Lauren Is NOT Dead!

hmm.. of course.. as a s/v shipper.. i hated Lauren's character.. which i must say.. that MG really did a great job. we hated her... which just means that... she successfully pulled off her lauren character damn well. *kudos to her*
For all of you arguing over whether lauren is dead or not, didn't you watch A Man of His Word? They showed her body. I am a total Lauren fan and even after that I still think she isn't dead. I could always be something like the doubles made of Francie and Lennox. It might not actually be her. Lauren fans have to have some hope.
i know that a lot of people hate lauren but i think her charcater was good for the show. i think it gave the show another level and something else to work with. I agree with lomarambor, i don't think she is dead. and i think she will be back.
As I also am an S/V shipper, I'm glad Lauren died. JJ never really intended on keeping her, they just made MG's character to create sexual tention. Pretty much figured by now Syds gonna end up with Vaughn, there was at least some hint at relationship since S1 and it would get boring after a while if it went smoothly. Season one: apart, Season 2: together, Season 3: apart, Season 4: together, and the ending of s4 sugests there's gonna be some BIG problems in S5. See the patern...?

Oh and it's not that I hated Lauren so much (it bugs me when people write fics and make her out to be a total b**** before you know she's Covenant) it's just that helix and bringing people back from the dead is a little far fetched and getting old. I liked season one, where the story lines were a little more realistic. My parents used to watch it with me until the end of season 2, then they were like, this is getting stupid. But I still LOVE it! :woot:
bring back luaren, thats wat the season 5 needs in the next 8 eps to bring back luaren reed!! how cool would it be if she came back and tried to steal sydneys baby lol
I really wish Lauren would be alive...or at least that Melissa George would make a cameo in a dream or something. I miss her. She made season three worth watching for me.