The Bioweapon

Here are Chapters 1 and 2. I have already posted a good majority of this story at, so in order to catch up, I might post 2 chaps a day until I get caught up here.

The Bioweapon
Sydney was running. She saw a door to the stairs. The goons behind her were closing in. One yelled out “stop” in French, but she opened the door and headed down. She stopped when she heard the door open. She still had ten more floors to go. She knew that she couldn’t make it. She reached into her pocket, pulled out her compact, opened it up, pulled out the mirror, pressed the button, and tossed it up to the stairs above her. She continued running down.
As she was running, she heard a small explosion. She saw some of the powder from the compact floating down. Remembering Marshall’s warning about how effective the anesthetic was that he had put in the compact, she opened the door, ran to the elevator, pushed the button and waited. The bell dinged, she walked in and hit the lobby button. Almost as soon as the elevator started to move, she hit the stop button and changed into her original clothing. When she was done, she made the elevator start and waited to get to the lobby.
As she walked out, she handed the receptionist her press pass. The receptionist asked her how the new art gallery was, to which Sydney replied, “It was great, I loved the Monet.”
She got into her rental car and drove to the rendezvous point. “How’d it go?” Nadia asked her. “Had a few problems, but I got it.” She pulled out the antidote she had just taken. “How’s Weiss?”
“It’d be good to get back to LA within the next ten hours.”
“Then let’s get to the plane.”
Sydney watched as they injected Weiss with the antidote. “Will it work?” she asked the nurse. Nadia looked at her intently. “We’ll know in a little bit, but it’s impossible to tell right off.”
“Nadia?” Sydney asked, “Will you be all right here?” Nadia nodded. “I hate to leave you here alone, but I have to write my op report.”
“I’ll be fine,” Nadia said back to Sydney.
Vaughn saw Sydney typing at the computer, and walked over. “How’d it go?”
“I got the antidote, but I don’t know if it worked.”
“Well, I’ve pretty much hit a dead end. I’ve been reviewing the Echelon intercepts, but I haven’t got anything. The people who organized this apparently didn’t use electronic communication to plan this attack.”
“If we have no way of knowing about this past attack, how can we predict the future ones?”
“We can’t; that’s what’s so scary.”
“How’s it going, buddy,” Vaughn said to Weiss at the hospital later that day.
“I feel like felgercarb,” Weiss said. “But I must say Syd, I’d rather feel like felgercarb than be dead. Thank you for getting the stuff, whatever it is.”
“You’re worth it.” Sydney said, and then looked around. “Where’s Nadia?”
“She went to get me a portable DVD player. The guy over there likes soaps. If I watched one more person talking about babies separated at birth, unfaithful spouses, and betrayals, I was going to scream. Don’t I hear enough about that in real life?”
“Ain’t that true.” Vaughn sighed.
Vaughn, Sydney, Weiss, and, when she returned, Nadia talked for a while longer, and when they left, Vaughn turned to Sydney. “I’ve got to get my mind off all this. Do you want to go play some hockey?”
“Why not?” Sydney said back to Vaughn.
Hockey Rink
“Can you believe it? Someone has managed to attack our group and we have nothing. NOTHING?” Vaughn said, shaking his head.
“One thing I don’t understand is how, with our incredible lack of information, Sloane still managed to find a location of an antidote. What was his source? Where did he get the information? If he knows someone who knows where the antidote is, wouldn’t that person also know who is behind this attack?”
“I don’t know, all he said was…oh my head…was that the contact was from he was head of SD-6.”
Vaughn was rubbing his head. “You all right?” Sydney asked.
“Too much stress,” he said, “I got a headache. Nothing to worry about.”
They both looked down at their pagers as they went off. The display read, “Meeting in ten minutes, urgent.” They both skated off the ice, and left for the meeting.
Sydney and Vaughn looked around at Jack and Dixon. Jack looked at his watch as Marshall burst in the door. “Sorry guys, Carrie was busy today, so I had Mitchell and well, uh, well nature called, you know, just a bit ago.”
Jack looked at Sydney, “Is Nadia going to be here?”
“I’m assuming she’s staying with Weiss.”
“Well then, I guess we’re all here,” Jack started, but before he could continue, Dixon interrupted.
“Shouldn’t we wait for Sloane?”
“That’s what this meeting is about,” Jack started, “And Sydney, the reason I asked about Nadia is because she might be able to shed some light on what just happened.”
“What do you mean?” Sydney asked, but felt that she knew before Jack answered.
“She was with Weiss when he showed the symptoms of the biological agent that he was infected with. Sloane was just taken to the hospital, and it appears that he got what Weiss has.”
“You mean that Sloane was infected with the biological agent?”
“Yes, and due to his age, the paramedics said that this pathogen could do more damage to him than it did to Weiss.”
Jack looked like he was about to say something else, but his phone rang, so he answered it. “Yes, this is Jack. I see. Well yeah. Well, keep trying. Okay, bye.” He looked up after hanging up his phone. “Sloane’s flatlining,” he said.

Everyone gasped. The next few minutes were fraught with tension. The tension grew thicker when Jack got another phone call. They were looking at him anxiously when he hung up.
“They managed to get him stable, but he’s in ICU.” Everyone breathed a sigh of relief, and then Sydney spoke up. “Does Nadia know?”
“I don’t know how she could; she wasn’t here.” Dixon replied.
“I’m going to the hospital. She needs to know.”
“Aren’t we all going?” Marshall asked, looking around.
“Even if we did, only Nadia could get in to see him. They only allow family to get in,” Vaughn explained.
The dwindling group watched as Sydney left.
Nadia and Weiss jumped as Sydney ran into the room. “Nadia, may I speak to you for a bit?”
“Yeah, sure.” As soon as they were out the door, Sydney said, “Sloane was infected, too. He’s here. He’s here in ICU.”
Nadia looked shocked, and then ran down the hall. She stopped at the nurses station. “Hello? Hello?” she yelled out.
“Nadia, ICU’s this way,” Sydney called out, and led the way to the ICU. The receptionist met them with a smile.
“How may I help you?”
“Arvin Sloane. What room is he in?”
“Are you a family member?”
“I’m his daughter.”
“Room 470,” she said pointing down the hall, “Fourth door on your right.”
Nadia took off down the hall. “Can I help you, ma’am?”
“I’m her sister,” Sydney said to the receptionist.
“Don’t you want to see your father then?”
“He’s not my father.”
After some more small talk with the receptionist, Sydney sat down in the quasi-comfortable chair and halfheartedly read an old issue of TIME. She noticed an article about the returning of the Shintaro sword and laughed to herself. She was reading an article about something she had had personal experience with. It was amazing to her how many inaccuracies there were about it. She looked up when she heard Nadia say she was ready to go. As they walked away, Sydney asked, “Was he awake?”
Nadia answered through the tears, “No. He looked so frail lying there. It was weird. I barely know him, and yet..." She couldn't finish. She started sobbing, and even though Sydney wanted to comfort her, she couldn't bring herself to say, "I hope he gets better, too," because she realized that she was actually enjoying this. She wasn't enjoying that Weiss was sick, but she almost felt like it was poetic justice for Sloane. To her it was almost like a twisted payback for killing her fiance, roommate, and the first person beside Laura she had ever considered a mother-figure. And that realization scared her. Thinking back, though, she realized that Danny's death led to her meeting Vaughn, something, she realized, had made going through all she had been through bearable. "I hope he gets better, too," she said, meaning every word.
“We were able to find an antidote the first time, why can’t we find one now?” Nadia asked hysterically.
“Sloane found the antidote. We don’t know who he contacted or how. It would be improbable that we could figure out who it was?” Jack said. “But come to think of it, Sloane did mention that his contact e-mailed him the information. If we could get into his inbox, we may be able to contact his contact for more of the antidote.”
“It wouldn’t be too hard to hack into his accounts,” Marshall said, “just give me a few minutes.”
Six minutes later, Marshall came back out, beaming with joy. “I got the password: 4Rambaldi7.” As they sat in front of the computer screens, they watched as Marshall pulled up the inbox. They looked at Vaughn when he moaned quietly. “Must’ve ate something I shouldn’t have,” then looked as Marshall scrolled through the messages, mostly ones about Omnifan, but then they came across one named AD.
“Should I?” Marshall asked, and everyone nodded. He clicked on the subject line. The message came up.
I have managed to find the location of the antidote you were searching for. Call me at (137) 555-2225 to discuss payment.
Always a pleasure doing business with you, your good friend
W. Vaughn

Let me know what you think. Four 47 hidden in the story thus far.
I hope you all enjoy this update. Please let me know what you think.

