Spies Incorporated


Title: Spies Inc. (AU)

author: Me :rolleyes:

Summary: :woot:

Super CIA Agent Sydney Bristow comes back from a 2 years disappearance and finds her world turned upside down. Can she get her life back together and reunite with the man of her dreams? As Vaughn's marriage hangs by a thread, will he able to put his feelings for Sydney aside as they team up for their fight against the Covenant? Time Will Tell.

what to expect? A mixture of S3, S4 and my own many twists and turns for Sydney, Vaughn, Jack and even The Evil Lauren.

hope you enjoy :Prop: CJ

Chapter 1: Stranger in the mirror

For Sydney Bristow, life has never been easy. Believing that your mother died when you were 6 years old, to found out years later that not only she’s alive but is responsible for killing 12 CIA agents. Her relationship with her dad, Jack Bristow always was a very complicated one. They were never close when she was growing up, but the day she became a double agent for the CIA, was the day she saw her dad for the man he really is. As she came back after 2 years of MIA, Jack and Sydney’s relationship took another dimension. Jack seemed to be even more protective of his daughter as together they uncover the truth behind Sydney’ disappearance.

“Hell of a way to wake up.” She said to Vaughn at the safe house in Hong Kong
She didn’t understand what had happened to her or why it did in the first place. All she knew was that people she cared about taught she had died and moved on with their lives.

“I have a lot more than a million questions! I wish I only had a million questions!” she told Dixon at the hospital. As she lay there on her hospital bed, she felt like she didn’t belong anywhere, anymore. Her old life was gone and now it is time to discover who the new Sydney Bristow is.

First day back on the job: CIA Headquarters

She entered the Rotunda and looked around for a familiar face from her past. She was surprised to see no one who knew her from her past. She was about to meet with Dixon and Bob Lindsay when out of nowhere Marshall came running towards her.

“Excuse me. Excuse me, hello? Hi... Sydney, uh...He said talking very slowly “I'm Marshall Flinkman. I work here. Tech design and operations here? “

“Marshall, of course I remember you.” She said as she gave him a friendly hug

“Thank God Syd. I wrote you a poem in honours of your return” He said as he took out a piece of paper from his pants’ pocket, and started reading” I've lost my keys, where are they? It's, uh... it's a metaphor.

Dixon called Sydney into his office for a meeting. She hugged Marshall one more time and smiled as she watched him walk away with his very pregnant girlfriend Carrie.

”We need to reinstate agent Bristow as soon as possible. After all, she is one of the best agents the CIA has ever had. Lindsay said as he took a seat in front of Dixon’ desk

“It’s too soon, Sydney just came back from a terrible ordeal and until she gets the okay from medical services and her clearance back, I think she needs some time off to get her life back in order.” Dixon said as leaned in against his desk and crossed his arms on his chest

Sydney was standing by the office door and watching the power struggle going on between Lindsay and Dixon. After a few minutes of them arguing over her reinstatement, she just spoke up in a very assertive tone, “Okay, excuse me... I'm standing right here! She said making both men stopped and look at her.

“I think I’m the most qualified person to know what is good for me. First, I need a favour. I need to see my dad, please.” She said with tears in her eyes.

Lindsay made a phone call to NSC prison and gave Sydney a pass to go see her dad. He warned her that it would be the only time she could go visit him and that she should made their time together worth while.

Sydney drove herself to the facility and had butterflies in her stomach. She sat in her car for a few minutes, thinking what she would say to him, but most importantly, how her father would react to her being alive after 2 years.

She was now standing behind a very tick glass and kept her eyes on the door. After what seemed to be a long time, she finally saw him emerging through that same door. They just stood there facing each other, not believing what their eyes were seeing. Jack could contain his joy of seeing his only daughter standing there in the flesh.

“We need to talk. I have so many questions. She said as she pressed a button on her watch to give them privacy from the NSC and block any transmission on their listening devices that surrounds the entire cell.

“Sydney, you’re so beautiful.” He said with a smile

“Dad. “was all that Sydney could say at the moment. She was surprised to see her dad with a long beard and wearing an orange jumpsuit like a common criminal.

They each took a seat on either side of the glass. Jack was the first one to speak, “I became obsessed with your death; with finding those responsible. And at a certain point in my pursuit, I needed help. So I contacted the one person I believed I could trust, given the circumstances... your mother.”

