
I didn't know this thread was here or else I would have replied more, I can't wait to see it. And I'm not even that much of a KD and OB fan. I just love Cameron Crowe. This looks really funny and cute and because it's a Cameron Crowe film, you can bet there's a kickass soundtrack.
I'm officially in love with this movie though I have yet to seen it. It's like my love for Garden State. I bought the soundtrack tuesday and it's amazing. Eep, I'll be seeing in in about 21 hours. Yippeeee
I saw it today. ^_^

It was good. Not great, but good. It felt a bit long at some points, but I still found myself happy I saw it. The soundtrack is one of the best parts.
I need to get a list of all the songs played. I loved this. Seen it twice and it was better the second time.

It's on my top 5 favorite movies post-1980.
So... I liked it. I'm not a huge OB fan, but it was good. His accent pulled through (mostly). The only problem I had with it was that the first 30 minutes were made up entirely of close-ups of his face. Come on, even a true fan would get bored... Besides that, it was good! (y)
I seen it a second time a week or so ago and it was better the second time. The beginning didn't seem as slow the second time.
saw it, and i didn't love it. parts were funny, if only because orlando bloom's character's family reminded me of my family in western north carolina. however, it lacked a cohesive thread - seemed kinda jumbled