Vaughn looked at the screen in disbelief. As Sydney watched, Vaughn pulled out his cell phone and dialed the number on the screen. As the time went on Vaughn’s face showed his disappointment. He hung up his phone, and everyone looked at him expectantly. “No one answered.”
“We’ll try back later,” Sydney said, “don’t give up.”
“Why wouldn’t he contact me?” Vaughn asked.
“I don’t know. Maybe he figured it was best for you.”
“I’m going to try him again,” Vaughn said dialing his phone again.
The meeting was over about then, but Vaughn and Sydney stayed in the room as Vaughn kept trying to get a hold of his dad. They left about two hours later, and as Sydney was driving them both back to her apartment, Vaughn said suddenly, “Is this William Vaughn? Do you know when he’ll be back? Thanks. I’ll call back then.”
“Who’d you get?”
“I don’t know. She didn’t say her name.”
Sydney’s apartment
Vaughn was watching the clock as he Sydney ate. At 7:04, he dialed the phone again. “Is this William Vaughn?” he asked. “Mr. Vaughn, do you recognize my voice? No? It’s me. Michael. Dad? Dad, are you there? Dad?” Sydney looked at Vaughn who looked defeated. He perked up suddenly. “Dad? Listen, Dad, I need your help. What about? I need your help because the biological agent has overcome another person. Who? It’s Sloane. Your e-mail said that you had found the location of the first antidote. We need the location of another vial. A meeting? Sure. Where?” Vaughn motioned for a pen and paper, and Sydney quickly found them for him. Vaughn wrote quickly. When he was done, Sydney heard Vaughn say, “Thanks. Dad? I love…” Vaughn looked up at Sydney. “He hung up. What’s it like, Syd? What’s it like to meet a parent you thought was dead after such a long time?”
“It’s weird. When I found out Mom was alive, I was happy, but I was also scared. Questions like ‘What if she doesn’t love me? What if I’m a disappointment?’ were always on the forefront of my mind. I started to think irrationally when it came to finding her. The desire consumed me. I even was trusting Sloane to help me find her. When we finally met, even considering the fact that she shot me, it was one of the best, yet one of the worst times of my life.
“It was one of the best because I was able to hold out some hope that we might end up being a ‘normal,’ and I use that term very loosely, family. But it was also one of the worst events of my life because it shattered my ideal picture of my Mom. Sure, I knew that she was a devious and cold individual, but until I saw it in person, I still had a glimmer of hope. Coming face to face with the truth was hard. However, I think it would have been even harder having known that she was alive, but never seeing her again.
“And then she betrayed the CIA. Betrayed me. I wanted her dead, but I also wanted her to get away. She was my mom and I loved her, but at the same time I HATED her. I can’t answer what it’s like. It’s impossible to put into words.”
Vaughn looked down. “Sydney, I don’t know what’s going to happen tomorrow. But I do know that I don’t want to face it alone. Will you come with me to the meeting?”
“Of course. And Vaughn, just a little advice from someone who’s been there, don’t get your hopes up.”
Jack was standing in front of the group. “I’m going to make this simple. We need to identify this disease. Dixon and Marshall, I want you to search any source you can to try to identify this disease. If you can’t find anything, then I want you to contact an etiologist, a pathologist, or any kind of medical scientist that believes he may be able to find a cure.”
Marshall spoke up. “Excuse my ignorance, but you mentioned contacting an etiologist, and I, well I don’t know if I’m alone in here, but I don’t know what that is.”
“It’s a person who studies the origin of diseases. In this case, he might be able to tell us how Sloane and Weiss contracted the virus,” Sydney explained. She then continued. “Dad, Vaughn and I are meeting Mr. Vaughn tonight. We hope he can secure some more antidotes. He might ask for money, though.”
“If he can guarantee the antidotes, we’ll pay him. Meanwhile, Vaughn, I want you to consider the possibility that your dad is not on our side. In the E-mail, he called Sloane an old friend. It is logical to infer from that your father was associating with Sloane when he was running SD-6. Don’t assume anything. That’s where I went wrong with Irina.”
Pier 47
It was dark when the limo pulled up to Sydney and Vaughn. They watched as the driver got out and opened the back door. A tall man got out.
“Oh my gosh! Dad!” Sydney heard Vaughn say incredulously.
As the man approached, Sydney could see the family resemblance. Bill looked like an older version of Vaughn. Sydney saw that Vaughn was almost ready to cry.
“Dad,” he said.
“Mikey Monster,” Bill said in reply.
Vaughn had his arms open wide about ready to hug Bill. Suddenly Bill backed away. “Don’t touch me!” he said sharply. Vaughn looked stricken. When Bill saw them both look at him funny, he said, “On to business. You want the antidotes. Very well, I have two demands. Meet those, you’ll get a total of nine more antidotes.”
“What are your demands?” Sydney asked.
“I want $14 million dollars in bills $50 or less and access for me and my colleagues to The Sphere of Life. By access, I mean unrestricted access. It can be at a government facility. You can have people watch as long as they’re outside the room. We will be allowed to bring in any tool we wish, and we will be able to leave with whatever information we get. After 24 hours my colleagues and I will leave, and there will be no more need for contact.”
“Why $14 million?” Sydney asked.
“Five million of it will go to the organization I head, and the other nine million will go to the creator of the antidote for the information that will lead to the obtaining of the antidotes. We will meet here again tomorrow. Good night, Mikey,” Bill said. He left, and after a long day, Sydney and Vaughn met Bill again.
As soon as Vaughn saw Bill, he asked. “Why did you fake your death? And who do you work for?”
Bill turned. “I faked my death because I had to in order to become the head of The Magnificent Order of Rambaldi.

“You’re what?” Vaughn asked in disbelief.
“I’m the head of The Magnificent Order of Rambaldi. I had to fake my death in order to escape the CIA.”
“You faked your death in order to escape the CIA? Why’d you want to do that?”
“Once I decided that I wanted to spend my life in the search of Rambaldi, I knew the CIA wouldn’t understand. Therefore, I contacted the KGB, explained my proposition, and waited for a response.”
“What was your proposition?” Sydney asked.
“I told them that if the agent they were using to kill the other agents…”
“My mother,” Sydney interrupted.
“So you are Irina’s child! I thought that’s who you were. I was thinking that when I saw you last night.” Bill said, and then quickly reached for his gun. Sydney and Vaughn both drew their guns, and trained them on Bill. Bill looked over at Vaughn. “Mikey, you don’t know what it is prophesied that she will do. Trust me, I’m doing the world a favor.”
“What is she supposedly ‘prophesied’ to do? If it’s something bad, I don’t believe she’s capable of that.”
“According to the prophecy, The Chosen One and The Passenger will battle. Neither will survive. That’s the part that people know about that specific prophecy. What they don’t know is that it goes on to say that, should The Passenger live, she and her father will bring peace to the world. Nadia and Sloane will even manage to bring peace to the Middle East. Think of it: Israelis at peace with the Muslims. Worldwide peace. It has been a dream for ages. They could make it happen. If Ms. Bristow here is allowed to live, peace will never happen.”
“Why would I kill my sister? What could she possibly do?”
“According to the prophecy, she will kill your father. Her motives weren’t given, but it is said ‘She will be just in this action.’”
“I don’t buy into all this stuff about Rambaldi. Dad, trust me on this, Sydney is good and Nadia is good. They won’t kill each other. I must say this. If you kill Sydney, I will kill you! Put your gun away!”
Bill lowered his gun; Sydney lowered hers, and Vaughn followed suit. All three were still jumpy. Sydney spoke up, “We brought the money. As for the Sphere of Life, you’ll get access once we have all nine antidotes.” She turned and walked to the van, opened up the door and grabbed the first suitcase. She placed it in front of him and went for the others. When all the suitcases were in front of Bill, he opened them all up, checked some of the bills, muttering to himself, “Non-sequential, good. Lower than fifty, great. We have a deal. I’ll contact you tomorrow, and hopefully I’ll have the antidotes or at least information that tells where they are.”
Sydney and Vaughn all said goodbye to Bill, and headed to the van. Once inside, Sydney turned to Vaughn. “Would you really have done that? Would you really have killed your father if he had killed me?”
“In a heartbeat. I love you, Sydney. Just because my dad believes you’re evil won’t change that. I’d like his approval, yes, but if I had to choose between you and Dad… You know what, it wouldn’t even be a choice. Sydney looked at him realizing the depth of his love for her. It filled her in a way nothing else ever had, and in that moment, she knew that no matter who betrayed whom, who killed whom, or who faked his or her death, his love was a constant.
That night they both slept at Sydney’s house. When Sydney awoke in the morning, she felt much more optimistic about the future than she had in such a long time.
“Due to the absence of two of our members to illness, and one staying at the hospital with her father and boyfriend, this meeting will be brief,” Jack said to the present members of APO. “Dixon,” Jack said, turning to him, “what happened with your investigation?”
“The symptoms did not match any known existing biological weapon. That means that this virus, or whatever it is, is a custom-made pathogen. Custom-made pathogens are much harder to cure. It’s a dead end.”
“Well, um, I went online, I searched every known medical database, but came up with nothing. So, well, I contacted a several very qualified scientists, and asked how long it would take to come up with a cure, and, to a large degree, they all guessed in excess of two years. By then, Sloane would most likely be dead. Basically, although I hate to say it, it’s another dead end. Sorry.”
“Sydney and Vaughn?”
“The contact stated that he would soon be able to deliver nine injections of the antidote. We were able to meet his monetary demands, but we need to get the Sphere of Life transferred here from Project: Black Hole. The second part of his demand was unrestricted access to the Sphere for 24 hours by a group from The Magnificent Order of Rambaldi. He said he’d contact us to…” Vaughn was saying when his cell phone went off. “Just a moment,” he said, and then answered it. “Vaughn. Okay. Okay. See you then.” Everyone was looking at him. “I’m to meet him in one hour at my apartment.”
“Well, then,” Jack said, looking at Dixon, “I need you to work on getting the Sphere of Life delivered here as soon as possible. Marshall, I need you to …”
Jack was interrupted by a loud thud as Dixon fell to the ground, hitting his head on the table on the way. Working together, the group helped turn Dixon over as Marshall hurried off to dial 911. Sydney worked on stopping the flow of blood from Dixon’s nose, which had been broken in the fall.
Above the entire bustle, Jack’s voice could be heard. “We need to get him out to the subway station. This is a covert branch. Remember?” They all worked together to get him on a wheeled table, and then rushed him out to the station.
The paramedics came and took him away, and Sydney heard Vaughn say quietly, “And then there were five.”

