Even In Death

Even In Death.

Summary: Even in death their love goes on. SV, one parter, song fic.

Rating I dunno. Probably M or sumthin’

Disclaimer: Don’t own Alias. Don’t own Even in Death that’s by evanescence.

Author’s Notes: A total Sarkney shipper is me. Though the plot fitted SV so yeah...


The story of Sydney Bristow is an extremely interesting one. It is full of tears, laughter, betrayal, friendship, and hard times. With her happiness walked others destruction. With her freedom walked her death. With her innocence, there was blood. With her love there was loss.

The constant flow of the warm water relaxed her. It washed over her body, waking her up as it did so. She didn’t want to wake up; she didn’t want to go to work. But she had too. She had too because her and Vaughn were being sent on an all important mission to retrieve another one of Rambaldi’s silly artifact that could end the ‘fight’ that would take place between her and her long lost sister, Nadia.

Groaning, she reached for the taps and turned them off, yawning as she did so. Then, she slowly stepped out of the shower that occupied most of the small bathroom, wrapping a towel around her as she did so.

It didn’t take her long to get dressed. She simply put on the same thing she wore everyday to work. Black pants, a simple blouse and a black jacket. She looked presentable, but she wasn’t comfortable. She hated the dress code that the CIA went by. She would be more comfortable she could simply wear jeans and a top. But no, she was to represent her country – even though no one extremely important would she her – in a respectful and presentable way.

After pulling the jacket over the blouse, she got to work on her make up. Mascara, blush, lipstick and foundation. Another simple but presentable fashion that ruled the majority of the women she worked with. She pulled her hair up into a messy ponytail before exiting the bathroom.

When she exited the bathroom, she found herself staring into a pair of stunning green eyes. The tired frown on her face was quickly replaced by a smile as she recognized the man.

“What are you doing here?” She asked Vaughn, moving past him and into the kitchen as she did so.

“I came to see you,” his voice was softer than usual, his clothes were casual, and his eyes held a gaze that only lovers shared. He followed Sydney into the kitchen, grabbing a glass from a cupboard and turning the kettle on as he did so.

“Really? I never would’ve guessed,” Sydney replied, a cheeky smile appearing on her features. Ever since the death of Lauren and the kiss they shared shortly after, their relationship had been uncomfortable and there had been tension. Neither knew what to say or do or when to make a move, so instead they had settled on starting over. Becoming friends once more and letting their relationship blossom naturally.

No one spoke another word as Sydney prepared her breakfast and Vaughn made both of them a coffee. Silently, Sydney took her usual place behind the counter and Vaughn lent on it across from her.

“So how’s life?” Sydney asked nervously as she swirled her spoon around the innocent bowl of corn flakes that sat in front of her.

Vaughn took a sip of his coffee before answering. “Life’s...okay. And yours?” Vaughn asked his question carefully, knowing the pain she went through after Wittenberg.

“Life’s great. They’re letting me see Will again which is fabulous,” Sydney trailed off and an awkward silence fell over the room once more.

“So ready for work?” Sydney finally asked after a few minutes of silence. As she listened to his answer, she started to spoon spoonfuls of her cereal into her mouth.

“Actually...we’re not going to work today,” Vaughn replied, causing Sydney to cease her eating and look up with her cheeks puffed out from the mouthful of cereal she had just stuffed in. Before explaining, he picked up his now empty coffee mug and walked over to the sink where he placed it gently.

“You see, my theory is that the CIA has taken way too much from us these past few years. Therefore, we should get a few days off.” A goofy smile appeared on his face. “And guess what? Today’s that day!”

Sydney swallowed her mouthful and looked up at him with an unsure glance. “I don’t know, today we’re going on that mission and...”

Vaughn cut her short, his words, eyes and smile convincing her to take the day off. “You have to live Sydney, you work too much...”

He paused before flashing his heat-melting smile at her. “Besides, it’ll be fun.”

Sydney looked down into the floating contents of her bowl. When she looked back up all traces of being unsure had disappeared and replaced by a grin. “Alright, let’s go.”

