Hero's Hall. The Family.

Well, back on topic... I don't know what name would sound good. Regardless of what it is, it would only fit with maybe half of the member's already-made character concepts. So, I mean, I guess this would be a dumb suggestion, but maybe "of the Hall", or something... Yeah, sorry. I was just trying to come up with something that would, you know, signify allegiances without breaking character too much.

Hey, maybe it's an order that has members all around the world. Not like a guild, because communication might not be that extensive, but more like a loose-knit organization. When Elanthia cries out, the members of the Order of the Hall rise up as one, from the four corners of the world, to right what once went wrong. Sweet... Man, I'm lame. :(
That's mainly why I wanted it to be less "family" like and more Clan like. Next post will have the first post updated with all my suggested names. The top two will be the name used. One will be for the hardcore grinding raiding PK'ing bunch of hardcore gamers, and the other will be for the more story line enthused, ALA roleplayers.
WatchMaker said:
That's mainly why I wanted it to be less "family" like and more Clan like. Next post will have the first post updated with all my suggested names. The top two will be the name used. One will be for the hardcore grinding raiding PK'ing bunch of hardcore gamers, and the other will be for the more story line enthused, ALA roleplayers.

I like how your dividing into 2 sections. While ideal I don't think we'll end up all on the same server since some of us tend to lean towards pvp and others toward RP. Well except if any of us get into beta then maybe we'll be on the same server then.

But I like having it as a clan instead of the family idea. Allows for more members for one and lets those that want to have a place to go with people of similar interest.

About the names if you want make a new thread and put your ideas up then people if they want can throw some of there own and you all can decide and put a poll or whatever on it. Just a thought though.