Let me know what you think. I love feedback.
Chapter 5

With all the excitement, Vaughn lost track of time and when he looked at his watch, he cursed. Sydney looked at him. “What?”
“We have to be at my apartment in 15 minutes.” They both sprinted out to the parking lot, and once they were both inside, Vaughn accelerated. Sprinting out of the parking garage, Vaughn started to drive like a stunt driver. He weaved in and out of the lines of cars trudging along. Sydney looked over at Vaughn inquisitively.
“What are we listening to?”
“Trainwreck. Marshall got me hooked on them. They’re very good.”
“Do you mind if I change it?” Sydney asked.
“The CDs are back there,” Vaughn said, quickly gesturing to the pouch on the back of his seat. “Hold on,” Vaughn said as he quickly turned the wheel to the right and dodged between two cars onto the shoulder. He accelerated more and dodged back into the traffic.
“Do you mind if I put in GreenDay?”
“Go ahead. What time is it?”
“It is 9:47. Will we make it?”
“It’ll be close.”
Vaughn put his car in park at 9:59. They both ran inside. Vaughn quickly unlocked his door, Bill said, “You’re late. I thought I taught you better.”
“Dad, relax. It was the traffic.”
“Traffic,” Bill scoffed. “When I was at the agency, they taught me how to drive well. That included in heavy traffic.”
“I took that lesson, too. The traffic was just a hindrance.”
“To get down to business,” Bill said quickly changing the topic, “my contact hid the antidotes various places, but he kept one on him at all times. When I paid him, I got the one he had with him, and the location and information about the location of the other antidotes. Here is the first antidote he had with him.” Bill handed Vaughn a hypodermic needle. “Mikey, you’re going to Tasmania, Austrailia. Miss Bristow, you are going to Rio de Janeiro. Here are the plane tickets.” Vaughn took his, and went back to his room to pack.
“So do you prefer to be called William, Bill, Mr. Vaughn, what?”
“Bill’s fine.”
“Well, Bill, I think we got off on the wrong foot. Hi, I’m Sydney Bristow. I’m not ‘The Chosen One.’ I’m just Sydney Bristow.”
“And I’m a guy who really doesn’t care.”
“Okay, fine. Excuse me for trying to be civil. So when do I leave?”
“WE leave in two hours. You might want to get ready.”

Vaughn came back out of his room as Bill went out to his vehicle to get his stuff leaving Sydney and Vaughn to talk. “What do you think will happen to Sloane and Dixon?” Sydney asked.
“I’ll make a quick stop by the hospital to give Sloane this antidote, and then, we can only hope, one of us will make it back soon enough with the antidote for Dixon.”
“Not to sound selfish,” Sydney started, “but I honestly hope that I don’t get the pathogen.”
“I’m sure none of us want to get it. That’s not being selfish, that’s just being normal.”
“But the reason I don’t want to get it is not what you think it is. To tell you the truth, I’m afraid of needles. I just don’t like them.”
“There’s no way you’re afraid of needles. You’re the bravest person I know,” Vaughn said.
“I just hide it well. I can tell you where this fear came from, too. It all started in 10th grade.”
“Why? What happened?”
“I wanted pierced ears. Dad wouldn’t let me get them pierced. So one day, after seeing a scene on TV where two people did it themselves, Francie and I decided that we were going to pierce our ears, no matter what happened.”
“So why are you afraid of needles? What happened?”
“Back then, Francie and I didn’t care as much about sanitation. We took a needle from Mom’s sowing room. First we numbed Francie’s ear with an ice cube, and then, with an apple behind her ear, I shoved the needle through. She screamed, of course, but we still did her other ear. Then we did my ears. But to make a long shory stort,” Sydney had said, but realizing how she misspoke, she corrected herself, “story short, it got infected.”
Vaughn was smiling broadly as Sydney continued. “It was then that Francie and I decided that hats were in style. We managed to cover it up for about a week, and then, one night, when I was having supper with Dad, he told me to take off my hat. When I did, he saw my ears, and rushed me to the doctor. For the next month, whenever he saw me, he always made me show him my ears. I got in a habit that every time I saw him, I put my hair behind my ears. Now it’s just something I do without even thinking about it.”
“But you have pierced ears now, what changed?”
“When I graduated from high school, Dad paid for me to have them done professionally.”
“So the reason I don’t like needles is because I’m afraid that they haven’t been sanitized, and that I’ll get another infection.”
Meanwhile, outside in the limo…
“Yelena? Bill. Everything’s on track. No, they don’t suspect my true motives. Right. I don’t think we’ll have any problems. No, they think I’m helping them get the antidotes. They have NO idea that I’m the one responsible for the pathogen. No, we don’t have to worry about Eschelon. Our son’s on the inside. Remember? I’ll call him when we’re done talking and he’ll remove this conversation from the database. It’ll be like it never took place. Can’t wait to see you again, honey. Bye.”
Bill took off his wedding ring. The last thing he needed was Sydney finding out that he was her uncle. He couldn’t imagine how she’d react if she found out that he was married to Yelana.

Chapter 6

Part 6:
On the Plane
Sydney turned to Bill. “You mentioned earlier on that you made a deal with my mom. What was it? The conversation got off topic.”
“Let’s get something straight. I hate the fact that you and Vaughn are dating. In my opinion, you should be dead. Don’t talk to me again.”
Bill turned back to his reading. “I love him. I just thought you might want to know that.” Bill didn’t say anything. The rest of the trip was just an unnatural silence between the two of them, and when they landed, Sydney tried to strike up conversation again. “Do you know Anna Espinoza?” Sydney asked at the baggage claim.
“Yes,” he said, grabbed his bag, and then waited until Sydney got her bag and headed out to rent a car. “I have to change,” Sydney said, heading for the bathroom. Once inside she got into a stall, opened her suitcase and looked inside. She pulled out some of her phony IDs, picked one, and then looked carefully at it. “So I’m a blonde,” she thought to herself. Pulling out a wig, she pulled out her compact and started styling it. “Something’s wrong,” she thought to herself, and dug out a pair of scissors. She cut the length of the hair to the length she wanted. Next, she made a bun out of her hair in order to hide it, and put on the wig. After that, she got out her makeup and put it on. Finally it was her choice for clothes. She looked at the tops she had brought along. She saw a tank top. She picked it out, put it on, and then moved on to her pants. She saw some camouflage pants and realized that they would go well with her shirt. She put them on and concentrated on her shoes. “Bada## persona, Bada## shoes.” She picked up some hiking boots and put them on, then went out to meet Bill.
As she walked out, she made sure to give off an air of “It’s all about me.” She felt someone bump into her and she whirled around and hissed the Spanish equivalent of “Watch where you’re going, jerk.” When she got to where Bill was, she huffed, “How much longer?”
Bill turned to the man at the desk. “Do you hear how my daughter-in-law speaks to me? And she wonders why I don’t approve of their union.” He shook his head. The man shrugged and handed Bill the keys. Bill took them and headed for the cars. She followed. “Did you get the insurance?”
He gave a “what-do-you-think-I-look-like--an-idiot?” look. She rolled her eyes. They put their bags in the trunk, got in and drove away. The ride over was silent. They pulled in front of a tall building, and Bill broke the silence. “I have the key to the room we need and the code to the computer. Follow my lead and we shouldn’t have any problems”
“Okay, fine. Do you want to do this on your own, then?”
“I’m not letting you out of my sight.”
“I don’t trust you,” he said and walked toward the front door. Sydney followed him. When they entered, a brunette woman met them. “How may I help you?” she asked smiling. Sydney realized something wasn't right. She didn't know why, but she felt like she knew this woman.
“We need access to room 713,” Bill said.
“Do you have your key with you?” she asked, but Bill had it out and showing before she was done asking.
“Yeah,” he said.
“Great. This way,” she said and started walking. Sydney and Bill followed her.
Four minutes later they were standing in front of the room. “Feel free to ask if you have any questions,” she said and walked away. Bill unlocked the door, and he and Sydney walked into the room. The room had a desk, a computer, and some chairs in it. Bill sat in front of the computer and turned it on. They waited for it to start up. When it did, Bill put in the username and password, and then went into the file that was directed. It was a calendar in Publisher. They found the corresponding date and looked at what it had in the square. They saw “0000101111.” Sydney wrote it down quickly. “Binary,” she muttered, mostly to herself. Bill looked at it for a while.
After figuring out what the value was, they turned off the computer and left the room. They walked out the front door after saying their thanks to the lady who had helped them. They didn’t however see her make a phone call after they left. They definitely didn’t see the dead guard behind the desk, either. “They were just here,” Lauren said. “They’re headed your way. No, they didn't recognize me. Maybe we should've kept that plastic surgeon alive.”

