

Does anyone else feel this way yet? I'm starting to get disappointed with these HJ updates. I think many agree the whole Gearknight "widgetry" sounds rather stupid and done before, but maybe we're a bit harsh and don't know enough yet from that little info we were given. And I think it's as Luciro has said before, alot of revelations since the 2005 E3 such as Tiered Pricing and whatnot have left alot of us feeling rather dulled. We REALLY need something other than these little non inspiring tidbits on simple class info. And I'm not begging for scraps. I NEED something to drop my jaw and remove this foreboding feeling above my head that HJ isn't the hot sh*t that's been advertised and is instead just more cookie cutter sameness. Dear god, i hope not. Don't let my post count die in vain.
Eh, think of Hero's Hall not only as watching Hero's Journey. It's follow the Hero Engine as well. Maybe BioWare will have something in Beta by Dec? LoL
First thing you gotta remember Daax is nothing is set in stone yet. The whole tiered pricing thing is still up in the air and is (as far as i know) still speculation.

They've stated many times that things are going to change alot as they go through the motions of creating the game which is really how it is in a lot of games. Sometimes things just don't work right with other things and it needs to be changed or it just doesnt make sense.

As far as the updates go im in the same boat as you. I'd love to see some massive updates but I know nothing will happen in the immediate future. So until then we'll all just wait and see.

Don't worry its still a long time before release and if they do what they've done in the past the community will have a big vote in what goes in and how the game turns out.
Well, that recent update about the races and lack or Suwari leads me to believe HJ won't be out this year if they're STILL fiddling with ideas for races. So, hopefully Bioware will have something ready by Dec. to lessen the blow if HJ proves to be lackluster OR (godhelpus) not in beta.
Well, regardless of our thoughts on the content, at least it had more information than the last few combined.
First thing you gotta remember Daax is nothing is set in stone yet. The whole tiered pricing thing is still up in the air and is (as far as i know) still speculation.

Last official info release regarding tiered pricing was totally clear: it will be tiered pricing (from the simucon video). Nothing new that tell us otherwise has been released.
I agree. If they're still not sure about something so basic as the RACES how are we supposed to support the game? I mean, that's like saying "Oh, I'm working on this game and it's going to be great!" "Well what are some of the features?" "Uh... You get to be this person, and, like, do stuff..." "What kind of person doing what kind of stuff?" "A, uh... cool person, doing... cool stuff?" "Uh-huh, yeah, right..."

What's my point? They need to either get their collective asses in gear or make an official press release stating that "Oh, sorry, we've just been yanking your chain." 'Cause seriously, everyone's tired of this ----.
Blimey, it sounds like they're a lot further behind than I expected.

With that said, if a game doesn't release it's not the end of my life. Either Hero's Journey will eventually be released or its vapourware; but they haven't bought my loyalty enough for me to valiantly stay around and hope for scraps. I'm watching and playing other games and if this game gets close to release I'll come back and give it a go. It does sound like they're nowhere near a point to even consider it however. I won't demand updated, I won't pine and sigh for scraps - I'll just play summat else.
There are currently no games out hat I really want to play. Somehow, studying for the SAT just doesn't have the entertainment value that I expected... Oh wait, it does. :(
You're supposed to study for it?!...dammit...:(2

I would have thought that the difficult part was out of the way, the making of the engine. I wonder that they don't simply make a comprehensive statement on the status of the game.
You're supposed to study for it?!...dammit...:(2

I would have thought that the difficult part was out of the way, the making of the engine. I wonder that they don't simply make a comprehensive statement on the status of the game.

The studying is made all the more difficult by the fact that I haven't actually studied for anything since third grade spelling. #-o

Also, yeah, it would be far more practical for them to just say how far they are. All these vague little tidbits are so much more frustrating than if they were to just come out and say something clearly, even if it wasn't the best news.
Since HJ (as far as I know) is the only game currently developed, that tries to actually encourage RP, as opposed to brain-killing-lvl-your-character-dont-read-the-quest-
more-monsters-,-.-.-.-well-you-get-the-idea boredom, I have no choice but to wait (or look around for other games, now and again).

So, still hoping (and not blaming Simu, they at least give the impression that they really want HJ to be born, so I assume they do all they can)
Since HJ (as far as I know) is the only game currently developed, that tries to actually encourage RP, as opposed to brain-killing-lvl-your-character-dont-read-the-quest-
more-monsters-,-.-.-.-well-you-get-the-idea boredom, I have no choice but to wait (or look around for other games, now and again).

So, still hoping (and not blaming Simu, they at least give the impression that they really want HJ to be born, so I assume they do all they can)

Show me where they've said or shown any information encouraging RP, rather than HJ developing into something like everything else out there. Please?
First they will have the most customizable character creation tool up to date. As a role player its important to look "unique". Im pretty sure you've read that everywhere...
Second they will work alot with emotes and other social animation. They even talk about costomizable animation (to some degree).

To a certain extent, players will even be able to customize their character’s animations and change this based on the mood they are roleplaying at the time. Other aspects of the character’s visual presentation in the world will be governed by a melding of both the player's preferences and the skills of the character. For example, the difference between the clumsy attack of a young swordmaster-wanabe vs. Xenaesque back-flips and roll to an amazing kill.
In the end, our goal is to provide mechanisms that seem to fit well and make a game system that encourages and rewards role-playing much like the unique ways we do in our existing online FRPs.
both quote's from Hero's Journey Vault - David Whatley Interview

And if they will work as they do in the other games they run, they will reward RP with small tiny bonuses and titles. Thats the third thing.

Theres more quotes to find, or to read for yourself, about this.

...probably more stuff.. But these three things came to mind.
I don't know if you've played our other games, but they are enforced roleplay.

I know a lot of us GMs are at least hoping that our RP servers will be similar to the way GS and DR are run, with no public OOC talking or action. In the other games if you do that you get warnings and I think lockouts. Note that you have to really be disrupting people, and probably be reported a few times before that will happen.
I would argue that enforce RP is the opposite of encourage RP...
I prefer the latter, but some sort of RP rules should be enforced, just like rules regarding harassment and stuff...
No, enforced RP would be good as long as there are RP servers that are not enforced also to filter both crowds.
Do I think HJ's engine when it launches will have the most unique character creation tool? And that that'd enforce RP? I can't. It's cool and can help, but there has to be more and I've not seen any of this more advertised any more so than any other game out there. Other than..

"MORE FUN LESS TEDIUM." Which doesn't always = great RP.