Random #273

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Blackhairedsam said:
i have to go all :cry:

i am off out tonight and i actually need to put some clothes on first :lol:
bye all!!!

I wasn't here for few days and you are leaving me :( :cry:
In my country Jen and Alias (now we have long break about 1 year between s2, we have seen 5 eppy of that season and now waiting we don't know how long, we suppose that we never get the rest of eppy) aren't popular so for me it's normal plus at the same time the premier were two well known movies Million dollar baby and Aviator, so most of people went to see those film. I convince some of my friends to go with my, but we will see, Elektra is air at 13.15 pm stupid time
Blackhairedsam said:
i know! i wish i didn't have too...want to stay and chat...but i promised
chat soon :hug:

have fun miss you :hug:

Aliasfan13 said:
Actually...Elektra ain't doing so well at the box office here, either. It got some pretty bad reviews. :(

In USA Elektra was in box office, In Poland didn't get, it so week movie and in one review I read that this movie shouldn't make.
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