Well? What do you think?
Here's Part 7. I know it's short, but a lot happens. Please enjoy and let me know what you think.

Part 7:
Hurrying into the hospital, Vaughn quickly found the doctor that had been attending to Sloane, Dixon, and Weiss. Knowing that he needed to catch his plane, Dr. Willows didn't have a chance to tell Vaughn what had just happened.
Tasmania, Australia
Vaughn hurried off the plane. He looked at his slip of paper. It had an address, a name, and a response to a question that was also listed. Before he even considered hailing a taxi, he changed into clothing that more closely matched the region. Then he decided to call and ask about Dixon. He wanted to know how much time he had left. When the receptionist at the hospital answered, he first asked about Weiss, only to hear that he was about ready to be discharged. When he asked about Dixon, he found out that he had got the antidote. “Why?” he asked, genuinely curious. The orders had been given for Sloane to get the antidote.
“Mr. Vaughn,” the receptionist started, “the antidote was given to Mr. Dixon due to the fact that the intended recipient, Mr. Sloane, passed away this morning at 10:47. Since Mr. Dixon was also exhibiting the symptoms associated with this disease, it was given to him by default.” Vaughn was shocked. He almost hadn’t heard the last part. “Did you just say that Mr. Sloane died?”
“I’m sorry, sir, but Mr. Sloane is no longer alive.” Vaughn felt faint. He didn’t like Sloane, but he also realized that he didn’t wish him dead. “Is there anything else I can help you with?” the receptionist asked.
“I don’t think so,” he said, having to think hard to compose what he had just said.
“I’m sorry for your loss,” she said and then hung up. Vaughn was numb. He called APO to see if they had heard. “Vaughn!” he heard Jack yell when he picked up the phone and found out who it was. “Have you heard about…?”
“Sloane? Yeah, I did.”
"It's hard to believe, isn't it?"
“Yes. Did you hear about Marshall, though?”
“He didn’t get it, did he?” Silence. Then a scream, “Agent Bristow? Agent Bristow! Someone call 911. The lady screaming in the background picked up the phone. “Whoever you are, we have an emergency here. Please call back later.”
“Is Agent Bristow alright?” Vaughn asked.
“He just passed out. I hate to be rude, but I’m going to hang up on you. Call back in a little bit. Ask for Meagan.” The line went dead. Vaughn couldn’t see his face, but he was sure it was pure white. He coughed, and felt something on his hand. Blood. He felt dizzy. People around him backed away as he fell to the ground, coughing up blood.

Part 8:
Previously on “The Bioweapon”
A bioweapon has been infecting members of APO. First Weiss, then Sloane. In an attempt to find another dose of the antidote that Sydney managed to get for Weiss, Marshall hacked into Sloane’s E-mail only to find a message from Vaughn’s long thought dead father. When they managed to make contact with him, they agreed to meet. In this meeting, Bill revealed that he is the head of the Magnificent Order of Rambaldi. Dixon is infected by the biological agent, making finding the antidote all the more important. Sydney and Bill go to Rio De Janeiro and get the code that will allow them to get another vial of the antidote. Vaughn goes to Tasmania, and when calling to find the status of the infected co-workers, he finds out that Sloane is dead, Marshall also has the virus, and hears Jack collapse. When he hangs up, he too passes out from the virus. Lauren is alive and has told an anonymous person that Sydney and Bill are headed toward them.

Rio De Janeiro
In the car, Sydney looked at Bill. “Is it just me, or was that too easy?”
“Something wasn’t right. I don’t know what, but I have a bad feeling that in Chile we’re going to have some problems.”
“You can handle yourself, right?”
“I used to be a CIA agent, you know.”
“Just making sure.”
At the airport, they returned the car, and then walked to the appropriate gate, and, knowing they had to wait about an hour, did things that they each thought was necessary. Bill went to the bathroom with his gun, some bullets, and a cleaning kit. “I need to make sure it’s going to work as it should,” he said to Sydney. Sydney went to the restroom to change for the next mission. Her disguise was that of a professional businesswoman, one that dealt with salary disputes.
The plan they had made in the car was that she would distract the guards by getting them to voice their unhappiness with their current salary while Bill snuck into the high security area to get the antidote. Sydney had put up a fuss at first when she was told she would be the diversion for this mission, not on point, but Bill had memorized the blueprints, and he was able to convince her that he was the better choice.
She still had time when she was done so she called the hospital. When she found out about Sloane, she immediately thought to Nadia, and what she must be going through. Then, when she heard about Weiss getting released, she was overjoyed. That joy was quickly beat into oblivion when she heard about her dad and Marshall. She didn’t know if Vaughn knew yet so she dialed his number. It rang. Once. Twice. Three times. Someone answered. “Who is this?”
“This is Sydney Bristow. Whom am I speaking to?”
“I am a nurse at St. Nick’s Hospital in Tasmania. Do you know a Mr. Will Yorkins?”
Sydney remembered that Will Yorkins was Vaughn’s alias for that trip. “Yes, I do,” she replied, already knowing what came next.
“I’m sorry to have to inform you that Mr. Yorkins has a very rare disease that we have not been able to identify thus far. He’s in a coma, and we don’t know what all we can do to help him. Is he routinely exposed to experimental chemicals?”
“Ma’am,” Sydney said, “I am an operative for the U.S. Government. The man you have there is actually Michael Vaughn. Recently, members of our group have been getting infected with an unknown pathogen. Mr. Vaughn over there was on a mission to acquire a vial of the antidote based upon intel we received about a location of it. Did he have a piece of paper with an address on it when he came in?”
She heard some rustling. “Yes, ma’am, he did.”
“Would you be willing to do me a favor?”
“Do you wish me to send someone to the address, ask for the person, and secure the antidote?”
“Would you be willing to do that?”
“Only if you can guarantee me that it would be safe.”
“It should be,” Sydney started, “but I can’t say for sure.”
“I’ll contact someone to have it done.”
“Thank you. Here comes my partner,” Sydney said, seeing Bill walking towards her.
“Try calling back in about an hour,” the lady said, “we should have it by then.”
“Okay, bye,” Sydney said, then turned to see Bill mouth, “What’s wrong?”
As soon as she hung up the phone, Sydney started crying. She started telling Bill what she had just heard, and when she got to the part about Vaughn, Bill said suddenly, “Give me your plane ticket.” Sydney, though shocked at his insensitivity, complied. Bill took his and her ticket up to a man at the computer and started talking to him. When he came back, he said, “We’re going to Chile. After that, we’re going to Australia. Don’t worry, Mikey’s tough. He’ll make it through.” Bill then handed Sydney her new ticket, and then put her head on his lap and let her cry.

Let me know what you think.
Part 9:
Previously on “The Bioweapon:”
All the members of APO, excluding Weiss, Nadia, Sloane, and Sydney are laid up in the hospital. Weiss, who was sick, has just been released, and Sloane is dead. Vaughn is in a hospital in Australia, and his life depends on a hospital worker finishing the mission Vaughn collapsed before even beginning. Sydney is working with Bill Vaughn, Vaughn’s dad who faked his death in order to become the head of The Magnificent Order of Rambaldi. Sydney and Bill are waiting to board a plane to Chile to get a vial of the antidote. Lauren is alive and working with someone. Who this person is is unknown.

On The Plane
Sydney was still laying her head on Bill’s shoulder, crying. As the wet area on Bill’s shirt grows steadily larger, he decides to say something. “Sydney?”
She sat up slowly, eyes and nose about the same shade of red. “What?”
“Do you mind if I call you Syd?”
“That’s what Vaughn always calls me,” she said, and started crying again.
“Listen, Syd, I know you’re sad. I know you’re scared. But we need to talk about the mission. If it fails, Vaughn may die. We can’t have it fail.”
“So, what do you want to talk about?”
“I don’t have a good feeling about this mission. I think we need better weapons. I knew a man in Chile when I was with the Agency. He was well stocked with weaponry. If he’s still alive, I’ll contact him when we get there.”
“What do you think we’ll end up needing?”
“I’ll know when we get there, but I don’t think our handguns are enough.”
Bill made the call while Sydney rented a vehicle. “Unfortunately, we don’t have any sedans. We have some SUVs and some compacts and a Hummer. Which would you like?”
“I’ll take the Hummer,” Sydney said, thinking that being in a cramped space with Bill would make her want to wring his neck. She had noticed he was getting mellower, but she was still a little mad at him for pulling the gun on her.
She got the keys, put the suitcases in the back, and then waited for Bill.
“My contact told me that where we are going has a strong Covenant presence. My other contact, the one I told you about, has a decent sized weapons cache, so we’re going to stop there first.”
“Where is it?”
“I’ll just take you there. May I have the keys?”
“Here,” Sydney said, handing him the keys.
Bill took them, and started the Hummer. “Did you get the insurance?”
Sydney laughed, “No, it’s not like we’re secret agents on a high-risk mission.”
They both laughed. “No we’re not. You are. I’m just the idiot that’s along for the ride.”
The air between them had finally cleared, and Sydney finally felt that she had Bill’s approval. He seemed to know what she was thinking, because he spoke up at that moment, “I was wrong about you. I’m sorry.”
“It's fine.”
“You know,” he started, and Sydney turned to look at him, “I haven’t seen Nadia in so long. How is she?”
Sydney pulled out her phone and dialed Nadia’s number. “Nadia,” she heard, through the sniffles.
“Nadia, it’s me. Listen sorry to hear about Sloane. How are you hanging on?”
“He’s dead! I meet him less than a year ago, and he’s already dead. How do you think I feel?”
“Sad, depressed, just bad I guess.”
“That’s putting it mildly. So what do you need?”
“Do you remember Bill Vaughn?”
“He was wondering how you were.”
“I just lost my dad.”
“She just lost her dad. She’s upset.”
“Tell her that things will get better.”
“Bill wants me to tell you things will get better.”
“Tell him, ‘Thanks, but that doesn’t make me feel any better.’”
“Thanks, but she doesn’t feel any better.”
“She won’t for a while.”
The conversation continued like that for a while, and when she hung up, Bill looked at Sydney. “How was it to find out you had a sister?”
“It was great. I always wanted a sister. Now I have one.”
“Did you ever want a brother?”
“Yeah. I just wanted a sibling.”
“Well, I don’t know how to break this to you,” Bill started.
“What?” Sydney asked, sensing something big was about to come out.
“You did have a brother. Well, a half-brother anyway.”

