Politics Distinguished African American Student Award


I need sleep
Okay, on Martin Luther King Jr. Day, a group of students displayed posters supporting a white student from South Africa for the Distinguished African American Student Award at their high school. They were later punished for this. My question is: Is this right? Should an award be given to someone based on the color of their skin? And does the term "African American" necessarily mean someone with dark skin? (You can read the whole article here.)
I'm too lazy to read the article but I get what you mean :lol:

I think scholarships shouldn't be given based on unchangable factors such as race, origin, genders, etc.

People should have to work for them. -_-

Well , though question. I went to reed the article .

Obviously , this award is given to an african american student chosen by the teachers, so there was no need to make a campaign to vote for any student.

Not only a few students did it but for a white guy!!

Come on , who are they kidding when they say they did not want tu hurt anyone , it's the Martin Luther King Jr price !!! Whas he a white guy?

And ok they are white in south Africa and I know all white are not racists(i hope so!!) but a few years ago there was appartheid(wrong spell i know) in south Africa and black people where no treated well.

So I think they did wrong.
How is what they did wrong? it's the Distinguished African American Student Award. Where in that name does it say black? Is a white South African less African than others? What the principal did completely reverses the purpose of Marin Luther King, Jr. He fought for equal rights of all people. One thing I love about King is he didn't fight for justice just for blacks, but for all minorities, people of color, big and small, in addition to prosperity for whites. He didn't insult whites but stayed focused on gaining rights for all Americans. For a student to be denied an award because of his color and students suspended for campaigning for a cause is completely wrong.

Generally, I don't think awards based on race, ethnicity, or color are very fair. Like Sponge said, awards shouldn't be based on unchangeable factors. What if a Buddhist Iranian couldn't afford college but there are no scholarships for his "kind"? (I assume there are though, there is for almost everything :P but speaking hypothetically) Should he be denied grants while he reads about Hispanic and African American scholarships?

I understand that minorities are often more underprivileged than whites, but shouldn't there be more scholarships based on need and academic record rather than race? I've never seen a White Scholar Foundation, but it doesn't mean whites are in less need than minorities. Although scholarships based on race/color give advantages to the disadvantaged, they also assume that only certain people are underprivileged and that certain others have a quick road to college. It's kinda like affirmative action--while trying to give one person an advantage, they may put another person in unfair disadvantage.
I agree with aliasAlias.

I think as long as the student was doing things for equality and ending racism then there is no reason that he should not be eligible for the award.