“Mom?” She replied with surprised in her voice. Irina Derveko, she thought would be the last one Jack would have contacted. He must have been really desperate for Intel to ask his two-timing wife for help.

Staring at the floor, because she was embarrassed to talk to her dad about her relationship with Vaughn, but she needed to talk to him about it. As soon as the words left her lips, she felt her heart break in million pieces, “Vaughn got married.” She whispered with tears in her eyes

This admission made Jack’s blood boil inside. He knew that Vaughn loved his daughter more than anything, but he never thought in a million years that he would have replaced her so soon after her supposed death, “Michael Vaughn is just a boy who was never good enough for you. “ He said as he banged his hand against the glass

“Dad, I don't know what to do, I... everything's wrong, everything's upside down...

Jack only reply was a few words of encouragement” You probably know this, but I love you.
”I love you, too.” She said before the beeping sound resonated from her watch and had to watch her dad being escorted back to his cell

Back at CIA Headquarters

Marshall came to greet her as soon as he saw her. He considered her not only a colleague but her dear friend that he had missed very much.

“Hey Syd, how did it go with Mr. Bristow?”

“Hey Marshall, fine. I never expected to come back and see my dad locked up in a holding cell for God knows what for.”

“Here, we’re giving you your old desk back. It’s the least we can do.” He said as he sat down next to her. “Are you all right?” He asked as he placed a gentle hand on her shoulders

“I will be. Until my clearance is restored, I guess this is where I’m gonna be spending most of my time, trapped underneath loads of paper work.” She replied with a tiny smile

“Let me know if you need anything. How about you come to the house for dinner this Saturday? Carrie could cook and we could catch up on current events or whatever…”

“Thanks Marshall, I’ll let you know.” She said as she logged in and was surprised to see that someone had sent her an e-mail.

“Sydney, I know that I’m the last person you want to see right now, but I need to see you. I need to explain everything. Please meet me at our special place tonight at 8:00 pm. I will be waiting. I told you a long time ago that I was your ally and that you should never doubt that. All I’m asking and I know I have no right to ask you this, but I want you to trust me enough to come meet me. Please Syd.” Vaughn

Sydney just stood there frozen as she didn’t know what her next move should be. She wants to see Vaughn, but it’s too soon. The pain of betrayal that she feels in her heart cannot go away by a simple gesture or word. She needs time to get back on her feet before she sees Vaughn again.

Almost as if Weiss could read her mind, he sat down on the corner of her desk and smiled at her.

“Hey Syd, have you found a place to stay yet?”

“Not really. Why?”

“I have the perfect place for you. Well, its right next door to mine and the bonus part of this deal is the spectacular view of the ocean.”

“Sounds wonderful!” She replied as she grabbed her purse for her desk drawer and swung it over her shoulder before following Weiss to his car in the underground parking garage.

The drive was pretty silent, as Weiss kept glancing at Sydney every few seconds, but she was so deep in thoughts, that she was totally oblivious to his stares. After 30 minutes, they got to the apartment complex and as Weiss got the key, Sydney just stood by the door anxious to see her new place.

“The super said that he was glad to finally rent it to a very attractive woman.” I think he has a crush on you already.” He said with a small laugh

“Thank God you’re here Eric. You’re such a good friend. Thanks for everything you’ve done for me since I came back.”

“Come on, let check it out.” He replied as he took her by the shoulders

“Oh Eric, it’s beautiful!” She said with a smile on her face

“I know it doesn’t replace the memories of your last place, but maybe starting anew is not such a bad idea after all.”

“I got my old job back, I still have a few friends who I can confide in, and now all I need is for my father to be released from prison.” She said as she sat on the couch

“Maybe there’s a way you can achieve that.”

“What do you mean? How?”

“Sloane. Go see Sloane.”

“You’re kidding right?”

“No Sloane has been pardon for all his crimes and now he runs an organization called Omnifam in Switzerland “

“Who authorized this?”

“Bob Lindsay. He made a deal with Sloane. He was given a pardon in exchange for the Rambaldi device.”

“And now the CIA fully trusts Sloane’s Intel’s?”

