Passion poem

I can't really remember wich season it was in but there's this poem Angel reads it's called Passion ... i used to have that episode on tape so i listened to it and wrote it down but i lost the tape and the paper :rolleyes:

anyone here who knows it ?

do type it down ^_^
Okay, this is what I found:

It lies in all of us.
and though unwanted...
unbidden... it will stir it's jaws
and howl.
It speaks to us...
guides us...
Passion rules us all.
And we obey.
What other choice do we have?

I hope it's the right one :smiley:

You can find the transcript here: Passon Transcript
yep ! that's the one


here's the full version ... i so love that poem !!! :depressed:


It lies in all of us.
Sleeping … waiting…
And though unwanted, unbidden;
It will stir, open its jaws and howl.

It speaks to us… guides us…
Passion rules us all and we obey.
What other choice do we have?

Passion is the source of our finest moments.
The joy of love…
The clarity of hatred…
And the ecstasy of grief

It hurts sometimes,
More than we can bare.
If we could live without passion,
Maybe we’d know some kind of peace.
But… we would hollow
Empty rooms, shuttered and dark.
Without passion we’d truly be dead
[quote name='Danté's Prayer' date='Jul 4 2004, 03:27 PM']It hurts sometimes,
More than we can bare.[/quote]
FYI, in this context it should be "bear"

It hurts sometimes,
More than we can bear.

As in the meaning of to bear as in "to have tolerance for; to endure." Bare, on the other hand, as a verb, means "to strip of covering; to make bare"--that is, something else entirely. Usually, I let these misspellings go, but since you're quoting a poem, I feel obligated to speak up in defense of the English language. I apologize. ;)