure,” Sark said

“Ok considering that there are only a few people in this room that know where my birth mark is let’s see who got drunk and told,” Sydney looked at Vaughn and Eric.

“I give up, Mike was the one that told me couple of months ago when we got drunk, and then Eric mentioned that he saw it on a mission while back, “Sark said.

“You know something little brother never telling you anything ever again,” Vaughn said as he hit Sark across the head.

“Your brothers?” Danny asked.

“Yep same father different mother and I’m the more younger good looking one,” Sark said proudly.

“And the one that has tickets on himself,” Sydney remarked.

Part 2

“Ouch she’s got you there, right on the mark,” Eric laughed.

Sark glared at Eric as his beeper went off, “Well excuse me fine people I have a date with a very nice lady, who isn’t as desperate as you lot, and I plan to get lucky tonight.”

“Yeah but buddy we all know that you blow your wad before time anyway,” Eric said.

“You both have dirty minds why do I put up with you?” Sydney asked.

“Because we are loveable,” Eric said.

“Is that why Gabby settled for less then?” Carrie asked, “Because I sure know she could’ve done better.”

“Yeah I don’t think that Julian is the only one to blow his wad,” Sydney laughed.

“Hey I take offence at that,” Eric said.

Vaughn laughed, “Buddy you were supposed to.”

Danny sat in his chair watching Sydney; he was surprised at the way she was acting. When they were dating words like this would never have come out of her mouth.

It seemed that these new people that she was friends with, had turned her into something else. He followed her as she headed towards the kitchen.

~ * ~* ~* ~*

Sydney reached into the fridge and grabbed two bottles of beer, she turned around and was startled to see Danny standing there, “Uh Danny did you want something?”

“I thought that we could talk to each other, finsh the conversation that we were having before they all arrived.”

“Danny Will wanted to come see you and make sure that you were alright and they just wanted to support him,” Sydney explained.

“Well right now I want to be alone with you have some alone time with you.”

Sydney placed the bottles on the counter, “Danny there is something that I need to tell you.”

“Later right now I have you where I want you,” Danny pulled her flush against his body and started to kiss her.

“Syd you getting the beer?” Vaughn asked as he walked into the kitchen, he stopped short as he saw Danny kissing her.

Sydney pulled away from Danny, “Danny this can’t happen when I told you that there was something that I needed to tell you, It was no it is that I am married Danny.”

“What do you mean married?” Danny demanded.

“Exalty what she said buddy married, now you have about three seconds to remove your hands from my wife before I remove them,” Vaughn warned.

Sydney pushed Danny away from her and moved to Vaughn’s side, “Danny what you thought that I was still going to be single be waiting for you seven years after your death?”

“Why would you do something like this?” Danny asked.

“Danny I love Vaughn I really do, it took me a while to get over you, but I did and I moved on I got married, Danny I love my husband and I love my daughter, I love my family,” Sydney said.

“Bella Rose, I thought that he said that she was with his mother in Law, Sydney your mother is dead,” Danny said.

“Danny there is a lot that has happened in my life in the last seven years that you don’t’ know about, but I would like us to get to know each other again and my mother being alive is one of those things,” Sydney said.

Eric spoke up from the doorway, “Uh Gab just called so I’m going to head out Carrie is coming with is everything ok here?”

“Everything is fine Eric,” Sydney said.
“Mike you staying or leaving?” Eric asked.

“I got to get a spare set of clothes you follow me and then drop me back before heading to Gaby’s? Vaughn asked.

“Yeah no problem got an hour before she gets home anyway,” Eric said.

“Syd you be right while I’m gone?” Vaughn asked.

“Yeah Danny and I can talk while your gone,” Sydney said.

Vaughn kissed her forehead before he followed Eric out, Sydney was glad that he was staying the night, and she didn’t know if she trusted Danny.

“Uh Danny takes a seat There are some things that we should talk about,” Sydney said.

~ * ~* ~* ~*

Vaughn walked into the house, he turned the alarm off and headed upstairs, he walked into the bedroom and grabbed his suit from the closet, along with a pair of sweets and a t-shirt.
He grabbed a couple other things before heading downstairs.

Eric meet him as he descended the stairs, “Grabbed your briefcase and Laptop from the study, need anything else?”

“Nah got everything, did you grabs lap top too?”

“Yeah was right next to yours,” Eric said as they headed out the door.

~ * ~* ~* ~* ~*

Sydney looked up at Danny, “My mother was an undercover agent with MI5, she faked her own death to protect my life and the life of my father, we didn’t find out till about four years ago, Vaughn learned that he also had a brother then.”

“That guy Julian is his brother?”

“Yeah when we found out the truth it surprised all of us and we had a lot to get used to but we got past it, I love my husband.”

“I guess I was expecting things not to have changed to stay the same.”

“Danny at one time I wish that it wasn’t true but it is and I’m sorry but I moved on with my life and I’m happy with it,” Sydney said.

~ * ~* ~* ~*

Eric pulled his car up next to Sydney’s they had gone past Will’s and grabbed his clothes for the next day, Vaughn got out and stored his and Sydney’s lap top with his briefcase in the boot of the car.

Eric smiled as Vaughn grabbed the other bags, “I know why your doing this.”

“Why am I doing this?”

“Because you don’t trust that jerk within five feet of your wife.”

“Would you?” Vaughn asked.

“Not on your life go take care of Sydney,” Eric said.
Vaughn shut the door as Eric drove off.

~ * ~* ~* ~*


Vaughn looked up from slipping the T-shirt over his head to look at Sydney,” For what?”

“For staying you could’ve gone home but you didn’t so thanks,” Syd said.

Vaughn took a seat on the bed, “You don’t trust him enough to be alone with him do you?”

“Not really, how couldn’t he see my rings how could he think that I would be here sitting around doing nothing seven years later?”

“I don’t know, I guess the same way that I know that if I ever lost you I would have a hard time getting over you Syd.”

“I know as would I, when I think about the times I’ve almost lost you, I don’t think I could stand it.”

Sydney looked up at Vaughn, the heat of his hungry gaze sent wild color flying into her checks, his eyes told her what she wanted to know, he still wanted her as much as he that night all those years ago, when he told her she had an oven.

He brought his mouth to hers; her hands flew up to smooth his hair, curve over his hard jaw line. The need to touch, to hold was so powerful it made her eyes sting.

Vaughn groaned against her mouth, she barley noticed as he slipped her from her pajama, he kissed her again.

Vaughn groaned as he freed her breasts from the restraint of her top he paused to run wondering green eyes over her, he brushed appreciative fingers over the engorged tip of one pale breast and then lingered there in a caress that stole the very breath from her quivering responsive body.

She reached up and found his lips again a connection she now instinctively craved more than she has ever craved anything in her life before.
His tongue played with her as he lay half over her, he smoothed a hand down her slim hips and eased off her boxers and the scrap of lace that still shielded her from him.
With skilled fingers he skimmed through the brown curls at the apex of her slender thighs and sought the hot. Moist centre of her.
A whimper formless sound was torn from Sydney, suddenly she was burring all over and she couldn’t stay still.

Vaughn used every ounce of his expertise to fire her to heights of anguished desire, When she couldn’t’ be it anymore he slid over her, the fierce restraint he exercised over his own urgency etched in every taunt dark line of his dark damp features.

The pleasure came to her then in wave after drugging wave, in the grip of it she was utterly lost, “Michael… she cried out

He stilled and Sydney gasped in stricken protest and with an earthy sound of amusement he went on, she didn’t want him to ever stop. The slow tormenting climb to fevered excitement had raised her to such a pitch; she ached for more with every thrust of his possession. And when finally sensation took her in a while storm of rocketing pleasure, she utter a startled moan of delight. As the last tiny quiver of glorious fulfillment evaporated she looked up at him with new eyes.

“Wow,” Sydney breathed.

Struggling to catch his breath, Vaughn dealt her a very male smile of satisfaction, “Glad I was there to please.”

Part 3

Sydney woke up and reached a hand out she was surprised not to see Vaughn there, she raised her head and looked around the room, and she noticed that his joggers were missing from where he placed them last night.

She got out of bed and headed for the bathroom, knowing that he had taken his normal morning run. Quite often she joined him if Bella wasn’t home, but more often than not he won’t alone and she went at nights.

~ * ~* ~* ~*~

Sydney walked into the kitchen and noticed Danny cooking, “Morning.”

“Uh I cooked eggs for you,” Danny said.

“Uh Danny sorry I haven’t eaten eggs in the morning anymore, I am normally in a rush that I just grab a bagel.”

“Well we don’t have any of them so how about eggs?”

Vaughn walked into the kitchen; he had a tray with three coffees, and a bag of bagels, “Breakfast is here.”

“Did you get cream cheese?” Sydney asked.

Vaughn laughed, “Yeah I got cream cheese, don’t worry am not likely to forget it.”

“Please I wasn’t that bad,” Sydney said.

“Before this goes any further I’m going to get ready we have early meetings this morning,” Vaughn headed towards the bedroom.

Will walked out tying his tie, “Morning of Mike is a life saver I so need a coffee fix this morning.”

“Yeah we are going to leave soon, he just went to grab a shower,” Syd explained.

“Great I have a meeting with Kendall this morning about the Russia mission and then with your mother later this afternoon to go over some stuff,” Will said

“Yeah we have a meeting with Marshal this morning to go over op tech,” Sydney said.

“So what happens to me today?” Danny asked.

Sydney turned to face Danny, “You stay here with the agents, I’ll contact your parents and when Will and I get time this afternoon we will go and see them and talk to them about what happened, and then in a couple of days you can see them.”

“Why a couple of days?” questioned Danny.

“Because of the fact that there are still a few things that need to be checked out,” Sydney said.

~ * ~* ~* ~*
Mel sat up in bed and watched Julian as he started to get dressed, “You don’t like this Danny guy do you?”

“Would you like him?”

“Mike’s not my brother.”

“Nah his not, but I know how he feels about her. She they accepted me when they didn’t have a reason to and I want them to be happy, there is just something about this guy that I don’t trust.”

Mel sat up and wrapped the sheet around her, “Then maybe you should be talking to your brother about this, about how you don’t trust Danny.”

“Yeah I guess,” Sark said as he leaned up to kiss her, “Also maybe it’s time you meet them.”

“You want me to meet your family?” Mel asked.

Sark grabbed her hand and held it up, “Yeah well they will be your family soon enough, so what do you say, Syd is having a get tougher this weekend.”

Mel smiled,” I say that I would love to meet your family.”

~ * ~* ~* ~*

Sydney reached out and placed her hand on Vaughn’s thigh, “I know that this is hard for you.”

“Syd I can deal with this, I’m not a spy for nothing.”

“I know, but I also know how hard it was or me when Alice came back into your life and we weren’t even dating then, but this is different Danny needs to know that I love you more than anything and I don’t plan on leaving you any time soon, not until I spend all your money.”

“Thanks glad to know that I am good for something,” Vaughn laughed.

~ * ~* ~*

Vaughn looked up from his paperwork as his brother walked into his office whistleing, “Somebody is in a good mood.”

“Um this weekend you mind if I bring a date?”

“Bringing her to meet us, must be serious?”

Sark smiled, “She’s different from all the other girls I’ve known that’s for sure.”

“What do you mean different?”

“I don’t need some sort of act to impress her, she’s impressed with whom I am just me, she understands where my loyalties lie and she loves me I guess,” Sark smiled.

“Sounds like your in love.”

“I am that’s for sure, never thought that I would be, but I love her so much.”