“For now, his Intel’s are accurate but he is under surveillance. One wrong move and his a** will be throne in jail so fast that he won’t see it coming.” He said with a laugh

Sydney is sitting there in silence and staring at the floor. Debating as to ask Eric about Vaughn or not. She took a sip of her tequila and jump with both feet.

“Have you seen Vaughn? She finally asked

“Syd, I don't know if you really wanna hear this. I know that you might be mad at him for what he did, but before you write him off of your life completely, you need to hear this:
“When Vaughn heard that you were dead? Syd, he... he dropped off the face of the earth. I mean, literally, Syd, he... he was... he was out of the country for, like, six months, and... You need to know that he wasn't cavalier about moving on. I mean, I could barely even convince him to consider coming back to the Agency.”

Surprise on her face,” He's thinking about coming back? “

“Well... you don't have to worry about that, 'cause that's not gonna happen.” He said as he took another shot of tequila

“Because of me... because I came back, right?

“Syd.” He said as he placed his arms around her

“Look, I'm not gonna pretend that it isn't hard losing Vaughn... Do I still have feelings for him? Of course I do. But finding out that he’s married was hard, but if he wants to come back to the agency, I’m fine with that.

“You need to talk to him Syd. “You guys always been able to talk to each other about everything. Here call him.” He said as he gave her his cell phone.”

Looking at her watch, Eric would you mind seeing yourself out, there is somewhere I need to go?”

“Want some company?” He asked as he got on his feet

“No, I need to do this on my own.”

“You’re going to meet Vaughn aren’t you? He contacted you?”

“You ask too many questions Eric. I’ll see tomorrow.”

“Fine don’t tell me. I’ll see you tomorrow Syd and good luck.”

another amazing fic from an amazing writer! :hug: cj that was amazing...

just a question:
“The super said that he was glad to finally rent it to a very attractive woman.”

what's a super?

that was excellent, it really was... i love how you've incorporated so much from the show but added your own flair to it and omg she HAS to meet vaughn!

awww eric is the sweetest guy :P

please pm me and continue writing! :woot:

luv juju :harp:
A/N Thanks to all that reviewed so far. much appreciated.:hug: :smooch:

Here is the 2nd chappy. Enjoy and have a great weekend!

🎸 :happydance:


<span style='font-size:14pt;line-height:100%'>Chapter 2: Plan “B”</span>

“You’re going to meet Vaughn aren’t you? He contacted you?”

“You ask too many questions Eric. I’ll see tomorrow.”

“Fine don’t tell me. I’ll see you tomorrow Syd and good luck

Sydney got into her car and made her way to the pier. The pier always was their special place ever since their first meeting there so long ago. She pulled over next to Vaughn’s car and sat there for a few minutes, trying to gather her thoughts as to what she would say to him. After wiping a few tears away from her eyes, she got out and made her way towards the pier.

She saw him leaning against the railing and staring at the water. He looks like he’s miles away from here. “Must have a lot on his mind.” She said to herself

She stood a few feet from him and cleared her throat to let him know that she had arrived.

“Vaughn.” She finally said

At the sound of her voice, he quickly turned around and walked towards her.

“Sydney.” He whispers

“Your e-mail said that you wanted to talk…so I’m here. What’s on your mind?”

“How are you?” He asked with concern in his voice

“Still trying to figure out what happened to me in the last 2 years. So far, I can’t remember a single thing, but the doctors are hopeful.”

“That’s good Sydney! I need to explain to you what happened to me while you were gone. I need for you to understand.”

“Vaughn, you don’t have to. You thought I was dead; you met someone and got married. What is there to explain?” She answered staring into his eyes

“After you died, I used to talk to you... like you were still around. Literally, out loud, whole conversations about... about nothing. The weather... Should I get a new car? Should... should I have another drink? Then one day... you started answering. I mean, I could hear you in my head... like you were right next to me, Sydney. And although rationally I knew I was a guy who... stayed up. nights... drinking, talking to his dead girlfriend... Still, I couldn't stop. He said with tears in his eyes.”

“Vaughn, please there was no way for you to know that I was being held captive somewhere.”

”I should have known you were alive somewhere and needed me. I should have been able to feel your presence in my heart. My head was telling me that I was a fool for expecting your return, but my heart couldn’t and wouldn’t let you go.”