With smiles plastered firmly on both of their faces, Vaughn and Sydney entered the hockey rink. They had managed to get it at the last minute with some expert haggling from Sydney. The rink had always been their place. Whenever they needed to escape from the CIA and their lives they would go to the rink. It was their safe haven and Sydney didn’t want to be anywhere else in the world.

Sydney grabbed Vaughn’s arm for support as they started to skate out towards the middle of the rink where hockey gear had been placed. It had been over a year – at least what she could remember – since she had stepped out onto the ice and she was a little rusty.

He flashed a reassuring smile at her as he guided her towards the middle, where he paused. Slowly, her grip on his arm loosened and she stepped away from him, now a little more confident that she could skate.

Once she was fully confident, they picked up their hockey sticks and started to verse each other. Smiles and laughter repeated themselves over and over again as they joked about how bad they had become.

After half an hour of mucking about, Vaughn called out ‘time out’ and skated towards the center circle once more, puffing and blowing as he did so. Sydney was close to follow.

Once Vaughn had got his breath back, he straightened up, staring straight into Sydney’s chocolate brown eyes. He found himself intrigued as they came closer and closer. Before long, Sydney was almost touching him.

Vaughn’s nerves racked through his body but he didn’t let it show. He looked down upon her, taking in her every feature as he did so. How could I have let her go? He found himself thinking as he watched.

Sydney’s heart pounded heavily in her chest as she whispered a simple but meaningful phrase. “Thank you.”

Vaughn’s face approached slowly and his mouth closed over hers. As his face tilted and his tongue danced around in her mouth, his strong arms made their way up her figure and rested on her waist. Her arms took their place around his neck.

But their kiss was not to last. The slow almost depressing ring of Sydney’s mobile rang throughout the rink, echoing of the walls as it did so. They both tried to ignore it; but that too didn’t last long.

Sydney pulled away, smiling as her hand dug into her pocket and returned with the offending piece of technology. Smiling apologetically, she answered it, skating away as she did so.

“Hello?” Sydney questioned; her voice joyful.

It was Weiss. She paused as she listened to him drone on about being late.

“I’m sorry Weiss, I’m...sick.”

She rolled her eyes as she listened to his reply.

“Just cause I don’t sound sick, doesn’t mean I’m not.”

Weiss launched into his almost pleading for her to hurry up and come to work.

“No, I’m not coming. Sorry. Goodbye.”

With that she hung up and replaced the mobile in her pants pocket. With a smile still on her face, she turned around, searching the rink for Vaughn.

But he was no where to be found. As was his hockey stick. At the start, she though this was weird but she simply passed it off as nerves.

Silently and with a smile, she started to practice once more.

The next day, Sydney entered the Joint Task Force center with a smile plastered on her features and her face glowing. She quickly made her way towards Vaughn’s Desk to see if he was there. He wasn’t, and neither were any of his belongings.

Confused, Sydney walked towards Dixon’s office. She knocked loudly on the door, and without waiting for an answer, entered the office.

Dixon was talking on the phone. He rubbed his head and screwed up his face as he tried to explain to the seemly-upset person on the other end that the details were classified. After he finished explaining, he said his good-byes and gently placed the phone back on its hook.

Sydney immediately jumped in. “I was walking past Vaughn’s desk and everything’s gone... Did he get transferred or something?” Her smile remained on her face as she spoke, contrasting with Dixon’s frown.

Dixon remained quite for a few moments. Occasionally, he’d open his mouth to speak but he would quickly close it afterwards and begin to furrow his brow once again. After the fifth time he did this, Sydney interrupted.

“Dixon, what’s going on?” Her smile had faded as worry started to take over. “You’re starting to scare me.”

Dixon inhaled deeply and then exhaled before motioning towards the chair across from him. “Sit down.”

Sydney, now extremely worried, sat down. Her eyes pierced into Dixon’s as she searched for answers. Many questions and scenario’s ran quickly through her head as she fiddled with the bottom of her blouse nervously.

“Sydney,” Dixon said, inhaling deeply once more. “Something happened...”

One outstanding scenario came into Sydney’s mind as he spoke. Her father. Even though she hated him for the documents she found, he was her father and nothing could change that.

“Is it Dad? Is he okay? What happened?” Sydney questioned quickly as her emotions started to take over.