Vaughn looked at his brother and could see the true nature of the statement on his face, “How much?”

“Enough that two weeks ago I asked her to marry me.”

“Wow little brother heading for the big time aren’t we?” Vaughn said.

“Yeah guess that I am,” Sark laughed.

“Marriage is a big step, some am I to tell the others or no one?”

Sark laughed, “Tell who ever you want right now nothing makes me happier than sharing the news.”

~ * ~* ~* ~* ~*

Sydney looked up as Vaughn walked into the safe house, “Hey was waiting for you.”

“Yeah Eric dropped me off on his way to meet Gab’s,” Vaughn said, “Where’s Danny?”

“Ah he told me he was taking a nap so decided to get some work done, I went past my mothers and Bella is ok loving spending time with her.”

“Julian told me something today.”

“Well considering you guys were going over debriefs all afternoon would think that he would tell you something.”

“Smart ass no he told me that his serious about this girl.”

“How serious is serious?” Sydney asked.

“Serious enough to ask her to marry him.”

“Wow that just…”

“Yeah I know thought that same thing when he told me, my little brother is growing up, he also wants to bring her this weekend, I said sure.”

“Yeah that’s ok with me and wow he is serious if he wants her to meet all us, considering my father is back in tow.”

“HE decided to come back?” Vaughn asked.

“Yeah I think that he decided he can deal with the fact that my mother moved on after he slept with Kayta. Just taking some getting used to I guess.”

“Yeah maybe your father should talk to Danny maybe then he would get used to us,” Vaughn said.

“Yeah Hey listen was thinking that maybe we would take him to rink with us, I promised Bella I would take her so she can watch you Eric and Julian practice tonight,” Sydney said.

“Is that a good idea?”

“Yeah I cleared it with Kendall a Marshal is going to drive him there and then back here and be with him at all times,” Sydney said.

“Sure we should head out soon, we have to stop past home and grab my gear and Bella’s skates.”

~ * ~* ~* ~*

Danny walked beside the Marshall into the skating rink, he noticed that Sydney stood beside a woman on the Ice, the woman had red hair, and Danny hadn’t seen her before. He looked to the centre of the ice and noticed a little girl rugged up, she was holding hands with Vaughn and skating around in circles.

Vaughn noticed that Danny had arrived he looked down at Bella, “Hey baby why don’t you go with mummy so daddy can practice ok?”

“No want to.”

Sark skated over towards them, “Hey Princess you want Ice cream?”

Bella nodded her head.

Sark took money out of his pocket and handed it to her, “Here go to mommy and Gab’s and tell them that you have money for ice cream ok?”

Vaughn shock his head as Bella skated off, “That’s right bribe my daughter that’s nice.”

“Hey What are uncles for?” Sark asked as he skated off towards the side line, other players came onto the ice as Sydney, Gab and Bella moved off, Vaughn followed his brother to get ready shaking his head.

~ * ~* ~* ~* ~*

Sydney grabbed her hot chocolate she couldn’t believe that Bella wanted ice cream it was cold in the rink, but then like father like daughter, she thought about how they had gone to Colorado for there honeymoon and Vaughn had ate ice cream in the freezing cold, she laughed to herself.

Gab sat down next to Sydney and noticed the smile on her face, “Do I dare ask what is with the smile?”

“Just thinking about how much Bella is like her father, it could be minus four and they both would still want ice cream.”

“Yeah sweets is a bit thing for the guys in our lives isn’t it, Eric is the same the other night after he left you he brought home ice cream.”

“Yeah as long as I have known Eric his had a sweet tooth for everything, where ever we would go for work he would want to try out something new,” Sydney smiled.

“Sydney hi,” Danny said as he walked up.

“Danny his this is Gabriella Weiss, She’s Eric’s wife, Gab’s this is Daniel Heact,” Sydney said.

“Nice to meet you, I know Sydney is happy about the news of you being alive,” Gab said.

Danny was shocked that she knew, “How do you know?”

“Uh I’m an Agent, but I work at head quarters not on the task force,” Gab said.

“So you’re all Agents then?” Danny asked.

Sydney nodded her head, “Pretty much it’s weird but we like it, there are a couple of friends who don’t’ work for the agency, but with the exception or Will, Carrie and Marshal we are all agents.”

“Mamma want Daddy,” Bella said.

“Baby Daddy is practing you can go skate with Daddy afterwards ok?” Sydney asked.

“Not fair,” Bella pouted.

“Well Baby sorry but that’s the way it is, But this is my friend Danny I would like you to meet,” Sydney said.

“Daddy’s friend?” Bella asked.

“Uh yeah sort of, “Sydney assured her daughter knowing that Danny wasn’t Vaughn’s friend but she didn’t want her daughter to know the reason.

“Ok,” Bella said as she held on Sydney’s leg.

“She looks a lot like you Sydney,” Danny said.

Sydney smiled, “Actually I think that she looks a lot like her father, his green eyes and facial features, maybe it’s just me?”

Gab laughed, “Nah not only you Syd I think she does too.”

“Danny, Uh Vaughn and I are having a get tougher at our house this weekend, I checked it with Kendall and he cleared it for you to come, we were thinking that we could have your parents come over later that day as Will and I’ve already talking to them and they can’t wait to see you,” Sydney explained.

“Are you sure that it would be alright with your husband?” Danny commented.

“Yeah Vaughn and I talked about it, no problem,” Sydney heard Vaughn call out from the ice, “Sorry be right back.”

Danny watched Sydney go, he didn’t like the way she was at his beck and call, last night he had stood outside there bedroom door, thinking about how not before too long Sydney would be calling his name and not that bastards.

Part 4

Sydney opened her front door and let Vanessa and Martin Heact into the house, she hugged the couple, and welcomes them into her home, “Vanessa and Martin this is my husband Michael Vaughn, Hunny these are Danny’s parents.”

“Nice to meet you, I am sure that this has been a great shock to you both,” Vaughn said as he followed them into the living room.

Sydney sat down beside Vaughn as they sat in the living room, “We thought that it was best to invite you here to our house rather than have you got to the safe house.”

“What happens now?” Vanessa asked.

“Well Danny stays at the safe house till the agency can access how much danger his in, and if there isn’t a major danger to him then the agency will release him, and will make sure that all records and changed and so forth,” Sydney said.

“So his here we can see him?” Martin questioned.

Sydney rose from her seat, “Ah yes his in the kitchen I’ll go and get him.”

Vaughn watched Sydney leave then turned back to the Heacts, “I’ll get out of your hair, I am sure that there is something I can be doing around here, Sydney and I are having our families over later,” Vaughn left the room.

~ * ~* ~* ~*

Danny faced his mother knowing that she was the one to help him with this, “She moved on barley mourned me I think that he did something to her.”

“Daniel I am sure that Sydney loves her husband or else she wouldn’t have married him,” Martin said.

Vanessa faced her husband,” Be quiet Martin Sydney could never love this man over my son never.”

Danny smiled, his mother was the one person he could count on and he knew without a doubt that she would be the one to help him get Sydney back, so much time had been lost, but Sydney would be his once again soon.

Vanessa loved her son and knew that Sydney was best for him; she knew that she had to take measures to get that man out of her life.

~ * ~* ~* ~ * ~ *

Sydney watched as Vanessa walked out onto the patio, she had been getting strange looks from the woman all afternoon, she had no idea why. Maybe it was because she’s moved on from her son and didn’t mourn him forever.

“Hey Syd come on I need some help, kicking his butt is so much fun,” Sark said from the basketball caught.

Sydney stripped off her sweet shirt leaving herself in a singlet top and a pair of sweets and jogged over to them, the teams were Eric, Vaughn and Gab, while Sark and Bella tried to win, Sydney ran and joined her daughter and brother in Law.

~ * ~* ~* ~* *~ *

Irina Drevko walked out onto the porch, she watched Vanessa Heact watching her daughter. She knew of this woman and she knew that Sydney and Michael’s marriage was important to them both and that she didn’t care what the Heacts said the sooner Danny was gone from there lives the better.

“I don’t like that woman and her son,” Brigitte said from beside Irina.

Irina looked up at her friend, “Neither do I, Because I think that she or her son are set to break up our children’s marriage.”

“They can try but I know our children Irina and I know that they are so much in love that these people can try, but both of them are very stubborn and always get what they want in the end,” Brigitte smiled.

~ * ~* ~* ~* *~

Sydney smiled as Vaughn wrapped his arms around her from behind; she turned in his arms and wrapped her arms around his neck kissing him.

“Ok I think that’s not fair, how is it that both of you start kissing in the middle of a game?” Sark said.

“Daddy cheat,” Bella said.

“Yeah Bella he does cheat,” Sark said.

“Nah I think that it’s Syd that cheats,” Eric said, while Sydney and Vaughn ignored them both and kept kissing.

Sark ran over and grabbed the ball from Vaughn’s arm passed it to Bella and then lifted her in the air so she could put it in the basket.

Sydney pulled away from her husband, “Got ya.”

“You woman are going to pay for that later you know that right?” Vaughn asked.

“Don’t worry can’t wait to find out what the payment is,” Syd said.

“On that note, think that Bella and I will go and get Mel, although why I want her to meet you band of misfits is beyond me,” Sark said as he grabbed Bella.

Bella looked at her parents,” Get Ice cream?”

“Yeah I am sure that your Uncle would love to get you Ice cream,” Sydney smiled at her brother in law.

~ * ~* ~* ~* ~*

Mel stood beside Sark as they walked around the back of the house, “Are you sure that they are going to like me?”

“Look it doesn’t matter if they like you or not what matters is that I like no I love you and they are my family they will love you too right Bella?” Sark asked the girl in his arms.

“Uh mamma said so,” Bella said as she licked the ice cream.

“You paid her to say that didn’t you?” Mel asked.

Sark laughed, “Bella says what I want her to whether I pay her or not.”

Mel smiled up at him as he grabbed her hand and lead her into the back yard.

~ * ~* ~* ~*

Sydney stood in front of Vaughn as he lent against the kitchen counter, “Now remember he wants to impress this girl with us, which means no terrible stories about him ok?”

“Syd your no fun why can’t I tell terrible stories about him?”

“If you play nice today I will more than make it up to you tonight,” Sydney said.

Vaughn smiled at this, “How will you make it up to me?”

“Well there is a Victoria secrets bag in the back of my closet, that I know you’ve looked in how does that work?”

“I think it works that I am going to behave and be a very good boy who will get rewarded tonight,” Vaughn said as he grabbed her hand and pulled her outside.

~ * ~* ~* *~

Sark watched Mel interact with his family truth be told he was scared of how much they were willing to accept her, but they showed him how much they cared for him by accepting her today.

He knew without a doubt that Sydney, Bella Eric, Brigitte and Gab would accept her, but the hard ones were Vaughn, and Irina they were the ones that would want more than the others.

Ever since the truth had come out Michael Vaughn had become protective of his younger brother.

“He promised to behave and be nice,” Sydney said as she slipped her arm through his.

Sark turned to her, “And let me guess you bribed him to behave right?”

“Hey your bribe my daughter every time you want her on your side, so why can’t I do it after all the Vaughn men always are only after one thing.”

“And what’s that?”

“Well that would be getting lucky, I am sure that if I sat down and had a long talk with Melanie she would say the same thing,” Sydney suggested.

“Don’t even think about that because it isn’t going to happen no way at all,” Sark said as he watched Sydney walk off.

~ * ~* ~* ~*

“Thanks for letting me join your family today,” Mel said as she walked into the kitchen.