“What?” Sydney almost screamed, “What did you say?”
“William Vaughn, Jr. Your brother.”
“Where is he? What happened to cause it? When did this happen?”
“When I took Nadia away, I returned later to help Irina escape. We were both vulnerable, we both felt some…sexual energy, so we…” He couldn’t continue.
“You what?”
“We…had sex.” Bill said saying each word slowly.
“And Mom got pregnant?”
“Yeah,” Bill continued.
“Where is he?”
“A friend of your mother’s, who was a doctor, helped her deliver in Moscow. There were some…complications, and…he was…stillborn. He’s in a children’s graveyard in Moscow.”
Sydney sighed. “So I have a sister through a man that I used to wish dead, and a dead brother through my boyfriend’s father. Could my family tree get even more messed up?”
“Somebody that I have on the inside of the Covenant told me that Katya is pregnant. She’s saying that it’s your dad’s kid.”
“We’re here.” Bill said, slowing, then stopping the SUV.
He got out, then walked around to Sydney’s door and opened it for her. “This doesn’t mean I forgive you,” she said, taking his hand and letting him help her down. Bill walked up to the door and rang the doorbell. An old man answered. “Bill!” he yelled out excitedly. “Come in, come in,” he said, ushering them both in. As soon as the door shut, the smile on the man’s face was gone. “I was told you were dead, Bill. Why didn’t you make contact before now?”
“I had to give up my old life in order to head The Magnificent Order of Rambaldi.”
“You screwed up your whole life just to follow the works of a guy who was killed as a heratic?”
“Yeah. I’m glad I did, too.”
“So what do you need my help for?”
“We need weapons. We’re about to go into a Covenant stronghold.”
The old man led them downstairs. Sydney looked around. She didn’t see any weapons. The man pushed a couch forward, revealing a hidden hole in the floor, which they climbed down. Once they were at the bottom, the man flicked the light switch, and Sydney saw nothing but guns, ammo, grenades, mines, sticks of dynamite, and other things. “Did you have a sale or something?” Bill asked, looking around in shock.
“I made another one of these dugout things. The rest of it is in there. Bill started walking along the racks. He grabbed a missile launcher, then he said to the man, “Have her get some tranq guns.”
The man led her up and into another dugout. He started grabbing some tranq guns, and then some boxes, which had the words “Boom bullets” on them. Pointing to the box, he said, “These are basically C4 bullets with a slight time delay on them. Don’t use them unless you really want to do some damage.”
After loading up the Hummer with the weaponry, Bill thanked the man, and then they drove away. “Do you think we have enough,” Sydney asked sarcastically.
“I sure hope so. If we don’t, Vaughn isn’t the only one that’s going to die.

What do you think?
Part 11:
Outside the Facility
Sydney was thinking that before they started their raid, she should quickly call the hospital to ask everyone's status. It was then that she found out that Marshall and Jack had both collapsed. "Can you stay on track," Bill asked.
"Of course," Sydney said.
After getting dressed in camouflage, they surveyed the perimeter using high-resolution field glasses. “We should probably wait until nightfall to attack. That should give some time to figure out the guards’ patterns, and help us stay hidden. I need you to go to the SUV real quick. The blueprints are in my big suitcase on the very bottom. We need to find the best way in and out.”
Sydney ran back to the Hummer, but was fortunate enough to stop before she ran through the foliage. Two guards were walking around the Hummer trying to see through the tinted windows. Sydney readied her tranq gun and aimed. She shot. One man put his hand to his neck, and then collapsed. The other ran to him. She fired again. He went down. She snuck to the back, pulled out Bill’s suitcase, found the blueprints, and then dragged the guard over to a tree. She leaned him against the trunk and then grabbed his gun, handcuffs, keys, radio, and all the rest of his weapons. She then dragged the other guard over to the tree, took his weapons, and then handcuffed him to the other guard. She headed back to the Hummer, grabbed the blueprints, the radio, and everything else she needed.
When she got back to Bill, she handed him a radio, and then he showed her the path he planned to use to get in and out as fast as possible. “Memorize it,” he told her.
She did, and then turned to Bill. “May I ask you a question?”
“Why didn’t…”
“Behind you,” Bill said. Sydney realized what he meant, whirled, and shot. Katya looked at Sydney and then collapsed. Bill looked at Sydney and saw that she recognized the lady that had snuck up on them. Sydney went over to Katya, pulled the tranq dart out of her neck, and then motioned for Bill to help her. Together, they managed to get her to the Hummer. Sydney handcuffed her to another tree. When they got back to their vantage point, Bill finally asked Sydney whom they had just handcuffed.
“That was my aunt,” Sydney said.
“Which one, Katya or Yelena?” Bill asked, knowing he couldn't let her know that he already knew.
“Katya,” Sydney replied.
“I guess I should have figured that out. How far along do you think she is?”
“Probably 8 months. Give or take half a month.”
“She shouldn’t be on her feet, should she?.”
“Most likely not.”
As Sydney and Bill waited for sundown, they talked more and more, and even Bill couldn’t deny that they were bonding. “I’m sorry,” Bill said at one point in the conversation.
“For what?”
“I’m sorry for pulling the gun on you. I’m sorry for not trusting you, for ignoring you on the plane. I’m sorry for how I’ve treated you.”
“Water under the bridge,” Sydney replied.
Nadia wheeled Weiss into his apartment. “Can I get you anything?” she asked.
“I am so craving ice cream right now.” Nadia went to the freezer.
“What flavor: napoleon, Rocky Road, vanilla, bubble gum, or orange sherbet?”
“Just give me the vanilla,” Weiss said. Nadia dished two bowls. She handed Weiss one, set the other one down, and then got some spoons. “Any toppings?” she asked.
“Marshmallows, peanuts, and whipped topping,” Weiss said in reply. Nadia found all three toppings, and set them on the table. She sat down and began to cry.
“I can’t believe he’s dead,” she said in between sobs. Weiss wheeled himself over to the counter, grabbed a box of Kleenexes, and wheeled back to the table and handed Nadia one. She blew her nose and said, “Gross.” The tissue had broke and Nadia’s hand’s were covered. Weiss handed her a few more tissues, and she cleaned off her hands. She got up to wash her hands, and promptly collapsed. Weiss dialed 911. The ambulance came, and Weiss went with her.
At the hospital, Weiss looked at his watch and said to himself, “Hurry up, Syd.”