“There is nothing we can do to change the past. “She said as she came closer to him and grabbed his hand in hers “Weiss told me that you’re thinking of coming back to the Agency but that you’re hesitating because of me, because I came back. I want you to know that I can handle you being there; in fact I don’t think I can do this without you. “She said crying.”

“They are 2 things you need to know before you I make my final decision about coming back to the CIA: First…is that I was so in love with you …it nearly killed me. And the second…is that part of me still loves you and always will.” He replied wiping her tears from her eyes

Tears were now uncontrollably rolling down her cheeks, “Vaughn, I’m sorry I can’t do this right now. I thought I could but I’m not ready to have this discussion with you.”

“What happened between us... everything... the way it is... isn't anyone's fault, Sydney? I want to help you recover your forgotten memories. Will you at least accept my help?” He asked as he watched her in deep thoughts for a few seconds

“Vaughn, will come with me to Switzerland? I need to see Sloane about getting my dad out of the NSC custody?” She blurred out

“Do you actually think that Sloane will help us get Jack out the NSC custody?””

“We won’t give him a choice. The CIA have arranged for a plane to leave for Switzerland tonight. The plane leaves in 2 hours.” She said looking at her watch

“Well let’s go.” He answered eagerly

“Are you sure you want to do this? She asked placing her hand on his upper arm, forcing him to look at her, “My life is already a disaster... now yours will too.

“Feels like old times already.” He said smiling at her as he touched her face

“You might regret saying that.” She said smiling back at him

They walked back to the parking lot in silence, as each were thinking how their lives were about to change once again.

“Need to stop for some supplies, meet you at the airport in 1 hour.” He said as he unlocked his car door

“Ok, see you in 1 hour.” She replied as she got in her car and started the engine


Sydney and Vaughn picked out their car rental at the airport and after looking at the map from the glove compartment, Sydney finally found the street that OMNIFAM was on.

“Corner of Barker St. and 12th.” She said reading the map to him from the passenger seat

“It’s close from where we are; hold on, we should be there in about 10 minutes.” He said as he was driving like a maniac on the streets of Switzerland

“Do you think he knew I was alive all this time and never told anyone?” She asked as she glanced in Vaughn’s direction

“Sydney, did it ever cross your mind that Sloane could be responsible for your abduction 2 years ago? We might be walking into a trap.”

“Yes, and I still haven’t ruled it out completely. If Sloane has some Intel that could free my dad, then we gonna get it and then, together we’ll figure out his involvement in my disappearance.”

“It wouldn’t surprise me if he was the one who engineered the whole thing. After all, he had Francie killed and replaced her with a double named Allison Doren. Who says it wasn’t his plan all alone, to abduct you and make you an unwilling participant to his demise?”

“You think that my abduction had something to do with Rambaldi?”

“Why else would someone kidnap the Chosen One?” He replied looking at her intensively

“You’re probably right.” She said as they are speeding down a busy street, “Now according to this map, OMNIFAM should be at the next set of lights on your left.”

In the Lobby of OMNIFAM

Sydney and Vaughn got off the elevator on the 47th floor and busted through the big oak doors before Sloane’s assistant could stop them.”

“Sorry Mr. Sloane, I couldn’t stop them, they just barged in unannounced”

“It’s alright I’ve been expecting their visit.” Sloane said as he poured himself a glass of water

“Sydney, I knew you would come see me. I’ve been waiting for you.” He said smiling at her

“Were you now?” She asked surprised

“Yes. I investigated your death too. Like your father I became obsessed in finding the truth about the events surrounding your death. This file contains all the leads I pursued…” He said sliding the document across his desk to Sydney who was standing in front of him, “but I found mostly dead ends. I’m hoping you’ll find something in it that’s useful. I trust that you will look at it…before you dismiss it outright.”

“Who says you didn’t alter the information in this document to remove any involvement you had in Sydney’s disappearance?” Vaughn said angrily

“Mr. Vaughn…you know, I remember how close you were with Sydney, I’m sure you share my relief in having her back…”Sloane said with a victory smirk

“And since we’re being upright with each other, I think you were involved in my disappearance and I want to know why?”