Sydney looked up from loading the dishwasher, “Your welcome and it was nice to meet you, meet the woman that finally get Julian to settle down.”

“My family would say it was the other way around him, getting me to settle down.”

“Well I’ve known Julian a long time and your special to him that’s for sure.”

“His special to me, as long as I’ve known him his face just glows up when he talks about his family, I know how special you all are to him

“Well I am glad that after hearing about you for so long we got to meet you, and see that you are the wonderful person that Julian told us about,” Sydney smiled.

~ * ~* ~* ~*

Sydney sat down at a table and placed her lunch in front of her, She smiled as Gab sat in front of her, “What are you doing here?”

“I had to drop some stuff off to Kendall from Devlin, So went past your office and Eric told me you were here,” Gab said.

“So you would rather have lunch with me than your husband?”

“Please I want some decent conversation,” Gab laughed.

“Yeah all they seem to be talking about lately is sports, sports and more sports,” Sydney said.

“Oh please I like sports as much as you do but with Eric lately that’s all he talks about, the other day I tried talking to him about colors for the kitchen and he wouldn’t even talk about it.”

“I know Vaughn was the same, I wanted to talk about changing the colors in our room and he wouldn’t even talk about it, it’s like they’re trying to avoid talking about changes with us.”

“Yeah I know what you mean, so who was the woman with your dad the other days?”

“That is the new woman in his life, and I can say that she doesn’t seem his type, I think it’s more about the fact that my mother moved on. He wants to try and show her that he can move on also.”

“Your mum’s happy isn’t she?” Gab asked.

“Yeah I think that for the first time in a long time she is, I think that because of what happened with Kayta and also with there past she doesn’t feel that she and Dad could go back to what they were, she’s getting on with her life and loving each and every moment of it,” Sydney said.

~ * ~* ~* ~*

Sydney grabbed the remote and turner the TV off, and then turned to her husband.

“You know I was watching that right?” Vaughn asked.

“Why won’t you talk me about changing the colors in our bedroom, why are you avoiding talking about it?”

“Sydney please do you really want me to help you with this, would you want my opion on the room?”

“Yeah Michael I want your opion it’s our bedroom not just mine, so please can we talk about this?”

Vaughn looked at Syd he knew that she meant business she only used his first name when she wanted to get her point across, “Ok what were you thinking about?

“I was thinking pale blue, and I can’t seem to think of a colours that goes with it,” Sydney said.

Vaughn looked at his wife’s puzzled face, “How about a mixture of pale greens and blues?”

“Your brilliant and this is one of the reasons that I love you, “Sydney said.

Part 5

Sydney sat in a booth, she smiled as Vaughn walked towards her he passed her a glass of red wine and placed his on the table before sitting down, “You know this is nice just the two of us.”

“Yeah after the last couple of busy week we deserve some time alone,” Vaughn said.

“Yeah between Danny and then your brother’s annoument it’s nice to be alone and it was nice of your brother to offer to watch Bella for the entire night.”

“Yeah might have something to do with him trying to show Mel what good father material he would make.”

“He really is serious about her isn’t he?” Sydney asked.

“Yeah he is very serious about her, he was talking about house hunting the other day, and wanting to show Mel how good he is with Bella his plenty serious, But for now lets talk about something else,” Vaughn said.

“And what did you want to talk about?” Sydney asked.

Vaughn reached into his pocket and handed her something, “I was thinking about what you said the other night about us not talking as much, or spending so much time tougher and thought about this.”

Sydney opened the envelope and starred at the tickets, “These are two tickets for Paris we are going to be gone for three weeks.”

“Yeah I talked it over with your mother and mine, and my mother said that she will stay with Bella during the day and your mother said she will stay in the night when she’s not working,” Vaughn said.

“Is this a good idea?”

“Syd this is a great idea it gives us a chance to be alone, to see the sights and if anything happens someone will call us, and Bella tells me that Uncle Julian can take her and Donnie to the park,” Vaughn said.

“Trust Bella only worried about who can take her to the park, Vaughn I don’t’ know if I can leave her for three weeks…”

Vaughn reached up and brushed hair out of her eyes, “Syd I will miss her too, but this is good for us, there is plenty of people to take care of her and hey who knows when we will get the chance again.”

Sydney looked up at Vaughn,” Yeah I will go,” Sydney leaned over and kissed her.

~ * ~* ~* ~* ~*

Danny watched from the out of the way booth across the bar, he looked at the woman sitting across from him, “He is to be taken from her life and I will be in his place and we will make it happen soon.”

“Daniel I know what I was told to do, I also know that I was sent here to make sure that everything goes the way you want it,” Bri said.

“Brianna doesn’t make me report in how much you’re not helping because that wouldn’t go very well for you at all.”

“Your just a heartless bastard like him, I am here to do my job and trust me when I say that I will do my job, and if I have to seduce Michael Vaughn to do that job then I will do it, but don’t pretended that we are working for the same thing Danny, you’re the one that agreed to your death being faked, you just don’t like that she got a life and moved on,” Bri said as she got up and walked out.

Danny watched as the couple kept kissing, he hated the way Vaughn had his hands over Sydney, she was pure and she was his and Michael Vaughn was going to pay for taking her away from him. He was going to pay and who ever got in the way of him being with Sydney was going to pay also, his mother would make sure of that.

~ * ~* ~* ~* *~

Bella watched as her uncle passed her a block, “Mel sad?”

“What you mean sweetie?”

“Mel cry, Julian meanie,” Bella said as she threw the block at him.

Sark looked around and noticed that Mel had a smile, but also tears coming out her eyes, “Mel is everything ok why are you crying?”

“You want us to have a family right?” Mel asked.

Sark looked up confused not knowing what she meant by this, “Ofcourse I do Baby more than anything.”

Mel pulled the stick from behind her back and placed it in his hand, “Then I am guessing that we should get married sooner than we thought, if that’s anything to go by.”

Sark looked from the stick in his hand to Mel’s face, as a smile broke out he picked her up and swung her around, as he placed her on the ground he kissed her.

Sark looked down as someone pulled on his leg, “Hey Bella.”

“Mel happy?” Bella asked.

“Yeah baby Mel is happy, “Mel knelt down so her eyes were level with Bella’s, “Bella how would you like it if in a couple of months you had a new little cousin to play with?”

Bella looked at Mel with a puzzled expression on her face.

Sark bent down to Bella’s level, “Bella Mel is going to have a baby, we Mel and I are going to have a baby.”

“I tell daddy?” Bella asked.

“Yeah baby you can tell daddy,” Sark said.

~ * ~* ~* ~*
Sark carried Bella into the house, he noticed Vaughn laying on the couch he placed Bella down so she could go jump on her father.

Vaughn caught Bella as she jumped on the couch, “Hey baby did you have fun?”

“Bella is a big girl,” Bella said.

“Yeah I know that you’re growing up way too fast,” Vaughn said.

“Mel gonna have baby,” Bella blurted out.

Vaughn looked up from Bella’s face into the smiling face of his brother, “When did you guys find out?”

“Last night right after Bella called me a meanie head and threw a block at me cause Mel was crying, it seems that I come second to her almost Aunt,” Sark said.

“Oh its not a nice feeling being out of the limelight now is it?” Vaughn smirked.

Part 6

“Aunt Syd I kind of like that.”

Sydney turned around from the stove and noticed Vaughn standing in the kitchen doorway, “What do you mean you like the sound of Aunt Syd?”

“Well it seems that Mel is pregnant, he just told me that he found out last night right after Bella called him a meanie and threw a block at him.”

“Wow Julian a dad now that’s something I can really see him as, like you I think that all the Vaughn men are good with children from what I can see.”

Vaughn walked towards her and wrapped his arms around her, “Syd do you ever think….”

“Every single time I look at Bella,” Sydney answered.

“Wow me an uncle never thought that’s sometime I would be, as both of us are only children, maybe to Eric’s kids yeah but …”

“You stopped being an only child and got a sibling who you get along great with I might add,” Sydney said.

“Syd maybe one day, you think that we might?”

“Yeah I think that we will, and who knows it might happen sooner or later after all I am sure we make love more times than anyone else we know,” Sydney laughed.

“You have a way with words Mrs. Vaughn and I for one can’t wait to get you alone and to myself when we get to Paris,” Vaughn said.

~ * ~* ~* ~* ~*

Bella sat on the bed, “Park with Donnie n Unca Julian?”

“Yeah Uncle Julian is going to take you to the park every single day he said, Gamma Brigitte is going to watch you during the day and then a couple of nights a week, Gamma Irina is going to watch you ok?” Sydney asked.

“Daddy sad?”

“Yeah Baby Daddy is sad to be leaving you, so am I, we are going to miss you lots but we are going to come back and bring you lots and lots of presents,” Sydney assured her daughter.

“Stay in my bed?”

“Yep you’re going to stay in your bed, everyone is coming here to stay with you, even Eric might bring you snacks when Gamma isn’t looking.”

Bella jumped off the bed and ran out of the room with a smile on her face.

“Bribing her that’s nice,” Sark said from the doorway.

Sydney smiled, “Hey I am not the only one that’s guilty of that.”

“Hey I am the uncle and Uncles are supposed to bribe her.”

“So you’re not her centre of attention anymore hey?” Sydney asked.

“Nah and let me tell you it’s strange to tell the truth I am a little jealous of Mel right now.”

“Yeah know what you mean, first it was me, then it was Vaughn and then you and no she’s moved onto Mel, who knows who it will be next,” Syd said.

“Yeah she amazes me though Bella is such a great kid thanks to her great parents.”

“Thanks and I am sure with great parents your son or daughter is going to be great too,” Sydney said, she noticed the sad look on his face, “What’s the matter?”

“Just wondering you know when this kid asks or even Bella asks why if I knew the truth I never told Mike what am I supposed to tell them?”

“Your supposed to say that certain things made it impossible for you to get to know your brother, but as soon as you got the chance you told him the truth, and ever since then you guys have been close,” Sydney said.

~ * ~* ~* ~* ~*

Sydney looked across the seat at Vaughn he was looking at the window, “Your brother and I had a talk today.”

Vaughn turned towards her, “Yeah anything special?”

“About what he what you would tell Bella and he would tell this baby about your past and the reason that your brothers but didn’t grow up tougher,” Sydney said.

“What did you tell him?”

“The same thing that I’ve told you over and over again that there were reasons that you can’t explain as to why you didn’t grow up with each other, but that you love and trust him just like he does.”

“Sometimes I wonder what I would do without you, how I lived before you.”

“You’re an amazing man and I am lucky to be married to you,” Sydney said as she leaned over and kissed him.

~ * ~* ~* ~* ~*

“Mel come?” Bella asked her uncle.

Sark laughed, “Nah baby she’s at work she can come another time.”

“Want Mel.”

“Sorry but Mel is busy, so can we go to the park?”

“No Park want Mel,” Bella stormed from the room.

Sark rubbed a hand over his face and looked up into Brigitte eyes, “What?”

“So much like her father, he used to be like that when he didn’t get his own way.”

“My mother said the same thing to me the other night when I called her about the baby, she said that she hopes that this baby puts me through all the hell I put her through.”

“Your both like your father, maybe no as much in looks but your ideas your methods, and I like it,” She said.

“Do you ever wish that I hadn’t come into your lives and told you the truth?” Sark asked.

“Julian not for one minute, the one thing that I often do wish is that you and Michael had a chance to know each other when you were growing up, my marriage with William wasn’t always good but we did the best we could, neither of us were innocent on any account, But I know given half a chance you father would’ve loved to get to know you,” Brigitte smiled as she walked from the room.