Part 12:
Previously on “The Bioweapon”
All the members of APO, excluding Sydney, have been infected by a bioweapon. The only person who knows where the antidotes are is Vaughn’s long-thought-dead dad who faked his death in order to become the head of The Magnificent Order of Rambaldi. Sydney and Bill are in Chile, about to break into a facility with a heavy Covenant presence. Sloane is dead, and Vaughn is in a hospital in Tasmania while a hospital worker tries to get the antidote. Katya is pregnant with Jack’s baby.
Jon Keith ran into the hospital with a hypodermic needle. “I got it,” he said in between short breaths. Carol Winslow, the nurse Sydney had talked to earlier grabbed it and ran into Vaughn’s room. She injected the antidote into his heart. Almost immediately his vitals were getting back to normal. About two hours later, when she checked on him again, he was awake. “Can I get you anything?” she asked.
“How about someone who could get me an engagement ring. As soon as I get out of here, I want to get married to the love of my life.”
Carol quickly went out to the nurses’ station and got his phone and the local phone book. She brought them back into him. He quickly flipped to the yellow pages, looked up jewelers, and dialed the first number he saw. Carol was about to leave when she heard the phone conversation start, but Vaughn called her back before she was out the door. “What room am I in?” he asked.
“Room 137,” she responded.
“Thanks,” Vaughn said, and then talked into the phone, “Could you send someone with a magazine of your engagement rings to the local hospital, room 137? Thank you.”
The sun had set, and Bill and Sydney were getting ready. They split up, tranquilized the guards, and met at the door they planned to use to enter. Sydney picked the lock and Bill was the lookout. When she felt the door unlock, they opened it, and stepped inside quietly. They walked the corridors easily, relying on their memorization of the blueprints. Suddenly, Sydney stopped and held Bill back. A guard was sprawled out on the floor. Sydney went over to him and felt for a pulse. It was weak. She knew he had been tranquilized and realized that they weren’t the first ones there. They continued along their path, and kept seeing tranquilized guard after tranquilized guard. When they finally came to the room they needed, they heard two people arguing. Sydney couldn’t believe her ears.
One of the voices sounded like Lauren. The other, however, sounded much more familiar. “Mom?” she thought, as they snuck even closer to the room. Bill nodded to Sydney and they both stepped into the room with their guns drawn. Sydney had her gun trained on the woman she thought had sounded like Lauren, and Bill, when he saw that he was aiming a gun at Irina, also moved to point his gun at the other woman.
“Is that you, Lauren?” Sydney asked, not sure what else to do.
“How do you like the new look?” Lauren responded.
“How’d you survive being shot? And the fall?” Sydney asked, trying to put the pieces together.
“I didn’t,” Lauren said. It was about three days later when I found myself at the bottom of the ravine. I felt for the bullet holes, but there were none. I don’t know how it happened, but it did.” Lauren whirled, aiming the gun at Sydney’s head, but before she could pull the trigger, Irina and Bill both shot her in the head. She slumped to the floor, a puddle of blood forming. Bill and Sydney quickly went over to the safe, typed in the code 0000101111, the safe opened, Bill grabbed the antidote and a small tube, and then all three ran down the halls.
As they came upon the first guard they had seen, they knew the tranq was wearing off. He saw them, fumbled for his gun, and before Sydney could get her tranq gun out, he shot Bill. Bill collapsed. Sydney whirled, tranquilized the guard and ran knelt next to Bill. “Where’d it hit?” Sydney asked.
“My knee,” Bill said. Sydney got out her flashlight. The back of his leg looked like a bloody pulp. Sydney ripped the bottom of her shirt all around. She tied it above the injury, and then took a magazine out of one of her guns, emptied it of bullets, put it on top of the first knot, and tied another knot above it. She twisted the magazine around until the blood stopped shooting out. She ripped another strip of cloth from her shirt, and tied the magazine in place. “Hope that holds,” she said to Bill.
“That’s a pretty good tourniquet,” he said. Sydney told Irina to help her, and together they managed to get to the Hummer.
Before doing anything else, Sydney got the first aid kit from the Hummer, and cleaned Bill’s wound. He handed her some papers, and then told her that it was the info on the locations of the other antidotes. She managed to get Bill into the back seat, then Sydney sedated Katya again and put her in the second row behind the passenger seat. Irina took shotgun, and Sydney drove. When Sydney got to the hospital, she realized that she would have to leave Irina and Katya alone. She handcuffed Irina to the door, and checked to make sure Katya was still sedated. She went in, admitted Bill, and hurried back out to the Hummer after she was done. Katya was starting to wake up again, so Sydney tranquilized her once more.
Getting to the airport was easy, and when she went in, Sydney got some Air Marshals to look after Irina and Katya. She called Devlin, explained the situation, and asked him to send a plane. He agreed, and Sydney realized she could finally relax to a certain extent. She called Vaughn’s phone to find out what was going on. When he answered, Sydney broke down. “I was afraid I was going to lose you,” she said.
“They got the antidote fine,” Vaughn said. “Have you called APO recently?” he asked.
“No, they were next on my to-call list.”
“You might want to do that. Last I knew, Marshall and Jack have been taken to the hospital.
The doctor looked down at the face of the man in front of him. “We did all we could,” he said. “Do you want to call it?”
“Time of death: 8:14 PM,” the nurse said looking at her watch.
Oh my god! Who is dead? Marshall? Jack? I hate to say if i had to choose I would totally pick Jack, because Marshall can't die! Please do not kill Marshall.
Part 13:
The plane came a few hours later, and, with the assistance of the Air Marshals, Sydney got Katya and Irina on the plane. She then loaded up the weapons, and then checked in the Hummer. The plane took off, and Sydney had a chance to talk to her mom.
“Mom, why did you and Dad fake your death again?”
“We didn’t.”
“What? Then how come you are still alive? I saw your dead body.”
“My story’s similar to Lauren’s story. Jack killed me, and, what I found out was two months later, I woke up in a casket. There was no bulled hole in front of my heart, so I figured that somebody had found The Sphere of Life. I made enough noise, someone finally opened up my casket. He asked me how come I was alive. I told him I didn’t know, and helped him put my casket back in my area, and then I left.”
“What makes you think someone found The Sphere of Life?”
“Because there’s a theory that The Sphere of Life has the ability to resurrect certain people.”
“It’s just a theory, but you have to admit the evidence seems to point to it.”
“You’re right about that. Hey, I just realized, you’ll be able to see Nadia.”
“How’s she doing?”
“Let me call her.” Sydney dialed her phone. When she heard a hospital worker answer, Sydney knew Nadia had collapsed, but she still asked. “How is Nadia?”
“Ms. Santos is stable. She has a illness that we’ve been seeing a lot of, but we don’t know what it is.”
“I know. It’s taking out all of my co-workers.”
“I’m sorry.”
“How is Jack Bristow?”
“Mr. Bristow is,” Sydney heard the person say, and then heard typing, “I’m so sorry, ma’am, but Mr. Bristow is dead.”
“Dead?” Sydney repeated, tears starting to well up in her eyes.
“Dead?” Irina mouthed to Sydney, who nodded. Irina looked shocked.
“What about Marshall Flinkman?”
“Mr. Flinkman,” Sydney heard more typing, “is stable, also.”
“And Marcus Dixon?”
“Mr. Dixon,” a pause, “is staying overnight for observation.”
“Eric Weiss?”
“Released earlier today.”
“Thank you,” Sydney said, still in shock.
“I’m sorry for the bad news. I hope they get better,” the voice at the other end said.
Sydney hung up, and, as Irina rubbed her back, cried.
After securing Katya in the prison cell, and arranging for house arrest for Irina, Sydney went to the hospital, visiting everyone. She injected Nadia with the antidote. She knew Marshall had collapsed first, and thus he deserved it more, but Nadia was her sister. Taking out the paper Bill had given her, she looked for the location of the nearest antidote. She found it on the list: Omaha, NE. After seeing her deceased father in the morgue, she drove to the airport. The pilot agreed to take her to Omaha, and Sydney settled in for her next trip.
It was dark and raining when the plane landed. The wind was strong and dust was in the air. Sydney grabbed her bags, hailed a cab, and, once she got in, told him to go to Offut Air Force Base. The cab driver took her there. She showed her credentials to get in. She walked to the main building, asked for Fred Logan, and waited after the name was announced. The man walked up to her, shook her hand, and told her to follow him. He had just walked out the doors when a siren cut through the air. “What’s that for?” she asked.
“That’s the tornado siren. We need to get inside NOW!”

Part 14:
Sydney and Fred ran back inside, and Fred led her down some steps into the lower level. There they waited until the siren sounded again. Walking up the steps, Sydney realized this was the first tornado she had been in. She had seen news stories about them, but she had never actually been in one.
Fred took her outside, and she saw the damage. The roof of the building they were in had several holes; countless light posts were down; and the cab she had come in was in a tree. Several trees and limbs were down. She shook her head. No words could sum up the carnage she saw. Fred led her as well as he could through the debris, until he got to the building that he knew had the antidote. It had almost completely collapsed.
He started digging through the scraps of wood. Sydney helped him. She grabbed something that felt like cloth, and pulled on it. It didn’t budge. She started to clear the wood around it until she found the body. She felt for a pulse. There was one, but it was weak. She tried again to pull him out, but she couldn’t get him to move. Then she saw why. One of the rafters had fallen on his other arm. Calling Fred and the other people there to help her, the lifted it off him, and they got him out.
The clean up went on throughout the night. As the sun came up, Sydney saw the corner of a safe and called for Fred. They dug it out, he opened it, and he offered it to her. “Let’s get everyone out of here first,” she said, continuing to pull away scraps of wood. When they knew they had got everyone from the building, Sydney took the antidote, got a ride to the airport, a ride with a lot of stopping to pick up debris in the streets.
When she got to the airport, she found the pilot, who then went out to check the plane. The plane was fine, so the pilot got authorization to go, and took off. The whole way there, Sydney slept.
Sydney went immediately to the hospital. After giving Marshall the antidote, she went into the waiting room and slept some more.
Sydney woke up to someone shaking her. She opened her eyes and saw Dixon standing over her. “Are you all right?” he asked.
“Dad’s dead, Nadia’s sick, I’m tired, Irina and Nadia are in custody, Vaughn is in a hospital in Australia, and Bill might lose his leg. I’ve had better days.”
“I thought your mom was dead. She isn’t?”
“No, she’s alive. I don’t know exactly how, but she is.”
“Well, I’ve got some good news. They just released me. Come on, Weiss will take you home.” Sydney agreed and followed Dixon into the parking lot. Weiss pulled up. Sydney and Dixon got in, and Weiss drove away. At her home, Sydney slept for thirty straight hours. She caught a ride with Weiss to the hospital. Nadia and Marshall were going to be released. Weiss took Marshall home, and when he pulled up, Carrie came running out with Mitchell following behind. Sydney smiled at the scene, and after Marshall went inside, Sydney gave Weiss the instructions to the safe house where Irina was. Sydney couldn’t wait to see Nadia’s reaction when she met her mother for the first time.
Sydney put the key in the lock, turned it, and opened the front door. Nadia followed her in. When Sydney saw her mom sprawled on the floor, she quickly ran over to her. She had a pulse, but she wasn’t responding. “Mom?” Sydney said, choking back sobs. It struck her there that Irina had been exposed to the pathogen, also. She called the hospital, and while she waited for the ambulance, she called the CIA branch that was monitoring her ankle band. She explained the situation and told them to ignore it when she went out of her boundaries. The ambulance came and took her to the hospital, and Sydney searched for the paper that said where the antidotes were.
When she found it, Nadia agreed to go to Berlin with Weiss while Sydney recuperated. Sydney didn’t object.