“Nothing happened to your father. He is completely fine.” He inhaled and exhaled once more and started to speak. His tone was low and he spoke with caution.

“There was a assassination attempt on one of our officers. It was Sark. And well, he...he succeeded,” Dixon paused, waiting for a response from Sydney. But he did not receive one, isn’t she sat still and silent even though her head was pounding with wishes that it wasn’t anyone she knew.

“Sydney, the attempt was on...” Dixon paused, not able to get the word out.

“It was on...” once again he failed.

Breathing in deeply, he spoke softly, his eyes planted firmly on Sydney for her reaction.

“The attempt was on Agent Vaughn.”

Emotion racked through Sydney’s body as the words escaped from Dixon’s frowning mouth. Before the tears even sprung to her eyes, she was in denial.

“No, you’re wrong,” she stuttered, her body shaking. “It can’t be...”

“I’m so sorry...” his choice of words were more effective than ‘no I’m not’ or anything else he could have possibly said. Dixon quickly figured that that was the exact moment when her heart broke.

Shakily, Sydney stood from her seat, grasping to the seat’s armrest for support. “When?” she asked simply, wet salty tears now running freely down her broken face.

“Two nights ago,” Dixon replied cautiously. He hung his head in despair as Sydney ran from the office, her eyes bright red from the tears.

Sydney stumbled into her apartment with red swollen eyes and crippled clothes. In her line of work – and being her father’s daughter – her heart was broken often, but never had it hurt so much. Her heart had shattered into little pieces beyond repair. And a darker one replaced it. One who cared for nothing or anyone. One which was in deep denial and was mourning.

She kicked her shoes off half heartily at the door and dropped her bag next to them. Then she dragged her heavily body over to the couch, where she flopped down. A new batch of tears swelled up in her eyes as she rested her head on the hard armrest.

“Why?” she asked herself out-loud. “Why now?”

A soft male voice answered her. “Because it was my time.”

Sydney jumped up from her lying position. She smiled through the tears as she stared into the intriguing green eyes of Michael Vaughn.

Give me a reason to believe that you're gone
I see your shadow so I know they're all wrong
Moonlight on the soft brown earth
It leads me to where you lay
They took you away from me but now I'm taking you home

“But why? Everything was prefect. We were,” Sydney paused as she wiped away a stray tear that was travelling down her cheek slowly. “We were starting over. We were going to be together, forever.”

“Nothing works out the way you wish it,” Vaughn replied, flashing his reassuring smile at her. Slowly he pushed himself off the counter and walked towards the lounge. When he reached it, he sat down, cradling Sydney’s head in his lap.

Sydney felt his warmth and soft body as she snuggled in closer. Of course, he wasn’t actually there. He was just an illusion. Just as the last two days had been. An illusion that Sydney wished would never leave. She didn’t care about the other people. Let them call her crazy. Let them lock her up in a nut house. As long as he was there, she did not care where she was or what she was thought to be.

Silence embraced the room as Sydney took in his pretend warmth, loving every moment of it. Vaughn’s hand reached up and stroked her chocolate brown shoulder-length hair. This gesture was repeated for many minutes as Sydney’s tired eyes closed and opened quickly after, shocked back into reality moments later.

“Please don’t leave me,” she whispered tiredly as her eyes closed a final time.

And he didn’t. Instead, he sat, stroking her hair as he waited for her to awake. When he left her, which was inevitable, he wanted her to be fully awake.

I will stay forever here with you
my love
the softly spoken words you gave me
even in death our love goes on

The soft warm morning sunlight crept in through the open curtains, lighting up the room with a yellow glow. The warmth reached Sydney – still asleep on the lounge – and tickled the exposed parts of her figure, waking her up.

Yawning, Sydney rubbed her eyes, still a little sore from the crying the night before. Once her eyes became accustomed to the light, she glanced around, immediately noticing Vaughn’s absent figure.

Sydney sat up, her heart pounding in her chest as she prayed that he was still with her. Her eyes quickly darted around the room, looking for any sign of Vaughn. Finally, her eyes fell upon his sleeping figure and a smile escaped from her lips.