~ * ~* ~* ~*

Irina opened the front door surprised to see Jack standing there, “Something that I can do for you Jack?”

“I came to see my daughter and Granddaughter, now excuse me please Irina.”

“Sydney isn’t here, she and Michael left for Paris earlier today and Bella is down for the night she’s been down for a couple of hours,” Irina said.

“Fine then goodbye Irina,” Jack said as he walked off, Irina watched him go then turned and walk back into the house.

Matt looked up as she walked into the room, “Everything ok?”

“That was just Sydney’s father wanting to see her and Bella but I explained that Sydney is away and that Bella is asleep,” Irina said as she sat down.

~ *~ *~ * ~* ~*

Vaughn turned his head to the side, he was laying on his stomach he smiled at Sydney who was tracing the outline of the tattoo on his arm, “You having fun there?”
“Yeah I’m having a ball because you old man were tired out and sleeping.”

“Thanks Syd pick on my age, will remember to remind you of this fact at your birthday in a couple of months.”

“Where did you get it?”

“Get what?” Vaughn asked.

“The tattoo I have always wondered and never thought to ask it?”

“My father had the same one on his arm, I remember when I got it my mother hit me across the head and told me I was stupid, even though I was eighteen at the time. I did it more as a symbol of my father a reminder of the man he was,” Vaughn said.

“A Rebel hey, and I think that his sons are like him.”

“You’ve been talking to my mother again haven’t you?” Vaughn asked.

“She might have mentioned a thing or two,” Sydney smiled.

“You know as much as I would love to stay in this bed all day long we have to get up, if we are going to see anything today,” Vaughn smiled as Sydney snuggled into his arms.

~ * ~* ~* ~* ~*

Gab walked into her office and sat down, she noticed a wrapped package sitting on her desk. She opened it and noticed a box holding little sample tins of paint.

“Thought that we could test each one on the wall and see which one we liked,” Eric said from the doorway.

Gab smiled up at her husband, “I thought that you weren’t listening when I was talking about colors.”

“I hear everything you say even the things that I think are silly, and to me I don’t care what color the kitchen is painted but if you care then I care, And I am sure that given a little bit of though we could make this a little fun,” Eric suggested.

“You have a dirty mind,” Gab said as she moved forward and kissed him.

“Yeah and so do you Mrs. Weiss,” Eric said as he kicked her office door shut behind him.

~ * ~* ~* ~* ~*

Bri rose from her seat as Sydney headed towards the bathroom, she grabbed the glass of wine and walked towards Vaughn’s table. When she was close enough she pretended to trip and spilled the wine down the front of his shirt, “Oh I am so sorry I didn’t mean for that to happen I hope that I haven’t ruined your shirt?”

Vaughn stood up and grabbed the napkin, “Nah that’s ok my daughter puked on it enough times think that it can stand some wine.”

“You have a daughter how nice; Once again I am so sorry about this.”

“Hey as I said it’s ok, anyway my wife and I were heading back to the hotel anyway,” Vaughn said as Sydney came back to the table.”
Sydney noticed his shirt, “Oh sweetie you never seem to have any luck with that shirt lately do you?”

“No and I blame Bella I never got out the door that first night.”
The both smiled at bri as they left.

Part 7

Mel walked into the room and came to an immediate standstill when she saw Sark's long, muscular physique draped along the bed.

He was still wearing his sweater and jeans. Gazing down at his handsome sleep face, his dark hair swept back from his forehead, she studied the faint ridges on his brow and the new lines beside his eyes.

It made her hurt inside to think of him, in so much pain – that he wouldn’t drive himself so hard. The man needed to cut himself a little slack - he didn’t have to prove anything to anyone. Least of all her. Funny how she could see that so clearly now as if someone had switched on a light blub in her brain. So why couldn’t he.

Hands shaking a little, she clutched at the silky material of her robe as if to prevent herself from reaching out to touch him. But, oh, how she wanted to touch him. The need was consuming her. She might be cold on the outside but inside she was burning up.

Finally, her pulse racing wildly, she reached out and laid her hand on his chest. Sark opened his eyes. Without a word his fingers curled around the fine bones of her wrist and tugged her towards him. Losing her balance Mel tumbled on top of him, her breath shooting out of her in a shocked little whoosh.

Then he was kissing her, making love to her with his mouth while his hands roamed her body, stroking, pressing, caressing, until she was too weak to fight the matching need that throbbed through her and surrendered instead to the powerful conflagration that was consuming them both.

She drew back momentarily to look at him, her hair softly dishevelled, shimmering eyes glazed with desire, and when he protested Mel placed her finger across his lips as if silently begging him not to speak, just feel.

Dropping his head back onto the pillow behind him, Sark sucked in an unneeded breath as her hands moved down to his pelvis, stroked across the hard, aching ridge behind his fly, then slowly eased down his zipper. He groaned and would have reached for her again but she was working his jeans down to his knees then doing the same with his black silk boxers. Heat slammed into Sark like a force of nature. His mouth went dry as she straddled him with her long, pale thighs and slowly but deeply took him inside her-self.

Deeper and deeper she took him, and as she began to rock herself gently back and forth Sark seriously thought her scorching heat would set him on fire. Then she bent towards him and kissed him and Sark reached for her, his hands stroking across the rigid, velvet tips of her breasts through her thing nightshirt, squeezing and cupping. When she sat back to give him greater access, he covered them hungrily with his mouth so that she cried out, releasing his name in soft, breathily little gasps that had all the nerve ending on the surface of his hot, awakened skin exploding with pleasure.

Memories Mel had held in her heart came flooding back. Arousing memories. There wasn’t a surface in there house that they hadn’t made love on at one time or another. They always had been so hungry for one another – as if they could never get enough. Bringing her concentration firmly back to the present, Mel sighed as fierce pleasure shuddered through her; she could practically hear her heart hum.

With every rocking movement of her pelvis, Sark thrust into her more deeply until finally the intensity of the pleasure became just too much to bear. Exquisite little sensations of heat erupted inside her eliciting a ragged cry from her soul as her soft, moist walls clasped and unclasped his hardness in a primal rhythm all of their own, until she felt his own powerful capitulation as he bucked against her.

Breathing hard, he held her hips firm beneath his hand – right where he wanted her –before slowly letting her go.

When he open his gorgeous brown eyes, his lips parting in a devastating smile that made Mel feel as if she was drowning in moonlight and passion, she dared to smile back, her heartbeat wild in her chest.

“I remembered how you liked to be woken up,” her voice was unconsciously silky.

“Ten out of ten for effort, ” he responded huskily..

To Sark’s absolute delight she blushed like a schoolgirl and the blood in Sark’s veins heated and throbbed anew. In an instant, he wanted her again. When she would have moved away, he stilled her with his hands, pulling her back down, his eyes darkening as desire stirred once again in his loins.

Mel bit her lip in shock but obediently stayed where she was, allowing Sark to push her robe of her shoulders, then to slowly and deliberately unbuttons her nightshirt until she was naked before him.

“You’re so beautiful, baby,” His voice was horse with admiration as he skimmed his fingers round her perfect, sexy little navel then proceeded to do the same to her breasts, “And if you think you’re running away from me any time soon… think again, because I have plans for you.”

“Plans?” Her pulse skited as she stared down into his melting brown gaze.

“Yes, plans,” He teased. “And they may just keep us both here all morning.”

Removing his sweater, his broad, magnificent shoulders and flat, hard stomach exposed to her hungry gaze, Sark deftly swapped places so that Mel landed flat on her back beneath him, her brown curly locks landed on the pillow beneath her.

Sark sucked in a deep unneeded breath, “Now I’ve got you right where I want you, and barring an earthquake or all other acts of God, that’s where you’re staying until I’ve shown you exactly how much I love and want you.

Sliding her hands round his back, loving the feel of those strong, rippling muscles slick beneath her fingers, Mel manages a briefly tremulous smile, “Do I look as if I’m about to run away?” She asked.

Sark’s hands grazed her swollen stomach, thoughts of what the baby would be like ran through his mind

Mel reached and placed her hand over his own, “Do you want a boy or a girl?”

Sark looked up into Mel’s face, “I don’t care as long as both mother and baby are healthy.”

Mel leaned up and kissed Sark, while her hands drifted around his neck his stayed on her stomach.

~ * ~* ~* ~* ~* ~*

Sydney smiled as she lay in the sun barley thinking, she started to day dream about the man lying in the sand beside her about what it would be like to have a miniature version of him.

They had decided early days into there trip, that maybe it was time for a little brother or sister for Bella, Sydney didn’t really care either way she told Vaughn, but deep down she knew if she got a miniature version of her husband she would love it.

She closed her eyes as pictures filled her mind.

“What are you thinking about?” Vaughn asked as he wrapped his arms around her as they stood in the nursery door way.

“How lucky we are, Christian will grow up to be the perfect image of you according to your mother.”

“Cept for one difference, he has your eyes, While Bella is the image of you she has my eyes, and we changed this time Chris has your eyes and looks like me.”

Sydney turned in his arms, “You do like his name don’t you?”

“Christian Michael Vaughn, yeah Syd I love it and am glad that you choose that for his name.”

“Well I know that Bella is a Daddy’s girl and you chose her name so now it was my turn.”
Sydney leaned up and kissed him.

Sydney came out of her day dream and turned to Vaughn she touched his shoulder, “Wake up.”

Vaughn lifted his head from his hands and looked at her though his sun glasses, “What?”

“What do you think of the name Christain Michael?”

“I think it’s my name turned around why Syd?”

“I was thinking that when we get pregnant if it’s a boy that what would could name him.”

“You want to give our son, when we have him, noticed you didn’t say if, so when we have him you want to swap my first and middle name around and give it to him?”

“Yeah a little boy with your looks and my eyes, nothing else.”

Vaughn laughed, “Your not hoping for much now are you?”

~ * ~* ~* ~* ~*

Eric opened the front door and took the bags from his wife, three days away and he had missed her, but it had given him a chance to put his surprise into action. He placed her bags inside the door and placed her coat away.

Eric grabbed her hand once again and led her down the hall to their bedroom. opening the door. Gab was hit with the sight before her. The candles lit around the room weren’t what caught her eye at first. It’s the rich colours on the walls, the two closets side by side while on the other side of the room stood two oak dressers.

The bed leant against the wall; the dark wooden frame of the bed matching the plum red covers and curtains. Gab knew that above all, that this was something that Eric had taken special care with.

Gab turned to him, “Eric what is this?”

“This is my surprise for you, the last couple of days wanted to show you how much I care and how much I listen, and thought that we needed a chance,” Eric smiled.

One hand slid up over the delicate skin of her throat and under her chin, lifting her mouth to his. At the first touch of his lips on hers the searing physical need that she had been struggling to tamp down flared into crackling life like a well laid bonfire bursting into flame at just the tough of a match.

As he gathered her close and pressed hard, hungry kisses on her mouth. He led her towards the bed and kisses her until she was dizzy, her body stirring to life under his caress. She barley noticed the ease with which the velvet dress was stripped from her body, the careless speed with which he discarded his own elegant clothes. What she wanted was total union, the most complete form of communication that was possible better a man and a woman.

Every touch, every caress was like a voyage of rediscovery, It was like returning to some wonderfully beautiful place she has only known in her dreams.

“Eric!” his name was a sob of delight on her lips as his mouth fastened on her nipple, tugging softly. “Oh Eric, Eric!”