“Sydney, just …try to remember the bond that we had between us, you and I. I loved you like a daughter, I loved you. And even you would admit there were times, I would see it in your eyes, you looked at me like I was your…” He said before Sydney crossed over the desk to grab him by the throat and pushed him against the desk

“I despise you Sloane and all you stand for. You killed my fiancé and my best friend Francie. What you think you saw in my eyes, that was pure hate and I can’t wait for the day you’re gonna pay for all you’ve done to me and all the people that I love.”

“I reformed Sydney. A lot of things have changed since you’ve been gone. OMINFAM is a world relief organization. We provide medicine to people all around the world. Since Emily’s death, I swore that I would help find a cure for cancer. I know that’s not gonna make people forget all my previous sins, but I swear to you that I’ve changed. I can help you Sydney. Please let me help you get Jack out of the NSC custody.”

“How?” She asked releasing her grip from his throat

“There is a microchip that the NSC needs to get their hands on. This chip contains valuable information on the fabrication of a dangerous bio weapon and a few days ago, the chip was stolen on its way to the Nevada facility. This man, Sloane said showing them a blue folder, is Alexei Ponikov and we believe is responsible for the theft.”

“Where can we find him?” Vaughn asked
“My source says that Ponikov has scheduled a meeting with Professor David Renaud at Biotech. We believe that the meeting will take place in the next 48 hours. I suggest you move quickly to intercept the sale and grab the chip before it is used for massive destruction. The safety of the chip is Jack’s ticket to freedom.”

“We’ll take your Intel under consideration.” Sydney said as she and Vaughn made their way towards the door. “We’ll be in touch and just to make my obligation clear, I’m obliged to extract unimaginable pain from you the moment you’re no longer a valuable source of Intel for the CIA. If this is a set-up, I’ll kill you myself. I promise you that.” She said angrily

“I’ve missed you, Sydney, I really have.” He replied amused of the fact that he can still get under her skin

Sydney and Vaughn got back on the plane. They were sitting facing each other while she was scamming through the document.

“Vaughn, what do you think about Sloane’ Intel? Do you think it’s accurate?”

Vaughn looked up at her, “Syd, Sloane has done pretty awful things in the past to you, to everyone. I don’t know if he’s telling the truth, but it’s worth the shot. Beside, we’ve been in worst situation before. The main goal is to retrieve the microchip before its sale on the black market.”

“Does that mean you’re coming back to the CIA?” She asked smiling at him

“Yeah, it’s actually what it means. I guess a normal life was never in the cards for me. You and I live for the adrenaline rush.” He replies smiling back at her

“So the plan is to pose as Biochemists, copy the swipe card of the lab, grab the chip and leave the building undetected.” She said jovially

“Sydney makes it sound so simple.” He thought to himself

“I supposed it’s pointless to say we should ask for back-up? He asked as she nodded

“Welcome back Vaughn.” She said as she started writing the specs of the mission

“Thank you. Now do we have a plan B?”
great chapter.. Hooray they are working with each other again. And what was that... oh yea there was no mention of Lauren what so ever! The good news just keeps on coming! So thank you for the updat eand for the pm.

Is this going to be S/V soon though or are we in for a load of angst? I am thinking a mixture of the two, a little bit of a wait and then BAM! here comes the fluff! Am I even close?

Great chapter though and please update as soon as possible!

you're reading my mind, (that's scary):lol: Lauren will make a brief appearance. The fluff is coming really, really soon.

have a great weekend!


Only just found this today CJ.. I know, pretty slack. Yet another great story from you. Love how you've taken season 3 and made it the way it should of been... NO LAUREN. Can't wait for the fluff.

Can I get a PM please?

omg cj that was fantastic!

that was sad... the s/v talk

but OMG the sloane scene... oh god you have to love him :lol:

and are we in for angst? or fluff? or hatred? or... killing of lauren? :woot: who cares? whatever you whip up with will be material that could be a bestseller internationally :hug:

luv juju :harp:
and are we in for angst? or fluff? or hatred? or... killing of lauren?  who cares? whatever you whip up with will be material that could be a bestseller internationally

luv juju 

B and all the other readers. I am in the process of writing the next chappy.

In this story you'll have angst, S/V fluff, S/L action and a lot of spies twists and turns.


Sydney and Vaughn have to make a deal with the devil to free Jack
Lauren and Sark are ploting together to take control of the Covenant.
During a rescue mission, Lauren's betrayal gets discover by the CIA.

have a great day! :smooch: :hug:
