Azhria Lilu
A news article I read today:-
I dunno, maybe it's just me but this guy shouldn't have any rights whatsoever. (He should also have been castrated without anesthetic and left to rot, but that's another story entirely).
Woman Sues Over Forced Relationship With RapistIn 2009, 20-year-old Jamie Melendez raped the then-14-year-old, according to the news service. ABC News reported that "Melendez went to the girl's house when he knew her mother would not be home and pressured her to have sex with him. She said she felt threatened and intimidated by Melendez."
The unnamed victim became pregnant and gave birth to Melendez's child.
Melendez was convicted of rape and sentenced to 16 years probation, conditions that include a family court order. The victim's complaint argues that the court order "violates her federal rights by binding her to an unwanted 16-year legal relationship with her rapist."
The woman's argument states that she cannot decide whether or not to participate in these family court proceedings without risking losing custody of her child.
I dunno, maybe it's just me but this guy shouldn't have any rights whatsoever. (He should also have been castrated without anesthetic and left to rot, but that's another story entirely).