She was burning up as if in a fever as he thrust into her, everything seeming to be etched so sharply onto her brain that she knew this memory would never fade, no matter how much time passed. She saw the male beauty of Eric’s body, the width of his chest that narrowed down to his waist and hips, the ebony sild of his hair as it slid under her finger tips. The scene of his skin filled her nostrils and she was drowning in sensation, adrift on a heated sea of pleasure in which every sense has been reborn, both demon and human, coming newly, exquisitely awake.

His desire she could have no doubt of. Every touch, every kiss every movement of his body communicated that so.

As she looked into his eyes as she sank back onto the bed, she saw the love there.

“I love you so much,” Eric said.

“I love you more than anything.”

“You like your presents?”

“I love my presents each and every single one I have,” Gab whispered as she raised her lips to meet his.

~ * ~* ~* ~* ~*

Sark walked into the house surprised to find the front door open, he had told Brigitte he was coming over but it wasn’t like her to leave the door open, he pulled his gun out as he walked further into the house.

He pushed open the bedroom door and saw Brigitte lying on the floor, he rushed towards, he checked that she still had a pulse he pulled his cell out and dialled for an ambulance, while he searched the rest of the house.

He searched the rest of the house, calling out Bella’s name; he pulled his cell out and dialled Eric’s number.

~ * ~*~ *~

Eric and Gab rushed to the door of the house, they are meet by the sight of Sark pacing in the living room, Dixon talking to officers Marshal and Carrie sitting on chairs.

“Any news yet?” Gab asked.

Eric looked around the room, “Anyone call Mike and Syd yet?”

“Yeah Dixon did, he sent a plane for them, they should be back within a couple of hours,” Sark said.

Mel reached up and grabbed his hand in her own, “In the mean time they want us to wait here in case we hear anything, Um Irina went to be with Brigitte in case she wakes up and hear anything.”

Eric watched Sark out of the corner of his eye, he noticed the slight tear in the mans eyes. He knew that he was having a hard time keeping it all in.

Eric placed a hand on Sark’s shoulder as Sark looked up and nodded his thanks, To Eric Bella was like family but to Sark she was family and to a man that barley knew his own family, this must be ripping him in two, just like he knew what it would be doing to Syd and Mike.

~ * ~* ~* ~* ~*

Vaughn walked back from the cockpit; he noticed Sydney had tears in her eyes, “Baby you ok?”

“What if don’t get her back?”

Vaughn sat down in front of her, “Syd there is nothing and I mean nothing that is going to stop me from getting who ever has Bella, and getting her back to us. I mean that.”

“I know you do, it’s just that I am scared that’s all, maybe we shouldn’t have come here. Maybe because we wanted to be alone someone is punishing us.”

“Syd no one is punishing us because we wanted to get away, Syd I love you and I know that you love Bella so much, I also know that we aren’t the only, the only parents that want to go away alone with each other Syd.”

Sydney reached up and caressed his face, “I know that I just wish that this didn’t happen.”

Vaughn wrapped his arms around her and pulled her into his lap, his heart breaking not only at the loss of his daughter, but also at the pain Sydney was going through.

~ * ~* ~* ~* ~*~ *

Jack stood outside the house, not wanting to go in, he knew that Irina’s new boyfriend would arrive soon from the airport with Sydney and Michael and he didn’t want to be here for that.
But he did want to be here for his daughter, to offer support in her time of need.

But he wasn’t sure he could face the man that was taking his place in his life.

~ * ~* ~*~ *

Vaughn sat in the car, thinking about the day Bella was born.

“So what horrible name did you stick her with?” Sark asked as he looked down at the brown haired, Green eyed beauty in his arms.

“Well that’s your brother choice I said he could choose her name if she was a girl so ask him,” Syd said.

Everyone in the room turned and looked at Vaughn.

Vaughn looked at his daughters face, “Isabella Rose Vaughn, Bella Rose.”

Brigitte kissed her son, “ That is such a beautiful name for a beautiful little girl.

Vaughn came out of his daydream and he felt the car stop, he looked towards his house wishing that this wasn’t happening.

Part 8

Vaughn stood in the doorway of Bella’s room, it had been three days and still there was no word who had her, his mother still wasn’t awake, so they had no leads to follow.

Jack, Irina, and even Kendall was doing what ever they could but checking out old enemies,
Wasn’t leading to anything.

And between Sydney, Irina Jack, Himself and his brother they had a few, but nothing was coming up,

He walked further into the room and picked up a picture frame that rested on the dresser, it was of him Syd and Bella on her first birthday, he traced the outline of Bella’s face with his ring finger of his left hand.

His eyes rested on the silver not gold band that lay there, he and Sydney weren’t big into jewelry so they had decided on silver light weight wedding rings. He ran the list of names through his head once more, but like before he hit a roadblock there were so many possibilities of who could have Bella.

~ * ~* ~* ~* ~*

Sark’s eyes rested on the spare room of his house, often when Sydney and his brother were out of town, Bella would spend the night. He remembered the weekend he and two year old Bella had painted the room, when Sydney had turned up to pick her up she had laughed at the image her painted two year old daughter made.

Bella and the baby Mel was pregnant with, were all of there second chances, there chance at a normal life.

He needed to find her, not for only his own sake but for his brother and Sydney’s sake he knew that they were going through hell right now.

~ * ~* ~* ~* ~*

Sydney looked up as Danny rushed into the room; he took her into his arms. Sydney wanted to push him away but didn’t have the strength. Right now she didn’t need him all she needed was her daughter back in her arms, safe and sound.

Sydney slowly moved away and sat down on the couch, “Danny what are you doing here?”

“I um heard from Will about your daughter, Sydney I am so sorry, is there anything I can do?”

“No Danny there isn’t anything that you can do.”

Sydney looked up as Vaughn walked into the room, she moved to his side without a word and he wrapped his arms around her, seeking comfort in her warmth.

Without a word Vaughn pulls away from her and grabs her hand, HE leads her out of the room not saying a word to Danny.

Danny watches with disgust as Sydney just lets herself be lead away by Vaughn, this wasn’t working out the way he planned she was supposed to seek comfort in him not that bastard.

He would make Michael Vaughn pay for taking away his woman that was for sure.

~ * ~* ~* ~* ~*

Sydney sat wrapped into Vaughn’s arms, they sat in the rocking chair in Bella’s room, arms wrapped around each other, and she closed her eyes as memories of Bella started running through her mind.

Sydney stood in the doorway and watched as Vaughn tried to feed there daughter, no matter how much her father told her it was good for her, and yummy Bella was having none of it.

“Bella Baby if you eat this, Daddy will give you ice cream,” Vaughn said.

Bella threw the spoon at her father, and then rubbed her tired eyes, Sydney knew that Bella had enough, she was getting sleepy, and she smiled and wrapped her arms around Vaughn from behind.

~ * ~* ~* ~* ~*

Sydney looked up from her book she hadn’t heard anything from Vaughn or Bella in the last hour, she looked across to the sofa under the big bay window, father and daughter were snuggled up into the sofa, she grabbed the blanket from the back of the couch and placed it over them.

She wasn’t surprised that they were both tired, they had been playing with Bella’s blocks for ages, she moved back to the other sofa and grabbed her book again and sat down to read it.

~ * ~* ~* ~* ~*

Vaughn woke once again to Sydney tracing his tattoo, he could see the sad look in her eyes it was another night without there daughter and it broke his heart, “What?”

“You told me why you got this, because of your father but never told me what the symbols means.”

“My dad told my mum the reason he got it is cause, it’s the Chinese Symbol for Power and Strength with the roses throughout it. He got it when he was stationed in China some time ago, In remembrance of fallen Agents,” Vaughn explained

“It’s nice, real nice.”

“Syd I know that this isn’t what you’re thinking about, your thinking about the same thing I am.”

Sydney closed her eyes briefly, “What if we never get her back?”

“Syd we will get her back, I will stop at nothing and I mean nothing to bring out daughter home where she belongs, that I can promise you,” Vaughn said as he pulled her into his arms.

~ * ~* ~*~ *~ *

Alexei woke and reached out for Irina he sat up and saw her looking out the window, “Irina what is it?”

“Brigitte is still not awake; we have no leads on where Bella is I couldn’t sleep.”

Alexei rose from the bed and slipped behind her in the window seat, “Irina if I have learned anything about your family and friends in the past months, it’s that they don’t rest while one of there own is out there alone and I know you will do everything you can in your power to get Bella back.”

Irina turned and kissed him, knowing that she was falling hard for this man, a simple thing as his words were something that made her love for him deeper, true in some way she still loved Jack and always would.

They shared a child tougher, but she could forgive him for almost anything except sleeping with her sister, to her that was a betrayal she could never forgive, she sunk back into Alexei’s embrace.

~ * ~* ~* ~* ~*

Sark stood and looked out the window, he hated this. There was a time a while ago where he would’ve known in a second who it was that had taken Bella, and that would’ve been Sloane.

But Sloane was dead and had been for a long time now, he should know he emptied his clip into him, the day he took his mothers life.

Andrea Sark has never done any wrong by anyone, and Sloane used her as a tool to get at him, to take away his family. But unknown to Sloane that’s what lead him to his family now.

He knew that he wasn’t’ about to loose another member of his family, he looked at Mel asleep in the bed one last time before he made the descion, he would do what ever was necessary to save his family.

He grabbed his jacket keys and cell phone and walked out.

~ * ~* *~ *~* ~*

Danny walked into the warehouse and walked towards a room, he looked through the glass opening at the top of the door at the crying girl in there.

He knew that once he had Sydney where he wanted, that he would have to do something get rid of this child.

True Sydney would grieve but in time, they would have a child of her own making Sydney forget all about her previous life.

There own little girl, named from their love the love that should never have been taken away from him.

He’d made the wrong descion seven years ago, but Sydney had been made some mistakes, mistakes that she would pay for.

He was setting his plan into action, Sydney would find evidence very soon that her husband was cheating on her, Bri was a very good actress and she would make it seem real.

~ * ~* ~* ~* ~*

Bri watched as the car pulled in front of the supermarket, she knew that Sydney was behind the wheel, she walked towards the car putting her plan into action, when she got there she put on an annoyed face, “Where is Michael and what the hell are you doing driving his car?”

Sydney jumped back she faced the woman not sure what to make of this, “Excuse me?”

“I asked you who the hell you think your are, stay away from my boyfriend I won’t say it again,” Bri said as she walked off.

Sydney watched her walk off shocked, this woman must be mistaken there was no way that Vaughn would cheat on her, no way at all. She got back into the car and speed out of the parking lot, not noticing Bri as she pulled out her cell phone.

~ * ~* ~* ~* ~*

Sydney rushed past Vaughn into the house, he watched her go wondering what happened.
He walked into there bedroom to see Sydney standing there looking out the window.

“Thought that you wanted to get out of the house for a while? You weren’t gone that long?”

Sydney turned around and glared at him, “Are you cheating on me?”

Vaughn looked at her shocked that she even thought this, thought that he could look at another woman besides her, “Syd where is this coming from?”

“Right now all I care about is finding Bella, I go to the store only to have some strange woman come up to me telling me to stay away from her boyfriend that I wasn’t to get in her way, or else I would pay dearly what the hell am I supposed to think Vaughn tell me that?” Sydney demanded.

“Your supposed to trust me, your supposed to believe in our marriage and my love for you, not believe when stranger tells you that I am cheating on you. I can’t believe that you would even let those thoughts enter your mind Sydney,” Vaughn walked out of the bedroom slamming the door behind him.