Silently she stood up from the couch and walked over to his position on the armchair. He had fallen asleep some time ago, not being able to wait out the period of time that she had slept for.

And there she stood, not making a sound, not moving closer, just watching. Watching over him as with a mixture of happiness and sadness. Happiness because she had loved. Sadness because she had lost.

She could have stood and watched all day, if it hadn’t been for the alarm had buzzed loudly at six-thirty that morning – usually to wake her up for work -.

She ran quickly across the room and into the bedroom, where the offending piece of technology was located. She flung herself towards it and within seconds it had been silenced. Cautiously, she stood up once more. She didn’t want him to be woken, because she knew deep down that if he had, he would have to leave. And good-byes had always been harsh on Sydney.

When she returned to the lounge-room, Vaughn was standing up. He smiled at her as soon as she stepped into the light. And she returned the smile.

Some say I'm crazy for my love, Oh my love
But no bonds can hold me from your side, Oh my love
They don't know you can't leave me
They don't hear you singing to me

Silently she crossed the room, embracing him in a hug as quickly as she could. The hug lasted several minutes, bathing each other in their unspoken love and warmth. Sydney thought they could last like this forever.

But unexpectedly, Vaughn pulled away. His arms dropped from her side and he stepped backwards, his face had softened as the horrible feeling of sadness set on the room.

“I have to go,” he half-smiled at her as he continued. “I don’t belong here.” He took another step back and the room’s temperature seemed to drop slightly.

“You belong with me,” tears quickly began to stream down her face, leaving streaks to show their journey.

“One day, we will be together. I promise.” His body seemed to start to fade in front of her very eyes.

“NO!” Sydney lunged forwards, not wishing to say goodbye – not now, not ever -. But instead of grabbing onto his arm, her fingers grasped the air. The transition had started.

“I don’t want you to go. Please don’t go.” Sydney remained still, even though her insides were racking with tears.

“I have too,” Vaughn replied, sadness lingering in his tone. Slowly he lifted this hand, running it over Sydney’s cheek, even though she didn’t feel his soft touch.

I will stay forever here with you
my love
the softly spoken words you gave me
even in death our love goes on

Tears now flooded her eyes as she stared into the shadow of her one true love. Through watery eyes she stared, memorizing every feature, every line, as she knew that it would be the last time she ever saw him.

“I love you...I always have,” Vaughn said slowly, his hand now at his side and tears taking their place in his eyes.

“I know, me too.”

Sydney stepped back; accepting the fate of Vaughn. She half-smiled at him through the tears. “Good-bye Vaughn.”

Good-byes were Sydney’s weak point. So instead of lingering around, she slowly turned around and started to depressingly walk out of the lounge room. Just as she reached the door of her bedroom, he called out to her.

Not turning around to face him, she listened.

“There is a way that we can be together.”

And I can't love you, anymore than I do

Later that day, when Eric Weiss entered the JTF with his blood-soaked T-shirt, red swollen eyes, and tear stained cheeks, every agent whom had been in contact with Sydney Bristow knew their lives would never be the same.

I will die, but real love is forever.

The End.

Author's Note: I didn't get this beta-ed cuz i couldn't be bother. Lazy i know. So all mistakes are mine and i hope you liked it!

I am speechless. This is just AMAZING. I'm just... I can't think of any words for it at the moment... It's just AMAZING! :woot:

Tears now flooded her eyes as she stared into the shadow of her one true love. Through watery eyes she stared, memorizing every feature, every line, as she knew that it would be the last time she ever saw him.
“I love you...I always have,” Vaughn said slowly, his hand now at his side and tears taking their place in his eyes.
“I know, me too.”
Sydney stepped back; accepting the fate of Vaughn. She half-smiled at him through the tears. “Good-bye Vaughn.”
Good-byes were Sydney’s weak point. So instead of lingering around, she slowly turned around and started to depressingly walk out of the lounge room. Just as she reached the door of her bedroom, he called out to her.
Not turning around to face him, she listened.
“There is a way that we can be together.”

And I can't love you, anymore than I do
Later that day, when Eric Weiss entered the JTF with his blood-soaked T-shirt, red swollen eyes, and tear stained cheeks, every agent whom had been in contact with Sydney Bristow knew their lives would never be the same.

