Politics Should a rapist have access to a child born from the rape?

Azhria Lilu

A news article I read today:-

In 2009, 20-year-old Jamie Melendez raped the then-14-year-old, according to the news service. ABC News reported that "Melendez went to the girl's house when he knew her mother would not be home and pressured her to have sex with him. She said she felt threatened and intimidated by Melendez."

The unnamed victim became pregnant and gave birth to Melendez's child.

Melendez was convicted of rape and sentenced to 16 years probation, conditions that include a family court order. The victim's complaint argues that the court order "violates her federal rights by binding her to an unwanted 16-year legal relationship with her rapist."

The woman's argument states that she cannot decide whether or not to participate in these family court proceedings without risking losing custody of her child.
Woman Sues Over Forced Relationship With Rapist

I dunno, maybe it's just me but this guy shouldn't have any rights whatsoever. (He should also have been castrated without anesthetic and left to rot, but that's another story entirely).
I don't believe he should have access to anyone, anywhere. He gave up those rights when he had sex with the girl.
Well... seeing as my personal opinion is that rapists should be castrated in the most inhumane way possible before being thrown into a regular prison where they will be the rape victim. Yeah, I really don't like rapists..

No, they should have no right at all to the child. He should just be removed..
Should a rapist have access to a child born from the rape?
Absolutely not!
The rapist should be charged with financially supporting the child - but should be given no rights to the child whatsoever. Visitation rights to a rapist?! Are you kidding me. His penis should have been sliced into pieces and fed to him.

Currently, paternal rapists can sue for custody in 31 states:

This is OUTRAGEOUS! Such disregard for intelligent law-making makes me embarrassed.
But I suppose without such blatant disregard - we wouldn't have new laws like this being made... ((sigh))
Most of America is ass-backwards. A first rate nation full of degenerate politicians save for the few sane ones. Rapists should be placed in jail with a sign hung around their neck so they get the same treatment in jail. Rapists, child abusers and child murderers don't have an easy life in prison.
I'll have to say it depends. The word rape is tossed around a lot these days and isn't always the classic type portrayed in the media. I hear stories all of the time of men "raping" women when both of them were probably too drunk to remember having sex at all.
I'll have to say it depends. The word rape is tossed around a lot these days and isn't always the classic type portrayed in the media. I hear stories all of the time of men "raping" women when both of them were probably too drunk to remember having sex at all.
Read the article, Brad
Okay I skimmed it, still stand by my previous statement. This is one case of real rape in a sea of many that aren't so clear cut. You asked a general question so I gave a general answer. :p
I didn't ask a general question at all, in fact I didn't even ask a question :-

I dunno, maybe it's just me but this guy shouldn't have any rights whatsoever. (He should also have been castrated without anesthetic and left to rot, but that's another story entirely).

Also, if you are referring to the title then I am not making a blanket statement I am talking about actual rapists.. not shades of grey areas.
I'll have to say it depends. The word rape is tossed around a lot these days and isn't always the classic type portrayed in the media. I hear stories all of the time of men "raping" women when both of them were probably too drunk to remember having sex at all.
Hmmm - interesting post. I don't necessarily agree...wholeheartedly anyway.

I'd definitely agree in cases of some "statutory rape" where both parties were consenting. Perhaps the young man/girl is 19 years old and having a fling with a 16-17 year old young man/girl... There may be grey areas as concerns these types of "rape" -- but otherwise... Not so much.
I would agree on consenting parties if they were within a year or two of each other. But the girl was 14 and he was 20. He has no business being near that girl. I have a 14 year old daughter, if I found a 20 year old man slinking around my house he would find the wrong end of my glock in 0.235 seconds.