Sydney slumped to the floor as tears flowed freely, she didn’t know what come over her. She loved and trusted him more than she had ever trust or loved anyone even Danny but here she was betraying him by not believing in him.

~ * ~* ~* ~* ~* ~* ~*

Vaughn sat across from Agents, “What is this about, your supposed to be looking into who has my daughter, not looking into me.”

“Agent Vaughn we have come across some stuff that points to you, it appears that your marriage isn’t as solid as you would like us to believe.”

“What the hell are you talking about, my marriage is fine always has been.”

“Agent Vaughn please tell us about the woman that you’re having an affair with?” The agent asked.

“The woman that I am having an affair with, see there is a problem with that, I love my wife and am not cheating on her no matter what some crazy woman is saying, to you or to my wife,” Vaughn said.

The agent placed a folder on the table which Vaughn opened, “These are hotel receipts from various hotels where you and this woman stayed can you explain them.”

“You and I both know how easy it is to make false evidence,” Vaughn said.

“My husband isn’t cheating on me, I know that and I trust him, He would never do what your suggesting he loves both Bella and myself,” Sydney said as she walked into the room.
“Of course Agent Bristow,” The agents rose and left, Vaughn got up and walked away from Sydney leaving her sitting there.

“You telling them that you trust me doesn’t make this problem just go away Syd.”

“Vaughn please can’t we just forget it?” Sydney pleaded.

Vaughn turned and looked at her, “For some reason you lost Trust in me and my love for you Syd and I can’t just forget that, I love you and Bella more than anything and would never do anything to hurt you, but right now I can’t do this.

Sydney watched with tears in her eyes as Vaughn grabbed his coat and walked out of the house, she knew that she had hurt him badly, she had no idea why she let those thoughts enter her mind.
She did love and trust him, but for a split second she didn’t.

~ * ~* ~* ~* ~* ~*

Vaughn sat in his car watching as Danny moved along the road, he hadn’t told Sydney about his suspions, he had only told his brother who sat in the car beside him.

They both knew that it was suspions that Danny came back and then Bella went missing, they both knew that Danny was trying to get Sydney back.

“That’s the woman that spilled her drink on me in Paris, “ Vaughn said as he watched Danny sat down at an outdoor café with Bri.

“What do you think that his up to?” Sark asked as he grabbed the camera.

Eric gets into the back of the car, “She’s also the woman that told Syd that your having an affair with her, I managed to get the security camera footage from the grocery store.”

“So what Danny is setting it up to look like, I’m cheating on Syd so that he can be with her?,” Vaughn asked.

“Knowing that with Bella missing Syd would doubt everyone including you, knowing that Bella is the key,” Sark said.

“So in other words to find Bella we track Danny, Ok lets get on with it,” Eric said as he sat back in his seat.

~ * ~* ~* ~* ~* ~*

Sydney sat going over list of suspects once again, she had barley seen her husband in three days, he had come home once to get a chance of clothes but that was about it.
He didn’t tell her where he had been or when he was coming back either, he told her that he was busy and then left.

Her Marriage was falling apart right before her eyes and there was nothing that she could do about it, she also hated the way the last couple of days, Danny had been trying to get closer to her.
She didn’t want a relationship with Danny, but he kept saying it’s not like she knew what her husband was up to.

She hated the thoughts that were in her mind, the mistrust she had of Vaughn. She hated it.

She hated that Danny was trying to make her not trust her husband anymore, she loved and trusted Vaughn so much, she needed to see him but she had no idea where he was and his cell phone was turned off.

~ * ~* ~* ~*

Jack sat in his own office across from Sydney; he knew what Vaughn, Eric and Sark were up to. But he hated that he had agreed to not tell Sydney what they were up to.

If things went right Bella would be back with her family soon, but if they didn’t….

Jack wished many times over that this wasn’t happening that his daughter and granddaughter were have a nice normal life, but it didn’t happen.

He wished that choices he had made thirty odd years ago were different.

Part 9

Danny watched Sydney from across the table, “So why do you stay with him Sydney if you’re sure that his having an affair.”

“Danny I’m not sure, yes this woman said that she was having an affair with him but I know and love Michael and I am pretty sure that he isn’t cheating on me.”

“But are you 100 per cent sure that he isn’t cheating on you?”

“I can’t deal with what if’s at the moment Danny, all I care about is getting Bella back and making sure that she is safe, once that happens I am going to think about this.”

“Are there any leads as to who has her yet?” Danny asked.

“None, a time ago I knew who was my enemy and who wasn’t now I don’t have a clue. With my mother and Julian being good Sloane dead, I don’t know who else has something against me that they would take my daughter.”

Danny reached across the table and grabbed Sydney’s hand, “If there is something that I can do just let me know, with regards to Bella or with regards for you having somewhere to say when you leave Michael.

Sydney looked at Danny she noticed how he said when she left Michael. But who said anything about leaving. She loved her husband and would do anything to keep her marriage.
She loved no one more than she loved Vaughn and Bella.

~ * ~* ~* ~* ~*

Sydney looked up as Vaughn walked into the house, she followed him into the bedroom, “I looked for you today where were you?”

“Julian and I were checking out leads we meet Eric for lunch then checked out some more leads. Was it something important?”

“I miss her.”

“I miss her too but we will find her I will make sure of that, “ He changed his shirt and started to head out of the bedroom.

“Vaughn please can’t we at least talk about this?”

Vaughn turned and looked at her,” What is there to talk about Syd, you believe that I am cheating on you, your the woman that I love the woman that I would risk everything and yet you still think that I am capable of being with another woman.”

“Michael I don’t want our marriage to be over.”

Vaughn stopped in the doorway shocked, Sydney moved towards him pressing herself again him.

His chest expanded, but other parts of his body tightened, having her in his arms was having effects on his body. Her mouth was sweet, her hands were both soothing and seductive, Vaughn breathed in deeply, inhaling the scent that was unique to her.

Even though he was angry and hurt he knew that he didn’t want to be without her, he felt her unfasten the buttons of his shirt.

“Syd what are you doing to me?”

Sydney lifted her face, his lips lift in a she cat smile, “It’s a surprise.

His gut twisted and his pulse pounded in all his pleasure points, before he could say anything else he had slid over his chest and she gave him a French kiss that had his body temperature soaring.

Vaughn thought about asking his question again, he thought about pushing her away, but what she was doing felt so damm good, he decided to hang on for the ride.

She lowered her mouth to his chest and her hand to his belt, she skimmed her lips down his chest to his belly, In achingly slow movement she unfastened his belt and lowered his zipper.

When her hand slipped beneath his boxers to his hardness he groaned.

She swirled her tongue around his belly button, then dipper it inside, he groaned again.
Her mouth was so warm and sweet he didn’t want her to stop.

Draped across his thighs, she stroked him intimately with her fingers, cupping him. He was hard and throbbing ready to climb walls from her teasing touch.

She lowered her mouth still farther and paused, Vaughn held his breath wondering would she, as the thoughts passed through his find, Sydney took him into her mouth.

Vaughn clenched his eyes s*** at the incredible pleasure, he felt her flick her tongue over his swollen masculinity and began to swear under his breath.

He gradually opened his eyes and the sight of her lips caressing him intimately nearly sent him over the edge, her hair whispered over his thighs and abdomen, and her hand stroked his skin.
It was too erotic for words, but Sydney was doing more than making love to him. She was reclaiming his heart and mind.

His resistance and doubt slid from his grip, she was tenderly taking him past the point of no return. Perspiration beaded on the back of his neck, he wove his fingers through her hair as she pushed him further and further.

He could barley breathe, and his entire body trembled from intense arousal, his heart was too full the pleasure too much, calling her name, he burst over the edge falling until she caught him.

Taking deep breaths, Vaughn drew Sydney against him; she kissed his neck, his check.

Vaughn finally collected himself enough to see straight, he stared at her, “You’re incredible, what was that for?”

Sydney curled up against him, “Vaughn there are lots of ways to handle a crisis you’re used to doing it one way and normally all alone, I wanted to show you another way, “She lifted her head, “ I love you Vaughn, and I wanted to show you that also.

Sydney straddled him; She undid the first button of her shirt and sighed when she felt his hands on her hips, and his lips to her ear. His hands moved around to settle on her stomach, She turned in his arms and his lips met hers. It felt like to her forever since he had touched her like this, when it had only been a few short days.

He pulled his lips from hers ignoring the moan of protest, Vaughn looked deep into her eyes, seeking what he needed. She nodded her head, as she moved her lips taking his with her own.

Sydney felt his hands move over her hips and then he slid them around to her back as he pulled her closer to him.

She sighed as he undid the rest of the buttons, and kissed her right above her bra,
He removed her shirt and reached around behind her back, undid the clasp to her bra and then moved his hands around to cup her breasts in his large hands, as she ran her hands over his chest.

Vaughn kissed her stomach and began unbuttoning her jeans. She ran her hands through his hair, as he begins nipping the skin around her bellybutton.

Vaughn pushed her pants to her ankles and pulled her to straddle his waist. He began kneading her breasts as he licked the tip of one breast, receiving a moan out of her.

Sydney brought her mouth to his as she slipped her tongue into his mouth. He tore his mouth from hers when her hand cupped his erection, as Vaughn began sucking on one of her hardened nipples.

Vaughn continued to move down her body, he slipped two fingers inside of her. He slowly stroked her until she was aching for more. He slipped between her legs spread her with his thumb. Sydney screamed out as his tongue touched her, her hips rose up to meet him. He slid his hands under and held her still. He teased her over and over again, flicking his tongue over her clit one moment and circling around it the next. When he slipped two fingers inside her, she came against his hand.

Vaughn removed his fingers, taking one in his mouth, then the other. She pulled him down to her and kissed him, his tongue clipping into her mouth, letting her taste what has always been denied to her.

He moved forward, placing himself at her entrance. Sydney, not wanting to wait anymore, raised her hips and brought him completely inside her. She tossed her head back as her body accommodated his size. He placed his hands on each side of her head as he began to move inside of her. He hung his head as she wrapped around him, taking him in deeper with each thrust. She wrapped her legs around his waist, adding more pressure against her already swollen nub.

Sydney began thrusting against him and she felt the rush of her orgasm take her over. Her entire body shook as he continued to move inside her. She felt her muscles tighten around him and heard his sigh.

He slowly lowered himself on top of her, and rested his head on her shoulder, she screamed out his name as they both went over the edge.

~ * ~* ~* ~* ~*~ *

Sark looked up as Vaughn got into the car beside him, “what took you so long?”

“Got tied up, things took a little longer than I thought that they would.”

Sark noticed the smiled on his brothers face, “You took time out to get lucky?”

“We aren’t talking about this, so any movement?”

“Not much his been pretty much inside the warehouse the entire time,” Sark said.

“You call Eric?”

Sark nodded his head, “Yeah his on his way here right now, we move as soon as he gets here, you tell Syd what your doing?”

“Nope and neither are you,” Vaughn said as he settled back into his seat.

~ * ~* ~*~ *~ *~

Vaughn, Sark and Eric upholster their guns, they were ready to go in, and they were surprised when Gab, Irina and Jack came around in combat gear.

“What the hell is going on here?” Sark asked.

“Your not going in there alone, you need back and don’t even think about arguing with me any of you. We will talk about you all keeping this from Sydney later on,” Gab warned.

“She’s not coming,” Vaughn said.

“We didn’t tell her where we were going,” Irina said as she shared a look with Vaughn.

The two groups split up ready to enter the building.