And I *LOVED* this ending... It was so incredibly sad and sweet! I... I even have the GOOSEBUMPS from reading this! *sigh* You are toooooo good of a writer!

Anyway. I should kinda er.. shut up, otherwise I'm going to babble on forever about how freaking GOOD this is!

i am like full on crying here
someone get me a kleenex
that was beautiful
and i felt so bad for syd

amazing, just amazing...
Cai said:

I am speechless. This is just AMAZING. I'm just... I can't think of any words for it at the moment... It's just AMAZING! :woot:
And I *LOVED* this ending... It was so incredibly sad and sweet! I... I even have the GOOSEBUMPS from reading this! *sigh* You are toooooo good of a writer!

Anyway. I should kinda er.. shut up, otherwise I'm going to babble on forever about how freaking GOOD this is!


Thankyou. Feel free to babble on forever, i like hearing it.

Bubbles said:
i am like full on crying here
someone get me a kleenex
that was beautiful
and i felt so bad for syd

amazing, just amazing...

Hehe, my aim was to try to bring out the kleenex's!

Cai said:
Oh yeah, and one more thing that I forgot... BEST FIC EVER! :P


sunshine231 said:
that was beautiful

That was so beautiful, and so sad. Very well written. I have gone through half a box of Kleenex since reading it. Now I have to try to stop crying to leave you this note. Not that easy to do. Just a wonderful story.
TwistedForever said:

i'll need it!!!!!
Oh Jen, since i checked out your story can you check out mine? It's links in my sig.

Well im obviously reading/reviewing it now arent I? :P

Your fic was really sad (in a good way). But it was also really... gawd, I dunno how to describe, but it was really emotional!
It was a really great storyline! ^_^

Why didnt you tell me you were posting another fic?

BTW, You didnt really need it beta-ed! ;)

Thankies Jen!!!!!!!!!!

I did tell you.... kinda... 'member when i said i was writing an SV fic. I just didn't tell you i was going to post it. Anyways, just in advance, i'm writing another short ( maybe four chapters) story. Lotsa death and stuff in that one too.

BTW, You didnt really need it beta-ed!

That would be Lex's fault. She has taught me well!
Awwww. Hhhhhhhhhhhhhh dat's so saaaaaaaaaaddddddddd. Oh cwap, my mascara's runnin'. Curses. So out of sick curiousity, how did Syd die???. And can I have a box of Kleenex?? Maybe we need a tissue smilie...I'll talk to Jess. But this fic was awesome and I don't usually like song fics but you chose a good song. I loved it, it was really moving.
Can I getta PM for ya next fic pls?

So out of sick curiousity, how did Syd die???. And can I have a box of Kleenex??

I'm going to leave that up to your own imagination. Jump in line for the kleenex!!!!!

Maybe we need a tissue smilie...I'll talk to Jess. But this fic was awesome and I don't usually like song fics but you chose a good song. I loved it, it was really moving.


Can I getta PM for ya next fic pls?

Sure ya can, but it's gonna be extremely light Sarkney so i hope your okay with that.

That was amazing!  Great writing.. but so sad..


Thankyou! (i'm running out of things to say! :lol: )
OK, so I'm crying. (n) Really crying my head off right now. That was so good. It was kind of like in GHOST when he said goodbye. But, Sydney dies too. I wish it had only been a little longer, so I could have seen them reunited, but some things are better left unsaid.
This was so good and so sad- i'm tearing up right now! While I was reading this I was listening to "Even In Death" and it made it so much sadder! This is an amazing story, you write so well! I was so shocked at the end and you did such a good job. The next time you write a fic could a please get a pm? Great job!!
Alias_Day said:
it's...so sad...:(

:lol: Thankyou :lol:

AmyLeerockergurl15 said:
This was so good and so sad- i'm tearing up right now!  While I was reading this I was listening to "Even In Death" and it made it so much sadder!  This is an amazing story, you write so well!  I was so shocked at the end and you did such a good job.  The next time you write a fic could a please get a pm?  Great job!!

Sure i will, thanks!!!!!!