Sci-Fi Earthrise (2014)


Title: Earthrise

Tagline: Go Home. For the First Time.

Genre: Thriller, Drama, Science Fiction

Director: Glenn Payne

Cast: Todd Barnett, Meaghin Burke, Casey Dillard, Sherri Eakin

Release: 2014-10-09

Runtime: 90

Plot: 99% of the human race has colonized on Mars. The remaining few work to rehabilitate our dying planet. Each year a small number are selected to return home to aid in the process. For those few, it will be their first glimpse of Earth. We follow them on their journey in this sci-fi psychological thriller. Go home. For the first time.
Earthrise (2014)
Hey fellow Sci-fi lovers!
My team and I made a sci-fi feature film called Earthrise. It's been distributed and is on most all VOD platforms. You can see it for FREE on Amazon Prime. It's currently the MOST POPULAR sci-fi new release in the last 90 days on Amazon Prime. We'd love for you to check it out and let us know what you think! Check us out on facebook if you like:

Amazon Video:
Watch Earthrise () online - Amazon Video


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