~ * ~* ~* *~*

Vaughn raced around the corner and came up short, Danny held Bella in front of him with a gun pointed at her head, Vaughn looked around unsure as his brother and Eric backed up him, “Come on Danny this isn’t about Bella and we know it, this about you feeling that I took Sydney when she was yours that’s what this is about.”

“But taking your daughter’s life, now that wouldn’t work over good in your marriage would it,” Danny said.

Vaughn dropped his gun to the ground, “Come on Danny lets see who is the better man here, you take me on and let Bella go, I will make sure that none of them shot you.”

Danny pushed Bella away from him, Bella ran towards her father, Vaughn picked her up and kissed her forehead, “Baby go with Uncle Julian he and Eric are going to take you out of here ok?”

“Daddy come,” Bella cried.

“No baby not just yet,” Vaughn said as he passed Bella to Sark, “Get her out of here and safe and both of you get out of here.”

“Are you sure about this?” Eric asked.

Vaughn nodded his head, “Yeah make sure she is safe and tell Sydney that she is safe, and that no one else comes in here.”
Vaughn watched then walk out before he turned back to Danny.

~ * ~* ~* ~* ~*

Sydney pulled her SUV up in front of the warehouse, she rushes towards the others and takes Bella into her arms, “Where is Vaughn.”

She notices how they wont meet her face, “No please tell me that he isn’t in there alone.”

Irina stepped forward, “Sydney it’s time for you to get Bella to medical services Michael will be ok on his own.

“No I’m not going without him, I can’t leave without him,” Sydney cried.

Sark turned and faced Sydney, “Well too bad maybe right now he doesn’t trust you or trust in your love.”

Sydney starred at her brother in law shocked, she knew that Vaughn was hurt, but the hurt had also been on his brother’s part too, she slowly walked towards the car with Irina. She climbed into the passenger side with Bella in her arms, While Irina got in the drivers side.

“You were a little Harsh Julian,” Gab said.

“Gab leave it ok, right now he doesn’t need it,” Eric told his wife, “Why don’t you and Jack go back with Irina and Sydney, we will be fine to handle this, Dixon has men after this Bri,” Eric suggested.

Jack and Gab turned and walked towards the car, Gab couldn’t believe that Eric was being like this, True Vaughn was his best friend but she needed to support her friend too.

~ * ~* ~* ~* ~* ~*

Vaughn started walking towards Danny. Just as Vaughn was about to say something Danny’s fist came out and connected with his jaw, Vaughn stumbled back a little bit.

Danny charged at Vaughn but Vaughn stepped out of the way and threw a few punches at Danny’s stomach causing him to double over in pain. When Danny recovered he looked up at Vaughn his eyes flashing dangerously. He threw another punch at Vaughn but Vaughn blocked it

Danny then proceeded to throw a few more punches at Vaughn, which Vaughn also blocked easily. Danny was getting angry and suddenly charged at Vaughn who sidestepped and hit Danny is the jaw and then kicked Him in the stomach sending him flying. Vaughn went after Danny and pinned him down to the ground so he wouldn’t be able to move. Vaughn had clearly won this fight.

~ * ~* ~* ~* ~*

Sydney watched as Bella slept peacefully in the cot, the doctors had checked her over and said that she was fine, they wanted to keep her overnight, just to make sure, but that she should be fine to go home come morning.

Sydney knew that she wasn’t about to let Bella out of her sight any time soon, she hated what Danny had done to them, how he had broke the trust in her marriage,

She turned as the door opened, she noticed Vaughn as he slipped into the door, she rushed towards him as she saw the tell tale signs of a bruise on his jaw, he grabbed her hand and pushed it away as she reached up.

“What did the doctors say?” Vaughn asked.

“They said that she’s fine, that they just want to keep her in over night to watch over her, then we can take her home,” Sydney explained.

“Good,” Vaughn said as he sat on the other side of Bella’s bed away from Sydney, this surprised her; she took her seat and watched Bella sleep.

~ * ~* ~* ~* ~*

Sydney walked into the bedroom, she noticed Vaughn put down the phone as she walked in,” Vaughn we should talk.”

“What is there to talk about Sydney, you didn’t trust me, trust in our love or even trust in our marriage what do you expect me to say to that?”

“I don’t expect anything, I ask that you could forgive me, could put this behind us please?”

“I don’t’ know if I can, but for the moment I can’t trust you Syd, I can’t trust that your going to believe me when I tell you I’m going to the store or out with the guys, I can’t trust that you wont think that I am off with some other woman. So for now I’m going to sleep in the spare room, I was going to stay with my brother but then I realized that I didn’t want to be away from Bella.”

Sydney watched as Vaughn walked out of the room, she wasn’t sure what she was going to do.

~ * ~* ~* ~* ~*

Sark walked into Vaughn’s office and shut the door behind him, “How’s Bella doing?”

“Still having nightmares in the middle of the night, but the doctors tell us that it’s bound to happen for a while yet,” Vaughn said.

“And your marriage?”

“I don’t know what’s going on with that, I do know that she didn’t trust me and right now that’s something that I can’t get past, maybe in time who knows but right now I can’t get past it.”

“She loves you that I know, I guess I can understand where she is coming from though, but I can also see that you love her, Bro I think that you should try and sort your problems out not only because you love her but for Bella’s sake as well.”

“When did you get so wise?” Vaughn asked.

~ * ~* ~* ~*~ *

Sydney looked up as Vaughn walked into the kitchen, “Hi.”

“I was thinking that my being in love with you hasn’t changed, but I can’t just push this into some corner and forget about it, I was thinking that maybe we should see someone about this. To talk about Danny talk about everything,” Vaughn suggested.

“See who?” Sydney asked

“I talked to Barnett and she can see us on Thursday if you want to go.”

“Vaughn of course I want to go, I want to work on these problems so that we can get past them.”

Vaughn smiled then walked out of the room.

~ * ~* ~* ~* ~*

Sydney sat on one side of the couch, while Vaughn sat on the other side. Barnett sat in a chair in front of them.

“Sydney from what Michael tells me, recently you have started to loose faith in your marriage and trust in him is this correct?” Barnett asked.

Sydney looked from Vaughn to Barnett, “I was corned in the parking lot of a local supermarket by a woman, I now know was working for Danny, but at the time I wasn’t aware of it and yes I did begin to suspect that he was having an affair.”

“Michael how did you feel when Sydney came to you with this, with her thoughts that you were having an affair?” Barnett asked.

Vaughn rubbed a hand over his face, “At first no thoughts ran through my mind, but when she asked again I thought that she was crazy I couldn’t believe that Syd thought that I would cheat on her, that she didn’t trust me. Trust we were going through a bad time while trying to find Bella but I never thought that she would believe some strange woman.”

“Sydney why did you believe this woman?” Barnett asked.

“I don’t know why I did, I regret now that I did, but I was scared I guess my daughter was out there and I didn’t know where and here was this woman telling me that my husband was cheating on me I didn’t know what to believe. But I did and that was the worst mistake that I’ve made,” Sydney said.

Barnett turned and looked at Vaughn, “Michael how feel about what Sydney was feeling?”

“I can see where she was coming from in sorts, but I also just can put it behind me like nothing happened at all, I love Sydney we are married and have a daughter tougher, I would never cheat on her ever,” Vaughn said.

“I know that now, but at the time I was in a very bad place, as I am sure he knows,” Sydney said.

Barnett looked at the couple, “Ok I think that’s enough for today, next time I want to see you each alone.”

~ * ~* ~ * ~ *

Vaughn woke up and stretched out, his arm brushed against something, he looked up to see Bella lying they’re watching him, with Donavan right beside her, “Hey baby what you doing here?”

“Donnie sleepy,” Bella said.

“Well with the amount of running around you two did last night, I’m not surprised, are you sleepy too?”

Bella shock her head as she let out a yawn, Vaughn lifted the covers and Bella climbed under. She settled in his arms.

Vaughn was glad of one thing Bella hasn’t asked him why he wasn’t sleeping with Sydney as yet. He didn’t know how he could explain it to her.
How did you explain to a almost four year old that come soon her parents might not be a couple anymore, he hated to think that he and Sydney might go that far. But it was a possibility that was for sure; if they couldn’t work out there problems while talking to Barnett it was something that he would look into.

Vaughn settled his head back on the pillow and wrapped his arms around Bella, and settled back into sleep.

~ * ~* ~* *~*~*

Sydney woke and automatically reached a hand out, and then she remembered that her husband wasn’t there, he was down the hall sleeping in the spare bedroom.

She hated this she wished that Danny had never come back, that he had never entered there lives again, today Dixon was going to question Danny, she had asked to observe it all. She wanted to watch while that bastard admitted what he had done to her family.

~ * ~* ~* ~* ~* ~*

Vaughn stood and watched as Bella skated around the rink with his brother, he smiled Bella was his life.

“Agent Vaughn may I have a word with you?”

Vaughn turned around and noticed the woman that he had seen with Danny, and also she was the same woman from Paris, “Your…”

“The woman that Danny black mailed into trying to get me to do what he wanted, I am sorry for all the trouble that he has caused you. I never wanted to go ahead with his plans at all, I saw what a happy family you had,” Bri said.

“Then why do it?” Vaughn asked.

“Because if I didn’t then he would harm my family, I have a little boy about your daughters age and Danny told me that if I didn’t do this he would kill my son, I betrayed him once and my husband was killed I couldn’t’, no I wouldn’t risk my sons life. I am sure given the same suition you wouldn’t risk your daughters life.”

Vaughn looked at Bella then back at Bri, “I guess that I could say that I would do anything and everything to protect Bella.”

“I just felt the need to explain and with Danny in CIA custody I felt that I could come to you and explain what happened, please tell your wife that I am sorry for what I have done, and any harm I have caused to your marriage,” Bri walked off.

Vaughn watched her go before turning back to watch Bella and his brother.

~ * ~* ~* ~* ~* *~

“I’m sorry for not seeing where you were coming from, I am sorry that I let his ideas force there way into my head,” Sydney said.

Vaughn looked up from his laptop and looked at Sydney as she leaned against the doorframe, “I’m sorry too for not being honest with you and for not seeing how upset you were.”

“Before I slept with you that day, it struck me as strange something Danny said, instead of saying that he would be there for me, if my marriage ended he said when, and it got me thinking that maybe he was counting on us ending, I told him that I wanted my marriage to last and that I loved you and yes I trusted you, and when we found Bella that I was going to do everything that I could so that our marriage would last.”

Vaughn grabbed her hand as she sat down next to him, “I think that we should take some time Syd, to get back to where we were. It will be hard but I am sure that we can do it.”

“I know I am sure that we can do it also,” Sydney leaned over and kissed him.

Vaughn placed his hands on her hips, noticing something her hadn’t before the slight swell over her stomach, which surprised him. He shocks his head not believing that it was possible.

Sydney looked up into his eyes and knew that he knew, she looked deep into her eyes.

“Syd your….” Vaughn stuttered.

“Pregnant I wanted to tell before everything happened, but then Bella went missing and with everything that was going on, I didn’t know how to tell you.”

“I love you more than anything else in this world you know that right?”

Sydney nodded her head,” Yeah I do know that, and the same goes for me.”

“This baby I will love just as much as I love you and love Bella, this baby didn’t come from anything else other than our love, a love that between us is so strong,” Vaughn pulled her into his arms, enjoying the feeling of his wife there, even though it had been a couple of days since he held her like this to him it had felt like weeks,

Part 10

Eight Months Later

Sark walked into his brother’s office and noticed him rubbing his eyes, “What are you doing here?”

