Daddy's Girl

“So, you are my mommy?”

Sydney looked at me with a tearstained face, “Yes, I am.”
Awww... that's soo cute and sad... But yay for Sydney being Maggie's mom!!

One day, about a year after Sydney became my mom, Daddy came home late from Sydney’s house. Eric cornered him in the front yard.

“When are you going to marry her?”

Daddy muttered something about not wanting to rush things.

“I’ll buy you the goddamned ring.” Eric said.

So Daddy and Eric went out and bought a very pretty ring, I peeked at it.
haha.... Eric pressuring Vaughn to marry Syd. Threatening!Eric is really funny. And of course Maggie would peak at the ring. Who wouldn't?? I would!!

My life isn’t a fairy tale, I realize that now. But you know what?

I’m pretty sure that we are going to live happily ever after
Aww... that's such a great ending!!!

This was such a great story. I can't believe it's over... :( But it was an awesome story. Thanks for all the pms!!!
This is even better than the real thing! At least people don't die and things happen for no apparent reason! I loved everyone in this, especially how Irina were good and Jack still helped Vaughn and they were both pretty dark and good characterisation and just greatly fantastically fantastical things all around!

Love it!
A sequel? Sure, but don't expect it too soon. If you have any ideas you want in, please let me know.


i most definately look forward to this!!!! i just started and finished reading this story!!!! its really good!!!! i love your writing!!!!! could i get a PM if you do end up writing a sequel???