Part 15:
Sydney woke up later that day fully rested. She wanted to do nothing for the whole day, but she knew that would never happen. She had to get to Australia to transfer Vaughn back to LA. She had to go to Chile and transfer Bill also. She had to start making funeral arrangements for Jack, go see her mom, finalize her operation report, and countless other things. Sleep was going to be a valued commodity for the next few days. She decided to do the local things first, starting with seeing her mom.
Sydney figured that by helping them in Chile, her mom was trying to gain her trust again, something she would not let happen. All the way to the hospital, Sydney tried to convince herself that she would not allow Irina to manipulate her. However, she knew, subconsciously, that odds were that she would eventually forgive Irina for all she had done, and when the betrayal came, as it ultimately would, she would have to deal with the heartbreak yet again.
Bill was recovering at the hospital. He looked down at where, just a few days ago, he had had a leg. Seeing the bandaged stump was weird, but also somewhat normal. He had expected it to happen ever since he had read in another Rambaldi transcript that the ultimate follower would eventually lose an essential function. He didn’t know what that had meant; he had thought it might mean he’d go deaf or blind, but now it made sense. Asking for his phone, he dialed Yelena.
“Honey, it’s Bill. Well that’s why I’m calling. I got shot. I’m fine. It was in the kneecap. Calm down. The damage was bad. Bad enough that they needed to amputate. It was prophesied. Can you please come to the hospital here in Chile?” Bill gave her the address. “I want to get transferred closer to home. We got the antidote. Apparently the hospital worker sent an employee to get the antidote over there. Yeah, he’s fine. I don’t understand, though. Anna said that the pathogen wouldn’t strike him. I told her to genetically engineer it that way. I thought I had told you that it was her who made it. That was in the past. I’m only interested in you. Listen… No, I haven’t got access to the Sphere yet. I know that’s why we orchestrated this. I miss him, too. Listen, this may not work out. You’ll just have to accept that Cole is dead. Yes, he was a loyal follower. He was the only one who knew that you and I married mainly to be able to control The Magnificent Order of Rambaldi and The Covenant in conjunction. I’m pretty sure he was as surprised as I was when I realized that I actually loved you. There is one thing I’ve just realized, though. If I don’t get a chance to access the Sphere of Life, as long as I can convince Sydney to activate it, we’ll achieve the same results.”
“Perfect,” Vaughn said, paying the jeweler. She called me earlier. She’s going to be coming here tomorrow. Yeah, I’m nervous, but I love her. I couldn’t live without her. I want the proposal to be perfect, though. I had an elaborate plan the first time I was going to propose, and the circumstances didn’t turn out the greatest. I’m thinking, when we get back, I’ll have her doctor tell her she’s too stressed out, and that she needs a vacation. I’ll arrange for us to go on a cruise, and when we’re on the boat, I’ll contact the necessary people and arrange the perfect evening. A candlelit dinner on the deck, looking at the stars, and when everything is perfect, that’s when I’ll do it.”
Sydney stood in front of Irina at the hospital. “Sydney? Can you do me a favor?”
“When I was dead, I went to…” she stopped. “There really is a Heaven and a…” She couldn’t say it. It dredged up too many painful memories. “Sydney, I’d love to keep talking to you, but I might not make it. I want to change. I don’t want to go back where I was. It was horrible. Could you please get the minister from the chapel? I don’t know exactly what happened when I died, but I don’t want to go through it again. Please?”
Sydney was surprised. From what she understood, Irina wanted to talk about life after death. From what she had said, it sounded like she was truly scared of going back where she had been before. Sydney caught what she was thinking and disregarded it. She was not going to believe Irina was going to become religious. She would not believe it. Even though Sydney doubted her mother, she complied, wondering what part this played in Irina’s endgame. When the preacher entered, Sydney left, and went down to the morgue. She had to take care of her father.
She was stunned to actually see her dad on the slab. She contacted a funeral home to prepare his body for the funeral. She called a preacher, booked a church, and went to the local cemetery where Jack had his plot. She saw the stone that was up giving her mom’s date of birth, April 7, and the date of apparent death, February 27. Sydney stood there in front of the stone, not being able to take it in. She cried, yet again, feeling alone. Her dad was dead, her relationship with her mom was so superficial, it was almost nonexistent, and the love of her life was halfway across the world. And worst of all, she thought, I’ve been missing my period for so long, I really need to take a pregnancy test.
She had avoided that fact for so long. Everything coming to the forefront of her mind, though, finally made her take action. Going to a drug store, she bought an EPT. Following the directions, she nearly fainted when she saw the results.

I hope you enjoy these three Chapters. I will have the next three posted tomorrow *Crossing Fingers* and then I will start posting the sequel.
Let me know what you think!
Chapter 16:
Sydney stared at the EPT. Though the thought of having kids scared her, she was actually disappointed at the results. She had been so sure that the test would only validate her, but there it was, in black and white, “Not Pregnant.”
The Hospital
“So what you have to decide now is, are you ready to take this step?”
“Yes, I am.”
“Then pray after me. Father, I know that I have broken your laws and my sins have separated me from you. I am truly sorry, and now I want to turn away from my past sinful life toward you. Please forgive me, and help me avoid sinning again. I believe that your son, Jesus Christ died for my sins, was resurrected from the dead, is alive, and hears my prayer. I invite Jesus to become the Lord of my life, to rule and reign in my heart from this day forward. Please send your Holy Spirit to help me obey You, and to do Your will for the rest of my life. In Jesus' name I pray, Amen.”
Pastor North watched as Irina said the prayer aloud. “Welcome to the Family,” he said and Irina smiled. “I have some booklets for you to read, and I’ll get you a Bible.” Pastor North left, but returned quickly with the items he had mentioned before. Irina took the bible and began to read, often referring to the booklets. Her smile didn’t change even when Pastor North left the room.
Weiss and Nadia walked up to a woman. “I think we’re lost,” he said in German.
“What are you looking for?” she responded in German.
“A place called McDonalds. You heard of it?”
“Bill? Sydney?” the woman said in English.
“Sydney and Bill couldn’t make it. We’re friends.”
“Anna told me that a Bill and a Sydney would be coming. I only deal with them.”
“Anna. What is her last name?”
“Espinoza. And like I said, I only deal with Sydney and Bill.”
“Bill is injured in Chile. If anything, only Sydney will make it.”
“Fine, when she comes, I turn over antidote.”
After the woman left, Nadia called Sydney. Telling her what just happened, Sydney said, “I’ll be on the next flight.”
Four Hours Later
Sydney, Weiss, and Nadia all approached the woman. When Sydney showed identification, the woman handed the hypodermic needle over. Sydney gave it to Nadia. “You and Weiss go back to LA. I’m going to Australia to transfer Vaughn.”
Sydney discharged Vaughn and bought him a ticket on the next flight to LA. When Vaughn saw the metal detector, he panicked. Quickly slipping the ring on his finger, he put it in his coat pocket as he placed his stuff on the conveyor belt. He got through without problem, and when he got his coat, he pocketed the ring. He smirked slightly when he realized that Sydney hadn’t noticed it.
The Hospital
Irina had received the antidote when Nadia and Weiss returned. She was feeling better. Irina had put away the bible for a while, and was watching TV. She wanted to change the channel, but the control wasn’t working. “Change!” she yelled, and suddenly the TV channel was one higher.
When Vaughn and Sydney arrived, she immediately took him to their doctor, and once she left, he explained his plan. The doctor agreed to help him out.
Over the next few weeks
In the weeks that followed, Sydney, Vaughn, Nadia, Weiss, and Dixon each managed to secure one antidote each, ensuring that, should the pathogen ever hit again, they would be ready. Irina continued to read the Bible, and even tried to convince Sydney to see Pastor North. Though she usually refused, Sydney finally decided to go to him one day. Pastor North told Sydney what he had said to Irina, but Sydney didn’t take the same route as it appeared Irina had.
Dixon became the head of APO, and his first official action was to promote two agents to field rating. The first, Meagan, was a nice, albeit young, woman. She was a recent college grad that had completed her training only about six months earlier and had already shown promise. Her reasoning skills were abnormally high, her accuracy with a gun was almost scary. After talking to her a little bit, Sydney found out that Meagan had grown up in Oklahoma, and was the daughter of a world-renowned marksman.
The second person promoted was a 24-year-old man. Victor George Arbor was a kid who had a troubled past. Having been given up for adoption at birth, he went from foster home to foster home. When he was 12, he was caught having stolen a car, and was sent to juvenile detention. Right before he got out, a local police officer, Jim decided to adopt him. They grew close, but when the first man he had ever looked up to got killed in the line of duty, Victor decided a life in criminal justice would be a fitting homage to Jim’s life. He realized that criminal justice wasn’t right for him, so, as he put it, “As a total fluke, I put an application in with the CIA, convinced I wouldn’t get in because of my past,” and when he was accepted, he joined gladly.
Meagan and Victor fit in well, and quickly befriended everyone of the team. Sydney really was surprised at how similar Victor and Vaughn were. As Sydney called them, V and V’s friendship really blossomed when Vaughn found out that Victor was “the biggest Kings’ fan.”
The meeting that took place about a month after the outbreak of the pathogen found Dixon saying, “As a precautionary measure, I want you all to go back to the doctor for a checkup. Sydney, I know you never contracted the virus, but I’d appreciate it if you’d go as well. That’s all for now. Vaughn could you stay a moment?” As the rest of the team walked out, Vaughn walked up to Dixon.
“I really appreciate you doing this. I hate to use work to do this, but I don’t think I could get her to go to the doctor just by suggesting it. Thanks for your help.”
“You got the cruise booked?”
“I did that basically right as soon as I got better. This is going to be great.”
“Are you sure this is smart, though? She’s still grieving Jack’s death.”
“I don’t think that’ll be a problem. At least I hope not.”
At the Doctor’s office
“Well, Sydney, you seem to be in pretty good health. Is there anything you need to tell me?”
“Actually, yes. I’ve been having trouble sleeping.”
“Do you know why?”
“My dad just died. I think it might just be the stress.”
“I’ve got a very simple suggestion. You need to relax. When was the last time you had a vacation?”
“I travel all the time.”
“That’s not what I asked. When was the last time you had a vacation?”
“It’s been a while.”
“I’m going to recommend that you take a vacation to your boss. As for sleeping, I’ll prescribe you some sleep aids.”
“Is there anything else?”
“Actually yes there is.”
“What is it?”
Back at Sydney’s apartment
“Everything okay, Weiss?” Nadia asked.
“Everything’s fine,” Weiss said. “I’m just using the restroom.” As Weiss sat there, his eyes drifted to the trashcan. That’s when he saw the pregnancy test. He pulled it out. “Positive,” he said quietly. As Weiss pondered who’s the test was, Nadia phoned Meagan. “Meagan. You’ll never guess what I just found out.”