Vaughn looked up, “I had some reports that I had to get done, and it’s easier to get them done here.”

“How’s Syd doing?”

“She’s tired Mom over their right now taking care of Bella and the baby while Syd gets some rest.”

“You should take advantage of the fact she’s there to also get some rest, after all I am sure that your darling son plans to keep you up tonight.”

“Shut up Buddy, just because your darling daughter is now sleeping through the night,” Vaughn threw a piece of paper at his brother’s head, Sark laughed at him before he walked out.

~ * ~* ~* ~* ~* *

Vaughn walked into the house, a puzzled expression came across his face as he heard nothing but quiet, he walked into the kitchen and picked up a note off the counter.

Sydney is sleeping, I have taken both children to my house for the night, giving you both a chance to relax and catch up your sleep.
Love Mom

Vaughn placed the note back on the counter and headed upstairs.

~ * ~* ~*~ * ~*

Sydney rolled over and was surprised when she rolled into someone, she turned on her side and saw her husband sleeping there, she looked at the clock it was seven at night and there was no sound from downstairs.

She went to get up when she noticed the paper on the beside table read it and then put the paper down snuggling into Vaughn.

Vaughn wrapped his arms around Syd, “Have a nice sleep?”

“Yeah I’ve been out for ages what time did you get here?”

Vaughn opened his eyes, “Around three my mother was gone by then, your father said for me to go home I was falling asleep at my desk.”

Sydney reached up and smoothed out the wrinkles in his forehead, “Guess neither of us has got much sleep lately have we?”

“Nah but things will settle down Syd, his only been home a couple of weeks,” Vaughn said.

“Yeah but it was never like this with Bella, I just feel like I am doing something wrong all the time he settles for you most times,” Sydney said.

Vaughn reached out and brushes a stray tear out of her eye, “Syd it’s not that your doing anything wrong, your tired and he can sense that. If you’re tired and grumpy then so is he, he loves you just as much as Bella does.”

“Do you like his name?”

“Of course I do and think that my baby brother loves it more than I do.”

Sydney threaded her hand through Vaughn’s, “Christian Julian Vaughn, I think that it suits him.”

~ * ~* ~* ~* ~*

Mel sat and watched as Sark placed their baby girl down she smiled as she remembered the day she went into labor with her.

Mel woke up, she felt the telltale signs as her water broke; she rolled over and shock Sark awake.

Sark woke and looked towards his wife, wondering why she had decided to wake him, “Syd baby what is it?”

“Sark my water just broke.”

“Huh water broke?”

“You dork I am having the baby,” Mel said.

Sark jumped out of bed and grabbed the over night bag from the closet and headed towards the bedroom door.

“Uh Sark sweetie.”

Sark turned back and looked at her,” Come on Mel we have to get you to the hospital.”

“Yeah but sweetie don’t think.. Actually think the nurses would like it but I wouldn’t want my husband naked while I am giving birth,” Mel said.

Sark looked down at his body and dropped the bag before heading towards the closet.

Sark looked up as he heard laughter coming from his wifes mouth, “What are you laughing about?”

Mel smiled as he walked towards her she wrapped her arms around his neck, “Just thinking about the day my water broke and how much the nurses would’ve loved to see that naked body of yours.”

Sark raised his head and kissed before pulling away, “Would you like to see this naked Body Mrs. Sark?”

“Oh very much Mr. Sark very much,” Mel replied as she dragged him from the nursey.

~ * ~* ~* ~* *~

Vaughn watched Sydney sleep and smiled hardly believing that only two months ago, when they had been lying like this she had been pregnant rounded with his son growing inside her body.

That she had given life to the little miracle of there son, a couple of years ago he never thought that being a father was possible, now he had two children and a loving wife. What more could he ask for, oh yeah his own little hockey team, but he better not mention that to Sydney she was bound to hit him.

After all when she was in labor she often caused he bodily harm.

Sydney looked at Vaughn as he sat beside her bed in a chair, “This is all your faught you’re the one that got me in this condition.”

Vaughn sat there smiling on the inside, he knew what she was doing was trying to blame him. And then later on she would be all loveable again. When Bella was born Sydney had thrown things at him, she had thrown a cup at his that he had nicked his head.

“You know thinking about other things and not about your wife, whom I might add is in pain here isn’t a good thing,” Sydney yelled.

Vaughn stood and smoothed the hair out of her eyes, he loved the way her brown curls framed her face it was the one feature that both mother and daughter had, “Syd I am sorry that I got you into this condition ok?”

“I hate you so much right now more than I have ever hated you before.”

Vaughn looked at Sydney unsure for a moment if she really meant it, “Baby…”

“Vaughn I am sorry I didn’t mean that, I love you so much I am just in so much pain right now, “Sydney cried.

Vaughn kissed her forehead and sat back down in the chair grabbing her hand as they waited for the next contraction to hit.

“You’re never coming near me again you jerk, Sex it’s not happening ever again,” Sydney screamed as she tried to push again.

“Syd…” Vaughn started.

Sydney threw her hands in the air, “No never again this is it I don’t care what you have to say.”

~ * ~* ~* *~ *

Sydney sat on a park bench, Christian’s stroller sat beside her, she watched Vaughn and Bella from across the park as they kicked the soccer ball around, She smiled at how much they were alike.

Chris was the perfect image of his father, the start of the sandy blonde hair and the green eyes, even the bump in his chin that Vaughn was often fond of saying he would get taken care of.

To Sydney both of her children were going to be heart breakers when they grew up, but they would also be loved, she knew that she loved her family more than anything else.

“Sydney can we talk?” Vanessa asked as she stood in front of Sydney.

Sydney looked up surprised to see Vanessa there, “Was there something that I could do for you?”

“I wanted to say that I am sorry for my actions, for any hurt that I caused you or your family,” Vanessa replied.

Sydney stood protectively in front of her son’s stroller, “There is nothing you can do or say for the hurtful comments and threats that you made towards me and my family at Danny’s trail. He was and still is a killer and there is nothing and I mean nothing that will change that or change the hurt he put my family through.”

“I know that, but I do want to say that I am sorry. I should’ve done this a long time ago I should never have believed all the lies that my son told me and I am sorry for that,” Vanessa said before she turned and walked away.

Sydney smiled as she felt two arms slip around her waist, and then someone started to kiss her neck, “mmmmmmmmm.”

“You ok?” Vaughn enquired.

“Yeah I am fine, but seeing as our son is down for the count how about we head home and put Bella down for her nap and just spend time just the two of us?” Sydney asked.

Vaughn smiled at his wife, “Best thought that you’ve had in a while.”

~ * ~* *~ *~ *~*

Vaughn leaned against his hockey stick as he faced his brother and best fried.

“So she just walked up to Syd and said that she was sorry?” Eric asked.

“Yeah she just did, she said that she was sorry for the trouble that she caused and also for the things that she said,” Vaughn explained.

“What did Syd say?” Sark questioned.

“What could she say pretty much after Vanessa made her speech she walked off, and from what Syd tells me she and her husband have moved out of the country,” Vaughn explained.

Eric smiled, “Well at least you know for now everyone likes you.”

Vaughn muttered dork before skating off, Sark his Eric across the back of his head.

~ * ~* ~* *~* ~*

Sydney walked through the store pushing her sons stroller while Bella walked beside her, she ran into someone’s trolley she looked up to say she was sorry.

“Um sorry about that I didn’t mean it,” Sydney said.

Alice looked up and meet the brown eyes of a woman that had taken Michael from her life, she smiled, “Sydney it’s been so long since we’ve seen each other.”

“Alice how nice to see you again, your glowing wow.”

“Yeah and looks like you and Michael are very happy again from the looks of the baby his so cute what’s his name?”

“Christian, Christian Julian Vaughn named for his father and his Uncle,” Sydney replied.

Alice looked at Sydney and then placed a hand on his expanding waist line, truth be told She thought Sydney had done her the biggest favor. If she had stayed with Michael she would never have know what real love was like and in the short time she had meet and found love with another, “That’s such a nice name, I am so sorry that I have to rush off, my husband is waiting for me but we must get tougher, do you mind If I call you?”

“Of course call and it was so nice seeing you again,” Sydney hugged the woman before she walked off.

~ * ~* ~* ~* ~*

Sydney closed the door on the house and watched as her husband placed her son into his seat in the back of the SUV, she couldn’t believe it they were on there way to her mothers wedding.

She always thought that when her parents worked out the hurt feelings between them that they would end up tougher, but her father was happy with his new girlfriend and her mother was set to marry Alexei today. She knew that he made her mother happy and right now that was all that matter to her.

Vaughn watched his wife and he saw the smile come to her lips, he knew that she was happy that her mother finally had found happiness.
Truth be told a couple of years ago, if you told him that he would be on his way right now to the wedding of Irina Drevko he would’ve told you that you were crazy, but yet here years later he was on his way to the wedding of a woman he once hated with a vengeance.

~ * ~* ~* *~ *~*~

Everyone stood on the shore line watching the bright sun shine down on them, at the front stood a couple, Irina was dressed in a long silk white gown with her hair piled on top of her head, with ringlets hanging down, Alexei stood in dark slacks and a white shirt, a Minster stood in front of them.

“You ok?” Vaughn whispered.

Sydney nodded her head, “Yeah I’m fine truth be told I wish that my parents were marrying each other. But it’s something that I can live with and I like Alexei.”

“Good, am glad that you’re ok.” Vaughn said as he caught his brother gaze.

Sark wrapped his arms around his wife and daughter enjoying the feeling of them in his arms, “Is Ali ok?”

“Yeah she’s fine think that she will be ready for a nap after this though,” Mel said

“Good a girl after my own heart.”

“Your happy for her aren’t you?”

Sark nodded his head, “Of course I am she was like a mother to me for a lot of years, she deserves to be happy,” Sark leaned down and kissed his wife’s neck his gaze lifted to meet Eric’s.

Eric moved closer to his wife, smiling as she snuggled into his embrace.

“I have something I need to tell you,” Gab whispered.

“What’s that?” asked Eric.

“I’m pregnant, I found out yesterday and was going to wait till tonight to tell you but I could wait,” Gab admitted.

Eric wrapped his arms tighter around his wife, there hands resting entwined on her stomach.

Alexei kissed his new wife as the Minster said you may now kiss the bride, when he pulled away from Irina he noticed that Sydney and Vaughn, Sark and Mel, and Gab and Eric were also kissing.

He knew that this new found family was what he was looking for, the quiet family affair that Irina wanted turned out to be nice, he looked at the other members of there guest as they clapped and laughed at the kissing couples.

~ * ~* ~* ~* ~*

Sark lay with his wife and Daughter on the bed watching a movie that he had no idea what it was about, he was content to just lay there with Mel and Ali in his arms enjoying the feeling of finally finding his home.

Of finding his family.

~ * ~* ~* *~ *~

Eric lay with his head resting beside Gab’s stomach marveling in the feeling that he was going to be a father; gab ran her hands through his hair, “Baby you happy about this?”

“Eric I couldn’t be more happy about anything else, I love you so much and from our love came this little miracle and that means more to me than anything else except your love.”

Eric pulled his wife into his embrace, who would’ve thought that the day some years ago when Sydney Bristow walked into his life that this would ever happen, he made a mental note to thanks her when he saw her next.

Gab laughed as she saw the smile on her husbands face, she knew that he was going to be in a good mood for at least the next couple of months.

SO GREAT!! DANNY SUCKS!! evil censored!! damn!! but GREAT STORY like the idea of GOOD SARK not EVIL SARK!! LOL!! but yah!

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