Chapter 17:
The Caribbean
The cruise had been Heaven on Earth for Sydney. Vaughn had found it hard to keep from popping the question, but he knew it had to be perfect. He had scheduled the cruise for this week because there was supposed to be an incredible meteor shower on Thursday night. The way he figured it that would be the perfect setting to do it in. He had convinced Sydney to wait on eating until that night. He had the meal brought out for them, with the cake that had the ring in the middle being brought out later.
The meteor shower started. After finishing the main course, Vaughn motioned for the cake to be brought out. They set it down. “There’s one!” Sydney screamed excitedly. Vaughn smiled. He dished the piece with the ring on it, and handed it to Sydney. When she looked at it, Vaughn got on one knee.
“Sydney, when I first saw you in that weird red hair, I had no idea how much you’d impact my life. As I got to know you, I grew amazed at how…” Vaughn grasped for words, “amazing you are. My life had a meaning suddenly. I want to live my life as Heaven with you every day, because it’d be hell without you. Sydney, will you marry me?”
Without hesitation, Sydney answered. “Of course. I love you Vaughn.”
“I love you, too, Sydney.”
The ad for the cruise may have said that there were a million things to do, but only one thing really stood out as an option for Sydney and Vaughn. Once the boat docked, Sydney ran out to find out that all her coworkers already knew. When they went to APO the next day, Victor was looking at the ring. He started to cough violently. When the blood started coming out, Sydney ran and got one of the antidotes and gave it to him. The ambulance took him away, and the group looked at each other. “Do you think he got to close?” Meagan asked.
“What do you mean?” Dixon said confused.
“He was still privately investigating the pathogen and where it came from.”
“Was he making any progress?”
“He didn’t tell me. I caught him on Eschelon one time, and that’s when he told me.”
“Well, we might as well check his hard drive,” Marshall said. “If he, I mean we didn’t find anything, but if he did, well, wouldn’t that mean he has better sources?”
“Yeah.” Vaughn said.
“Check his hard drive,” Dixon said to Marshall. The computer was transferred to Marshall’s division. While he checked it, Sydney went up to Dixon. “You knew what Vaughn was planning to do, didn’t you?” Dixon smiled. “You hid it well.”
“I just want to say good luck with your marriage. You’re lucky. You won’t have to lie to Vaughn about what you do everyday like I had to with Diane. Your marriage is going to be stronger, since it’s based on trust. I wish you all the best.”
“Thanks, I…what is it Marshall?”
“Dixon, I think you might want to see this.”
Sydney and Dixon both followed Marshall to the computer. “I found these files. They were Eschelon intercepts that were removed from the database. Listen.” Marshall played one of the files.
Bill: Yelena? Bill. Everything’s on track.
Yelena: Do they suspect you? Do they suspect your motives?
Bill: No, they don’t suspect my true motives.
Yelena: I guess that’s good.
Bill: Right.
Yelena: Do you foresee any immediate problems?
Bill: I don’t think we’ll have any problems.
Yelena: They don’t suspect you at all?
Bill: No, they think I’m helping them get the antidotes. They have NO idea I’m the one responsible for the pathogen.
Yelena: What about Echelon?
Bill: No, we don’t have to worry about Echelon. Our son’s on the inside. Remember?
Yelena: Victor. Yeah, it’s a good thing he trusted us when we introduced ourselves.
Bill: I’ll call him when we get done talking and he’ll remove it from the database. It’ll be like it never took place.
Yelena: Be careful. I’ve been getting the feeling that some people are going over my head. I don’t know if you’ll have any trouble. I hope not. I can’t wait to see you again.
Bill: Can’t wait to see you again, honey. Bye.
Sydney, Dixon, and Marshall all looked at each other in disbelief. “Bill!” Sydney said shocked. “That jerk. Let’s get him!”
“I’ve got a plan,” Sydney said.

Here it is, the end of the story. After this post will be a little bit of a teaser from the prologue of Fallout (The Sequel).

Chapter 18:
“We know Bill wants access to the Sphere of Life. It was one of his demands. We contact him. We tell him we have finally managed to get it transferred. He comes; we arrest him; and try him for treason.”
“In order for this to work, we really should get it transferred here. I’ll contact Project: Black Hole.”
Two days later, the Sphere of Life was at a CIA safe house. Bill arrived and was promptly arrested. Sydney went in to the safe house. She looked at the machine in front of her. She saw an inscription above ten levers, each corresponding with a digit from 0-9. She put some paper on top of the inscriptions, ran a pencil over them, transferring the image to the paper. She wanted to know what it really did.
She took the paper to Irina, who deciphered the inscription. “To activate, pull levers from 47 to 470 increasing by 47 each time” was the basic meaning of the message. Sydney used a little bit of the paper at the bottom to write the following: 47, 94, 141, 188, 235, 282, 329, 376, 423, and 470.
Back at the safe house, Sydney managed to pull each of the levers, in the correct order. A panel slid out with an indentation of a hand on it. She placed her hand on it, and felt a prick. As she jerked her hand away, she saw a small drop of blood. Then a blinding white light pulsated from the machine. Then a high-pitched screeching sound was emitted. Suddenly, the sound and the light were gone, and she was standing in the room in amazement.
What Irina had said about the effects this machine caused came to mind, and Sydney found herself sprinting out to her car to dig up those she had been forced to bury before.
The End.

Prologue excerpt
Sydney got in her car and drove to her house. “Shovels,” she thought, “must get shovels.” She fumbled with her keys, trying desperately to get the right one in the lock. She had got the key in when Nadia opened the door for her. Sydney sprinted in. She got in old clothes, and then went to the small garage behind the apartment building. She found three shovels in there, grabbed them and went back through her apartment.
“Nadia? Weiss? Are you busy?”
“No. What do you need?” Nadia responded, a curious look on her face.
“I’m not busy, either,” he said, shaking his head. “What do you need?”
“Could you both drive down to Mercy Angel Cemetery with me? If Mom is right, when I activated the Sphere of Life I brought them back from the dead.”
“Them?” Nadia asked.
“Everyone that I know that has died is now alive.” Sydney replied. “Dad, Francie, Danny, oh gosh, Danny, Sloane, Emily, Diane,” Sydney said rattling them off. Suddenly her face changed. “felgercarb. If Mom’s right, that also means I’ve brought back Lauren.” Sydney cursed. “Allison and Noah,” she said quietly. “They’re all alive.”

What do you think? Let me know. Will post the sequel soon.